
Romantic Feelings Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"It's been a long time since I've felt this way about someone, but I love you."
"Thank you for your confession. I'm glad to hear it. I've liked you since freshman year too. I would be happy to be your girlfriend."
"They feel deep romantic feelings for you, like you're their soulmate."
"Honestly, she's just like a ball of positive energy. I think, like, I literally, like, fell in love with you on that show."
"I really like this guy. He likes me back. This is the best thing in the world."
"I feel passion, I'm feeling love between the two of you, and I'm feeling this is a true love situation."
"Your passion ignites, indicating a strong mutual attraction."
"It's possible though that you are a little bit more mature than the person that you're asking about. There are definitely romantic feelings between you, and I sense a desire to communicate on both sides."
"I've never been so smitten with a woman before."
"She's the one. The feelings I have for Liz, I didn't have the same for Rose."
"I'm limerent for him because he has amazing qualities that I admire, because we vibe and connect effortlessly."
"Cheating is anything when you start feeling romantically about them and you keep going back."
"Feelings for you are only growing... your person, their feelings for you are only growing."
"She was the girl I sat up every night thinking about. And when I'm with her, I feel happy to be alive."
"I never felt so attached to someone like I do with you."
"They feel like you're the missing piece of the puzzle in their life. They feel like you fit together perfectly."
"They have these feelings for you but they're unable to express it for whatever reason."
"They're definitely gonna feel like you're the dream come true, and vice versa."
"I definitely, definitely sincerely, you know, fell for you."
"I was thinking about him all the time. If you can't go a second without thinking about that person, that's the one for you."
"I feel like for some of you, you have ants in your pants for a person. It's like you are very attracted to someone."
"I feel like I've fallen in love with him all over again."
"They know you're the one for them, like their heart is so set on that."
"Your person has an entire love letter's worth of feelings going on about you beneath the surface."
"I've never felt fallen so deeply in love before, I want you so badly and I don't know what to do with this feeling."
"Your beloved is feeling ignited, passionate about you."
"That girl was you. I actually liked you ever since."
"He feels sparks, he feels magic, he feels all of those wonderful energies connected to her."
"The attraction just doesn't go away no matter what else sort of intervenes."
"Your person does feel a lot of love for you. There is a lot of love here."
"It's like falling in love for the very first time."
"I have feelings for you. Like, they're still there. I'm... I wouldn't be crying right now if I didn't feel the way I feel."
"But his intensity and commitment were so incredible that I just fell in love with him even more."
"Your smile makes me melt, I want to be with you and I don't want to keep hurting you."
"I get butterflies every time my eyes lock with yours."
"I daydream about you... I'm in love with you."
"They're totally head over heels for you, infatuated and captivated."
"It's like all I've had is time to pontificate upon this connection, and I've discovered that you are my soulmate."
"You've got love for this individual; you want to give your heart to this person."
"Their heart is very much switched on to you."
"I'm not good with words, but you know you love her."
"Thank you for coming into my life. I think about you often. I love you. I like you. I'm attracted to you. I have fun with you."
"If you're in love with someone... hoping they come to their senses... realize your place in their life... it's perfectly normal."
"Some of you are really kind of feeling crazy about somebody that makes your heart sing."
"They feel those very romantic feelings... falling in love, so they want to kiss you."
"True love... they feel this true love because you are twin flames."
"If he would walk into my life like I remember him I'm terribly afraid that I would fall in love with him again."
"What I'm seeing is like your person just feeling very powerful when it comes to you, their thoughts, their feelings about you is just like very powerful."
"I felt as though I had fallen in love that this was the real thing."
"He's about his age, yeah, only a couple years on, I think I'm in love."
"Imagine being hopelessly in love with your best friend."
"That's just love, can't do anything about that."
"Darcy is just madly in love with Elizabeth... somebody's feelings are changing."
"This person is pretty deeply in love with you."
"Lately when I think about you my heart gets all hot and fluttery."
"Definitely love with the lovers, so love it."
"Your person is really just head over heels in a lot of ways."
"They've never felt this way about someone else before."
"Yes, I do have feelings for Roxy, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate our friendship as well."
"They're realizing their feelings for you are strong."
"They have feelings for you, this is love and they do want to communicate their feelings to you."
"They really are feeling like you are the one for them."
"I guess this is how it feels to be touched by love."
"Love is definitely in the air. There's attraction, chemistry, and even communication."
"This individual is very much in love with you I feel Scorpio you feel the same way but your guard is so up you're basically looking the other way."
"Can I hide the way I feel when you're next to me, girl?"
"You will feel different when you meet him or her, automatically they will make you feel really good."
"You make me melt every time I see you or speak to you. They feel so connected to you and they really like you and they feel so drawn to you."
"Your person is in the emotional ocean, they've got feelings for you, absolutely, and these feelings are romantic."
"There is definitely love here that they have for you."
"Every day I'm more attracted to you. I still get butterflies."
