
Cosmic Quotes

There are 593 quotes

"Part of the appeal with these grand cosmic plots is that they are meant to feel beyond our comprehension."
"There lies a hidden interwoven thread, a Cosmic Symphony that connects the vastness of space to the depths of our Consciousness."
"Guardians promptly opens up the cosmic side of the MCU and introduces us to a new ragtag team of intergalactic outcasts and outlaws."
"It's like she's floating, yeah, floating in water. My god, it's full of stars."
"Pillar 43 is about cosmic geography... the path from the physical mundane world into the sky world."
"In an evolving Universe, why shouldn't the laws themselves evolve?"
"You're not alone. I'm picking up what the universe is throwing down as well."
"Unleash powerful if unpredictable blasts of cosmic energy."
"We need to have millions of people going out under the desert and making contact with these civilizations, equivalent of a cosmic denial of service to these classified projects."
"The cosmic battle most of us are unaware is going on around us."
"We are minuscule matter in a world of cosmic dust."
"This is likely a barely held together dust bunny from the very beginning of this solar system."
"We're in an absolute period of time where the heavens are shaking."
"Oh my fucking god, all the stars in the night sky are exploding."
"Cosmic Encounter trusts self-balancing mechanisms."
"Galactus is a cosmic force, so they might need a cosmic force to fight him, so hear me out: Marvel could try doing the Phoenix."
"And just before the last woodcrafter closes her eyes, she sees glimpses of a cosmic story she can’t understand."
"Humanity's triumphs shine brighter than the darkest of cosmic voids."
"Raven people do not fear the darkness; the vast unknown is their storehouse of cosmic forces."
"Night, day, it's all okay. The choice is yours, a cosmic buffet."
"Eros was thought of as a cosmic force of nature."
"The Phoenix Force possesses limitless cosmic energy and is one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe."
"I was in the presence of the most intelligent and powerful force in this universe and beyond."
"This connection is absolutely written in the stars."
"Their union becomes a crucible for birthing sacred innovations that advance humanity's cosmic understanding."
"The moon began to grow bigger and bigger, spurting fireballs."
"So, what would happen if you fell into a magnetar?"
"As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul."
"The dharma of the universe, like the sun's point of view of things."
"Stardust does not worry... it simply sparkles."
"Dark Star is a multi-purpose weapon created with the essence of a fading star."
"It's better than it feels better angels of cosmic revolution thank you honey thank you it just has that feeling of like it's you was waiting on something."
"I think we are all contributing to that huge cosmic fabric in every generation of life."
"You will have a profound view of the universe."
"We're not even talking about a universe that stretches far and wide and is never ending..."
"Let’s set off into the unknown and see what awaits us among the stars…"
"We are the messengers of the cosmos we just have to listen."
"You are an extension of the universe itself; stardust runs through your veins, and galaxies swirl in your soul."
"When I look to the night sky, I am reminded of the Cosmic Love of the universe guiding my thoughts and actions."
"Despite the looming cosmic destruction, the film argues these moments matter, these memories hold weight."
"The psyche... is endowed with the dignity of a cosmic principle."
"So what is Legends about? Well, Legends is one of those... cosmic entities deciding that they were going to settle a wager or bet by playing with the lives of us mere mortals."
"There were correspondences or that there was some sort of sympathy between things that were happening in the heavens and things happening on Earth."
"The energies of the Star Brand enveloped the Earth, causing a blinding light which became known as the White Event."
"I love Moons and stars, anything like lunar related."
"There's something deeply sacred and cosmic about this connection."
"Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once a part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving; maybe I'm going home."
"Making your own star shenanigans could genuinely be happening literally at the core of the planet itself."
"The anti-life equation is an exact opposite and equal to the life equation, which is only half of the Source."
"I am your Cosmic advisor, your bestie on the internet."
"The outer beings are perhaps the most marvelous organic things in or beyond all space and time."
"Even the stars can't deny this is real."
"All of us hold within our being the wisdom of the cosmos."
