
Game Tactics Quotes

There are 558 quotes

"One thing about Magnus is that he will always try to steer games, if possible, to territories that are off the main line and still practically decent, where you have to do battle."
"Develop your pieces quickly. Developing your pieces just means moving your knights and bishops off of the back rank."
"He just knows exactly what he's able to get away with and he abuses it so hard."
"This is a one could say a positional queen sacrifice."
"Bluffing is a lot better than calling in big spots."
"That's why you always look for captures first."
"Playing in the center most of the time is best. Don't get too wrapped up with flank play."
"Simplify the game if you're the stronger player, complicate it if you're the weaker player."
"Absolutely it's all about the fact they're having to attack and defend."
"You've got to know when to make adjustments."
"You want to have a plan... it still needs to have a plan."
"Wow, he had this in his hand the whole time."
"Maximizing your tradition game: focus on growth, happiness, and culture right, and then focus on faith as well as you can."
"Liberty excels at war because they tend to have more hammers, use these hammers efficiently for military units that don't go obsolete very quickly."
"We're gonna give her a unity ring because we're going to have one for ourselves and then other important gear will be primarily things that emanate."
"Are we gonna lose? Can they kill us? What can they play that would pump all these?"
"A comedic revelation that there's a gooey weakling center damaging this center is your path to victory."
"The victory, they just need to not knock it out or get any more points."
"Once you've jumped into a second town center immediately getting that second town center up is going to allow you to produce villagers which is going to make your economy boom."
"Kindly Grandmother does get run as a sticky beast."
"Druids are the ones who tap into that [healing potential] the most... With that there's so many uses that they have around the battlefield at bolstering their allies."
"Every time he said 'min raise' so far he's had the best hand."
"Maymay is someone dangerous, determined enough to get the win no matter what."
"If we kill this guy next, it'll take a lot... Yeah, if we're just sitting here watching him, that's probably not gonna be the best."
"A fog on a stick is so incredibly important in games."
"Destroyed stall once again, so happy about that."
"You dominate the king and the queen with your own king and queen."
"Your attack is stuck, if you take, I don't take, Queen f5, oh, that's just disgusting."
"Info is the greatest game changer... relay info even if that means spectating a teammate."
"I nicknamed the team composition on Twitter the Avengers because the way that they enter teamfights later and move around the map all of a sudden you just see the circle and then The Weavers wall comes right in and they just turn the tides."
"Complete disregard for opponent's counterplay."
"Things that are good to pay attention to: the sand, you can kind of see that I keep digging it over there."
"I'm really liking this, I think pawn takes and c5 is the way you gotta play."
"Survival strategies: roll a 10, evaluate your options, count the number of spaces ahead of you."
"His early game is so oppressive to play against."
"You essentially want you and that champion to have such a connection that the enemy team actually ends up banning that champion in the following lobby."
"One card in your deck that kills a player... that's a card worth playing."
"The best way to avoid dying is to put a torch under any falling blocks."
"We knew if it came to a footballing game and Spurs were maybe on cleaners on the deal, which can happen, we knew we could say ingrained and booing them along to get a result."
"When you can both do that, it's a different game."
"Sometimes I'll go with the easy way on this one... helps you justify the pick, right?"
"Gambits: Sacrifice material early for faster development."
"Activity: Control squares on your opponent's side."
"Let the game come to you, get into flow, hit the ball at the same speed that it's coming at you and no faster unless you see an opening."
"DeAndre Swift was definitively the third down back last week."
"I'm very much in favor of playing offense there."
"That's it. That's why the queen is the worst defender."
"It's usually a wide open shot because that move is so quick and your Defender is like really never expecting it."
"We're playing checkers one jump at a time, they're playing chess."
"Bishop d6 is, if I remember correctly, the best move in this position."
"The Slayer really adjusting to those hazards in the map."
"Karma always making the right play, the right ICR."
"If your opponent's just sitting there doing nothing... you need to do something or he's just going to win the cycle for free."
"Your defensive decision making will set up your offense."
"Modern day football tech exchange defensively offensively, you need to be fluid."
