
Gaming Diversity Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"That's what I love when a format is so diverse that we get to see a variety like we saw today."
"As great as Super Mario World is, it's always a plus to have an endurance-based arcade game to hop over to for some variety."
"This is very exciting, and it's really cool to see someone playing a character that we don't often see be so successful."
"I really do believe that increasingly, indie titles represent this sort of palette cleanser when you find yourself overwhelmed by the worst excesses of the industry."
"The biggest thing I took away from this video was the fact that Square Enix, while known as this JRPG juggernaut, does in fact have quite a few franchises outside the genre, most of which I'd say are decently ambitious and unique."
"This game seems to have its own sandbox mode but also a campaign."
"I think in the long run we want the diversity of the different classes and specs to be a strength of the game and not a source of frustration for players."
"Every single faction feels completely unique."
"New Vegas added a same gender version of the perk so you could play as a gay character or you could take both."
"VR is not a gimmick, there's an awful lot going for both the five and the oculus in core gaming as well as new and original genres."
"Playlist diversity and recent maps and modes are critical factors."
"I think that WoW in Final Fantasy, especially WoW, does a great job at catering to so many different types of play styles."
"Literally something here for everyone there was Mario Pikmin Zelda Mario Kart tons of other cool little RPGs tons of cool little third-party games."
"The core experience is a lot of fun, but ultimately it's the diversity that provides longevity."
"Every game has everything. I love it. I love when games don't have identity and don't try to make things, they just do everything else that's already been done."
"I'm definitely gonna start playing a lot more random games."
"So much fun. I love the diversity of games we have here."
"Everyone's gonna have really different games when you think about it."
"Her boss is Master Hand because it could really be Ganon or Dracula."
"Runescape dominates MMORPGs because there are many ways to play the game, and none of them are wrong."
"We could have a healthier, diverse ecosystem of the game."
"Man, the more good games that exist, the better."
"There's just lots of possibility for lots of little niche factions: hunters, bards, alchemists, blacksmiths, merchants, cults, enchanters, pirates, necromancers, you name it."
"The fact that Minecraft as a game can be so fundamentally basic but still so diverse and complicated in so many different ways is so good."
"Every character has something that makes them unique."
"We all have such different tastes in games that ultimately no matter what I say and how objective it may be, we just game differently."
"Renown is going to come from all those different things you do and each Zone has one."
"The Retro-Bit Generations was not limited by one console's game catalog."
"There were so many good games this year that my guess is you just haven't heard of them."
"It's an extreme sports game but it's so much more. It's an adventure RPG with skill-based gameplay and an engaging story."
"You are likely to see a bit more army variety and more fluffy choices."
"As it stands right now, there are like five solid MMO options."
"Difference is the key; we shouldn't try to change unique games."
"If it's working in 8 or 9 out of 10 ways, cherish it."
"I think it's important to underline the fact that the competitive mode is not the only mode."
"A big part of what makes the Grand Theft Auto series such a favorite is the sheer variety of activities you can do."
"We all had fresh experiences that unfolded differently."
"There's always something in Rainbow six siege for every kind of player."
"This is truly cementing, I think, hearthstone as a diverse strategy game platform."
"Absolutely, 110%, we do need something that isn't World of Warcraft."
"I think it's awesome and it speaks to the amazing diversity we see in games today."
"Different people play the same game for different reasons."
"It's like a wonderful game of just so many people are going to play it a huge different ways."
"We're really close to the most diverse meta we've ever had."
"The world big enough for a bunch of different kind of games."
"Lots of the major nations have mission trees... so none of them will be boring."
"There are so many different ways to play and enjoy and love this game."
"Black Desert is an open world sandbox MMORPG. There are tons of things to do."
"Indie games are where it's at if you're feeling a little exhausted with mainstream games."
"The game gives you several different weapon types to experiment with."
"As promised, a massive set of games spread across all sorts of strategy management sim and tactical RPG genres."
"There's some nice variety in here - meters, there's some high damage low fire rate, there's some high fire rate low damage, you've got the hybrid MTAR and you have the Ripper which is a complete hybrid."
