
Literary Influence Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Terry Pratchett said he would sometimes get letters from people who were terminally ill who hoped that Terry's version was the one they were going to meet."
"Studying the Bible's literary brilliance has influenced countless writers, poets, and artists throughout history."
"Dune is considered one of the most influential science fiction sagas ever."
"James Baldwin's Blackness and gayness played in his life."
"His writings were a window into the life of Victorian London, a medley of biting social commentary and wit."
"His novella A Christmas Carol would serve to define many of our modern conceptions and traditions of Christmas."
"The works of HP Lovecraft haven't just spawned their own horror sub-genre, they've become a major part of pop culture."
"Tolkien has set the bar for the entire concept of world-building."
"Every person I've seen read this on BookTube, it just shoots to the top of their must-read lists for everyone else."
"1984 was a huge influence on Hideo Kojima and the Metal Gear Solid series. The themes of 1984 invoked in almost all the games."
"The Cthulhu Mythos has inspired countless novels, films, tabletop games, and especially video games."
"Morrison's words came as no surprise to fans of the group many of whom grew accustomed to his mix of poetic and literary ideas."
"If I hadn't found that book, none of this would have happened."
"Sometimes Matilda longed for a friend, someone like the kind courageous people in her books."
"Elric was kind of a big deal in his time and maybe still is, bands wrote music specifically about Moorcock's entire saga, and some bands even named themselves directly after the characters."
"This was the first book that I read for my English Lit degree, and it genuinely made me consider dropping out."
"It's still at least worth reading to understand the concept of what influenced fantasy."
"The Great Gatsby turned Fitzgerald overnight into the voice of his generation."
"The tale of the lost city beneath the deserts of Arabia where Lorenzo allegedly found the crown is almost a carbon copy of HP Lovecraft's short story."
"Whenever I feel far from myself, I turn to Sylvia Plath."
"Lovecraft courtesy of my father opened the way for me as he had done for others Robert Bloch Clark Ashton Smith Frank Belknap long for its Lieber and Ray Bradbury among them."
"Harry Potter is one of those series that got me into reading and writing from a young age."
"Without a doubt was one of the series that got me into reading and writing from a young age."
"For the last several years of his short life, James' favorite book was The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery."
"These writers seem like they looked into Tolkien and then they're like the night before they're like oh crap man we're supposed to we're supposed to go into Amazon Studios tomorrow tomorrow and start writing like the script."
"It's good and bad and there's a great poem about that that I love that I kind of Bleakley referenced at the beginning of this video by Khalil Gibran from collection poems called the Prophet."
"They say that after the Bible and Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll is the most potent author on earth."
"She is believed to have been the influence for Charles Dickens when he came to creating the character of Miss Havisham in one of his most acclaimed novels, Great Expectations."
"But the real star here is Hogwarts and J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World."
"Sir Ian McKellen based Gandalf's voice on Tolkien's."
"Hello, my beautiful watchers. My name is Dominic Noble, and as I hope some of you are already aware, Sir Terry Pratchett is my all-time favorite author."
"Could aspects of their tales have shaped the folklore immortalized in the Grimm Brothers' writings?"
"What the discovery of African writers did for me was this: it saved me from having a single story of what books are."
"Prasoon Joshi's work has touched millions of lives with his words, ideas, and thoughts."
"Tolkien was a friend, he was a guide, he was someone who led me into the world of storytelling."
"Have you ever found yourself thinking like this is my favorite author and if I could control what they wrote like this is the story I would want them to tell?"
"Who could have known a 19th century French author could cause so much chaos in a 21st century mobile game at least he didn't write a novel called the three Hog Riders."
"The superstitions that Stoker harnessed in writing Dracula are still alive in the 21st century."
"Tolkien's influence can be over and understated easily."
"The RZA got bars and knowledge because he read so many books."
"My favorite part about the show is how they're all Libertarians but really that just means they read Ayn Rand."
"Jamie and Claire have infiltrated my body, my mind, and my heart."
"If Lovecraft had had some Ray Cons, he wouldn't have been such a racist."
"Lovecraft was responsible for some of the most influential horror stories ever written."
"You are a part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I have ever read since I first came here."
"It seems fitting that two of the famous Batman stories are influencing this new chapter and the film mythos of Joker."
"Lovecraft mythos created some good video games."
"Part of Scott's genius... reinvented a notion of Scottishness."
"Films and stories are powerful. More people know about C.S. Lewis and Tolkien's philosophy because they told it through stories."
"I'm thoroughly enjoying playing with the different players."
"Poe's work is celebrated for introducing a new type of writing style and theme into the literature world."
"Comics like 'Black' and 'Excellence' are sparking the same reactions books like 'Icon' did back in the 90s."
"Her design is based off of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter franchise, yet the fans can't get enough of it."
"Anybody who knows history and art and literature would have to recognize that the Bible's brilliant and influential."
"The book's pull is irresistible, you feel changed, bettered for having opened it."
"Outside of the scriptures, the book that impacted me the most is 'Exodus' by Leon Uris."
