
Family Advice Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We barely got out of the city limits... well, we could, let's just work with what we got, you know, as my father said, as he handed me my Nintendo Wii."
"What I tell my family is that you live in the best country in the world, and that people who know how to do this are in positions where they can advise state, local, and international healthcare workers."
"Don't ever go there, you understand?" - Father's warning about Needlepoint Creek.
"My brother said I probably shouldn't have gone nuclear."
"I'm assuming because they asked that, the grandma's always said it. Obviously, you're in the right. Don't show this to your grandma."
"I need words of wisdom and my parents gave me those words of wisdom in that moment."
"Listen to your family. Racists hate to be called racists, abusers hate to be called abusers."
"Grandma said, 'Put a ring on it,' she said she is excited. That was dope to hear."
"Actually, people need to just simply listen to what their parents tell them, that is what happiness is for kids."
"It's nice, like I really appreciate my dad telling me to rest."
"Your loved ones always want the best for you, so when they deliver a message that you don't want to hear, it's something that you need to hear because it's something that you need to change."
"Just call your mom and complain to your mom about it."
"If your grandparents offered this in full knowledge of your situation, perhaps you should consider it."
"This one is gonna be about something that we get a lot of messages about which is family."
"If it's broke, don't fix it. That's what my mother say before she walked out."
"Share this information with your family because there's a lot of opportunity out here."
"My dad would always say treat each other like you treat your best friend because you are each other's best friends."
"Follow your heart, follow your intuition, and ask your mom for questions."
"He reached out to his family members the next week and he said listen I just got eight thousand dollars from watching this kid LA he's the real deal his family members said I haven't heard about this money under third sumos."
"Come on, remember what mom said... This time it actually worked."
"Every man should make his son or daughter learn some trade or profession, so that in these days of changing fortunes – of being rich today and poor tomorrow – they may have something tangible to fall back upon." - P.T. Barnum
"Call your mother every week... and don't smoke."
"Living within your means, that's what my dad always taught me."
"I was never taught like, 'Hey control yourself.' If you get angry you know, like come talk to us."
"Hopefully, it's only damaged her hair and not her scalp, but I do think once everything has calmed down, you need to take the time to teach both your daughter and her dad how to take care of curly hair."
"Violence isn't always the solution, that's what your mother would say. But that was a sick move."
"Please family, take care of yourself, be in your best health, you know, and protect your mind at the end of the day."
"Mom knows best, that's what you have your mom for, mom knows best."
"Maybe consider whether your child would be better off living with you and visiting the mother occasionally."
"...my mother was one of them, she said, 'Sonny, I think you should retire when you're 34.'"
"It really isn't worth it, Mom. It will just distract you from any important stuff."
"Stop listening to theories, listen to your daughter."
"My father told me always to show respect to my elders," Callus smiled broadly.
"Come on, next time listen to me, listen to your son, he's brilliant."
"They don't want to see you upset; they want you to celebrate and to enjoy life."
"I don't always want to listen to my family but the fact of the matter is they have my best interest."
"My family always tells me to help others when they are in need."
"Wow, really? Congratulations! Did you use mom's tips?"
"Listen to your parents and go to therapy and try and figure out why you feel like you might be trans."
"You're going to get life lessons that you've never heard about; mom didn't teach you, dad didn't teach you, Vivian's going to teach you because she's your sister."
"My parents have always told my brother and I that we need to just follow our dreams and do the thing that makes us happy."
"I'm ready to go home and commit to that change that my dad told me about: Breaking the Chain, breaking the cycle."
"Just be there for your kids, you know, don't judge, just listen to them and support them."
"I stopped listening to my family or whatever anyone else had to say about not doing it, and I did it, bro."
"I see you talked with your dad and have taken this all to heart."
"My hope is that my kids and all my future generations will follow my suggestion to be Buy and Hold investors."
"If my dad ever taught me anything, it's like you don't go to a hotel unless they're gonna serve you free breakfast."
"I think I'd be a dentist because my mom's always telling me I should be some kind of doctor."
"Watch out for these snakes, family."
"Granny say I know one thing, your ass better get rich."