"If you're playing Morgana and you know the enemy jungler is cross map from you, you can just trade flash for a flash or kill."
"When you raise from later positions and get three bets you should actually continue with a wider range of hands overall."
"You can go ahead and then hold Square on that fear with the team all players need hold square on it to a beginning."
"He's highly intelligent... recognizes what's going on in terms of blocking schemes and run plays."
"Wearing a mask in Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most important things you can do in towns because it will prevent people from recognizing who you are as Arthur Morgan."
"Set traps... always look at who the most recently banished traitor voted for."
"If you are to win this game, you need to question everything."
"The only difference between a 20 kill game and a 30 kill game is finding 10 more enemies."
"These are cards that basically are saying, hey, you know what if I can't win there's something I can do to disrupt their plan."
"Erisa is the quintessential Frontline tank... she's probably the most straightforward tank in the game right now and I'd recommend her as an easy pickup for new players who want to learn how to tank in Overwatch. This is the game."
"If you wasted a turn, you're essentially generating less mana over the game."
"Once you proper threat assess do something about it don't just complain somebody's deck is stronger than yours yeah be ready to answer their stuff more than other people's which awards into action players."
"It's kind of weird like starting out in this game but you kind of get used to having like once you understand your business and what they do you kind of make like a rotation you have like a set order of abilities to keep up and then you just."
"Combat damage is going to happen in most games. 50% of knockouts are due to that."
"More than anything guys even as an average player when you struggle with early game mid game you can put yourself in a position to win end game."
"Against Wolves, if we start Daniel James on the right wing, he'll bring that directness and push their defensive line."
"When searching for pawn breaks, look for the hooks in the position."
"That's super strong and the way that you play against this isn't obvious and I really like the fact that their secrets that is that are going to cause people."
"Reinhardt, I think Reinhardt could work... if his team do follow him up, it can be really powerful."
"I think it's fine, but this holds counters really well. So maybe like just a smaller, like a three mana, one-one double striking flyer would be better. You'd like that more, yeah."
"Radiant Guardbreaker, secretly insanely good."
"What a beast of a piece of rook on the seventh."
"To beat the small stakes games for the maximum amount possible, you must get well out of line to take advantage of the things your opponents do incorrectly. You have to exploit them."
"Most players in small stakes games are deathly afraid of getting bluffed, yet they rarely bluff themselves. It's time to exploit the players who call a lot and don't really bluff a lot."
"Surprising call and probably one of many that I would expect."
"The way to beat Everton is to keep the ball on the ground and move the ball quick."
"Good pressure there, we've got Croatia penned in a bit."
"The balance of power is evening out, which is good for the defenders."
"We've got to be stronger than any neighbor early on or we could lose."
"Why is America not throwing the ball back over quicker?"
"Fnatic have good macro and are good at playing with leads."
"If a defense commits two plus penalties on a drive, 80 percent of the time it results in a touchdown."
"It's that formal three piece that really set up the... that first hill to get the rest of that time."
"I really, really, really want to go first. If I'm able to go first, I'm able to punch through that Land Raider."
"This isn't fantasy football; we're trying to win by not using our best plays."
"I definitely like the check raise here a lot."
"Just a solid supporting Pokemon reflecting light screen fake out Thunder waves playoff Sucker Punch trick lots of things you can do it does grim stall things it's a good Pokemon."
"I would keep you for Content purposes but I'm trying to win the game."
"There's definite strategy; this is not running around like Monopoly."
"If they can fine-tune it and get to that magic number mark where they find 'Okay, we need 28 seconds to get onto this B site,' with this execute I think this team could be very deadly."
"You're conceding less, you're winning more games."
"Got more and more infantry that I'm bringing down. I'm gonna upgrade more and more of them. I just need a little bit of time."
"Do you want to sneak over to the computer, hack it, and disable the turret or just go in guns blazing?"
"Fighting should be something that the players consider as like maybe a last resort because they're putting it themselves at risk."
"B4, sacrificing the pawn to activate the rook."
"Apparently we can 'door to nothingness' one of the scariest, fastest stacks in the historic format."
