
Decisive Action Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"It's a moment that requires decisive action to beat this pandemic and support the economic recovery that American families need."
"Without decisive action, we risk falling into a very serious economic hole."
"He ultimately called it and was like, 'We've got to find a way for us, for Archie,' and saved all of us."
"I didn't want to have to do this, but drastic times call for drastic measures."
"When they're hurting you more than benefiting you, that's when you know, like, bye."
"This will be decisively addressed, not only to remove the bottlenecks but to make ports what they should be."
"What do I do when [ __ ] hits the fan? I'm the one in charge."
"It all comes down to someone's courage to do the right thing."
"shinzo actually acted like a hero in that moment and should really be praised for it he used his head"
"Desmond decides to sacrifice himself for humanity, making the biggest decision a human can make to safeguard everyone's future."
"Enough was enough, and so did Singularity by being the mastermind behind not only the Mecha robot but controlling it in the event that did occur."
"Jin Wu demands that it die and he uses his own immense physical strength to defeat the serpent."
"I'm taking the company back, Alan. You were right about everything."
"I tipped that camel over, the straw that broke the camel's back."
"Jonathan prophesied a great victory. The value is in the courage to act on the impulse."
"There should be no hesitation in putting forward the need to save lives."
"Now is the time for vengeance, now is the time for justice."
"Just RI the Band-Aid off just make a two-person change switch up the whole flow of the team."
"Ryuken decides that Uryu should be the one to fire the arrow."
"He was quick enough to sever both of Muzan's limbs after awakening his demon's lair mark."
"We should not hesitate to take Bolder decisions... the Putin regime will decide that the Western allies are too weak."
"Taylor looked into the fire and just decided one day to jump through it."
"You need to guarantee in the words of Charles Barkley, right, that you win material or get checkmate."
"Joel doesn't give Marlene a chance to follow them and he's right, you know he says no you're just gonna you're just gonna find us and ends her life and it's cold-blooded."
"Peril gets up and says he has decided what he's going to do he got blown away by his father and here he had to fight talisker as well so he's going to go after the one giving all the orders and beat up the king of camelot so no one else is hurt."
"I am an agent of chaos. I do not believe in half-measures. Now is not the time to play it safe."
"Public opinion on this is hardening because what people are saying is, can we please end the agony, can we just get it over and done with?" - Nigel Farage
"I think he goes and believes he is having his Crossing the Rubicon moment."
"Our campaign has been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively in the best interest of America."
"Let's just drop that and unleash the nuke right there, boom! Nicely done."
"The coming decade would be decisive in the fight against climate change."
"Let this be the moment that we answer history's call."
"Unreal! Let's get off, that's it, taking our support back."
"Leon finally chooses to attack at the moment when the slimes are charging their attack thanks to that vision and the foot handling technique he manages to finish off many slimes in a moment almost unintentionally."
"Oregon's mag ban just got slammed with a one-punch and knocked out cold."
"You don't negotiate for better terms with an abusive partner, you leave."
"You've got to make a call. Right now, all this is doing is you're dragging the EG brand through the mud, you're tarnishing your own legacy."
"You took risks you took risks and stuff but it seems like you got to make it happen now dog real tough to a a max dog gotta a max if dog don't aa max dog."
"He regained the high ground, pulled Jin's blade into his hand, and cut down the stunned Sith Lord."
"Young weu ended up getting a 24-yard field goal to seal the deal."
"To hesitate in the slightest before this threat will see us cast into anarchy."
"The only thing that might save them honestly is Joe Manchin."
"Leo season is a very, very prosperous time for Aries, and you are in the place you have evolved, you have grown, you are strong enough to make a move, make a decision, time to act, time to move forward."
"Good on the man for kicking her straight out of the house. That's fantastic to see."
"For him to put his thumb on that button and disconnect that autopilot was just about the bravest thing I think he thought he ever did in his life."
"We need that clarity to defeat Putin right now."
"The prince sees this as an act of desperation and decides to send me to destroy their branch at a hotel here once and for all."
"There's only one thing you can do with your hand, and it's pull the trigger."
"Good for you, you did what you had to do to maintain your sense of self."
"Goku Black had to summon Zeno to erase him from existence."
"You just gotta have the fearlessness to really take those shots."
"If this is your last time worshipping, make sure you make it count."
"You're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study, not to bring back, but to wipe them out. That's the plan."
"A lucrative deal that gets put in front of you and you are going to drop everything you're doing to take it."
"Most likely outcome is someone taking action on this because it's toxic, a lot of toxicity there."
"If you have the clarity you need to act, that's good."
"You think of what I'm thinking, partner? Aim for the bushes."
"Take action, speak your truth, stand your ground. It's either now or never."
"I'd sack him before he even gets on the plane to Qatar."
"We did what we had to do, and we saved lives."
"In the nick of time, you're making a clear-headed decision to walk away."
"I locked the church doors and left right then and there not questioning my decision."
"Vote and make sure that you vote without even hesitating to vote."
"Purdy one on one. George Kittle, goodbye! A touchdown."
"I just wanted to press the button to stop that chaos."
"It's as clear as bell that we need to break up Google."
"The Ukrainian Army will make a move that will effectively terminate the war."
"You don't win the game of life okay by dabbling your toe in the water and seeing if you want to go in you make a decision you want to swim and you dive in."
"What that woman in that restaurant did was save this child's life, absolutely no question."
"It is crucial that the Ukrainian Armed Forces deal the killing blow to the Moscow Army this spring."
"For the final, which is, I mean, it's obvious at this point - the falling guillotine."
"It's now or never, you have to leave and take a leap of faith."
