
Aerospace Quotes

There are 300 quotes

"Stratolaunch is taking a different approach with the development of the Talon-A - a hypersonic flight vehicle."
"We love Delta; it's such a beautiful rocket to photograph."
"If Turkey becomes the fourth nation to develop a fifth-gen fighter, that's no small feat."
"It's been a wonderful rocket to work on over these years, and I'm going to miss it."
"The Atlas V reaches Mach 1, the speed of sound, at 47 seconds."
"The launch vehicle, payload, ground systems, and Eastern Range are go for launch."
"This is going into a 200 by 210 kilometer low Earth orbit at 28.5-degree inclination."
"This is the first launch of a 3D printed rocket."
"Delta four heavy ascending into the clouds one last time, that's just beautiful."
"SpaceX have just been knocking out of the park... their Cadence is unparalleled."
"So that's where 3D printing is automation for aerospace."
"Musk's electric plane could be just a few years away."
"This booster is flown 19 times before going for the big 20 today."
"This booster still holds the record for the shortest turnaround time."
"The Falcon 9 rocket is now fully fueled with 1 million pounds of propellant."
"Booster 1062 has successfully landed on the Drone ship."
"His end goal with Starship is to make these rockets as common as jet airliners are today."
"The shiny rocket fleet grows; they are also destroying some of that fleet every once in a while."
"Firefly is in a stronger position than it's ever been."
"Firefly is great because you really feel like you're putting your personal touch on this vehicle and all the systems."
"Ingenuity, as you know, is continuing to operate on Mars and it made a historic flight."
"Bringing rockets down to everyday people, hopefully not rockets down."
"Raptor 3 engine will produce 280 tons of thrust at sea level."
"That's the booster landing that we're seeing right now."
"We utilize a drag chute on our full stop landing just to prevent brake wear and extend the service life of our brakes."
"Rockets have to deal with not just ground winds but upper-level winds and the Atlas 5 is a little more susceptible to being able to handle higher upper-level winds."
"This will be their third attempt at recovering a stage. This time, they are splashing it down in the ocean, but the helicopter will rendezvous nearby to ensure feasibility."
"This booster is going to come back in from re-entry, pull a parachute, glide around for a while, and then this helicopter is going to fly up and swoop it out of the sky."
"This is awesome, it's all looking great! Another smooth achievement of our latest mission milestone."
"Rocket Lab is now a public company... that's crazy."
"Terrific view of the forward fins controlling the vehicle on descent."
"This new rocket will change the world quite literally."
"SpaceX second tower construction is starting!"
"Stoke Space hits another massive achievement!"
"It's basically like the RL10 that they use on the Centaur upper stage is bought from Aerojet Rocketdyne."
"Games just outbriefed the issue with topping the Atlas high booster, they have agreed to make some adjustments to the parameters and they are now looking good for launch."
"SpaceX's 80th successful launch and 50th successful landing."
"It's kind of impressive to see just how many Falcon 9 first stages they have sitting in inventory and how frequently they're all used, this is awesome."
"That’s it. A first demonstration flight for a Super Heavy Booster and what it could look like when it happens."
"SpaceX has made the regular reusability of rockets seem almost routine."
"These were like almost two years of work between start and delivery of these rockets, and we're almost out."
"I think by 2025 we should definitely see hopefully even a catch attempt of the booster and hopefully an actual Landing attempt of Starship."
"We are extremely pleased to continue the long relationship we've had." - Lockheed Martin representative
"Poland is excelling in the area of aerospace."
"We're hot firing the vehicle all four engines on Saturday, and if that goes well, we're lifting off, you know, on a test flight the week after."
"SpaceX has just received official FAA approval for Starship second orbital flight attempt."
"Falcon 9 will become the most flown actively flying rocket in the U.S. fleet."
"It's like a heat shield and it's funny funnily enough lighting the engines can actually help protect the rocket from some of the reentry look at that god that's cool."
"Boeing's surprise win: chosen as the company, not the design."
"He activated a solution under extreme circumstances, and I gotta say it was my lucky day to be flying with Mr. Neil Armstrong."
"What an amazing rocket to talk about and yes a Delta for heavy also talked about in an upgrade document about possibly implementing uh cross-seat but never did."
"That was one of the coolest rtls Landings I have ever seen."