"He is creator and curator, carefully plotting the movement of the stars and the streams of time."
"You're not here due to complete randomness; you're here because there is cosmic purpose."
"There is an alternative reality that does exist, other dimensions, no space, no time, universal cosmic energies and wisdoms and truths that are beyond our comprehension."
"I think we're all made of star stuff."
"I felt, in my visions, a cosmic and abysmal loneness."
"The Stars danced joyously celebrating my defeat anchoring me in the cosmos so I may never forget my place within it"
"The Clarion call has sounded and you have awoken to answer this cosmic homecoming."
"Cogia smiled. 'I believe in you, Ashura,' she then faded into the light that passed back to the stars from which she came."
"Things of inconceivable shape they implied had reared Towers to the sky and delved into every secret of nature."
"The Watcher Oatu was forced to break his vow upon discovering a variant of Ultron."
"The Celestials are the oldest race of deities in the entire universe."
"The franchise continues to expand into Parts Unknown and today I wanted to talk directly about just how powerful the cosmic side of things really are."
"Ego, The Living Planet, was a primordial and powerful being, unsuccessful in his attempt to reimagine the universe by causing an extinction-level event called the expansion."
"The Celestials, responsible for the Big Bang and for creating all of existence throughout the cosmos, are the most powerful Cosmic gods in all of the MCU."
"Eternity, existing since before the beginning of Time, is a powerful Cosmic entity and representation of the universe with unlimited control over reality."
"Every single act in the Bible corresponds to a cosmic process and the development of humanity."
"Very cosmic album but that doesn't take away from the brilliance of the album."
"What causes that? Who can tell? Every once in a while a star and the people on it turns to cosmic dust."
"As the universe is getting hotter Cosmic radiation is getting stronger not so good for life on Earth."
"I've titled the message 'The Crucifixion: A Cosmic Singularity.'"
"Our Story begins with a violent and colorful ending, a supernova explosion. In this spectacular celestial fireworks display, the death of a massive star gives rise to something extraordinary."
"Miles Morales also fused with the Enigma Force to become a Captain Universe granting him all kinds of cosmic energy."
"Cosmic Ghost Rider was born after Frank Castle Ghostwriter came across an injured Galactus and agreed to be his Herald."
"...if you're a fan of anything cosmic in the Marvel Universe, whether it's the cinematic universe or the comics, this is really where all the origins came from."
"The power Cosmic allows one access to a near infinite pool of knowledge."
"It just felt so cosmic and stunning and really unlike any other magnetic polish I own."
"...to stand against the lord of the stars and seas and land, the ruler of the universe, Chronos."
"Entire star systems were rearranged, their celestial dance rewritten to align with some inscrutable cosmic plan."
"You guys are downloading stuff from the universe."
"They were not just explorers or warriors anymore; they were part of something greater, a cosmic dance of creation and destruction, light and darkness."
"The cosmic side of Marvel would continue to expand in the following years."
"You are expansive, composed of stardust, water, and light."
"I am all devouring death and I am the generating principle of all that is yet to be."
"Sometimes in appealing to the cosmic by asking questions and then listening to the still Small Voice Within, we find the true wealth that is available to us already."
"Jupiter is involved. The Universe has your back."
"One of the two most often desired gifts from the cosmic is perhaps that of money, actual cash. The other is health."
"As you're entering this new energy field, there's this surrounding energy of everything that is going on in the cosmos that might want to interact with you."
"Life is what, a series of petals fluttering onto a pond, rippling into starlight? A cosmic dance of infinite possibilities."
"You're connected to cosmic intelligence, blending seamlessly with this world."
"Captain Marvel flew through the Sun at the end and lit it up again."
"Our souls speak a language that is beyond human understanding, a connection so rare the universe won't let us part."
"Let these cosmic revelations be the guiding stars in your journey of connections."
"Try to imagine the universe as this giant cosmic playground."
"Prepare to embark on a cosmic journey."
"You're the brightest thing in the galaxy. You're the brightest thing in the universe. Maybe you're here to light up the cosmos."
