
Heresy Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"One of the great side benefits of heresy throughout church history is that heresy always forces the church to greater precision and clarity about what we do believe and what the Bible teaches."
"Heresy always forces the church to greater precision and clarity about what we do believe and what the Bible teaches."
"Shabtaitzvi's movement, or Sabbatianism, is considered one of the most momentous heresies in the history of religion."
"The quickest way to get into heresy is to take a text out of context."
"Athanasius worked endlessly to defeat the Arian heresy."
"Who's a heretic I admire? Frederick Douglass."
"There can be no greater heresy! Let him be an example for ALL who would break our covenant!"
"These doctrines all bind under the pain of mortal sin, so if you reject them then not only do you commit an act of heresy but it's actually morally sinful."
"If you're having a knee-jerk reaction, 'No, that's heresy, that's not the way the tabernacle was, it was a box,' all I could say is, look, it's the mark of an intelligent mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
"The accusation of heresy is often used as a weapon by those wishing to gain power over others."
"The heresy of the day becomes the occult, and the church does have the power to crush it and bring people out of it."
"The Works-based gospel is heresy and anyone who preaches it is a heretic period."
"If you're not human and don't worship the Emperor, then you are the enemy, a heretic, and must be exterminated; diplomacy is almost not a thing for the Imperium."
"The formal declaration by the church that someone is a heretic is a legal ruling."
"Orthodox Christians remained faithful to the word of God and defended and expounded Christian teaching such as the Trinity and Christ's Incarnation against all heresy."
"The media sees their jobs as policing heresy, not discovering truth."
"The religious world thinks that's heresy and they want to hang you for it, but the Bible says that I'm righteous and I can't be righteous and be a sinner at the same time."
"With more love means more heresy and with more heresy means I don't know more good times."
"Pray the rosary every day; it is the weapon against all heresies."
"Amen, anyone that says three separate and distinct, you're a liar, that's a lie."
"They just accused her of heresy with no evidence because it was a lie."
"Why is Bethel dangerous? Why is Bill Johnson and the New Apostolic Reformation heretical?"
"If there is suspicion of heresy, a general counsel must be gathered together"
"You don't have major heresy trials in the Latin West from about 600 to about 12200."
"Heresy is the pertinacious denial or doubting by a baptized person of a truth that must be believed with divine and Catholic faith."
"It's possible to deny a truth of faith without realizing it, and then you're a material heretic."
"So forgive me if I am beating a dead horse, but heresy is important because of its impact in shaping the church through controversy."
"Civil religion being a corruption of the biblical faith is a heresy."
"True Heretics reject Humanity's oldest lie they refuse to be traditionalists."
"...parliament associated this revolt with the presence of Wycliffe's Bible and declared the publication of the Bible in English to be an act of heresy punishable by death."
"There's no greater heresy than to take a truth and make it the truth."
"Is this what's called heresy in religious terms I think it is in secular terms it's certainly the most stunning arrogance."
"You have to warn them that they are headed for eternal judgment. You have to warn them that they are trapped in a lying heresy. You have to warn them that they are worshiping Satan, they’re worshiping a demonic substitute for the true God and the true Christ."
"Protecting the people from your heresy supersedes all."
"They've taken the concept of internal heresy and improperly set it up as an opposite to public heresy."
"Is there a such thing as heretical theology? Absolutely. When you look at the rooting and attacking of anti-semitism in Christian theology, this rejection of Jews, that has Christian origins."
"We have no lack of heresies in our day. Would we know what to measure them next to?"
"False prophets introduce heresy and lead people away from Yahweh."
"It's really, really hard to be a good heretic."
"Most American Christians are actually heretics."
"...that they have not founded a new church but they are using the structures of the church in order to promote their heresy that is the situation that we're in..."
"The pursuit of heresy had ended. The pursuit of enlightenment could now begin."
"Indifferentism about Doctrine is the mother of all heresies."
"For there must also be heresies among you."
"No one has succeeded in demonstrating that Zwingli acted as a heretic."
"And it's condemned heresy literally it's pelagianism it's just thinking that you are climbing toward god by your own strength and power, I earned my salvation."
"Every heretic has made a mistake in logic."
"People who publicly impose a false religion are public heretics."
"Be a good student yourself of scripture so that you can know what is true from what is heresy."
"...what it does mean however is that you were able to clearly as an elder discern between what is true doctrine and what is heresy."
"Long ago, it was said that God would permit heresies to come in so they would drive us to our knees and cause us to study the Word of God."
"Anything you put above Jesus becomes damnable heresy."
"I love this about heresy, it's saying no one won the battle, but who won the war of attrition."
"If you do not affirm the true humanity of Christ, you are a heretic."
"The great Creeds and confessions of the church were made necessary by the articulation of heresy."
"Every heresy is one aspect of the truth pushed to the exclusion of all others."
"If a Catholic worships the Pope, they're not Catholic, they're a heretic."
"I entirely reject the heretical misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to another different from the one which the church held previously."
"When you're going to be a heretic, invent the test that the authorities are using so you know how to find a way around them."
"The Holy Spirit guarantees that the Pope will not teach heresy."
"Gnosticism: condemned as heresy, yet offering insights into early Christian movements."
"Understanding the role of the Blessed Mother theologically helps to destroy heresies not only about her but about Christ and about God."
"The greatest form of heresy is hypocrisy."
"The most dramatic of these events can surely only be the Horus Heresy itself."
"There is never fire without smoke, and the smokes of heresy choked the people of England."
"They will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them."
"One of the reasons why I like heresy so much is the extremes."
"Biblical fundamentalism, a literal reading of the scriptures of the Christian Church, is in the last analysis a Gentile heresy."
"A man may be a heretic in the truth; and if he believe things only because his pastor says so, or the Assembly so determines, without knowing other reason, though his belief be true, yet the very truth he holds becomes his heresy."
"Yesterday's prophet is today's heretic when the church changes its mind."
"Heresies always begin with the idea that Jesus isn't really who he said he was, or we're not saved in the way that the gospel says we're saved."
"The greatest threat to the early church was not atheism, it was gnosticism."
"Be there as many heresies as stars in the sky, each single one is no less dangerous."
"The spirit will intervene and prevent the church from collectively, unanimously agreeing on heresy."
"Every orthodoxy is based on the orthodoxy of the previous generation; in the same way, every heresy is based on a heresy in the previous generation."
"This sword is a holy Relic made for slaying heretics like them."
"All heresy, all heretical views of the scripture, are a failure to rightly divide the Bible and put the Bible in its own context."
"But perhaps what we're seeing is how they became invisible, continuing as a heresy, chiseling codes and symbols, and passing their message forward through the centuries."
"The spirit of antichrist is anyone that does not confess Christ in the flesh."
"Demons are basically sitting around cooking up heresies, cults, and false teachings, and they dupe people into believing it."
"...heretic is anyone who denies any fundamental doctrine of the creed."
"Innocent III always stressed, however, that the connections between the failure of the clergy were the real reasons for the emergence of heresy."
"Heresy and revolution or rebellion went together."
"Here was a heretic they took turns in testing him with their own Orthodoxy."