
Fleetingness Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Happiness just comes in glimpses; it's not the end goal."
"When a believer genuinely asks Allah for forgiveness, then they should know in their heart that Allah forgave. You should not doubt that Allah forgave."
"Life is an ice cream. Enjoy it before it so."
"Cotton candy because I don't even think you're gonna be able to get a bite out of it before it all dissolves."
"I'm proud of you, well it'll be gone in 10 minutes."
"It's like, even if you did, the past, you can't. Happiness is fleeting. It's not a final thing. And so, no matter how much you search for it, you'll never find it fully."
"Glory may be Everlasting yet it is fleeting as well soon forgotten in the aftermath of even the most famous victories if they lead to Great disaster."
"From the moment that it becomes viable for you, you have to see this as fleeting."
"What crazy love feels like, even if it's just for a moment."
"Life goes by too fast. It's way too fast."
"I saw that smile on a face that was beginning to melt away."
"Life is a raindrop in a thunderstorm. It will be over as fast as it arrived, and how you choose to live it will be everything."
"The lemonade was good while it was still fresh."
"The beauty of life is its ephemerality."
"It's like a freaking shooting star. Get a good look while you can, or it's gone forever."
"Everything can be over very quickly in the blink of an eye."
"One day we just work on one and it's gone as quick as anything."
"Before you blink, within the two shakes of a dox tale, the evening part of your life is here."
"For a quick moment. For a quick moment is all you have."
"A balm to his anxieties, even if just for a fleeting moment."
"The romantic dream at Whitbourne Hall, however, didn't last long."
"I have never felt such a powerful force before, only to have it melt away with a smile."
"They didn’t drift across the sand, but appeared and disappeared instantly, whenever I blinked or looked away."
"For he remembered that they were but flesh, a breath that passes away and does not come again."
"The things that burn the brightest are the shortest lived."
"That's what you dream about as a kid and then all of a sudden it's there and it's over in 5 seconds. But what a 5 seconds it was."
"Enjoy it because it goes by fast."
"Good things go quickly, you know what I'm saying? It went quick, it was like a whoosh."
"I think that like a cat can just pass through your life in a beautiful way."
"The joys of an empire are as fleeting as lightning."
"Perspective is truly everything and this is not going to be forever. They grow up so so fast."
"It's such a special time and it honestly just flies by."
"I felt real happiness today. I don't want this feeling to end."
"Real life happens in the blink of an eye."
"It's one of those things where it's like you kind of have to get it now because then before you know it it's going to be gone."
"You know the vibe guys, now you see it, now you don't."
"Every man, at his best state, is but a vapor."
"Spring is very short; you've got to enjoy it while it lasts."
"That's the end. Have you ever experienced a moment that felt both significant and fleeting?"
"It was a quick, celebratory moment."
"The gratification of the flesh is always temporary."
"...even if it feels hard even if it feels tough it's not going to last forever so just make sure you make the most of these tiny little moments in their..."
"Miracles occur. The effect of the poetic techniques combine to convey a sense of an experience that it is little more than a glimpse caught in the corner of the eye. It's fleeting, delicate, perhaps something that will disappear if subjected to much scrutiny."
"Time feels so much slower, each moment is more rich, and yet it slips by faster."
"You can kind of grab it and put it down, or you can miss it and never get that idea again."
"May all your troubles last as long as New Year's resolutions."
"I love to be with my kids and I really want to be the one spending the most time with them when they're little; these years are so fleeting."
"Enjoy it, you know. It goes by so fast."
"Do you ever get that strange feeling of Vu-jàdé? It's a distinct sense that somehow something just happened that has never happened before, nothing seems familiar, and then suddenly the feeling is gone. Vu-jàdé."
"Fools! For I also had my hour; one far fierce hour and sweet, when there were shouts about my ears and palms beneath my feet."
"Capture your ideas when you have them because they will fly out of your brain and be gone before you know it."