
Noise Quotes

There are 806 quotes

"The loudest opinion of a man you don't care about should be the most silent thing you ever hear."
"You can really enjoy the silence, whereas from the outside, when you hit a speed of over 30 kilometres an hour, already like over 50 miles an hour, the tire rolling noise will be more significant than anything that comes from the combustion engine."
"Stranglers...can't stand loud noises. It is said to make as much loud noise as you can when you're on level 58.1 so they won't come near you."
"Once I have the minimum five-year holding period, which is my default setting, 80 percent of what's going on is noise."
"There is a lot of noise coming from all directions with claims and counter-claims, and within all of that noise, the truth can often get lost."
"Everybody that I talked to, they're like, 'Oh my God, you guys.' I couldn't hear anybody."
"You know there's a lot of reasons the dogs make noise."
"It's like if I tried to make a phone call while sitting in the stands at a NASCAR race."
"Evil is louder than goodness, and confidence is quiet."
"Pre-season gossip around car performances is just noise."
"They can hear us. Play some music or something."
"Can you hear Alex Cinque like that weights it's so loud."
"If you don't have the Holy Spirit, it's just a bunch of noise."
"Yo, chill bro, chill. You talking too loud."
"Your bike definitely isn't the loudest. I will put my V4s with the SC project against basically anything as the loudest bike."
"Can you ever... stop the noise? Do you have any peace?"
"I may be the only one complaining about the noise, but everyone lives down the hall from you. I live right underneath you, so I'm your neighbor a floor below. Please, can you turn it down? If the neighbors say it's too loud, I'll think about it."
"But at least the guns made a loud banging noise so they're very happy."
"It gets loud down here whenever these motors are loud." - Embracing the chaos of creation.
"Hey dude, you're being a little loud, could you just chill out?"
"I've never been just impressed on my life. That number is really, really, really loud."
"I started shouting for help as loud as I could—oh god, I'm thinking, uh, see, I was wondering who's making such an infernal racket."
"You're dealing with power tools, you got a generator going, you got all kinds of other noise going on."
"These are your Chinooks, and for those not familiar with your Chinooks, that's going to be what I call your banana copter. It's your twin-blade troop carrier, but you can see the two rotors up here and makes a heck of a lot of noise."
"Don't get a bird. Awful things. They're so loud and they live forever." - Ted
"We're pretty loud, we're joking, we're yelling, we're having a good old time."
"Sometimes when we get quiet, everything gets louder."
"Makes noise, death sports, refuses to elaborate further."
"Even though we are a family where it's noisy with rampant punches and curses, it is a family that's the warmest and most loving."
"And they're making a lot of noise, which proves that there's hope."
"To honor our truth in a sea of noise that's telling you different things, it's really hard to stand firm."
"If you feel that your dreams aren't coming true, you might think that you need to do more or to think and strategize more; in fact, what you might need is less—less noise coming to you from both inside and outside."
"It's just crucial that we find our self-worth and our confidence and figure out who we are without the noise of the world."
"Wherever there is human judgment, there is going to be noise."
"Noise is variability that shouldn't exist. It's when people make judgments that should be identical because they're about the same subject, but they turn out to be variable."
"Wherever there is judgment, there is noise, and there is a lot more than you think."
"Bias is an average systematic error and noise is just a variability of judgments, a variability that shouldn't exist."
"The absence of noise makes the bias more visible; it doesn't actually make it worse, it also makes it easier to solve."
"I love my white noise machine in case there's any snoring going on or if there's a lot of noise outside from the street."
"I like a bit of light and I like a bit of noise too, I don't like it when it's dead quiet."
"128 cars on their street of five houses between 10 p.m and 6 a.m 128 cars and and people were urinating in their yards people were ringing their doorbells looking for the party."
"It's quiet, it makes enough noise to be audible without being too sharp or annoying."
"Nice and light on the feet, so your neighbors don't hear you."
"The forest erupted with noise from the east towards the lake towards our cabin," he described.
"An empty barrel makes the most noise."
"The noise will keep getting louder, and in the face of that noise, we can either choose to attune to that level of energy and become incredibly chaotic, or we can find a state of peace and quiet within ourselves."
"You make a lot of noise, neighbor," it said. "Cries, cries, cries."
