
Antitrust Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Consumers should not have to pay higher prices because companies violate antitrust laws."
"Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger... breaking these guys up would create a lot of interesting innovation and opportunities."
"I'm reminded of when Microsoft was sued by the Department of Justice for bundling Internet Explorer with Windows."
"Big companies need guardrails and sometimes they need to be broken up."
"Google is already entangled in a pivotal antitrust case... undermining competition through monopolistic practices."
"You can see the impact these cases and subsequent antitrust legislation have had around the world."
"Apple unlawfully maintains its monopoly in the iOS app distribution market."
"Setting the market is where all antitrust decisions are made."
"Anti-trust investigations were launched... within 30 to 60 days of me disclosing all this."
"The government should be a lot more involved in breaking up these monopolies."
"We break these guys up because we are capitalists."
"What would really suck is if we don't fix a corrupt system that lets giant companies like Facebook engage in illegal anti-competitive practices."
"I really, really, really think we need to break up Facebook."
"Antitrust laws saved America from becoming an oligarchy."
"I hope that between the section 230 announcement by Thomas and the Justice Department's antitrust suit, that does produce a legal roadmap to go after him."
"It's as clear as bell that we need to break up Google."
"Google's sales are flat to down from cloud, and then they're getting sued by the government for antitrust."
"This has the potential to be a groundbreaking case, especially with U.S lawmakers right now actively going after the big four tech companies for antitrust concerns."
"Epic respectfully requests this court to enjoin apple from continuing to impose its anti-competitive restrictions on the iOS ecosystem."
"The breakup of big tech... more competition is better."
"The purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act was to break up monopolies."
"Enforcing antitrust... that would go a long way towards reinvigorating the heartland of this country."
"Antitrust enforcement exists to make sure that the little innovator is actually allowed to compete on the merits with the big guy."
"The European Commission has put forth preliminary findings that Amazon is in breach of European antitrust laws."
"He is actually channeling some Teddy Roosevelt okay because the last time the Republican party has been uh against monopolies was basically Teddy Roosevelt."
"We need antitrust activity... we have to rethink the very basis of antitrust law."
"We need to halt consolidation and break up big tech companies."
"It's time to make antitrust cool again... it's not just tech, it's everything."
"This is an illegal Monopoly no wonder the company spent 1.2 million dollars self-reported in lobbying efforts to avoid any Anti-Trust scrutiny."
"Apple is facing German antitrust probe into app tracking transparency."
"The government claims that Apple has a monopoly on the mobile phone market."
"I am in favor of the laws which make agreements in restraint of trade illegal."
"We need to start breaking up these monopolies that have formed."
"So there's all sorts of things in this lawsuit, um, that the DOJ is going after and basically just saying that Apple has abused its dominant position in the smartphone market."
"Breaking up giant companies almost always... is generally a good thing for the economy and a good thing for the shareholders."
"Stephanie Kelton, the economist, Heather Boushey, an economist, Lina Khan from Columbia Law School, who wants to reinvigorate an older tradition of what is called antitrust in America, which is breaking up corporations that get too big and wield too much power."
"A robust antitrust framework strengthens American workers against monopolistic efforts to lower wages and eliminate their benefits."
"Bigness in business is not necessarily badness efficient firms should not be hobbled under the guise of antitrust enforcement."
"The Sherman Antitrust Act aimed to regulate or break up large monopolies, but ironically was used against workers initially."
"The anti-trust laws are there for a reason to prevent one or two companies from holding all the power running the gambit on everything."
"These are all violations of what again? Sherman Antitrust."
"Europe taking the view that markets do not self-correct, that there is space for antitrust intervention in order to restore competition on the markets."
"The Square Deal... focused on consumer protection, control of monopolies, and conservation."
"Epic actually beat Google at this antitrust trial, which is a big deal."
"Our two objectives have been to document competition problems in the digital economy and to evaluate whether the current antitrust framework is able to properly address them."
"The lawsuit brought by Rumble against Google is designed to ensure free and fair competition."
"Antitrust is most robust when people recognize what it is."
"Congress is again interested in antitrust... the fact that the lawmakers are again paying attention is really important."
"Lena Khan... has changed the debate on antitrust."
"Breaking up these companies... could actually encourage much more competition and much more innovation."
"I think antitrust is generally one of the most important issues in the country right now."
"When you have so few companies that are able to dominate so much of the market... you basically do need some level of antitrust law."
"So because of him, we have antitrust laws, right, the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act. Those are laws that were created."
"The shift we're seeing in antitrust is part and parcel of a broader reorientation across economic policymaking."
"Antitrust is a term relating to laws designed to prevent illegal competition."
"Anti-trust is also good for innovation."
"We have tried to reinvigorate the antitrust division to more urgently evaluate mergers and to bring cases against exclusionary Behavior by dominant firms."
"The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890... tried to outlaw the combinations in restraint of trade."