
Cell Biology Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Inside the cell is the little powerhouse of the cell called the mitochondria."
"The essence of a neuron: Nature designed this cell to be the ultimate communicator."
"Cells don’t die at a particular instant. It’s a process."
"The ridiculous intelligence of this membrane."
"The seed of cancer actually lies in every single one of our cells."
"Cells are the most powerful little factories on the planet."
"Cell biology is absolutely beautiful and addicting."
"Prophase: Chromatin becomes condensed, nuclear membrane starts dissolving, and spindle formation begins."
"Telophase: Nuclear membranes reappear, chromatids reach poles, and cytokinesis completes cell division."
"Membranes show characteristics of fluidity, crucial for processes like exocytosis and endocytosis."
"Autophagy: the cell's superpower for survival."
"Cells are very disciplined, and they really only grow when they receive a signal from other cells that it's time to grow."
"Heat shock proteins...protect proteins inside of your cells from aggregating and becoming misfolded."
"The benefit of locking a cell in a senent state is so that it does not produce new cells that may have DNA damage and may become cancerous."
"Cellular senence refers to the irreversible growth rest that occurs as a response to different stressors."
"We are now in a very exciting period in which the various relationships between the different cell cell types can begin to be explored in much greater detail."
"I think that has big implications for how we think about cell biology."
"Tons of these myeloblasts, there'll be just a plethora of these puppies."
"These fluids are going to help dilute the extracellular space and replenish the inside of the cell."
"The trans Golgi does something really cool where it'll bud off the modified protein in a particular way where it's then sent to either go to the cell membrane or become a part of the membrane, or it can also turn into lysosomes."
"...the cells are sending text messages signaling molecules aka growth factors cytokines hormones to each other and receptors are like the cell phones which receive those messages."
"There was no way at that point to keep lymphocytes alive outside the body. You could take them out, they would die in a day or two, and you had no way to keep them alive."
"Many key regulators in cells are highly unstable proteins."
"By analyzing them together, we can understand a cell’s size, shape and complexity."
"That provides quite a bit more data than we would have gotten even two-three years ago, and the findings that one gets from that by having all those cell populations clearly identified in a single experiment, it speaks to the power of that kind of a technique."
"What's fundamentally happening is we have a mantra of four things: it's got to be a living cell, it's got to be real-time information, it's got to be kinetic so we can follow the biology, and it has to be non-perturbing label-free so that the relevancy is improved dramatically."
"The inner membrane is a phospholipid bilayer."
"All of these strategies help concentrate signaling components at the plasma membrane in order to facilitate their interactions with one another."
"If we really understood this, we should be able to develop strategies that don't just kill the cancer cells."
"Programmed cell death happens to cells when they are no longer needed, when they're damaged, or when they're extraneous."
"Normally, all these cells believe the water is the external environment, but once disconnected, everything is external."
"Now, if you look between these two B cells now, they are definitely not identical anymore."
"All neurons and glia have similar makeup; they have a cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes."
"'Microtubules serve as sort of a central executive hub within a cell.'"
"The plasma membrane controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell, provides shape, and helps group cells into tissues. It's composed of a phospholipid bilayer and embedded proteins."
"What's happening inside the cell is almost like what's happening in our society; it's like living in California with blackouts, fires, and fear."
"The cells can divide on and on and on and on."
"That's how the viruses get the cells to enter mitosis."
"If a virus has a furin cleavage site, it can be more ready to infect cells."
"The machine in the cell that drives the synthesis of protein is called the ribosome. It is basically a very large complex of proteins and RNA."
"Autophagy: self-destruction of abnormal cells, reducing cancer risk."
"What you can see here is a group of liver cells here in a normal liver... what happens is quite remarkable."
"To control the movement of substances into and out of the cell is the main function of the cell membrane."
"The rough endoplasmic reticulum folds and transports protein."
"Cell cycle describes the progression of a cell through a cycle of division."
"The cell is a highly fine-tuned machine."
"Life is full of dynamic processes, so in order to visualize them, we need to image live cells or organisms."
"The cell is a highly organized piece of biological machinery which has been fine-tuned over the last 3.5 billion years."
"Cells move through the cell cycle in a regulated way to ensure that the cell cycle's events occur in a predetermined order."
"Her cells became one of the most important tools in medicine."
"The cells will be fluorescent for about seven days."
"Henrietta Lacks' tissue helped make possible all sorts of medical breakthroughs."
"Every cell division cycle transition is regulated by a cyclin-dependent kinase bound to its corresponding cyclin."
"Cancer is a result of mutations in genes that control mitosis or the cell cycle."
"Cells get old all the time... they don't just die and leak out all of their stuff, that would be bad. What they do is they go through a process called apoptosis."
"Cells can obtain nutrients, make molecules needed to survive, dispose of wastes, maintain their shape, and replicate to make more cells."
"DNA directs the cell's activities and is important for providing instructions for protein synthesis."
"Before the cell proceeds into the next stage, it's going to take a little inventory and make sure that everything looks good."
