
Energy Cleansing Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Gone is the negative energy, pulling it away from you."
"We've been so trained to believe that if we cry, it's a sign of weakness... but crying is a beautiful way to cleanse our energy out of us."
"Some people, if you know how to stay protected, if you know how to cleanse yourself of any energy that's being sent your way, you're good."
"Standing in your truth will clear out a lot of energy. Something about setting the standards and getting things to move."
"It's time to cleanse, purify, and clear your energy to prepare yourself for new beginnings."
"Stay calm, balanced, purging toxic energies, restoration and calm energy."
"Imagine any energy inside of your body that is stale or stagnant leaving."
"Quiet your spirit to remove negative energy."
"Clear out your energy field, everything will change."
"Cleansing this space definitely helps to bring a much more relaxed energy into it."
"I can guarantee that if you believe this healing with an open mind and heart that anything that does not belong in your energy will simply slip away."
"There is a lot of cleaning that has to occur here in your energy in your life. Certain people and certain things need to be removed from your life in order for things to be more clear for you."
"I was and still am very sensitive to energies. Dad came home next week. I didn't tell him everything. I just looked him in the eye and said we need to perform a cleansing."
"We're trying to get rid of all the dense energy and the toxic energy within us that we've all been hit by over the years."
"Utilize this Leo new moon and this Lion's Gate energy to cleanse away all the emotional and mental debris that no longer serve you to allow all this beautiful new energy in."
"Open the window to let stagnant energy out and fresh energy in."
"Black tourmaline absorbs negative energy and affords excellent energetic protection."
"Clear your space, clear your energy, keep clearing your space."
"I release and transform all toxins, harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and low frequency programming."
"Clear out your energies via salt baths, meditations, or practice getting more grounded by walking barefoot."
"You have to clear out a lot of heavy energy around you to be a vibrational match."
"Clear the negative energy attached to you, create distance from low vibrational energies affecting your ability to manifest."
"Doing a spiritual cleanse of your aura and energy body is as important as daily brushing your teeth or washing your hands."
"Be gentle with yourself and clear negative energy."
"Cleanse your space to remove blockages and obstacles."
"Rest and rejuvenation, clearing out negative thoughts and energy."
"Everything you want you desire is coming to you, you just have to remember to clear and cleanse your energy."
"It's very important to stay grounded okay whether it's grounded in the present grounded in reality cleanse your energy and try to keep things as still as possible when this energy shows up because it can be a little overwhelming"
"The sound of the bells is believed to destroy negative energy."
"Stale energies are preventing you from receiving and moving forward. Time for a spring cleaning. Only keep around you that which makes you feel positive."
"Partnership: time for a cleansing of this energy for your protection."
"You've got like this strong capacity to cleanse out your energy, to watch for the signs, to recognize who you need to disengage from, where do you actually need to cut the communication."
"Cleanse your energy of any type of fear, anxiety, negativity. Simply smile and notice the profound and healing difference that it makes."
"Toilet paper can be used for banishing spells, flushing away negative energy."
"Spring cleaning, however, can also involve some magical associations as well, including cleansing unwanted energy out. It can be a great time to do some house cleansing."
"Clear your energy, refuel your energy, and reclaim your power."
"Time to reclaim your power, clear your energy."
"Water is very powerful at helping us to clear our Aura, our energy."
"There are many actually energetic practices that would enable you to cleanse the flow of money coming your way, so that your energy body and your subconscious doesn't start feeling dirty anytime you need to double, triple, quadruple your... your income."
"Cleansing your energy, stepping back from lack of respect."
"It's time to cleanse this energy. Whatever is yours is going to come to you."
"It's time to clear your energy space."
"Worth waiting for. Divine timing is at play. Clear away your energy, clear and delete."
"Love yourself and cleanse your energy."
"...using sound... you can use singing bowls, you can use rattles... cleanse your space with sound... everything is vibration right, every single thing in our universe is vibrating right now..."
"...using breath work is another spectacular maybe like the best other than shaking way to cleanse your own energy..."
"No more negative energy, let's just get it all out, let it outside of you, let it out."
"It's modern appeal is widely for self-care, to purge yourself of bad energy, purge your space, purge your house, bad energy, trauma, bad experiences."
"Any type of weird energy, any darkness at my space, is immediately removed nowadays."
"Purification here does not mean detoxifying and becoming vegetarian, no, it means removing the negative energies from every cell, every thought, every part of your being."
"These intense solar flares are energetically flushing us out."
"So we're letting go of any bad juju, any haterade, any energy that's just not serving us, right?"
"We are going to be removing any negative energy, cleansing the aura, bringing wealth, abundance, health, happiness."
"We want to make sure that we lift our vibrations and get rid of this negative energy."
"It's such a powerful tool that you could use to clear out negative energy."
"We're kicking the negative energy out of the room."
"It's important that you do a cord cutting ritual, cut cords with everyone in your life because you don't want chords or attachments to anyone."
"Sometimes all it takes is just disconnecting for a little while and allowing the energy to clear out."
"Quartz has the power to clear out all negativity."
"Bottle trees were used by our ancestors in order to capture and remove negative energies."
"It'll help remove negative energy from people, places, and things in your life. Happy birthday."
"Let it cleanse and purify, release and cut off all memories, blockages, negative energies, and vibrations, transmute these unwanted energies into pure light, and so it is."
"Clean out your closet. Clothes carry energy. In with the new, out with the old."
"We're shaking off any emotional excess that has built up in our energetic field over the past moon cycle."
"I choose to remove any and all energy imprints from my whole body and being in all directions and all dimensions of time and space."
"You're getting good karma because you cleansed your energy."
"We're cleansing your energy to get ready for parenthood and the delivery of your baby."
"Your ability to cord cut and cleanse their energy from your system and really give them the silent treatment when they deserve it."
"Call upon Archangel Michael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, the situation, and everyone involved."
"Cleanse negative energy and fresh start."
"I feel like you're setting yourself free from toxic energy."
"Release your ex, the time has come for you to clear your energy."
"You are protected, continue to cleanse and protect your energy."
"Clearing things out of your life, no more negative energy."