"Starship will change everything at SpaceX's Boca Chica facility. We are witnessing the largest, most powerful, and most ambitious rocket ever to be built."
"SpaceX has become a major disrupter in the Aerospace industry."
"SpaceX is transforming the Aerospace industry."
"We have full confidence in our contractors that today's flight will be successful."
"That's impressive, SpaceX has saved approximately 1.4 billion by reusing boosters."
"It is a very promising sign that the test flight is still scheduled to occur within the next couple of days."
"Completing the first ever full stack of ship 24 and booster 7."
"The double Landing Zone touchdowns for the two Falcon 9 side boosters are always something really special to watch."
"It goes without saying that the launch was a success."
"But what it represents really is our leaning edge in hypersonics and how Lockheed Martin and the Skunk Works are really pushing the boundaries of hypersonics."
"Our goal is to be able to build hypersonic vehicles that are mainstream. They're not that niche type of vehicle."
"Rocket scientists are supposed to do. If you don't get excited about rocket launches, why are you building Rockets?"
"They're basically a New Zealand company, mostly New Zealand run and operated, which is awesome."
"I think Blue Origin really needs to focus on those engines because they have to be productionized so that they can actually sell them at the cost that they promised."
"We're very, very happy... flawless execution of both the chutes."
"And it should be able to precisely target its landing site."
"SpaceX has shown that they could develop space hardware in one-third the time at one-tenth the cost that had become accepted in the mainline aerospace industry."
"The history of the NACA deserves to be remembered."
"It is fair to say that the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics was the foundation upon which the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was founded."
"Wow, that's an impressive landing for how much that ship is rocking right now..."
"If this was a good static fire, well you all know what comes after a good static fire. It's a flight."
"Let's not get certain about it, let's have mathematical certainty that we can actually make a plane that will work or whatever."
"It's a very exciting time to be involved in spaceflight because there's a lot of new vehicles and a lot of new plans that are feeling a lot more feasible."
"There's a lot of exciting space flight stuff going on right now."
"The target given to us by our customer was to deliver the spacecraft into one of the six orbital planes of the GPS constellation."
"90 percent of a heavy lift rocket just landed and is going to be reusable."
"Sonic booms are the actual air being compressed by a shock wave as the booster is going faster than the speed of sound. You hear the engines right after the fact because also the landing burn is happening then."
"At 6 minutes and 22 seconds, right after engine relight a piece of debris can be seen flying away from the prototype."
"We'll make history by being the first to fly back and land the first stage of our rocket."
"We made history today by landing the first stage."
"Good morning from Los Angeles. I'm Kate Theis, process improvement engineering here at SpaceX."
"Launch is about 15 minutes from now at 229 universal coordinated time or 1029 Eastern Time."
"The geostationary transfer orbit turns it from a tight circle around the Earth to a big egg shape."
"Ionic propulsion is extremely mass efficient."
"A successful landing for the space plane and the carrier aircraft will be making its way back down now."
"I mean, it's no secret that his aerospace compound in North Las Vegas is impressive. It's very secure. It's the closest thing that I think I've ever seen to a James Bond villain lair in real life."
"Ula is proud to be the launch provider for Vital National Security missions."
"The importance of the satellites that Ula puts up for this nation cannot be overstated."
"Ula is not afraid to take on the hard missions because that's what our nation depends on us to do."
"The rocket also includes dedications to teammates who are no longer with us."
"If the design works out, it will be one of the few rockets that can actually somewhat compete with Starship. And that's good for everyone."
"A truly remarkable event this was, it has been so exciting and inspiring to watch SpaceX iterate for the past year."
"A rocket that doesn’t break up while pulling high G turns during flight is pretty much over-engineered."
"SpaceX has shocked the entire rocket industry with everything at Starbase."
"Falcon 9's latest record: breaking the record for 61 Falcon flights in a single year."
"The turnaround time at SpaceX's busiest launch site in Florida has been reduced to less than 4 days between missions."
"SpaceX aims to launch Starship from its smaller rocket launch facility in Florida."
"SpaceX aims to launch Starship by the end of 2024 or possibly even sooner."
"SpaceX proudly boasts of its productivity, stating that in 2023 alone Falcon 9 has propelled over 900 tons of cargo into orbit."