"It's no exaggeration when I say that Lord of the Rings is definitively the most influential fantasy series of all time."
"Lord of the Rings is maybe the most influential and important series in the history of nerd culture."
"The great writing is inspiring even if the people don't know that you're enjoying it."
"He's more influential as a writer than Hemingway or freaking Shakespeare."
"One of the wonderful benefits blessings of reading history but also reading literature uh historical literature is that it enables us to see the present in the light of the past."
"Through King, Toyama discovered the modern horror genre."
"The athletic military man, the rebellious student, the ruthless reviewer, the father of detective fiction."
"The first book I read was 'Dragon Spain' by Barbara Hemley, and that was the book that worked for me to pull me into it."
"Apocrypha, Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, resembles Lovecraft's universe."
"His power as a writer came not only from the beauty of his poetry, but his deep understanding of the ambiguities and contradictions that go into making a human being and a human society."
"It is very rare that a book can single-handedly change humanity’s understanding of the world."
"I was sort of looking for meaning in my life. In my eighth grade class, we read the autobiography of Malcolm X and I was really blown away."
"I hope this book is read by a lot of people and I hope it makes a difference."
"As a crime writer I'm greatly influenced by Poe and fascinated by how his private life fed into his work."
"Books change lives... that's what really what we're trying to create."
"Carmilla came before Dracula and greatly inspired Bram Stoker's construction."
"If it weren't for Carmilla, we wouldn't have Dracula as we know it today."
"Harry Potter, like I really really wanted to go to Hogwarts."
"Many of our ideas on love come from reading novels... we are very shaped by the love narratives that we read."
"The second half is more of a traditional Gothic horror with a clearer inspiration from Lovecraft."
"His legacy as an innovative poet and conceptual artist leaves a lasting impact on Russian literary history."
"Without Fifty Shades of Grey, none of y'all's flop Wattpad adaptation movies would exist right now, so we gotta give the movie its credit when credit is due."
"It could even be one of the reasons Oda named Roger the way he did because of this legendary book that basically shifted cartography on its head."
"I grew up reading Terry Pratchett, and so that's kind of defined part of what I think is funny."
"Hemingway is perhaps the most important writer in the English language in terms of the short story since James Joyce."
"I love seeing how we got to where we are, and I don't think you can really get there without Robert E. Howard."
"He largely created the hard-boiled detective story... and advanced so quickly from a completely unschooled amateur writer into a master of literature."
"As you look back at what he did, you'll see the reverberations of this all around us in every form of our culture and entertainment."
"How did three spinsters who spent most of their life in a remote parsonage on the edge of the Moors come to write books that I find shocking, erotic, profoundly moving and quite wonderful?"
"I will always keep them on my shelf they are really what started me on reading."
"Writing books can make a difference in the world."
"River Devon played a major role in shaping Wordsworth's imagination."
"...for in a world where words held the power to shape destinies, none were safe from the clutches of the ultimate storyteller."
"She is one of the most influential writers of our generation."
"You can't separate Middle Earth from anything else in tolkien's in tolkien's life you can't separate it from his study of languages you can't study it from you can't separate it from his Catholicism you can't even separate it from the bedtime stories that he tells to his kids."
"I Robot... it's influential, it's foundational, and it's an introduction to one of the all-time greats Isaac Asimov."
"I grew up on songwriting that was literature."
"David Gemmell seems to take some of the spirit of Robert E. Howard's work and does his own thing with his novels."
"I was influenced mainly by southern novelists and also people like John Steinbeck."
"Lewis is almost a midwife for all of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit series because of their friendship."
"Dickens and Irving are two of the biggest influences on the evolution of Christmas today."
"If Homer made us hears and Virgil left us readers, Ferrante has aroused our fervour."
"Without The Lord of the Rings, the fantasy genre won't be where it is right now."
"We are Shakespeare's objects, children of his will."
"A sense of a real person in the Sherlock Holmes character is what leads many to this day to believe that he really existed."
"This book changes you, it turns you into an Aaron Warner girly."
"He pioneered a psychological literature that influenced several writers like Ernest Hemingway and Franz Kafka."
"I am the person I am today because of Cassandra Clare's books."
"This work became popular and it remained popular throughout the Middle Ages."
"Maybe it wasn't Dostoevsky who influenced Highsmith so much, maybe it was Batman and Robin."
"Father, we are grateful for your kindness, we are grateful for the influence that you have had on us through C.S. Lewis and through Narnia."
"We do not get Wheel of Time if this series never happens."
"Western civilization, whether or not we realize it, has been very much shaped by the ideas in our literary and philosophical past."
"Helping each other to see the world in your own unique way, that's what Frost did for me."
"Franklin's pen name became the nexus of republican sentiment."
"The film takes its influence from Shakespeare's ominously titled 'The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark'."
"William Blake... is known as the forerunner of the Romantic period and he's also considered as more romantic than the romantic writers themselves."
"Shakespeare was another major influence."
"I love when you can feel that a book was definitely inspired by another book."