
Social Proof Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Social proof is relying on others' opinions to make choices, especially when we don't have enough information to make an informed decision."
"What they want is what's often called social proof."
"Getting initial reviews is all about social proof, like seeing a line out the door at a restaurant."
"I just want them to know that i'm the strongest member of the roof gang"
"We have to prove to the world that this can work and I think we can."
"Creating social proof around your product makes the prospect think it must be good."
"Reviews are crucial—people want to see social proof."
"One of the ways that we show people that the church is good is that the church produces good."
"Social proof says if I don't know what to do in times of uncertainty, I will do what others do."
"My subscriber count is kind of like the social proof that I have with the amount of people that I've influenced."
"You want to add as much social proof as possible so when people go to your page then they say like, 'oh this is actually a real product, a real brand, they've got real people behind it.'"
"Everybody know people see the people I support."
"Go build you some social proof, then teach others how you did it."
"Social proof is incredibly important, especially on Amazon. It's one of the pivotal points for a product."
"I think when somebody's trying to make sure other people know they're having a great time."
"Humans are incredibly influenced by social proof."
"The best thing has been all the people hitting us up like 'yo you were right, this thing is amazing.'"
"Word of mouth is like the strongest factor if someone is recommended something from their friend they are so likely to do it themselves."
"Nothing does that better than the impression of social proof, pre-selection, and even a low level of e-fame."
"Social proof: Collection of customers or influencers talking about the product."
"If you ain't got no haters, you might not be popping."
"Social proof will scale you so fast in the beginning."
"The best thing you can do when you're starting your business, especially when it comes to the marketing piece of this, is use social proof."
"Yes, there will be alternatives outside the system, but you're gonna have to build your own network."
"You can show off to your friends that you have the best vining plants in town."
"Nobody would have believed it if there had been no video where George Floyd was concerned."
"If they talked to their friends about you or their family about you, they into you."
"Having all that social proof is effectively like going on TripAdvisor and seeing that a place has got tons of reviews."
"Social proof is a psychological trick based on the influence that collective behavior has on individual decisions."
"It's important to have social proof... in this case, they have photos of actual customers using them at a show."
"...leaning into social proof is going to be the key."
"If you have a strong Instagram, whether you have good photos on there, you know, you have your business on there, it's gonna give you some instant social proof."
"People want to buy when other people are buying stuff. When they see other people who've been spending money on your brand, they're gonna be more inclined to spend money on your brand."
"Women need to feel as if you're a catch. She wants to see that you have probably other women around you, probably a good Social Circle, and are probably good vibe and good energy."
"Social proof builds trust because we as humans look to other humans to see what they did in order to decide if we should do it too."
"It's incredibly amazing what social proof and good word of mouth can do for your business."
"A great way to elicit trust is by adding social proof."
"Social proof validates behavior and makes it more correct."
"When you do have the best seller tag, think of it like social proof."
"Social proof is telling you it's okay. Social proof is a very powerful factor."
"It creates social proof. If people are liking that company, I'll probably like it."
"Your reviews are very important, your reviews are what we would call social proof..."
"That Ethereum and social proof is where the future is heading."
"Having reviews on your website is just a form of social proof."
"Just that one little example of having social proof can go a long way."
"When a girl sees that other people like you, it's immediately going to put her at ease."
"Principle number six is consensus, also known as social proof. When a lot of other people like something, as humans, we automatically think that we should also like it."
"Badges really help with social proof."
"So they bought more iPods, so there was more social proof, proof, and it became this wonderful upward spiral."
"Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd."
"One of my favorite sayings is, 'Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd.'"
"Looking at this spot, it looks like the place to be. Everyone is...yeah, I mean, the crowd doesn't lie at the end of the day, does it?"
"The Herd Theory: if everyone else is moving in a certain direction, prospects will feel less need to resist."
"...part of the reason why the Tinder Swindler was so effective... because he tapped into the emotions... and the emotion... like, so like he showed him the social proof..."
"Social proof is what you need on your website. People need to have a reason to trust you."
"For every job that you do, you have the potential to get a good review and build that social proof online which will help grow your business."
"Having your money on point, having social proof and status, having respect from your peers, having a network of other high value men... if you have all these things in place, you'll be considered a high value man by most people in most societies."
"Finding people through word of mouth is obviously the best way to do it."
"If you see that there are people who have followings on Pinterest and are getting good engagement, it's probably a really good sign that your business can be successful on Pinterest."
"The people that hate me, they still be watching me. My numbers don't lie."
"Credit is not leverage; credit is just social proof to help people make a decision faster."
"If he really likes you more than just physical attraction, he'll show you off to his friends and eventually to his family as well."
"Seeing actual evidence of the outcomes achieved by others will help alleviate skepticism and increase the confidence in the value of your product."
"Humans love social proof, so showing people using your product creates a connection where the potential customer thinks to themselves, 'Hey, that could be me.'"
"Once people actually know what your product is, maybe all you need to do is show some social proof and flaunt your reviews to get them to convert."
"Well, that's a lot. So many people must like you."
"The most valuable thing that you can get is that social proof."
"It will give your website some social proof so others reader will get interest to read this whole blog."
"You need to create social proof around your campaign."
"Your looks will get you in the door, your status will give you social proof, your money will allow you to provide experiences, and your game will allow you to keep her."
"It's a great way if you're trying to sell things or otherwise show any kind of social validation."
"This social proof showcases that real people have actually used, purchased, enjoyed your products, and this builds trust, reducing uncertainty for those new customers coming in."
"Influencer marketing... is a really good way to get social proof onto your website."
"Events are the most effective... they help build trust and provide social proof."
"Women are attracted to men whom other women are already with or display interest in."
"The pretty boy/ladies man is also an alpha male because of one thing specifically: he is pre-selected."
"Women want a man who other women like."
"I really wanted to give this a try because a lot of my friends have highly endorsed this."
"People definitely like to know that other people have gone before them and gotten something out of the lead magnet."
"It's a very powerful move to make because when you do that, you bring in with those reviews a lot of social proof."
"Prioritize social proof, the best sales secret isn't about sales at all, it's peer testimonials and reviews."
"When you've got 25,000 people that see something, and you have 9,000 people that screen shoot something, you're talking about real depth of engagement."
"We determine what is correct by finding out what others think is correct."