
EU Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"The NATO and the EU were set up so that together we're stronger."
"We appeal to the European Union to urgently admit Ukraine using a new procedure. We are grateful to partners for standing with us."
"The European Commission is set to propose an EU-wide digital certificate that provides proof of a coveted vaccination."
"Wow the EU got apple and then the more you read into it they more like oh this is so this is why people have called it malicious compliance."
"Greece actually, interestingly enough has the lowest suicide rate in the EU."
"We are leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe."
"Huge big surprise also the European Union is thinking about introducing a right to repair legislation."
"In EU elections, Europeans don’t get to choose the executive power—just the legislative one."
"Brexit highlights the difficulty of leaving a beneficial union."
"The UK ranks about fifth or sixth when compared with the EU in refugee intake."
"The Shale revolution in Texas and the United States helped the European Union...slash its imports of Russian oil and gas."
"War plus inflation equals energy innovation."
"It's the only country in the EU that didn't have a lockdown."
"The EU is crumbling. Britain is pulling completely out, putting together some really good trade deals. The UK is going to be fine."
"Spain could replace Russia in becoming EU's main natural gas hub."
"If the negotiation fails... I would step down because nothing in the 144 commitments can be implemented in the prison of the EU."
"I believe we have made a dramatic momentous error in leaving the European Union."
"EU will begin to resemble one big country just like the United States does."
"Britain outside the EU will become the European Union's arguably most important partner."
"In 2051, the European Union announced that it had finally reached carbon neutrality."
"The EU's official plan to break with Russia and completely reformulate its energy Matrix."
"Spotify joins media firms to urge EU sanction against Apple's unfair practices."
"Europe has rediscovered itself since the 24th of February the EU has been far more effective than anyone thought likely NATO has been far more united and cohesive and tough than anyone thought likely."
"It's estimated that 3.1 million British jobs are linked to UK export to the EU."
"It's in the EU's interest for Britain to have a much closer relationship."
"All 27 member states will accept unconditionally all those who are vaccinated with vaccines that are approved by the EMA."
"Spain was able to join the European Union and could reinvent itself with the European future."
"Hungary has no choice because 85 percent of its exports are within the EU."
"Orban's lines about wanting to take Hungary out of the EU were replaced by the exact opposite."
"Yeah, not gonna lie, that would be a stellar EU."
"But even though Europe and the EU are pretty great and have amazing infrastructure, they obviously aren't perfect."
"We should be outside of the EU, governing ourselves, and reaching out to the world."
"The EU holds out hope for incubating a progressive politics that can cross borders."
"Reaching agreement and closing a deal with the EU will be critical to avoid a no deal Brexit."
"Galicia now produces around 25% of the seafood output of the entire EU."
"Even when Britain officially left on the 31st of January 2020, it unofficially didn't really leave as it continued to follow EU rules and was still part of the single market and customs union."
"In 2012, the EU won the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition for transforming Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace."
"Brexit moves into the rearview mirror and you get onto a kind of 'is our fundamental relationship with our ex European Union Partners um in the right place or not?'"
"Turkey in relation to the EU has been put in the friend zone."
"Countries in the EU need to install nearly eight times more public charging stations per year than they did in 2023."
"British membership had been a political error of historic magnitude."
"Remaining in the EU will mean we have more money, we can invest more in our public services, we'll be better able to improve people's lives and help to resolve that division."
"We've been sold out by our negotiators who have allowed the EU to take the lead."
"We will be leaving the European Union on the 29th of March 2019 after that date we will no longer be a member of the European Union."
"Hundreds of migrants have begun arriving at Munich train station after crossing into Europe through Hungary. The EU says the crisis has put its reputation on the line."
"...we are very worried about at the same time these general conditions dictate that we are not setting the global rules in tobacco or in online gambling but at least EU is not in a position to export its rules because it doesn't prefer strict rules in those domains."
"We've seen bold commitments from the EU, from the UK."
"If France has been asked to run a permanent contractionary policy so that Eastern Europe and Germany can run a surplus, that's going to be more dangerous for the EU."
"We don't need to be part of the EU to be a foreign policy superpower. We are a foreign policy superpower."
"...opting out of the EU but staying in the single Market, the so-called Norway option, would not work for the UK despite having no say in how the EU is run."
"What if we took it all the way down to 20 and made a much better EU?"
"If we vote to stay in, we don't have to make any more of those decisions."
"Only 16% of Scottish exports are to the EU, while 63% to the UK."
"We cannot afford to spend the next decades going round in circles on the question of our relationship with the European Union."
"The EU taxonomy is the cornerstone of the EU action plan on sustainable finance."
"It's not an exaggeration to say that post-Brexit and with a wave of far-right populism sweeping Europe, the fate of the EU may hang on this election."
"Ireland is the only English speaking country in the EU zone."
"Membership to the EU was seen as a way to bring economic prosperity and political stability to the region."
"If the EU wants to fulfill its promises, it should prioritize the boring business of internal reform."
"What's harder to determine is whether the financial advantages of EU membership outweigh the upfront costs."
"They are the basis for a new, strong, constructive partnership with the European Union – a partnership of friends and allies, of interests and values."
"The future of the United Kingdom and indeed the rest of the EU is unknown at the moment; only time will tell how things play out."
"We are safer, more secure, and better off in a reformed European Union."
"It's an important factor to bear in mind when you operate in the EU."
"The EU has agreed that goods trade will go on while we resolve these matters."
"This is why this is such a terrific achievement."
"Life is much more painful outside the EU than any process for rejoining could ever be."
"Scotland faces the prospect of being taken out of the EU against our will."
"Ukraine is a Sovereign Nation that can decide to join the European Union if it so chooses."
"Britain for life outside the European Union will go on."
"The EU is not a confrontational game of UK versus EU."
"If you want to benefit from the EU market, then you have to play by the rules."
"The EU... provides unified laws, currency, and borders throughout Europe."
"You don't have to be a citizen in order for GDPR to apply to you, you just have to be in the EU while your personal information was collected."
"The approach for EU data protection law is much more of a right to privacy, a human right to privacy."
"By May 25th of 2018, all organizations that collect or process any personal data of EU residents must be compliant with the requirements of GDPR."