"Don't worry, I will be playing other games in the next stream."
"The wide variety of characters is what sells the game."
"Making things that significantly make playing a beast race a different experience."
"Every month had something to play, the Nintendo switch had a great year and many titles delightfully surprised."
"I'm going to play every faction... every race at some point."
"We wanted to push that diversity so when you guys play it, it feels like an interesting experience."
"Plenty of games in here, all different styles."
"Rec Room isn't for everyone but there is stuff in there for everyone."
"They nailed it. They had a really solid variety of games."
"Finally, something from the weird and wonderful modpack."
"We want weapons to feel diverse even if they share the same damage type."
"This one's got both competitive pvp and co-op pve so there's something for everyone here."
"You got Total War: Warhammer 3, demons, Age of Empires 4... what more could you love?"
"If you want a two-person ship and I want a 20-person ship with a lot of talkative people and the game caters to both of us, that's solid."
"It's kind of a testament to the diversity, the versatility of Hunter and the movement, the fact that Hunter is well represented in any PvP meta." - Ill Physics
"No matter what kind of gamer you are, there's something for you on the switch."
"Magic is by far one of the most diverse skills in the entire game."
"It's not just all combat melee - the game is broken up into other types of gameplay that keep it fresh."
"It would have been awesome to have a Rhythm Heaven character in Smash Brothers."
"It was like staring right into the face of God, and waiting for it to blink."
"Sony has all the dad games. Microsoft needs to come out with some mom games to make up for this." - Jason
"Not all games need these things. There's no winners in Animal Crossing for example, but there's creative expression, there's skill involved, there's choices to be made."
"I think it would be really nice to see a non Mario or link character get the spotlight again and get like a full 10th hole game treatment."
"For all those people that have long awaited the normal battle royale game... blackout is a nice change to the same routine."
"Everyone plays Minecraft differently; it's like life, but in a game."
"Variety in maps is essential for shaking things up."
"Because that support is how we’re gonna boost other RPGs, and get more players curious about the wide world of tabletop games outside of just Dungeons & Dragons--which as a game, I still love by the way!"
"I'm a firm supporter of champion diversity I think it's cool to see these wacky pics like ziggs adc or tryndamere mid because it keeps the game interesting"
"Honestly, whether you're looking to play a game on your own, looking to play a co-op or head-to-head game with a buddy, or looking for an extremely active multiplayer battle scene, Warhammer 2 will have you covered for a long time."
"It's very interesting to see those unique things from both bedrock and java."
"All your favorite builds from previous ARPG titles, they're here on one of these characters somewhere."
"At the end of the day, I'm actually pretty impressed with this little device. For under seventy dollars, it comes pre-loaded with over 30,000 games from all sorts of systems from around the globe, and they're tailor-made for you."
"In a world we're getting a lot of these samey kind of games, I don't mind when we get something weird and different."
"There's a good amount of character variety in this game."
"I'm definitely open to that because it's variety. That's what Xbox is trying to do, they're trying to do all these genres at the same time and that's fantastic."
"Variety is not really variety if it's just shooters. Try different stuff."
"Ganondorf and Bowser's inclusions were partially a response to a lack of villains in the Smash Bros roster."
"I'm also gonna experiment with other different types of racing games."
"From a professional perspective, you also want to see some like Variety in the gameplay as well."
"Absolute freedom of choice. Different game modes that are definitely 5 stars."
"Overall, I'm genuinely pleased with the diversity of playstyles and uniqueness of each character."
"The sheer variety of ways that you can destroy things is fantastic."
"Are we really doing this? I mean, anime gaming's typically our stick, but Magic the Gathering, a card game of all things."
"I like the idea of having thought-provoking games, I like the just games that are a little bit unique."
"Each campaign has unique maps, troops, weapons, and all kinds of various historical details to unlock and play in."
"Together we can change this so that the games young people play finally reflects the diverse gamers that play them."
"Yes, we have over 2700 games spanning across over 40 different consoles."