
Faith Journey Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Community is essential for growth, and surrounding yourself with believers and engaging in Bible study groups can significantly impact your faith journey."
"The Lord has brought you to this place and he's brought you this far because he wants to show His glory."
"Any of us are searching for the truth, and that's all I want. I just want the truth. God is the truth, so I'm going to follow Him wherever He leads me."
"My Christian life unfolded as I was just living my life, my normal life, and in the normal course of life, questions emerged that exceeded my secular feminist worldview."
"I'm doing life with Jesus, no parole. I'm on death row. And I feel good about it."
"The revelations have the eloquence of a majestic symphony, guiding us through the tumultuous journey of faith."
"I feel as though the fact that I'm taking the walk with God that he wants me to take with him it's the reason why I be in place regardless if I want a man or a woman."
"As long as you keep walking in faith on him, that script will play out. Don't worry about how it is right now. When the twist comes, everything will fall into place."
"May you walk in His divine assurance that the miracle is on its way."
"Trusting in God's guidance is a commitment to walk by faith, not by sight."
"Faith is not a straight path but a series of steps taken in trust and obedience."
"Embracing God's plan for our lives is a journey of faith."
"This journey of faith is not something new; it's a legacy of prophets."
"Your struggles are just the beginning of a supernatural journey with the Lord."
"I remained a Christian for many years after that. What ended up leading me away from the faith was unrelated to any of that. It was the problem of suffering in the world."
"I've been really vocal about my faith walk with God."
"With each step, we are held and guided by the loving hands of God."
"Don't forget the honor it is to walk with Him, to work with Him, to partner with Him."
"This was the reality for Abraham when God called him to leave his homeland for a place he would later receive as an inheritance."
"Faith starts out before you know how it's going to turn out. If you know the end from the beginning, that's not faith, that's just doing something."
"Real faith pushes through the doubts to even a deeper faith."
"Doubt is not the enemy of faith, but doubt is often an invitation into a deeper faith."
"The journey of faith was not without its challenges, but she remembered the words of Jesus: 'With God all things are possible.'"
"On one side, believers can be attacked, but on another side, without an attack, the default design of the pathway to glory requires it."
"You have to take the first steps on faith. As Rumi said, 'As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.'"
"I'm just going to be happy in Jesus and I'm going to walk in faith."
"Walking by faith is the only way to please the Lord."
"He goes from skeptic, to born again in less than an hour."
"Keep walking with God, keep walking with Jesus."
"Your faith being tested is not a punishment, it's a privilege."
"So, what happens with Joseph? He gets that dream, bam! He's now in a pit, he's a slave, so he has gone into a season of wilderness. It's very important that we understand that a promise will keep you on course until you reach your destiny."
"There's safety in not knowing but knowing I am following the One who is calling me; therefore, there's safety in that, but it is uncomfortable, bro, you know what I mean?"
"To press on in faith is to walk a path illuminated by the belief in things not yet seen, fueled by the promises of God."
"It's waking us up to appreciate the walk of faith in a way that we didn't appreciate it before."
"God has been equipping you longer than you know... boldly walk in faith through that door."
"The dream will come to pass, but He just wants you to step out in faith."
"I appreciate dr. Qureshi whose questioning led him to faith in Christianity."
"Regular engagement with God's word sustains our spiritual vitality and keeps our journey illuminated."
"God is trying to lead you through your need."
"If your walk with God does not cause you to ask questions, you are not working with Him."
"Each step you take in faith brings you closer to the purpose he has for you."
"If you knew every step, there'd be no faith required."
"You keep walking with him, even when it all makes no sense. This is how you develop your relationship."
"Jesus was built with your struggle in mind. He knows how to get you from point A to point Z, even if you have to go back to B and go to T to 1 back at F to go to X in order to get you there."
"Just know the who, the one who said it, he's gonna do what he said he's gonna do."
"Walking by faith is literally taking that step even if you don't know where you're going."