"These puny movements... were an empty sound for the guy."
"The biggest reason for me is that they run significantly quieter, especially in the lower gear ratios."
"It's amazing how there are so many things we put up with every single day, but then stupid noise is probably the most hated sound in existence."
"All the noise, and now it's down to nothing."
"It's got a really loud tapping noise."
"If all you want is gray for me, then it's just white noise, it's just my choice."
"It's literally adding noise that's filtered around Whatever frequency you set."
"...The deras, they're just making all the noises you want them to make."
"It's the noisiest quiet I've ever heard in my life."
"I think that Klopp makes more noise but it's often legitimized by what he's talking about."
"The more people you have in your life the noisier your life gets the more distraction you get in your life."
"Bandit continued to howl intensely, presumably due to the high pitch of the noise."
"It got pretty loud in here in terms of the actual wind noise that got pretty bad there for for a little bit."
"This could be phenomenal but instead it's just noise."
"Oh my gosh, so the cool thing about superchargers is they don't muffle the noise like that turbocharger does. The exhaust is gonna be so loud."
"I got you the greatest gift a man could ever get. It makes the same noise I do. Holy [__]!"
"I don't know what that noise I just made was, sorry everybody, I just like to apologize for that, the last little noise there, oh."
"I will eat here again. As far as vibes of the restaurant and ambiance, I will say it got pretty noisy. It's loud, a few times it was very loud, it was very busy, but it was lively and honestly exciting."
"Ignore the noises that are occurring, there's just people with two dual Sanders like orbital sanders just going ham outside the house."
"Never in my life had I heard such an infernal din."
"When I put this back, it doesn't make a loud noise."
"This is loud everywhere we go, getting us kicked out of every bar, every CL quiet down, please."
"The pistol shrimp is one of the loudest animals in the world."
"It's crazy to think that all of this noise is coming from this car, right? It's huge, a super SUV."
"She's screaming, the windows are open, they could hear her on the street, and the phone, and stereo, and [ __ ]."
"If you've ever dehydrated food with the food dehydrator, that's about how much noise you're expecting."
"Let's put it this way: it's not as quiet as the silence after Tanner tells a joke."
"Are you just standing up there looking you can't like it's so loud yeah you're not getting out of that no no no."
"I love what Izzy says, 'Eff the noise. Let the people talk about it. Nobody's better at that than Izzy as far as the noise."
"It was noisy and I was talking and my voice was just starting to go."
"This is like sitting in an iron factory in terms of noise."
"Listen to your intuition. Quiet out the noise. Don't let the outer world be louder than your inner world."
"The dumb River I suppose it got the name because in quiet times it flows without a sound. Tonight it's making noise enough."
"...so I can't hear so it plays out when I'm in a big place..."
"...ignoring that massive fast-changing common mode signal."
"...the old car was quite noisy, this one's fine."
"I want you guys to see if you can tell how noisy it is out here versus how quiet it is in the house. Big difference."
"As long as it's not crazy loud for some."
"Which one do you like better? Just sitting here, obviously, his is louder once you get going."
"And the residual which is the third frame down from the top is the background noise they had to eliminate so the background noise could be like planes clouds dust somebody's cat meowing 10 miles away could be a lot of different things."
"Money don't like noise. So true wealth, a lot of true wealth, especially when it's old money, don't make noise."
"Laura is able to detect and identify an incoming symbol even in very noisy environments."
"I've already looked up and read that GTRs are just naturally extremely noisy cars."
"Customer brought in their car as they hear a rattling noise."
"I genuinely believe that the more we can spend time just like finding out what you enjoy finding out who you are through doing literally whatever... you'll be you'll always be clear that other people are just noise."
"We simply opened up, and they were running around in their pajamas. It was quite incredible and very, very noisy."
"We're big white noise people. We literally use White Noise every single night to help us fall asleep."
"You'll also get a couple of decibels less fan noise on this laptop than the G14."
"Machine gun bullets are smashing against the tank and that noise is death."
"It's right around a rock concert, jet plane takeoff."
"We do make a lot of noise with the mixer and going all there and stuff."
"Wait a second is that coach Roco he's asleep that noise is just him snoring the whole time."
"The ears make noise all day long. They're filtering noise all day long. Silence is a construct of our imagination."
