
Gameplay Enhancement Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"But hey, with the help of this mod, it's not just the food stuffs that's edible."
"We have learned valuable lessons from our previous work and player feedback, which have highlighted the need to enhance the gameplay experience by fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie and strategic decision-making."
"I really feel like just like toddlers, pets would make this such a much more complete game."
"The gameplay enhancements are an improvement which never would have occurred had Nintendo not been willing to dip back into the game and make a few changes."
"Active audio, like audio cues, adds to the gameplay."
"Narration reinforces the gameplay experience."
"The sound in this game is great. It adds to the intensity of the gameplay."
"The theory crafting that you can put into it is so cool."
"Sound design can take like a mediocre game and make it feel like a really, really good game."
"This feels like in some ways the most substantial expansion they've done yet."
"I really want more gameplay for extended family or just like, any sort of acknowledgment of extended family."
"What they need to do is sit down, figure out the core of what makes the gameplay fun, trim out a bunch of the unneeded garbage, keep the amazing setting intact, and give us a solid main story plot that doesn't force you to take breaks."
"Having the ability to explore an open environment with your movements changed the way you could play the game."
"Enchantments and the experience leveling system were drastic additions that changed gameplay significantly."
"The real buff comes in that he has an entire second shaved off his Q, that is where it's gonna come in so this converts to damage output in mid and late game because he's getting extra Qs off that he otherwise wouldn't have been able to have."
"The ability to time travel is a cool aspect and adds some meat to the gameplay."
"Special running back animations further help elite running backs stand out."
"Flying external is gorgeous, you can really appreciate the beauty of the game a lot more."
"Monarch makes the game more fun, incentivizing interaction on a different level."
"This thing is amazing for stealth play, and I have been saying that stealth play needs to be buffed for survivors."
"The camerawork helped to the story and the gameplay in equal parts."
"This game's new arsenal of weapons blows the previous game selection out of the park."
"Real player motion 2.0 has really made this game so much more fun to play."
"UI extension mod for convenient gameplay features."
"The dynamic AI system called the director could dynamically affect the gameplay."
"A good narrative can enhance gameplay dramatically."
"These are some of if not the best full visual and gameplay updates Riot has ever put out."
"Just giving a heavy at least one decent option for a tough situation makes them so much more fun to play."
"Multiple camps on a map at a time: a great addition to the game."
"The social aspect of New World: 'local voice chat adds a ton of fun to the experience.'"
"Finally, you could go back and go to all these places on the map and you can actually do stuff there."
"This game was an excellent sequel and an excellent game in its own right, stepping up everything gameplay-wise from the original to an 11."
"Horizon... it's really hard to deny how big of an impact this has had on Fallout 4 overall."
"He's a really important figure you've known about him since the announced cinematic."
"I'm rewarded not just by statistical upgrades but by more interesting stuff."
"Making our game a bit harder, we might want to add a longer platform to the last location."
"It definitely adds more gameplay to everything."
"When you finish the story and start new game plus with all of your upgraded gear the title is way more fun to play in my opinion."
"Project Nevada, with its new gameplay features, equipment changes, and rebalancing, is the greatest Fallout New Vegas mod of all time."
"Higher tick rates, improved hit registration."
"Our intent is that swords now occupy a niche where they provide better staying power and survival." - Redefining the role of swords for enhanced gameplay.
"The map design is great... after an iconic city nine out of ten map design, I really enjoy it, it really benefits the gameplay and it really makes me feel like it's a great replica of New York City."
"Her second constellation... will allow your transformative reactions to be able to crit and will give 20 crit."
"The best addition to the whole game was the melee option."
"Plot armor can enhance the fun that the players have at the table."
"The soundtrack of this game was super relaxing and complimented the gameplay well."
"Just more options at the high end elite scale for uniques that are worth using."
"I think my favorite thing that this mod kind of resurrects is reducing the gap between the gameplay and the narrative."
"Stealth was very clearly something that Bungie wanted to be more prominent in Halo 2."
"Having seasons in your game enhances everything you do in gameplay. It makes time more interesting, keeps you engaged, and brings in more challenges."
"Improvements have been made to various features including the in-game chat, the photo-taking system, domain drop collection, and character ascension."
"This certainly will be a buff for the champion."
"Twisting blades also has one of the best passives in the game."
"Rampart's amped reloads perk is a game-changer."