"Robert Goddard did for rocketry what the Wright brothers did for the airplane."
"It appears that the Falcon 9 first stage just stuck the landing LZ4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base. This is great news for everyone here at SpaceX."
"There's nothing like listening to that launch vehicle take off."
"A six-meter per second landing is pretty standard."
"We succeeded where Boeing and Lockheed Martin failed."
"Space planes are the coolest type of rocket."
"Virgin Galactic has made an impressive comeback."
"Mad Mike Hughes' Liberty One may not have reached his intended goal, but it sparked conversation and inspired future rocketeers worldwide."
"The rocket is... a falcon 9 block 5... I love that that's becoming a normal thing."
"If it makes it to stage separation, I'm gonna lose my mind a little bit."
"SpaceX seems to have finally finished the tank test phase."
"Hermas is picking up right where legendary aeronautical engineer and founder of Lockheed Skunk Works Kelly Johnson left off with a little known platform called the D21."
"So, somebody or someone is building this in 1953 that can absolutely outpace our highest-performance jets at the time."
"SpaceX lands boosters all the time. Boeing, however, landed their Starliner after a few days docked at the International Space Station, demonstrating the capabilities that it will need to progress towards the actual flight with crew on board."
"Relativity Space have shipped their first booster to Florida in preparation for a launch campaign this summer."
"Anybody can get experience driving a car, but how many people can get experience flying a rocket that they designed?"
"The SR-72's journey began not as a blueprint, but as a vision, a mixture of creativity emerged from these initial sparks of imagination."
"The Dark Star is more than just a cool plane; it symbolizes what humans can achieve when we push ourselves to the limit."
"Starhopper was such a crazy thing, what an amazing test program so far."
"We are not confused about the result of the test; everything from what we can see looks like SpaceX just performed a very successful pre-burner test of a single C Level engine."
"SpaceX brought in a whole new element of excitement."
"Any day with a rocket landing is a fantastic day."
"Rapid iteration really helped SpaceX to perfect this vehicle."
"During re-entry you may see what looks like flames or a red-orange glow around the booster."
"The actual base we toured was the legitimate space valkyrie of three."
"How many advanced aerospace threats did it actually identify? Zero."
"Money gives you power because I don't answer to anybody."
"SpaceX is leading the rest of the industry more than ever."
"SpaceX is pioneering something completely new here."
"This is their propulsive hover test. So insane, that's amazing."
"This remarkable marriage of Russian engine and American rocket."
"Scientists in general bracket gravity with life itself as the greatest unsolved mystery in the universe."
"Amazingly, this maiden launch was a success."
"Saving weight is the most critical aspect of refining a rocket design."
"Boeing's performance has been absolutely stellar this year."
"Starliner, a Space Capsule designed by Boeing, landed safely in the New Mexico desert early Wednesday evening."
"Actual reusable rockets that land back on the launch pad... that is a miracle of modern science."
"Launch, land, refuel, and fly again - that's the goal."
"SpaceX wants this vehicle to be as reliable as an airliner."
"It's actually the most capable to high energy orbits of any of the rockets that ULA has ever built."
"ULA does have plans for what they call 'SMART' reuse."
"I'm also just, you know, excited to see continued investment in the aerospace industry."
"We were discussing at the start of the show they've really started to understand lifting and stacking of these vehicles."
"AFL's low-cost atable aircraft Technologies has developed the first unmanned aircraft flying at speeds of 652 mph."
"In all seriousness, though, I'm hopeful that Boeing's engineers have learned from their previous errors, and we’ll see a perfect crewed launch this time."
"We hope that with this, we'll be able to bring responsive air launch and responsive launch to the world and such that you can go to any orbit at any time from anywhere."
"Sustainability and environmental stewardship are top priorities for Virgin Orbit."
"It's allowed the development of materials with unique thermal properties that can better handle the blistering temperatures of atmospheric re-entry, for example."
"The htv2 is an experimental Hypersonic vehicle that is part of the DARPA Falcon project developed to fly in the mach 20 range."
"Skylon is a British Hypersonic airplane project with the goal of being a reusable space plane that can take off and land like a conventional airplane."
"Its primary task is to test new composite booms that are lighter and more robust than traditional metal ones."
"Aeros systems collaboration with Boeing has been a pivotal point in revolutionizing the aviation industry."
