
Information Reliability Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Half of what I say is not substantiated by science or even any kind of expert opinion... sometimes what I offer you guys is just instincts and opinions that are just mine."
"Anything that is reported by a leaker or a scooper should be taken with a massive grain of salt."
"Don't quote me on that but uh, based on that."
"Don't take your medical, moral, or financial advice from me or any YouTuber. Do your own research."
"Media institutions including CNN for example don't usually outright lie."
"How often are we sharing misinformation, partial information, or outright falsehoods? People often think in binary ways, dichotomous thinking. We're being manipulated, perhaps in ways we may not understand."
"What matters is whether or not I gave you folks good info, and hopefully that resulted in you buying good games or avoiding bad games."
"People felt like she was compiling the only accurate list of information about childbirth and what truly happens to your body when you become a mother."
"I'm just reading the CDC website which I thought was a pro science website."
"We're just left in the dark to have to believe second-hand information."
"It's hard to know what's true and it's hard to know who to trust."
"Accuracy and faith in information is so hard to come by. Everyone please take this a lot more seriously than the media is trying to tell you."
"One of the biggest failings of modern education is convincing a whole generation that Wikipedia is an unreliable source."
"There's so much room for error because it's just accounts that people are giving you with very little evidence oftentimes."
"You should always be skeptical of new things coming out because probably 80% of anything new you hear is BS."
"Just because you hear it from the mouth of someone who was there doesn't mean that you can take it as absolute fact."
"Don't always trust every bit of service information you read."
"It means he's been thinking about it for a while and he's not the type of guy that releases that type of information if it's not gonna happen."
"Facts okay, this is not opinion, this is not fiction, this is factual."
"We do try to give you the most accurate breaking news here."
"Please refrain from spreading unverified information and only rely on official sources."
"Nobody knows nothing, you have to wait until credible information comes out."
"Better late than never, but we should also question the information."
"Now if you know that basic to you by two if they can give you this stuff guys got it you know I get this stuff from reliably up it's a good question."
"Remember that not everything you hear is true."
"There's more truth in this stuff than there is on the news."
"My whole point is it's all about the source of information I trust."
"Simply assuming in a war that what one side claims to have happened is what has actually happened is never a wise thing to do."
"Data is important... real data is better than unsure information."
"Americans can no longer trust what they hear from their own government"
"Sources frequently do not agree on key facts or subjects, so you'll have to do a lot of comparison investigating."
"Opinion is the lowest quality information available when it comes to reliability."
"It feels like I'm just being fed numbers that are complete nonsense."
"I don't look at any media as being reliable. I read the story and see if I can verify what's behind it."
"You can't believe everything you read in the media."
"Fundamentally, how can you get any kind of genuine investigation if you have a group with a vested interest as your main source of information?"
"If we get fooled by things that are purely facts what happens when we run across information which is ultimately false but is maliciously presented as the truth?"
"Sometimes it's true sometimes it's a game... scrutiny of sources is really important."
"Information has not been confirmed by law enforcement, but bits and pieces I've extracted make this puzzle fit together perfectly."
"If you take the government's information at face value you are definitely not getting the whole story."
"We make sure they're getting information from reliable sources."
"Always be careful, always double-check the sources."
"It's all speculation and datamined information."
"I can't take a single Source, a single source that brings me 12 other sources could all be he had multiple right he had over 12 sources he brought them he brought them to the table they weren't."
"You can't hide the truth – even on Wikipedia."
"It taught me to have a critical eye whenever I hear something and to never trust what I hear."
"Circular reporting is a mainstay of most journalistic agencies these days but for the intelligence group or the ocean analyst it is the bane of our existence."
"That's how we roll with everything, we get our facts straight, we get our information right."
"It's weird that you can go on the internet and find two scientific articles that say the exact opposites."
"Don't believe everything you read on Google."
"Only sharing information from reliable sources is very important."
"You can't always believe what you see on the media."
"Traditional media being dethroned and now social media being the reliable sources of information."
"Wikipedia is not a source, alright journalists?"
"You can't believe what the media tells you."
"It's also important to provide sources so people can check if it is relevant sources or not."
"Everything on the internet isn't exactly a viable source."
"I treat this information with a grain of salt; it has to be collaborated by other sources."
"What Wolfram Alpha tells me is true, so we hope."
"The information is only as accurate as the informant."
"It's really difficult to know what information is reliable and trustworthy and how to use that information."