
Daily Tasks Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Talk to all your villagers at least once every single day."
"ADHD when you aren't passionate about what you're doing: Washing dishes is very hard."
"If the first thing you do is eat your frog every morning, the rest of your day is going to seem okay."
"Solving problems is like 70% of what a Python developer does on a daily basis."
"But the way it saves when you go to sleep and entices you with easy tasks needed right at dawn lead to a system where you just have to do one more day to make sure you’re on the right track for the rest of the season."
"You're going to have like a daily missions or weekly missions."
"Staying on top of daily is very very important for additional gain."
"Just try to focus on what you have to do today and then tomorrow focus on what you have to do tomorrow."
"Choosing a small task that supports who you want to be and committing to it every day is the key."
"If there's a task that you don't feel like doing, pop on some music. It's a good motivator."
"Daily challenges are still more efficient for earning gold bars over time than anything else in the game."
"You're easily gonna hit that just from doing your dailies and challenges."
"Every single time you log on to Fortnite and you have new daily punch card quests and challenges make sure that you complete all three of these before you hop off."
"You don't need to win, just go in full auto, back out right away because there are some days where I only have 10 minutes for a daily activities reset."
"For all those people who say how do I level up so fast, how do I be like you, how can I dominate the free-to-play employer world you need to be completing these every single day."
"I need to pick up court documents from different law firms or courthouses, driving depositions, cash checks, some of the things."
"Do the daily proving grounds on easy and medium 100% every day... keep six of every single tier 2 class catalyst."
"There's greatness in small things done right."
"Now, if I click on 'I need to clean my room,' you'll see it's right there, and now if I click on this one, it should say 'I need to clean my floor.'"
"Child care, animal care, personal assistant duties, security, and transportation."
"Consider the act of washing the hands... each humble necessary chore can become a symbol."
"My ability to be able to actually get my shopping list in place is super easy."
"Ultimately, you want to get as many things checked off the list throughout the day, small things, big things, little things."
"Just do little tiny bits every day and don't overwhelm yourself. Break complex things down into simplicity."
"Doing the little things right sometimes means walking through a bunch of rooms."
"If life had loading screens, you walk into Walmart and it's like objective: purchase soap for Grandma."
"I go to work now and now and I just exhale. I'm like, 'okay, what we gonna do?' And that's, that's pretty incredible."
"Assume that when you wake up today it's going to be easier to do the things that you know you have to do."
"Yay, all right grocery list inputting and organizing."
"The amount of steel essence we're going to be getting from our dailies every single day: super good."
"I get to take an online class. I get to do my homework. I get to do this to-do list. I get to be home with my family."
"It's perfectly okay to write a message to your teenager saying pick up some bread at the store on your way home."
"Peace is a process, it's little tasks day in and day out."
"Just make your bed and what can you do that you will do that will make your life better?"
"So that's all the weekly stuff, let's talk about daily opportunities."
"Every daily objective is going to mean something."
"Ironing your sheets is really, really important."
"Packing alone, I think, is going to be the bulk of today. Only because there is just so much to prepare for."
"Making your bed is about completing things and giving the future you a gift."
"One less thing to worry about for the rest of the day. Check it off the list."
"Find one chore that just really kick starts your day... and it will make a big difference."
"Task over title... what would be the tasks that I would be doing on a day-to-day basis and would I ultimately end up enjoying those tasks..."
"Connect your daily tasks to your goals to ensure progress."
"My goal is just laundry room, bathroom, those are my areas of focus today."
"I think it's easiest when you have a set of metrics that make you accountable for doing little things every day and it just kind of stares you in the face until you do it."
"Set routines and in little environments of spaces, masculine containers for your things that you're supposed to be doing."
"The habit is the daily task or the small thing that you can do on a daily basis in order to achieve that goal."
"Welcome back, people, it is another day, we got a lot of stuff to do."
"Tesla's Optimus battery boasts impressive efficiency in doing daily tasks thanks to its efficient energy consumption and large capacity."
"It takes me forever to make the bed because I'm such a perfectionist."
"Sometimes it's nice to jot things down that you need to do that day."
"Siri can help you do the things you do every day on any of your Apple devices."
"Make daily lists... this truly gets you productive."
"The value goals should be things that are deeply meaningful to you, and this is how it translates down to your hour by hour, and day-by-day task execution."
"Establish a routine for daily chores."
"As a data analyst, you want to get three things done almost on a day-to-day basis: extracting data, analyzing data, and visualizing data to communicate insights and tell a story."
"Doing something a little bit every day is sort of the secret."
"It's all about understanding what things have to 100 percent get done every single day and focusing on those things throughout the entire day."
"I like to make my bed just because it makes me feel accomplished."
"Try your best to do small things every day, it might at least help your sanity."
"You can wash dishes to the glory of God, you can dig a ditch to the glory of God."
"What do I need to do today to make my patient well?"
"We'll do what we're able to do today, not waiting until tomorrow for doing those things we can do today."
"Remember, your assignments are to believe in your needs today and to incorporate play in some way."
"Whatever your daily tasks are, whether they're big or small, do them with love."
"Teach your child how to make sandwiches for the day... so that you have helpers."
"It was super fun. I was always excited every day to fix this, fix that, change this, change that."
"Let's go get this bread. Literal bread, I'm buying bread."
"Tomorrow is a new day, and we're just gonna get our things done that we need to tomorrow."
"Be sure to do something responsible today like clean your apartment."
"I also need to grocery shop, so I'll definitely share some of that with you."
"I've been really trying to romanticize these tasks that sometimes feel a little bit hard to do."
"Any of these kinds of tasks can actually be made into a moving meditation if we're mindful while doing them."