
Negative Space Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Negative space is empty space that allows the figures in your composition to breathe a little bit."
"It's not negative in the sense that it's bad space or it's poor for your composition; it simply means it's empty space."
"The meaningful gameplay happens in the negative space."
"Focus on negative space instead of filling it in, making it look as if a bird could fly through your arrangement."
"Negative space does a great job of drawing attention to the subject of the photo; it involves leaving blank spaces in the frame that give your subject breathing room and create a sense of balance in the composition."
"Negative space is the area that surrounds a shape and that creates a form."
"Negative space is just as important as positive space."
"I think that's extremely important that people don't talk about enough with all that negative space, it's not always that important and it might be better and feel a lot more considered if it was smaller in size."
"The spaces between objects are just as much part of the design as the solid elements."
"Negative space is your friend... the way that everything interacts with each other is really intentional and it helps to provide a sense of unity for the whole thing."
"Having a lot of negative space in your design really gives it a sleek kind of classic and elevated look."
"I love any use of like, negative space."
"It adds a nice little bit of interest and helps having the white background that you sort of go into."
"You're doing a push-pull between the negative and the positive space, as far as what your design occupies and what area you're leaving behind."
"Negative space is purposely leaving something untattooed."
"By creating negative space, you're more easily able to appreciate the focal point."
"...the whole upper three-quarters of the drawing is really about negative space, and negative space has activated through all the shapes and strokes that he uses to draw your attention to it."
"What stands a good photographer out from an average photographer is somebody who knows when to use negative space correctly."
"Those negative spaces and gaps really give the trees a bit more believability and character."
"Diego's use of negative space is particularly noteworthy as he skillfully leaves areas blank to create a sense of balance and also harmony within his sketches."
"Having empty space is a good thing; it creates negative space or breathing room."
"It's a great, great use of negative space here, you're telling a story with what's going on."
"It's a really solid, simple image that takes advantage of the negative space."
"It's kind of funky and cool, that negative space painting."
"I'm not painting the vein onto this leaf; I am creating a vein by what I leave unpainted."
"Leave the white of the paper shining through so I'm just painting it right up to where I want the color to stop."
"The lightest light you can paint is what you don't paint; it's the white of the paper shining through."
"The portions of your painting that are not painted are just as powerful, maybe more powerful, and at least as important, maybe more important than the portions of your painting that are painted."
"I love negative space, and it's a far more interesting way of working to me."
"One of the important things when you're creating a galaxy is to leave a little bit of white space."
"We have space within our flower arrangement; there is negative space, so there are gaps in between the flowers."
"This new approach is going to be starting with that negative shape."
"Tapping into that ancient form, negative space and remnants of were are what create that ancient form and that more older aesthetic."
"This is called negative painting; we're working into and around the flowers, not the flowers themselves."
"If you're not familiar with the term negative space, it is open and uncluttered area around the subject."
"The reason we want negative space is so that the texture will really blend into that area."
"So much negative space, I'm going to start defining some forms, and I really like these rounded areas."
"Negative space in a painting basically refers to anything that isn't the actual subject matter of the painting or of the art but still contributes to the overall effect of the piece."
"I just love the simplicity of the composition, the balance, and the negative space surrounding the focal point."
"I love like the bits of negative space that start to become more apparent as she fills in different spaces."
"Sometimes people fail to realize how negative space is information too."
"There's really nothing like just leaving that space white to begin with; you'll just always get the best look if you leave the negative space there."
"When we look at big areas of background or negative space, to me, I see all that space, and I'm like, 'Oh yeah, we're going to have fun with this.'"
"When you leave a lot of negative space around your drawing, it makes everything look very sophisticated."