"That was the loudest I've ever heard Foxboro."
"Be still and know that I am God, but we're not still, the noisier we mistake noise for power."
"...the distraction, the constant need for noise, the constant need for looking at this video or that video, when are we going to learn that that bombardment of the soul defiles the soul and draws us away from God?"
"But um already even with just the one power supply plugged in here just a little bit of noise."
"So fortunately we won't be coming back and it's just going to be really loud."
"Social media is loud, it's obnoxious, it's annoying, so you hear the most obnoxious voices possible saying this is how we all feel, and it's not necessarily the case."
"It's so much noise, it's so much crap. I don't know how people put up with it anyway. Really grinds my gears."
"All else being equal, a longer flight will always look more noisy."
"He says he is a demon but he shouldn't make so much noise as the other person would listen and barely understand the situation."
"It's also quieter when you're going down the road."
"Yee-haw! That's the official redneck noise right there. Yee!"
"All kinds of noise that I can't escape from, if I choose to listen to loud music, that's fine. But if I'm like... I have strangled a few babies in my mind that were close to me."
"What would happen is from inside the cabin, owners realized they could hear a bit of an electrical wiring Servo type noise."
"As a long-term investor, this is all just the usual noise."
"It's really the best of both worlds. When you're just cruising around town, it's not very loud, it's kind of tame to be honest, which is great. You're not going to annoy your neighbors or anything like that."
"...but one of the big things that really stands out about this vehicle is just the exhaust is so outrageously loud. Yep."
"It was too loud, it was in the middle of the night, and it was generally unsafe."
"All we're really trying to do here is be cool. Okay, it makes pretty good noise out. The exhaust popping is so enjoyable. I just, I don't care what anybody says, I love the exhaust pops. It's so fun."
"So, when I was coming up, there wasn't a lot of noise in the trading markets. The benefit and the negative of today is you can learn from so many people."
"It's not quiet at all, in fact, the noises it makes is probably one of my favorite in the segment."
"Embrace the creative opportunities that higher noise and lower dynamic range can create."
"But the problem with electric cars in general and the lack of sound is that everything that you put in it suddenly, it rattles like it's a live concert."
"I never played pachinko. I had no money to gamble. It's so loud."
"But the people shouted with a loud shout and the noise was heard afar off."
"Pardon the noise, it's a sound of freedom, freedom from fear."
"If you're making a loud noise down here, we're down here now. You've got our attention."
"Makes some noise for the old school, y'all."
"Noise above 45 decibels is associated with increases in depression, anxiety, and reduced quality sleep."
"Extremely loud, no, it's too much, too loud, it was out of control."
"What am I going to say? 'Turn the music down'?"
"The individual ought to know that the world can get along without his making a lot of noise."
"Words have become noise and we've grown accustomed to being bombarded."
"Firework displays are not just all-out noise, and that's very important."
"There is so much noise in our world today."
"Cover your ears, it's going to get loud here in Goan."
"The thunder of their engines shattered the morning calm and reverberated across the sea."
"It's so much louder than I've ever heard of a Ford GT before."
"I was startled by the noise but confused since it didn't shatter."
"Don't let the noise of different trends or different things that are normal or traditional affect you."
"I just be watching TV sometimes and drinking or listening to music and drinking, hearing the kids downstairs having a full-out sword fight. Like, I'm talking about like going at it, screaming to the point where like, I'm gonna call the police on them, right?"
"There is always someone who asks...what my neighbors think of me making all this noise."
"Damn, y'all want to keep it down, see they don't give a damn that they're signing the house."
"This is so noisy, this clamp thing on the top here."
"I cannot stand when people rev their engines like on the street like interesting."
"LinkedIn is where I am most noisy."
"The noise yesterday in particular was really welcoming."
"The noise... it is so highly emotional."
"One Sunday afternoon I was home alone cleaning my kitchen, the man upstairs was having a very loud and long round, and for the first time I heard a clear response."
"Sometimes the bugs got so loud you could hear them through closed windows."
"It's because we live in so much noise that we're not able to discern the heart."
"It was so stimulating just that noise."
"Sometimes, there would be loud phone calls."
"For some reason, the feeling was stronger... something fell... with a loud noise."
"Supposedly insane asylum patients screaming over drony noise."