"It's 23 years since I gave my life to Jesus Christ, and the 23 years has been amazing."
"Let us reflect on our past life of faith. Was every step of our faith a happy moment walking with God?"
"For Ari and I, this has been the most pivotal transformative part of our whole faith walk."
"Hello, hello. Been a minute, but wanted to hop on here today and share about how the Bible led me to the Quran and how Jesus led me to Allah."
"It isn't a straight line upward. The development of a person's faith is up and then we stumble at times. And up, and then we falter at times. And up, and then we fail to trust Him at times."
"I never thought in a million years that I would turn into like a Christian or like a Godly influencer but the direction that God is taking my life, I'm pretty sure y'all know the Vlog viewers know it."
"Your God made you as a unique person, and your experiences and beliefs about faith are part of what God has given you."
"Thinking of the Christian life as a journey through the world offers a helpful and vivid way to visualizing the life of faith."
"I didn't grow up in any kind of Christian context. I became a believer as a teenager."
"My faith journey is one of disentanglement."
"Strengthen our bonds with one another that we may support, encourage, and uplift each other in our journey of faith."
"The human heart longs for God's story which is creation, the fall, redemption, and the hope for ultimate redemption."
"Life gets better. Walk with Jesus gets better. It just gets better if you're all in."
"Those were the laments of Babylon: 'Where are you? Where are you?' And then this was the answer: 'You'll find me again when you search for me in a much deeper place.'"
"You're here today and say, 'I want the resurrection and the life. I want the way. I want Jesus. I want to be born again.' Pastor Tim, when you pray that prayer to be born again, include me. I want to start a journey with God today."
"Your working friendship and your willingness to talk about your faith journey really means a lot to me."
"The more interesting accounts enable us to read the story of God that is written in their lives."
"Total consecration to our Blessed Mother is an integral part of my own walk with the Lord."
"As pilgrims on a journey, we're not wandering about; we have a landing pad that we're heading toward, which is heaven."
"We sincerely want to walk you through the next steps of a relationship with God. Best journey you can ever take."
"The Christian life is not moving toward night. It's moving toward noon."
"My faith was quite new but my answers were spiritual, most of my answers and my coping was all spiritual."
"Our stories and walking with God, it is rarely this straight line."
"...she's been such a huge blessing and she just like the godliness that she brings to here and like her openness and vulnerability to that has helped me so much in my faith journey."
"You don't wake up one morning saying, 'Oh, I don't believe.' It's a process."
"Converting to Christianity involved more than simply expressing your faith and possibly getting baptized. To be baptized, you had to go through a period of instruction."
"I will see you guys all in the next one."
"There's something about those battles that will bring you to the foot of the cross."
"We're justified by Christ, and as Christians, we need to be sanctified in Christ."
"He chose you because he knew in time you were going to choose him."
"...that's where my faith journey I think officially started..."
"When we walk with Him, something happens called sanctification."
"They went from fear to faith. They went from confusion to confession. They went from wondering to worshiping."
"We've designed the class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord."
"New Believers need old Believers, old Believers need new Believers."
"If you're not close with Jesus, how are you going to lead anybody there? You can't lead people to where you've never been."
"Baptism is our crossing the Jordan River, it's deciding to leave Egypt behind and come into a land of promise."
"But one day you will look back and go thank God I jumped because look what he did."
"God has a plan for you. You're going to have to persevere through some stuff to get there. You're going to have to throw off some stuff to get there. And at some point you're going to have to decide, I'm going to be me and run my race. Amen."
"From that point on I believed and that's when I took the time to indulge and read and study and pray and fast and all that kind of stuff to develop a relationship and that's when I was like okay I need to go to the Navy I need to rediscipline myself."
"87% of Christians in America have never even gone to that third step in the spiritual journey."
"If you're thinking about becoming Catholic or coming back to the Catholic faith, we'd love to walk with you on that and pray for you and assist you in any way we can."