"This song perfectly captures what it feels like to have butterflies for somebody."
"This person may have steered your romantic feelings so much to the point where you feel like emotionally, you're just about to burst."
"You may feel like your head is a little bit up in the clouds when you meet them as well. You may feel like, 'Oh my god, I'm falling in love.'"
"The more I see them the more I fall in love with them."
"They're deeply in love with you, but they're a bit awkward about expressing it."
"The pureness of your soul and heart made me fall for you."
"There's romance here, there's love, there's a crush."
"My feelings for you just keep growing stronger and stronger."
"This reading is killing me, how they feel about you: soulmate commitment, wedding chemistry, fulfilled. Geez Louise!"
"Your person today is feeling incredible desires for you, I love your heart, your mind, your body, your soul."
"Not a second goes by that I'm not thinking about you."
"All they can think about, even when they're thinking about other things, you're like right there in the back of their mind."
"Their feelings for you are romantic and deepening."
"This person dreams about you a lot, they're very hopeful for the future with you."
"You make me feel things I've never felt before."
"Your person feels very confident about what they feel for you."
"Libra you're in love you feel like you're with a soulmate pitter-patter Libras heart is pitter-patter in October love love love love love."
"They're feeling very romantic about you right now."
"This Pisces thinks you're beautiful, amazing, they see you as a soul mate, they miss you when you're gone."
"He is so in love with her... I feel bad, but then I kind of don't either."
"Can't concentrate on my work. I mean, you're right. I—I fell in love with you."
"Having a crush adds spice to life; there's nothing like it."
"He finally confesses that he wants to do the right thing and tells her that he likes her."
"You still give me butterflies when you sit next to me give me goosebumps oh that's keeping it one my gas or anything that's we miss the truth though."
"They're feeling incredibly passionate about you."
"He confessed to Mian that he allowed her to get close to him because he was genuinely interested in her and had fallen in love with her."
"They adore you, think you're really cute and sweet."
"You give this person butterflies when they think about you."
"They feel very drawn to you, they feel like you are the one for them."
"She confessed her feelings to Moon June."
"This person does have romantic feelings towards you. They do feel an emotional connection to you."
"This person is in love they're falling in love or they're already in love."
"I did. I did have a crush on Holly."
"I want reals parents to know that I am falling for their son."
"I allowed myself to love my best friend as more than a best friend. It was at that moment that I fell inextricably in love with her."
"I like this boy and he might not like me back. I don't give a [ __ ]."
"When this person makes it apparent that they're into you, you are going to feel butterflies like you're going to be like, 'Oh my God, like this is really hot.'"
"I have absolutely fallen in love."
"I love you, I'm in love with you."
"I think I have a crush on someone."
"Somebody here could be very invested in you and your kids Aquarius like if you have kids like this is someone that has romantic feelings for you"
"Your feelings for this person is the Ace of Pentacles. You would really like to be with this person."
"I want to fall in love with each other all over again."
"It's basically do or die for me. Either Frank will decide he has romantic feelings for me, or he'll decide it's just friendship."
"This person plans on sacrificing their romantic feelings for you."
"They're crushing on each other so hard, I love it."
"They feel chained to you, but in a good way. It's like an obsession."
"Romance is so powerful, there's probably not a more powerful feeling that humans have than romance."
"I wasn't trying to fall in love, but I did."
"When you like somebody like that, you're thinking about them no matter what you're doing."
"The more I look at him, the more I think I love him."
"I've been kissed by girls in the past, but never had I felt so much chemistry with any girl."
"I think I'm seriously falling for him."
"My heart skips a beat and I just breathe heavy when I think about you."
"My feelings for you go deeper than you know."
"This awakening of emotions inside of you for somebody takes you totally by surprise."
"I'm completely in love, I'm very happy with that."
"It's what you're doing, making me feel like I'm falling, and when you move, I can hear my calling."
"We really have to express our deepest romantic feelings when we are on stage with our partner."
"My love and infatuation for her gradually increased; every encounter I felt stronger and stronger for her."
"If he's deeply in love, he'll say I love you, isn't that a no-brainer?"
"Ever since I met you, I've had three suns in my heart. They shine so brightly that whenever I see you..."
"As time went on, I realized she meant a lot to me, more than any other girl in that school."
"I think I'm falling for you, and every word I told you lost in cliche."
"I liked you ever since we were in University."
"I think I might be stuck on you, I love the things you did for me."
"Surely she could feel the way it pounded just to be near her."
"As May looked into his earnest eyes, she felt a strange sensation in her heart, as if something had gently scorched it."
"This is love, I feel like this is love between you and someone else."
"I don't really know how to say this, but I really like you, like a lot."
"I'm starting to feel like I'm falling in love with him."
"That old feeling is still in my heart."
"I never expected to fall in love, but here I am, completely and utterly captivated by you."
"She has been in love with him ever since she first saw him."
"Falling in love, affection, happiness, emotions."
"I'm falling for you, hopeless and lost."