
Creative Exploration Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"What's really cool is when new tech like this starts becoming affordable and accessible, that's when we start seeing people discovering really interesting new ways to push it."
"So have fun exploring all these different effects that become even more interesting as you get into, uh, in as you get into posts."
"Being the last anything can give someone a lot of pressure and anxiety. There's a lot you can do with this from a storytelling perspective. Again, it's one of those things that's kind of a no-brainer."
"So now we're going to enter the world of the paint layers."
"Songs to Wear Pants To definitely made me do a whole bunch of things that I would never have otherwise done."
"Experiment with the camera's different features to capture the perfect shot, whether it's a selfie or a panoramic view."
"Encourages me to try things that have kind of been at the back of the drawer."
"I'm probably gonna play with the formatting a little bit, figure out what is gonna work."
"Find your creativity, find your purpose, find whatever lights up your inner child."
"Make 2020 a year where you explore new skills even existing passions and get lost in creativity with Skillshare's online classes."
"Oda tries out different genres all the time."
"Continue to expand and explore all the possibilities."
"I had another fun... I had a lot of fun doing it so I'm considering doing more of it."
"Rather than becoming an expert, let's play together and create a new universe. It'll be fun!"
"I like trying out old mechanics in new ways."
"The journey towards the end isn't about rushing towards it; it's about enjoying our creative powers and experiences along the way."
"It's a fun little thing that we can do with this, and yeah, we could do this endlessly time and time and time again."
"I'm obviously gonna try to make something that looks good but I'm also just looking to try it and have fun with it."
"Let's not waste any more time, I'm gonna zoom into this area over here and we're gonna start trying the head of the dragon."
"Greek mythology is still full with the untapped potential."
"I think it's worth it. It's what the channel is about and what I've said from day one that I want to do with it is just push bounds and see what can happen."
"There's a lot of great options out there. Don't be satisfied with doing the same thing everyone else is doing. Go find your own sound, go find your own direction."
"There's all sorts of story avenues that could be explored among the Portal universe."
"It's okay to be creative even if you're a beginner."
"We all started off as a beginner when we painted when we started our painting journey."
"The real winner is us because we have lots of fun stuff to play with when it comes to Art."
"Making art is a journey, it really is. It's not a destination."
"With creative play, we want them to do the learning and exploring."
"A powerful character study that explores themes of creativity and resilience."
"I think I've created a name for myself now to where I can experiment outside of YouTube a bit."
"Collaboration is a fast and easy way to help you self-discover."
"It's much more from a place of curiosity, of play, of exploring archetypes and energetics."
"Make 2020 a year where you explore new skills, deepen existing passions, and get lost in creativity."
"This is only a drop in the proverbial puddle you can make five or six of these now you could you could go in you know how uh Netflix will do like um like an eight-part documentary or something like you could do that with this stuff."
"Feel free to recommend or even come up with some crazy ideas that you might want us to explore for the next tutorials."
"We are barely scratching the surface here creatively."
"It's always interesting learning about the inspiration for these new horror movies."
"Give it a go, don't be afraid to play and just have fun literally have fun with it."
"Allowing my creativity to really go to its full extent, you know, I can really explore new avenues."
"I always wanna see stuff that's like, 'Wow, here's a whole new direction I can move in.'"
"I never really know why at the beginning, I just know that I would like to write about that subject."
"Keep exploring your abiding creativity and document a life abiding in faith, hope, and love."
"Let's explore the world of sound design and arrangement."
"I'm just trying to kind of find my way into it and do things that not everyone has done already."
"This has inspired me to carry on painting or this has inspired me to try a different media."
"Find what delights you instead of thinking there's only one way that's best."
"Attending UConn has provided me with academic and creative opportunities not only have I been able to explore my passion for music but I've also taken advantage of the many co-curricular opportunities UConn has to offer."
"I encourage people all the time to experiment because if you don't experiment and find these new spaces and mess around with them, they're not going to reveal themselves to you."
"It's a great time to just explore graphics and forms, and you can start to build your visual library with these little sketches."
"It makes good pictures as well, but if you really want to exploit some of the technology, it is a lot of fun to play with."
"Books are rarely linear; the question you start off with is never that question you end up writing about."
"We need to really develop all these other skills so that we feel like we're still growing and exploring and expanding our creative life."