"Stag is actually one of the best exotics to counter attrition."
"Someone's gonna yell at us, but I think Toxic Deluge is the best board wipe in the game."
"I think Toxic Deluge all the time, all the time. Did you look at the board and go, 'What can get rid of all this?' I have one card that I know can just kill everything."
"Guarding alone is actually not enough, you need other stuff."
"This simple yet powerful rule is all about managing risk versus reward based on your team's numbers in the game."
"It's about making calculated decisions based on your team's standing in the game."
"The rams made all the difference in this case soaking up all the galleon fire."
"Touchdown opportunities are going to go way up for Fournette, reception opportunities are going to go up."
"The best way to counteract this and avoid getting scouted and positioned around is just swap your units around randomly right at the end of the round."
"Immolate, five-star favorite card to see in the early game as the ironclad."
"Freezing the lane close to your tower is very oppressive. You do not need to just shit on your laner through kills, as long as you know how to manage them."
"Just like they have for all 100 days of the zombie apocalypse."
"Efficiency right there, real efficiency. I like to see it." - Appreciating strategic play or decision-making.
"Spike just stole that bomb from that poor penguin, used it to break through the wall there."
"I think it's time to move to a 4-3 honestly. They're just, in my experience, way more effective in the game."
"Having a versatile tight end you can neutralize the defense's best pass rusher is incredibly advantageous for the offense."
"Send a diplomat to cancel your tributary arrangement with Phrygia."
"Forget map number one eigenvalde is yours oh my god oh okay so this is the antinade that set the entire thing up oh my God what is more satisfying than that I cannot name a single thing."
"Pawns are the soul of chess, be good friends with your pawns."
"Safety of your king should always be a priority."
"You want to get rid of this bishop because this off is so good on the diagonal."
"A lone pony can't really cause too much damage here."
"You take free pieces. You do not hang them yourself. And you always take them when presented. No matter what moves your opponent does, you take stock."
"Trolls should be able, even though they're taking on Troll Slayers, the trolls should be able to take these guys out."
"He made some kind of an agreement to... he got himself taken out somehow early in the game here."
"Anytime you come out with more cards than you entered, that's a win."
"It'll be the sort of Uno reverse of the situation."
"Being able to target graveyards, I think that way too much broken stuff happens in the graveyard and being able to spend a single mana to answer that is really good."
"Getting two cards for that one one token that wasn't really doing much on the board is super duper worth it."
"Chess is somehow, when we're losing, it's like a swindle, you know?"
"Special cover change against strike Arts attacks, combo with special move."
"Push hard for Quad Drive yards and just hope they don't have a massive Fleet there."
"I literally sat right there and I said if you don't vote Tommy out he's going to win."
"Every card that's not directly part of this core strategy should be something that either helps you get to the cards you do need, or shuts down the strategies that your win condition is otherwise weak to."
"After this he'll try to take on the party himself but he will always go down in just one hit."
"A slight advantage is where you're going to be the same in one of the triangles but you're going to have an advantage in another triangle."
"Are we gonna wipe out the Tychus wave with our stalkers while we're fighting under planetary range?"
"Forwards, you've got to be in the right place at the right time."
"That's the only way we're winning this game, yeah, yeah, one condition, yeah, absolutely."
"Rotation is key. I think they're talking about me leaving him out and asking whether I will put them in put him in sorry I want to actually let's give them Azor Azor go in this game."
"It's a very annoying move order. So my opening has been a success. I can just focus on kind of kicking my opponent around."
"If you know your opponent plays g6 against close Sicilian, surprise them with v4."
"What move defends a bishop and defends the g2 pawn? Yeah, Bishop f1."
"I don't want to like say nemesis op because you're not going to see a lot of nemesis but that one specific playstyle is going to be very very good."
"Bobby A plus because once you get the late game on Baba Yaga she's nuts."
"A turn four soul ring to catch up doesn't paint a Target on you the same way a turn one soul ring does."
"Discover the path to dominance, whether through diplomacy or force."