"Tonight is the beginning of a walk with Jesus who is alive and who will be alive in you."
"Sometimes we have to walk by faith and not by sight."
"But it just felt like the Lord was leading me and as much as I didn't want to, I knew this was the right thing to do. I just didn't know how it was going to work out."
"For me, it was all about Jesus Christ and my faith. And put me on the right road. And that's why I'm still here."
"I thank God for placing him in our path at just the right time. It has truly been a faith-filled journey."
"I came to appreciate the importance of apologetics as a result of my own personal Journey of Faith."
"The Christian way of life is one of discovery but which is really recovery of that which was already the case."
"Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, I hope that you'll find something here that speaks to you."
"I've really seen so much of Him [God] through it."
"Having a faith journey can be hard and no matter where it takes you, we'd love to be able to be support for people."
"God will always deliver to you exactly what you need in order to listen and change and believe."
"When you allow God to order your steps, you get God's grace for your results."
"I counted on His presence from darkness till dawn, from dawn till darkness."
"With each step taken in faith, you're not walking alone; I am with you, guiding, loving, and holding you through it all."
"Christianity is a process. It's a journey. It's a transformation that must take place."
"Following Jesus is wrought with challenges, joys, struggles, setbacks, highs, and lows."
"We go here because we believe in God, and we're trying to like grow in kindness and love, and yeah, for sure, we're all at various points on that journey."
"I'm not leaning on Jesus, He is carrying me every step of the way."
"Isn't it amazing that the guy who hated Jesus more than anybody is now like the expert on knowing and following Jesus?"
"If God brought you to where you are, it's going to take God to get you from that point to the next."
"Real faith usually begins in doubt because faith can stand investigation; it can face the facts."
"The journey to God's promises calls us, our faith can blossom, and the tests we experience along the way help strengthen and shape our faith."
"The surrender of the will to God is the single most important thing that you can do to begin the journey."
"I walk with faith and I walk with God in my heart."
"You are not alone in this journey of faith."
"Thank you so much for lighting up my fire for Jesus."
"We got here by walking by faith and by walking in love."
"Make sure you ride with God, stay close to God, and wait until God finishes whatever it is He's doing."
"I am drawn to abandon God in order to find God again."
"The nature of faith is that we're constantly moving on."
"Get in the footsteps of Jesus and He will lead you straight to His Father's house."
"The Christian life is a journey, and we need to see it like that."
"Let us run with endurance the race set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith."
"At the start, it's going to be rough and it's going to be a rocky road, but you just have to be firm and strong and trust that this journey is going to further your experience with God."
"One guy just on drugs last ten years, lost everything, but now found the Lord and just turned everything around."
"Walking by faith is not the absence of evidence; it is a belief backed by evidence that is enough to outweigh contradictory evidence that we might encounter."
"We go from Faith to Faith to Faith."
"It just really has helped me in my walk with Christ, and I highly, highly recommend it."
"Only right to celebrate, yes, anybody on this journey that is called Faith."
"Who am I in God? Where am I going? What is this about?" To really cultivate it.
"There's just been so much that God has been revealing to me and opening my eyes to."
"You have to get to a place in your faith where you say, 'I'm gonna live in fullness or whatever it takes to get into fullness, I'll go through that journey.'"
"But as I look back on our journey, I could see how God was moving and how He was working and building everything brick by brick for us, for Adriana."
"Every wilderness that a Christian endures is to prepare us to do the work of God with success."
"Our life as a Christian is a walk of faith."
"The Blessed Virgin advanced in her pilgrimage of faith and faithfully persevered in her union with her son unto the cross."
"You make all things new, and I will follow You forward."
"We cross over the bridge of reason to the shores of faith."
"He's not just the author, but He is also the finisher of your faith."
"You have questions because God is seeking you."
"Faith isn't something you try; it's something you become."
"You just want to move people toward Jesus a step at a time."
"You're learning to walk by faith and not by sight."