"If you live in an area where you can't really control the noise, you can use earplugs or a white noise machine to drown out startling noises."
"They make a really nice crackling noise, it's kind of relaxing."
"I remember pulling down the block, it was out about 40 windows and it sounded like a freight train, really."
"How do you put out a signal that is pristine and distinct and clear of all that noise?"
"I was trying to go somewhere where you can't hear any Leaf blowing but um I realized everything's so loud because there's also a man in my communal garden Leaf blowing there's leaf blowers everywhere they like the gardeners are out today it's like gardening there or something."
"They are loud. You've been hearing them this entire video. It's not gonna stop. They are so loud."
"I'll shoot this thing so just imagine that it's suppressed that it's quiet it does uh with proper suppress it it really is a quiet shooter I think that pointed bullet ought to go through a 2 L don't you."
"Noise is a relationship between a fist and a skin."
"The sheer noise that greets it makes it a worthy WrestleMania main event."
"We don't want to add to the noise. We want to do something that's genuinely helpful."
"The ride in the EQV is comfortable, but it's a little bit noisier."
"There may have been like maybe a five-minute time slot where we didn't hear any honking. It was a miracle."
"If you have lash, it's going to be noisy. If there's no lash, the pusher on the rocker should always be in contact with each other."
"I learned a long time not to listen to the white noise."
"Kids growing up with that... learn to filter out the noise much more effectively."
"The noise is insanity. It reminds me of the V12 Formula One cars."
"People went crazy, fan noise will be an interesting characteristic."
"This doesn't have that titanium exhaust that we had on the M5 competition now we had holy crap that was so loud that was the first time I ever felt bad for starting my car in my neighborhood."
"Yo, this car is so loud bro I don't even have to be going fast bro I just got to be at a certain RPM for it to be doing all that loud."
"I realized like I'm consuming so just like David Goggins and many others I didn't need to hear it from David Goggins to realize like the importance of turning turning the noise down everything becomes noise."
"The standard car had noise from the engine noise from the road the tires wind everything else this you can feel it's been sculpted."
"At 50 decibels in turbo mode, what we have here is one of the loudest laptops we've ever tested."
"Don't chase, understand market structure, know your time frame, tune out the noise."
"You really have to pay attention to the signal and keep out the noise."
"Digital scopes are not noisier than analog scopes."
"The Orcs of the evil Suns Clan are irresistibly attracted towards fast vehicles and loud noises."
"Don't move to Waianae if you don't like fireworks."
"Signal is what we generate, noise is what lives in all electronic equipment, so we want to have a good ratio of signal to not much noise. That's going to be good image quality."
"That is a phenomenal amount of noise or something happening."
"...I don't know why I didn't have to pay more for this so there's now like a weird lapping noise on this side which I'm guessing is just a piece of plastic trim but it's boy that is really annoying."
"Deep noises over a personality, so true."
"This thing is super loud, it's got a bass function so I can really hear the rumble of the engine if I wanted to play some exhaust notes to this thing."
"...you're going to notice how much louder it is, and that's not good."
"You have to tune out the noise, you can't let people's opinions matter."
"The slat designs are very noisy and provide a surface as artificially compliant."
"It made that same noise, and in its own way, it was even more terrible and obscene than its caricature of what must have been my Katie's last moments."
"Is anyone else's child this loud? Like, I don't know if this is just exceptionally loud because I love to try, it's so much."
"It's amazing how much quieter it is on an approach when your pant is on the outside because your gator is loud."
"...the level of noise lately has been really getting to me..."
"Literally a fishy chuck soon as you put a bit more noise back into the equation."
"Nothing no idle change nothing, we cannot figure out why it's humming so loud."
"This is there's a highway right behind us and of course right now it's not that active but kind of breaks the quiet of everything to prove it."
"Nothing beats the fact that you know back in the day even a few years ago uh you know you'd be playing a game and you'd really would have to have the noise just so loud."
"There's so much chatter around mindfulness at the moment, that we're at kind of risk of creating so much noise in that, that we miss out on the very thing that we set out to discover in the first place."
"There's something strangely musical about noise."
"It's one of those noises that if you're not an angler you hear somebody plays that noise for you it means nothing but if you're an angler it gets you excited."