"The mitochondria has a double membrane."
"The plasma membrane is selectively permeable, which will allow some materials to move freely but others will be restricted."
"The Golgi apparatus is where proteins are processed, packaged, and modified further."
"The genotype is the genetic makeup of the cell."
"Cells and bacteria are see-through; they don't have a color."
"Her cells are still living now and are still like dividing and they have used her cells to create like the polio vaccine, cancer research."
"Perhaps the greatest detective story in science has been to understand how our cells combine to make up a human being."
"Limitless replicative potential is also referred to as the immortality of cancer cells."
"The water inside the cell is negatively charged and in fact, I think it's the negatively charged water that's responsible for the negative charge that people measure inside of cells."
"Hereditary information is encoded in DNA and reproduced in all cells of the body."
"Based on these levels, we can infer the velocity; this cell is likely going to become this cell here."
"RNA velocity is better suited for datasets like development where there's a very drastic change in a cell state or continuous change in cell state."
"This was really an exciting moment because it really told us that we can now study the biophysical properties in a tissue culture system."
"Stem cells can produce different cell types through the process of differentiation."
"Knowing the structure of the membrane is very important to understanding how it functions."
"The fluid mosaic model describes the membrane as a mosaic of protein molecules bobbing in a fluid bilayer of phospholipids."
"Membranes must be fluid to work properly; they are about as fluid as salad oil."
"Cholesterol maintains fluidity by preventing tight packing of the phospholipids."
"Osmoregulation is the control of solute concentrations and water balance."
"The proteome of a cell are all the proteins that can be made by that cell."
"We ride this fine line through our lives of cell growth and cell death."
"The cell wall is to provide structural strength."
"The late response which is in a lot of cases proliferation of or apoptosis."
"As cells leave interphase and enter prophase, the DNA fully compacts and for the first time becomes so compact that it's visible under a light microscope."
"All of our body cells are diploid, while gametes are haploid."
"Cholesterol has a variety of other functions... it's involved in stabilizing cell membranes over a wide range of temperatures."
"Water moves into the cell from an area of high water potential to an area of lower water potential through the cell membrane via osmosis."
"Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death."
"This idea that you could start to get this sort of data within live cells... blew many of our minds."
"Transfection equals research, and a core of cell biology research depends on gene expression and knockdown techniques that are dependent on transfection."
"This is a control situation where no gene is silenced and we can see the cells dividing normally."
"I began my career in science as a cell biologist and microscopist."
"When cells get too big, they start to have problems and those problems will become lethal."
"Cancer is a disease of the cell cycle."
"Gap junctions... bridge the gap between the spacing of cells and allow them to communicate more effectively."
"All living cells are composed of a set of elements."
"The most abundant substance of the living cell is water, which accounts for about 70 percent of a cell's weight."
"The genome is all of the genes in a cell, whereas the proteome are all the proteins that a cell can make."
"The structure of the cell as well as function of the cell is determined by proteins."
"Different parts of the DNA are turned on or activated so the parts of the DNA that are turned on in a cell are gonna determine the structure and the function of the cell."
"Understanding how cells in different positions in the body acquire positional identity."
"It's like almost having a reinforced force field around a cell."
"Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell."
"The cell is the smallest unit of life that can perform all the required activities of life."
"Recent research in the field of cell biology has revealed complexity and sophistication completely unrecognized even just a few years ago."
"The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell."
"DNA makes a copy of RNA called messenger RNA in the nucleus of the cell, which then goes out of the nucleus into the endoplasmic reticulum and meets up with the ribosome."
"Environmental causes such as chemicals and ultraviolet light can make your cells mutate."
"Every single cell in a person's body is genetically identical."
"The nucleus is the powerhouse of the cell."
"The lipid soluble steroid hormones can actually enter the cell and then influence a receptor within the cell itself."
"The cytoskeleton is highly dynamic; it can take itself apart and rebuild itself in other ways to accomplish specific processes."
"Plasmodesmata are basically cytoplasmic connections between two adjacent cells."
"Glucose is much more energy for a cell than ATP."
"If we understand protein structure, we're very well along the way to understanding how a cell accomplishes the things that it does."
"This is the most detailed model of a human cell to date."
"Hypertrophy is just a really cool fan way of saying the expansion of cells."
"It's one of the reasons why small molecules are so important inside cells, inside chemical biology and cell biology labs."
"The microbial cells - human cells outnumber us, so they're really significantly impacting our health and our disease states."
"The cell is then the basic structural and functional unit of all living things."
"All nucleated cells actually produce these cytokines."
"The cell membrane is referred to as a two-dimensional fluid because it flows, it moves, it's dynamic."
"The carbohydrate layer of the cell membrane and the lectins that recognize that carbohydrate layer is actually the language of the entire multicellular community."
"Some proteins are transporters or channel proteins, acting as channels for molecules moving through the membrane."
"Fat is not something to be scared of; every cell in our body has an outer coating that's made of fat."