"We're just looking into a recent fend Aerospace incident involving their automated flight system."
"Atmospheres are handy for planes and air-breathing craft in general, but it’s very hard to get up to orbital speeds with that approach."
"An air-breathing plane can do way better in terms of thrust off any given fuel because first off, it doesn’t have to include any oxygen to burn that fuel with."
"The Hyaku Shiki cannot transform into Waverider mode, in order to achieve independent atmospheric re-entry, the Hyaku Shiki could equip the Ballute System."
"If we can get it up to roughly 10 kilometers or 33,000 feet or so, the atmosphere is only about one quarter as dense as it is at sea level."
"Air launching can also fly above and around adverse weather conditions, which means they have the potential to have less costly scrubs due to weather, which is definitely a positive thing."
"Before we look at aerodynamics or fancy stability, we first need to get our rocket off the ground."
"He builds everything, he's a spacecraft engineer for Boeing."
"The lifting bodies, blunt-shaped wingless vehicles, were developed for controllable atmospheric reentry."
"SpaceX has continuously revolutionized the Aerospace sector."
"The launch escape system is a safety feature for saving the crew in case of emergency."
"The X-15 spearheaded research in hypersonic aerodynamics and winged re-entry from space."
"The X-15 ranks supreme among crude rocket-powered aircraft."
"Reaction controls that would allow him to correct role movement and position the aircraft properly for re-entry through the atmosphere."
"The aft end of the booster you of course have the nozzle."
"Modern aerospace composites can be thought of as being made of cloth and glue."
"Epoxy is the most common matrix chosen for aerospace applications."
"Composite material construction has been chosen for several suborbital aerospace vehicles."
"While this is the inaugural launch of the Vulcan rocket, the CER one flight test marks Ula's 159th launch."
"We have ignition and liftoff of the first United Launch Alliance Vulcan rocket, launching a new era in space flight to the moon and beyond!"
"From skid-to-turn to rolling airframe: flight modes tailored to mission requirements."
"The Tempest project demonstrates that by combining efforts, knowledge, and budget it's possible to create an aircraft that can outshine the competition."
"Safety is our top priority, so we'll fly when we're ready."
"This is the largest blunt body heat shield that has ever been flown and tested."
"A shuttle able to alter form while in flight to optimize based on current speed and air conditions would be invaluable."
"This is actually really on the cutting edge of where we are as far as aerospace technology right now."
"It really is an incredible tribute to aerospace and the US Navy."
"The success of the M2F1 encouraged NASA headquarters to approve development of heavyweight lifting bodies."
"The HighMAT successfully achieved its goals of a 100 percent increase in aerodynamic efficiency over 1973 technology and maneuverability."
"The X-15 set unprecedented speed and altitude records in the 1960s, reaching the edge of outer space and returning with valuable data."
"The X-15 deserved the Collier Trophy as the program for the most outstanding aerospace achievement of its time."
"The future for UK aerospace should be bright and looks bright."
"The idea was to have a spacecraft that had no wings but was able to land like an airplane."
"He saved the vehicle; it was 9 months before they perfected everything, but after that, the HL10 was actually one of the most successful lifting bodies they had."
"This example is published on NASA Langley Research Center's turbulence modeling resource."
"Isar Aerospace wants to build one of the most modern production facilities for orbital rockets anywhere."
"Always test what you fly, and fly exactly what you've tested."
"The most important aspect of recovery is to always test what you fly, and fly only what you've tested successfully."
"The point of the main parachute is obvious: you want to bring the rocket or payload down to the ground softly."
"Aerospace means I study how things fly through the air, like an airplane, and fly through space."
"The U.S taxpayer benefits greatly from the investment that our government has made in our space program and the Aerospace industry."
"In my over 25 years in Aerospace, I've never seen a perfect flight test even from storied companies with hundreds of years of experience."
"This is going to be a lightweighting technique that's used in Aerospace to make extremely strong and rigid parts but minimize the amount of mass that these parts have."
"Yet our journey in Aerospace Innovation is just taking off."
"This will be the seventh time that this Boeing-built X-37B space plane has flown."
"Having batteries that are really lightweight could be a complete game-changer for the decarbonization of the aerospace sector."
"I'm really interested in aviation and space and technologies."