
Information Retrieval Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Google is not a search engine. Google is an answer engine."
"Recalling information can be easier when it’s connected to other information you already know."
"The idea of AI being integrated in search is instead of just giving you a list of links, it can actually crawl information from those pages and from all these websites and give you a natural language answer to your question instead of you having to dive into the links."
"Everything on the first page, yes. So the idea of AI being integrated in search is instead of just giving you a list of links, it can actually crawl information from those pages and from all these websites and give you a natural language answer to your question instead of you having to dive into the links."
"You can effortlessly capture them, throw them in there they will resurface when you come here which means when you're ready for it in the right place at the right time."
"An index helps the database find important keywords without having to scan the entire data set."
"You're just trying to retrieve that information."
"Dig through Google for posts and articles of things that he and his media scrubbers may have missed."
"YouTube is actually a search engine as well."
"They retrieve relevant text information at super fast speeds."
"It's very flexible... you'll get your answers."
"This new invention could help uncover extremely valuable historical information from texts all over the world."
"Let's go back to the list, I can't see anything."
"It's really, really difficult... to get the information out."
"To make it really useful, you have to have a good way of finding whatever it is that you want."
"The size of each circle or node is proportional to the amount of incoming links to its corresponding article."
"Queries are essentially just requests made to the database management system for specific information that you want to retrieve."
"Computers have replaced the card catalog altogether and everything is available with just a few clicks on a keyboard."
"The askon page feature takes finding information on a page to a whole new level."
"...a game changer for reading articles or research papers to find the important information faster."
"...no more clicking on links blindly you can get a quick summary just by hovering over a link."
"There are so many papers out there about every single topic, and you don't want to waste your time downloading and reading an entire article only to find that it's just not relevant to you."
"This is the fifth video focused on query translation in our rag from scratch series, and we're going to be talking about a technique called HIDE."
"A nice way to go from nice simple proposition style or summary style indexing to full document retrieval."
"Increasingly, people are using vector databases to do retrieval augmented generation."
"I think we're really good at furtively googling things to get information."
"...the Google effect, also called digital amnesia, is the tendency to forget information that can be found readily online by using internet search engines."
"Aggregate results from your query with the summarize operator."
"Zettelkasten enables efficient retrieval of information because you have helped your mind by locating information on notes."
"When you’re keeping track of huge amounts of information in a database, you want to be able to grab specific information easily."
"...we're kind of just stuck pulling as much information as we can so that every analyst and data scientist and product manager that has a question can answer those questions quickly without feeling like they're stuck behind a wall of technology."
"Use AI to read scientific papers."
"You're not going to find it if you go searching for police vehicle UPF or guides even though all the other police cars are listed there."
"Don't just rely on semantic search or keyword-based search."
"Yeah I've had a little Google yeah and you've got it completely wrong have I."
"No caching because it cannot look at the data."
"Don't memorize something you can look up."
"90% of knowledge is knowing where to find it."
"If I could just find the first occurrence of dollar sign I for each I, then I only have to pay order number of distinct documents."
"Retrieval is a precise and accurate way of accessing knowledge."
"Coding is all about assigning phrases to really find the information in the data."
"Bard is the best I've seen, and it will go into websites, find information."
"Data mining is a process of finding relevant information which has not been found before."
"Knowledge management systems provide rapid access to knowledge, data, and information often at your fingertips."
"The optimizer is going to find the fastest route to get you the information you've requested."
"People want to use search engines like it's a very knowledgeable reference librarian."
"I'm going to show you at least three, maybe four different ways of pulling information from a database."
"How fast can we get the information we need to troubleshoot what's going on and find the root cause?"
"Google never actually gives you answers; it uses algorithms to select the most relevant information."
"More context, more a number of chunks is better both for the retrieval score and for the quality score."
"Retrieval augmented generation effectively means using a model to go get information you're looking for."
"I promise to come back with the information."
"Raise your hand if you've ever used a search engine and not found what you're looking for within the first few items returned."
"We need to construct a term frequency inverse document frequency matrix."
"With databases, the structure that we create for the databases it becomes easy for us to access the information which is required to be used by us."
"Understanding how these devices manage their data can provide forensic examiners with the ability to retrieve a wealth of information."
"This is a good practice in principle for information retrieval if you want to match the query with the documents."
"How do you find the needle of information in this big haystack?"
"If there's an index, there's a record likely somewhere."
"Chat GPT just owns that little slot in our brain of you ask a question, get an answer."
"What we are going to do instead is to create an index; index is a vector store database that gives the chunks of information."
"It's trying to find the right document to look for and which is the sentence that may contain the answer to it."
"Extractive question answering is where the answer can be extracted directly from the document itself."
"With the power of AI, you can retrieve information out of data or documents you own."
"The answers endpoint first searches over provided documents or file to find relevant context for the input question."
"The ability to have this generative answers is acting on behalf of the user and going and getting that information."
"Search reading, which is more challenging than scanning, involves a quick search for detailed information."
"Scanning is excellent for picking out specific information."
"Simply type in your question and the answer spits out."
"The true power of a database comes from the clever way it can collate information from across multiple tables to extract the details that you need to know."
"The reader should also be able to quickly and easily retrieve any information from that paragraph that they need."
"The mighty tf-idf... enhances our document term frequency matrices to make them more powerful."
"If you were able to retrieve information when it's needed, it's actually the true measurement of memory."
"It lets us get information about multiple recipes at once."
"Latent Semantic Analysis... allows us to extract relationships between documents and terms."
"An inverted index is like the index in the back of a book; it points to each page on which a topic is covered."
"One of my goals is the omnivorous search box, a search box where you can give it anything... and we'll find something relevant to it and say something intelligent about it."