
Trading Card Games Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"He feels like he has three heads... they really designed this card well. Kudos to Wizards for designing this card."
"Atraxa becomes an 8/8 flying, vigilance, deathtouch, lifelink that proliferates at your end step."
"The shame is the game actually looks kind of fun and very well could be a good TCG."
"The best thing by far in this set was Borrelsword Dragon."
"I like that when you open a pack that's legal and standard you're not just getting standard cards anymore in Brawl adds yet another format to that formula."
"It was a pretty good year for Magic: The Gathering... especially when you compare it to the tumultuous 2020 and 2019."
"Yo, we'll take it! Polly Toad Hollow hit! How did I even forget this with this set?"
"Dimension Fusion, however, is an S tier. This card is just absolutely absurd."
"Elder Entity Norden, A tier. Being able to generate a single rank 4 just by itself was responsible for so many different FTKs and loops."
"Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!, A tier. This was Pot of Greed that was legal at three for about a year or so."
"Grass Looks Greener, A tier. There should be no card in the game that allows you to mill a third of your deck."
"Masterpiece, A tier. The fact that it's impervious to two of the three main card types in the game when you tribute summon it, it can pop stuff at quick effect speed, and its attack power is gigantic."
"Yugioh is the biggest card game in the world."
"The introduction of the duelist genesis and the introduction of synchro monsters."
"Mask Change: The card that allowed this whole archetype to function."
"Mask Change: it's simultaneously an easier fusion summon card that provides protection and allows you to play more offensively."
"Master Dark Law: Easily the best hero monster overall and one of the best fusion monsters in the game."
"Master Acid: Being able to wipe out all of your opponent's spell and traps on summon is definitely the most impactful immediate effect of all the master of monsters."
"Despite being somewhat difficult to bring out, the Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon takes number 10 spot on this list due to its strength as a card and because it saw a minor amount of competitive play during 2016."
"This is actually a solid hit, we finally got something good out of a turbo pack!"
"I want cards that win the game or are going to be super valuable in the long run."
"The rarest and arguably most powerful card in the entire game is the Black Lotus."
"This was so fun, yeah, thank you so much. This was really a great time showing a new person how to play the Pokémon TCG."
"Cosmic Eclipse, one of the biggest sets in Pokemon TCG history."
"I think there's something really exciting and engaging about real-world TCGs that anime, for the dozens of attempts that it's made, has never properly tapped into."
"Getting very real reprints in these Commander decks."
"Mother of Runes is sitting at $6 right now. It's been a little bit since a reprint, but when it is on board, you feel Unstoppable."
"Alter of dementia is going to be the best sack outlet you have."
"I do plan to do more deck profiles I want to do top 10s or top fives of different things you know for TCG's and whatnot and I think that'll be really fun"
"It's so funny like you look back and tell people that Blue-Eyes was like the best deck for like a few weeks and like people just laugh right."
"What a pull! Skyridge coming through with the goods right now."
"This is probably the most exciting card I've seen in the expansion so far."
"Return of the Dragon Lords, this card is the absolute nuts."
"The blue eyes white dragon is absolutely the most well-known Yu-Gi-Oh card ever."
"Maiden with eyes of blue, a level one light tuner which was able to summon blue eyes from anywhere."
"White Stone of Legend, a monster that could search the original blue eyes white dragon."
"Vampire Ghost in the house, that is a good card."
"Master of Chaos, probably one of my favorite cards in the set."
"Illusion of Chaos, literally the card I wanted the most out of the entire set."
"Invasion of Chaos was my favorite set, now Battle of Chaos is my favorite."
"Incredible card, man, the new Synchro Ford Sorcerer."
"What a box, you guys, this was insane, this was awesome."
"The Yu-Gi-Oh anime is a good stepping stone for those who want to get into the TCG."
"Rotating formats could solve Yu-Gi-Oh's popularity problem."
"The most important aspect of Maher’s deck, though, is this card."
"Cadabra to this day has not been printed as a TCG card since the English Skyridge expansion in 2003, undoubtedly due to avoiding further litigation from Uri Geller about this issue."
"We got a Gardevoir EX, first pack, first pack for copper, let's go."
"The king of games is here. This is the yu-gi-oh card everybody wants, this is the chase card everybody wants."
"Many Magic the Gathering players today who still maybe don't remember a time before secret layers is shocking to me."
"Yup, it's one of the strongest cards ever printed."
"Dark Magician girl's card artwork has seen many variations throughout the years."
"Eric with the one pack magic, Stelix is speaking to us today."
"For any beginners out there, I recommend you just go to your local game store and ask to see their Pokémon starter decks."
"Number one is Spark Double, it goes up 42 to 620."
"One of the most important aspects of trading card games is giving the player an apt freedom of expression."
"As if you get those pulls out of four boxes in the ETB. ETBs are so dodgy though, like, I've seen such good openings."
"Wow, we're gonna be able to make that deck from these two boxes we have here combined with our first box high-speed riders that we open, this is crazy."
"Let's go, double trouble baby, let's go, this has got to be a Blastoise in one of these packs, there has to be, there has to be!"
"He's like 10 times better than the original Shield."
"Like a ton of cards before it and after it on this list, Bloodghast is amazing in graveyard and Aristocrat decks."
"Hagra Mauling: This card is literally never dead in your hand."
"Soul Shatter: A card that's easier to cast and doesn't target, killing each opponent's most relevant creature 90% of the time."
"Damnation: Just wrath of God in black but it turns out that's huge for its playability."
"Nether Traitor: It'll double your death triggers or sacrificing and it can contribute to some combos involving penniless plunderer or forexing altar too."
"Dictate of Erebos: If dictator of Erebos isn't answered, you really can't lose the game to creature decks."
"Grim Haruspex: Pair the two together and you can draw extra cards whenever you want."
"Wow, Neo Space Ultimate Rare, that is something you want to get graded."
"Oh my God, bro, I can't believe that. See, that's what I'm talking about. There wasn't even a hollow in that pack and you literally just pulled out the craziest card in the entire opening so far."
"Oh my God, we just one-upped the greatest pack. We just one-upped the greatest pack. Charizard Hollow and Gyarados reverse, oh my God, dude!"
"Mine Crush is one of the best cards ever released in Yu-Gi-Oh."
"Gorz is one of the most well-designed cards out there."
"Scholars with a burning desire for knowledge would be like placing a dragon-themed deck from genius invocation TCG in front of him."
"One of the best packs of the day, possibly the best."
"That's actually probably one of the best packs tonight so far."
"Chaos has to be one of the most fan favorite decks in yugioh of all time."
"Light Of Destruction was a big set back in the day, a lot of people were playing it in 2008 when they said they're reprinting it, people were going crazy like oh wow that's amazing."