"You are dancing with the universe."
"Star seeds are cosmic beings sent here for a specific reason."
"You are the wind, death, fire, water, Moon, father, and grandfather of the Universe."
"Know that you are a child of the cosmos. The intelligence of the universe lies within you."
"Death is almost the oldest creature in the universe."
"Imagine living a life seemingly ordinary, only to discover that you are part of a unique group of souls known as star seeds."
"That fusion crust is being degraded. It's a slow continual process of constantly breaking down that fusion crust."
"You're a Divine being who shapes the universe."
"We all love time-lapse videos of the stars moving across the sky, but really we are the ones who are tumbling through the universe on a giant wet rock vehicle called earth with a windshield called the sky."
"The cosmic egg: completion of a difficult cycle and moving into a new spiritual journey."
"There's a battle in the heavens, and the church has a role to play."
"It was a true foray into the cosmic side of things with characters who actually felt like losers at times."
"You are a child of the cosmos, okay? And the cosmos, the cosmic forces favor you, alright?"
"I love the part of seventh from the moon."
"The constitution of the universe is within us."
"If we can harness enough cosmic energy, we can trap the void wraiths."
"Art has never not been here. It's part of a cosmic force no greater or lesser important than religion, economics, philosophy, anything. It's part of the whole ball of wax."
"They're literally throwing planets at each other."
"The universe is very old and all of us very young, born of ancient stardust and all children of the heavens."
"That was a Celestial; it just took down the whole planet!"
"There comes a time when all the cosmic tumblers have clicked into place and the universe opens itself up for a few seconds to show you what's possible."
"Life began and thrived always in Balance. So erisham is like God essentially until an unnatural species of Predator emerged from the deep space to feed on intelligent life. They were known as deviants, the universe was plunged into chaos."
"You are a singular manifestation of a cosmic unfolding."
"Great light that fills all the cosmos, flow thou fully to man."
"Mighty beyond words is the flame of the cosmic, hanging in planes unknown to man, speaking with music, singing with color."
"The void is a wound in the universe, a tear in the very fabric of existence."
"The universe had suddenly expanded not outward into the void, but inward into the depth of understanding and empathy between two souls from distant worlds."
"Water is the great cosmic cocktail mixer."
"I was the sound, that beautiful sound of Om, which is not even like anybody can do here on earth, that ultimate sound of creation. It's the sound of love."
"We're literally made of stardust that is compressed into form... we are all of that."
"They are like Cosmic emissaries here to guide, heal, and elevate humanity's collective consciousness."
"The whole universe is permeated by spirit."
"No, Galactus. You are part of this universe like I am, and you will continue to destroy planets."
"It feels like something's about to happen cosmically. This was it."
"Some things don't have simple answers," Clint responded. "All I know is that somewhere out there in the vast expanse above us, there's something we were never meant to see."
"We each have a cosmic role to play."
"You are part of this infinite space with problems that are small in comparison."
"There is no one like you, you are galactic."
"The cosmic scale is so enormous that individual planets and stars seem to be only microscopic specks of dust against its background."
"Galaxies like raisins in a rising loaf of raisin bread."
"The cosmic wristwatch, it is time for you to do this."
"The music of the spheres is more beautiful than we can imagine."
"Why the purpose of the Universe: It's a defense of cosmic purpose by which I simply mean the idea that there is some kind of fundamental goal-directedness at the basic level of reality."
"When you say the two words 'cosmic war,' you have my full attention."
"Nova is an incredibly cool character and one of the pinnacles of the cosmic sphere of heroes."
"It's going to allow us to understand every phase of cosmic history for the last 13 and a half billion years."
"The stars quaked with the cataclysmic eruption of psychic energy marking the opening of The Great Rift."
"Your energy is like otherworldly, here on Earth but connected to the cosmos."
"Cosmic disturbance something happens to the sun moon and stars."
"A cosmic perspective... has a way of humbling the human ego... taking you out of the center of all conversation, out of the center of motion, time, space."