"Tekken's Legacy skill contributes to its impressive gameplay."
"I think our potion station with another word farm with some other farms, it's gonna be absolutely fantastic."
"Adding depth to existing races through sub races, cultural elements, and gameplay-focused options would enrich the player experience."
"Kiriko also enables you to be able to play on the streets way better."
"Force off high precision event timer for smoother gameplay and better response."
"A buff that boosts some 20-odd melee attack can be very useful."
"The near perfect hipfire accuracy is truly a game changer for the Tommy's Matchbook."
"The shooting mechanics are a huge improvement."
"So not only did this mechanic work effectively as a buff for older pokemon it also worked to inject hype back into veteran players who want to experience a new way of playing with their old favorites."
"Maybe the intention was just to give the game some more longevity."
"Splash damage of explosive payload but you also get a dragonfly explosion on every kill."
"I think this mod is awesome I think it's really cool to be able to turn into a ghoul both from a gameplay but also a visual perspective."
"The sheer level of pleasure being able to aim precisely and having a little targeting laser... this is what it has needed desperately."
"Man, if they could add like some sort of survival element to this, that would be fantastic."
"You've got a lot of stuff that you can really work with to improve your play."
"This is the utility talent I was talking about before."
"This boost mechanic the Eureka's and the inspiration will have wicked effects on your gameplay"
"The smooth and solid framerate mixed with much better controls and a more comprehensive auto-aim makes this version play perfectly."
"You'll definitely want to incorporate a protective polish decoration as well as a non-elemental boost decoration."
"Easily adding firing patterns for ludicrously fun gameplay."
"Basically, you can jump one extra time in the air... It opens up a lot of new movement options."
"I love having more trapdoors to play with, it's wonderful, it is actually a game changer having all these trapdoors."
"Maxing out a beacon doesn't only get you access to regeneration; it actually will also get you access to stronger versions of these buffs."
"The relationship and pregnancy overhaul, also known as Woohoo and Wellness mod, is literally one of the biggest game-changers in this game."
"Customize ships with different gear and equipment for enhanced capabilities."
"All that taken together really does help the game just flow a lot snappier."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the one weapon or weapons I guess I should say that we don't have right now is the dual wield five-sevenths. Can we get those right now?"
"Upgrade your scanner for a massive boost to early game money making."
"The big thing about the armor trims in general is that they more or less give diamonds a use in Minecraft again."
"So yeah, this is a great way to kind of spice it up a bit."
"Cyberpunk 2077 is a giant game... features... blown past us... tips and tricks... make the game a bit more fun."
"Pinata and the feather skull made things easier."
"This is the brand-new cave boss, guys, and holy moly."
"I think it's finally time to add some shooting to our first-person shooter."
"Traditionally um items that you purchase from an in-game store are bound to your game account digits take things a step further by giving you more control than ever while they are first and foremost playable items."
"The switch to first person finally nailed Resident Evil for me personally."
"It added a whole new dynamic to the game and it was fan-freaking-tastic."
"Project Nexus 2 is just better all around as an actual game in pretty much every way."
"Sonic Heroes' puzzles make the game more dynamic."
"Not only you're going to get all these weapons but also a ton of new lore and gameplay features that are a whole lot of fun."
"Blinding nades are the strongest thing a person could ask for inside master content in this game enemies melt you quick and what better way to keep them from doing that than just taking away their ability to melt."
"Adding co-op to pretty much any single-player game is, for the most part, a good idea."
"Weapon buffs increase DPS and provide additional mechanics, enhancing shaman combat capabilities."
"A team blast is basically a special screen clearing move which is built up from collecting rings or dealing damage to enemies and can be executed when its gauge is filled."
"You want to do varician research and you want to White socket your boots so that you can add frenzy when you need to."
"It's equivalent to a mining potion basically, that's how much of a boost it's going to give you."
"Characters are supposed to be heroic units that add something to the game be it strategic benefits a decent duelist a walking death machine or just open up combo potentials with units that you wouldn't think to mix them together."
"It also stops you from needing to enter those long cheats that you need to use those new items."
"It's almost always gonna make the cut but if you have more flyers it somehow gets even better."
"Some good innovation in this tower defense game."
"The game also vastly improved the combat, the traversal mechanics, and the level designs. It's a prime example of a perfect sequel."
"I think these two expansions are going to add a lot of fun."