"This strategy is so frustrating but sometimes I'm able to see it for what it is and just realize it's ridiculous and yet effective."
"Emerson will get played left wing back before Paul will get."
"Nasty plot definitely has a lot of potential."
"It's like playing Risk and suddenly getting all those armies and putting them on and start moving and there ain't nothing to stop you."
"We need to find the hardest spot where my friends are never going to find. Ooh, I got an idea - what if I go up the butt? Mhm, I'll just go like right here and make a little hole and then boom, we're inside a catnap. I like it."
"What? It's in his butt? No, it is not in his butt, do not check his butt! That means it's his butt. It would be pretty funny. No, no, okay, it might be in his butt. I found it!"
"It's one of those ways that make you a better poker player: being able to see those tells."
"You need to look for ways to create imbalance in positions."
"To boost that income, we've got some building slots over here."
"We might just start engaging them while Plaggia is using her meter rifle and we can start giving them some mutagenic build-up."
"Dumping the prisoners anyways because they were slowing us down by a lot."
"That last 30 minutes, the chips were flying, everyone was entertained."
"Being suited adds considerable value to your hand."
"The twisted fate has been banned heavily against Bjergsen."
"It's not another wrong question just because, like, since, uh, since it's, like, the last 20 seconds anyways, like, if it's in the beginning of the game, I don't think it matters that much."
"shake off and intimidate and to tank a waterfall"
"I like that thought. Let's throw everything into here other than Prod 7 and put the Prod 7 on our leggings."
"We need to be playing chess and not Checkers."
"The deep zones do a great job against a lot of the popular old one-play touchdown combinations."
"This deck is going to be a bunch of things that kill all of your stuff."
"I will sacrifice my Cathar Commando to blow up Stephen's Celestias and gain a life."
"Don't ignore the towers, don't ignore any area."
"That's where I look to improve because if you look at it on the balance Cavani had two, three chances today. If we had a proper midfield, he might get four, five, six chances. He might score a hat-trick."
"Every little building placement is incredibly important here."
"Look at how they push the pace and push the ball this is how Hopkins wants to play this game it's been bad all to Chiklis."
"The fusion they're pretty much playing for the draw now."
"Far better to have a few consolidated rich provinces than 60 garbage provinces."
"Whenever I don't have the bench, they always make him start every single time."
"Panic stuns enemies for a couple seconds and it's very, very strong. Don't underrate it."
"The ban and pick phase is just as important."
"The giant crit Bowman considering they spawn on Wave 2, it's fair to assume your team won't have crit resistance."
"I know how to play the game. Maybe I don't know every answer, but I know how to win, and there's a difference between those things."
"Finally, well fortify the fortress and surprise those damned mutants."
"You can checkmate with a knight and a bishop."
"If I were Carrie I would recognize how important it is that I keep myself Maxine and AJ alive through this game."
"This is the kind of stuff that's really important if you want to play the long game."
"It's just as important to make moves that bring new troops into the game."
"I mean, they can't win like this, no, you can't keep getting away with it."
"Combo Ultimates are essential. If you combo, you will win."
"The challenges set ahead of them as they continue to improve and to level up."
"Position matters way more than it does in Hold'em because so much of the board can be represented."
"When you play PLO, you better bring the big guns."
"Be careful about the move g4; this kind of move can be incredibly difficult to stop."
"You definitely want to pick your battles, you don't want to get into a fight that's a losing battle."
"The first step to victory is always securing the relic point."
"It's just gonna force me out of my game and kind of correct those mistakes and fix those things."
"His control from his poison and his ability to disrupt enemy control by jumping on them with his super and isolating enemies allows him to become a competitive option if used properly."
"Every little ounce of damage on the opponent's base is very important."
"Yamamoto is able to think ahead of the game and knows exactly what his objective is and how to achieve it."
"The rogue idol is gonna be brilliant for dealing with the dwarfs."
"If you want to help the tight end be a better password Jason, throw a couple screens out there then the defensive end gets nervous to rush."
"You know they've come out in games, electrifying attack, attack, attack, and very negative, very hesitant here on the semi-final stage."