"This is all the will of the cosmos."
"The show does a really good job showing off what makes the cosmic side of Marvel so unique."
"The Peter Parker who could operate on a cosmic level."
"Yog-sothoth is the gate. Yog-sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are in Yog-sothoth."
"'It feels like flying but maybe we're dying, a cosmic confluence of pyramids.'"
"There is a power in the human mind, if developed and focused, that can move stars and planets."
"I vow to make the beauty echo throughout the universe."
"We are not simply in the universe, we are part of it. We are born from it. One might even say that the universe has empowered us here in our small corner of the cosmos to figure itself out. And we have only just begun."
"Astrological magic helps us reappreciate and participate in the cosmic drama."
"All actions and reactions are the crests and troughs of the cosmic wave."
"Galactus, the ravager of galaxies."
"General economy is marked by cosmic and by extension biological superabundance."
"The week is elevated to being cosmic and divine within Judaism."
"Welcome to the cosmic campground. It's celestial, it's interstellar, it's astronomical."
"Rick revealed the existence of a sleeping God and planned to kill him."
"...we're Spiritual Beings having a physical experience and this is a temporal thing temporal in time and this is temporary our true higher selves are in a whole another dimension."
"The intricacies of this Cosmic ballet invite us to question."
"...this volume really shows Thor going into outer space."
"...it's pretty interesting because Thor really ties heavily into the cosmic universe."
"that love could encapsulate not only the world but the whole universe"
"It is his belief that the being he attributes as ‘The Stranger’ will sunder the entire galaxy."
"...we have the will of the Universe on our side."
"You are the universe in miniature but in full operation."
"All these things are part of a cosmic reaction upon the body, but the light locked within that body is immortal, eternal, and inevitably destined."
"The Quran holds up a mirror upwards, reflecting cosmic divine realities."
"In the beginning was the relationship. It all starts with a cosmic relationship."
"Your beauty embodies a cosmic look."
"Cosmic Iron Man, joining up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, going on adventures, having a great time."
"It's a stone that literally fell from the sky. It has this very cosmic energy."
"If thor can take the power cosmic away from galactus then it means thor can manipulate the power of cosmic in its entirety."
"Thor flies into the cosmic deity's body itself."
"It's thanks to the abilities afforded to him through all that cosmic energy."
"We are made of star stuff and sometimes star stuff tastes pretty dang good."
"Show the cosmos the full extent of your remarkable power." - A call to embrace one's potential.
"Surely it is here upon this world that the cosmic balance will tip in his favor once more."
"It's only God playing all the parts."
"Saturn's ring particles have a wide size range spanning from minuscule icy grains resembling dust to substantial fragments comparable in size to houses."
"Somewhere in our universe a devastating explosion could be wiping out an entire star system right now."
"the story thus far with its vast Cosmic scope and detailed depiction of the Heavenly hierarchy sets to Stage for an exploration into the more enigmatic and controversial aspects of angelic existence"
"Reality as we know it becomes just one pixel in a vast cosmic screen lost among the infinite possibilities."
"Human beings are engaged in the cosmic process as participants."
"Until next time, everyone, and remember, stay cosmic."
"You just gotta join that Cosmic orgy, like there's no place to go."
"Yeah cosmic ghost rider provides it oh okay yeah that's exactly what it is yeah just he's like his driver his butler his cook all into one exactly."
"A solar system within our solar system just outside the orbit of Pluto."
"The awakening, the turning inside out of all values, the newness, the emptiness, and the purity of vision that make themselves evident provide a glimpse of the cosmic dance."
"The Silver Surfer: 'This Intergalactic superhero uses his skills to Traverse the Galaxy and thanks to his shiny metal body, he always looks cool while doing it.'"
"Earth-centric, but cosmic angle holds answers."
"Their energy is magical, like it's cosmic... cosmically orgasmic."
"What if we live in a cosmic superconductor?"
"Cosmic awareness is the ability to know everything that's going on in the universe at that particular point in time."
"The player seeks to play out the cosmic dance."