
Battle Readiness Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"It's overwhelmingly accepted that the Greeks were the superior fighting force in equipment and training, if not in numbers, and far better prepared for the battle than the Persians who faced them."
"My minions will and I will fight by your side any time."
"It's a really good strategy, and it means we have a very high chance of winning this battle."
"We are the scourge, we don't run from battle."
"Set a fire in your heart, Spartan. Fight hard, die well."
"Thank you for fighting these battles with us and providing the tools that we need to win."
"Godzilla has acquired enough battle experience."
"I fight for Bulma, for Trunks, and Bull. I fight for the oath I made to a fellow warrior, for my Saiyan pride. I fight for all I've built and all I am."
"Carry your head always high in battle where swords seek to shatter the skulls of doomed warriors."
"Spartans, ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we die in hell."
"It's time to use the wooden battle axe, let's go baby!"
"It's good to be unshakable in the face of battle, but it's good to be moved by battle as well."
"Wage war with the prophetic word of the Lord spoken over you."
"They also feel like you will fight for them, like maybe you'll go into battle for them."
"You can follow me or submit to the Roman yoke. Let us therefore go against them, trusting boldly to good fortune. Let us show them that they are hares and foxes trying to rule over dogs and wolves. We shall fight and be victorious or die trying."
"He hits so hard, he's got prepared for battle and over in a flash."
"I will be the only one smiling at the end of this battle."
"I need everyone I can. It's time to prepare for the final battle."
"Altair knows that they have to Buck Up and pull themselves together if they want to be of any help in this battle."
"Pepper would support Tony by appearing in an Iron Man esque armor during the climactic battle in endgame."
"Everyone, for this next round get crazy armor and crazy swords."
"It is finally time. Let's go cut them all down and they very well deserve it, taking one of my castles. All right, begin. I don't really need to tell you what to do. You know what to do."
"Every battle is won before it's ever fought."
"Tonight though, we rest and before we fight."
"Despite her newfound battle readiness... she never loses the empathy that makes her who she is."
"Calling out for the strongest Challengers by clicking their bill, badium are surprisingly friendly and love to relax with others after intense battles."
"Cooler welcomes him to try and end the battle."
"Prepare for battle! We must hold the formation barrier, for ourselves, for our families, and for our descendants."
"So due to these weapons and armor there's actually allowed Iron Man and the other Avengers to not only actually the old damage too but also defeat the enchanted warriors many of them who were possibly a Thor level not even higher."
"Maris implies his faith in his ability to defeat Moro and instills that into Goku."
"Onward to battle, understood, a throne awaits us."
"Charging into battle with a sword in one hand and hunger for killing in the other."
"I might even bust out that ultra instinct thing in this."
"Welcome fellow Knights! Are you ready to join the battlefield?" - Apollo
"We are overconfident in the mightiness of our God."
"Prepare to fight! If we die, we die with honor."
"You may have won but this battle was simply to come before the storm."
"You are my unbroken blades. You are the Death Guard. By your hand shall justice be delivered and doom shall stalk a thousand worlds."
"The warriors were able to engage in combat with thousands of adversaries."
"He was clad in the best armor available and equipped with the greatest of weapons."
"Being able to withstand opposing hits is what gives setup sweepers the opportunity to set up."
"Any man who goes into battle without his sword is not properly dressed."
"If I can just grab my sword," he said, "if I can just grab my sword..."
"He isn't the type of warrior to get worn out after one big swing of the sword."
"Everyone gathered together, ready to fight off Frieza, but a new arrival surprises them—a boy able to turn into a Super Saiyan who defeats the tyrants."
"They must prepare themselves for battle... one that is most fierce and awesome."
"An open attack is our only hope... I'll give this signal for you to attack."
"...caraxes The bloodworm ridden by Damon Targaryen who are obviously the most battle tested of any dragon and rider pairing."
"You are a wise leader, ready for the battle, someone with a heart on your hands."
"Felena, despite her delicate beauty, is a fearsome Warrior often appearing in the form of a fair-skinned woman with brown hair and blue eyes, dressed in silk robes and a silver breastplate."
"He's transformed and now his body is perfectly suited to battle; his soul is pure rage."
"Oaken Iron Guard me well, or else I'm dead and doomed to Hell."
"It makes me want to walk into battle. I mean, you may want to beat someone up, but I'm a little bit not a fighter, I'm not obviously not going to do that."
"There's nothing worse than raging onto the battlefield with your axe and it's like bouncing around and people are laughing at you."
"Praise be to the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war."
"For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?"
"Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war."
"That men afterwards stand by him, willing companions when battle may come."
"Thrones are not places from which to sit and govern. Thrones are places to rest for brief moments and then move on to the next battle."
"I've got a war to fight, civilizations to save."
"A Hoplite then was a fully equipped warrior, a warrior usually with a big shield and a spear who could stand in a battle line and fight."
"Come and take them," the Spartans deployed for battle responded.
"The Lord is saying, 'Hey, those that I say right are fit for the battle; those are the men that are going to be with you.'"
"Viking Warrior, I am the Beast Rising, ready for battle."
"If and when they go into battle, they do so with the battle hymn on their lips."
"We ride into battle on 1,500 horsepower of blessed war machine."