"How willing are you to just take that risk on me? That's the leader right there."
"There isn't a person or a group strong enough to walk in and say you know what we're going this way whether 10 million of you agree with it or not."
"Dump them, dump them, dump them, and dump them."
"However, Han kills him with his sword instantly."
"He made a tough decision and he stuck by it."
"Without a moment's hesitation, he acted not as a minister but as a rescuer." - Andrei Gurovich
"Silence towards you was me building up my strength to leave you. I'm done, we're done."
"I'll take the responsibility, we'll go ahead and shut it down, forget about it, I'll go ahead and do it."
"This is the decisive decade. This is a decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of a climate crisis." - Joe Biden
"Paul likes to make a move for the king without hesitation."
"Sack him now, sack him now, gutless performance yet again."
"He's about action, it's either gonna be him or it's gonna be you."
"Phelps decision to let Kelso kill hoagie boom, if they had delayed anymore they all would have died down there in the storm drains."
"It just takes one punch in the right place and that's it."
"Just go, love them hard, don't look back, honey, that's it, that's all there is."
"Now with the shield down, Ackbar ordered the attack on the Death Star."
"It's up to you. You hold the key. If Florida goes blue, it's over."
"Let your plans be stealthy and then Blitzkrieg okay the exact quote is something to the effect of let your plans be dark as night and strike down like a thunderbolt that illuminates the darkness in a split second."
"I'm going to have to break the glass, this is an emergency."
"I erased them, I turned off the machine, I set you free."
"I did not hesitate. I told America these vaccines should be pulled off the market."
"With regained strength, Merlin immediately opens a vortex to trap Morgana, and Alex jumps on her to stab her, this time killing her for good."
"Let's just get it out, let's get it over, get it over with, get in there and duke it out..."
"If he doesn't pull that trigger, you and I are not having this discussion right now."
"I just simply reached over, grabbed hold of my partner and said, 'We need to leave now. It is non-negotiable. There is not an option. There is no choice anymore. We have to go.'"
"Are you waiting on someone else before you can take the big leap? Make a decision and do it. No more waiting for others."
"He twirls his blasters back up to Mikko dead or alive."
"He finally blows the monster up instantly with his special ability."
"When asked by a nearby priest how he intended to reply to the Mongol invasion, Tokimune shrieked 'Katsu!' - Victory."
"You're cutting them off, you're going hardcore, you're putting emotions to the side."
"Jon takes charge he doesn't lie about Danny trying to kill him and everyone especially the common folks seem to want him as king."
"Once you get hit with a Stone Cold Stunner, son, it's one, two, three, lights out."
"I'm deleting my reviews of Cyberpunk 2077 both parts and yeah, I'm not looking back."
"Take it in between now and then, fire everybody. That's what's going on."
"Enraged by such a despicable act, Ki-Taek takes the knife and kills Mr. Park before fleeing the scene."
"Bakugo blows up both of All for One's arms and saves All Might, changing the future."
"President Trump has taken decisive action to end the era of budget cuts for America's military."
"Helping hand goes off no wide guard no switch no Terra see this is enough to KO nice okay beautiful."
"Take the leap of faith. Waiting for the perfect moment when there never will be one."
"I think you need to listen to your heart regardless of the fears here. You need to take the blindfold off."
"I knew if he ever got back in the cockpit, we were history."
"I decided that I was going to level the airplane, turn on the autopilot, go to the back of the airplane, and kill Callaway."
"Don't wait around. Call on the name of the Lord and ask Jesus to come into your heart."
"When in doubt, full throttle. It's the Kerbal way."
"If he's not willing to embrace this and immerse himself in this treatment process, then you should file for divorce before dark today."
"This is the final battle, the most important election we've ever had."
"That's how you stop a fight... and that's what Benavidez did."
"I had no choice I had to do it see the opportunity or when I go everyone gonna Remember My Name Big Smoke."
"It turns out that Mash gave up on trying to beat him with the disc and decided to choke him out instead so in one second he used his muscles to cut off blood flow to his head and knock him out immediately."
"Cal would seize the moment and penetrate the Sith Lord's guard, cutting him down and ending his life."
"Cut the check... hundreds of millions... and they cut the check."
"You make one step backward, give me one reason to think you might hurt Ang, I'll make sure your destiny ends right then and there, permanently."
"Change your approach." - "Leaders act for their moment."
"Found the camp though, I'm hoping an airstrike will take this out."
"Handle your life like you're the CEO; make the hard cuts and do what needs to be done."
"All it takes is a single good cask or body slam to end a fight in their favor."
"Answer the call, follow that intuitive nudge."
"I think we actually have to end this guy's life because if we do that I believe slavery will come to an end."
"This is my call. Command left us to die, but I am going to get you out of this."
"Hey, if you see something, just shoot. Don't think, shoot. Don't think, just shoot. Don't think, shoot."
"It takes guts to turn the car around and drive away from what you've seen."
"Part of my book is about prosecutorial failure."
"Execute order 66 if it was an option, but this is about victory for the Republic."
"Strange for whatever reason like landed close the door behind them... land on the book and move!"
"That's just a tone-setting moment right there."
"It was nothing short of a no-brainer for me to take this opportunity."
"Abuse in any form is a clear, unequivocal signal that it's time to leave the relationship."
"Let them finish down there. Just eliminate them from this league now, please."
"Just go for it, pull the trigger and just do it."
"We're trying to be prepared for both but we have to take action on one of the sides and my side that I'm taking action on is the bull market."
"Voting for him was like taking out the trash."
"We only get one shot at this... if you don't literally."
"When it's us or them, there shouldn't be any reservations."
"I guess we're done with Penny, we need to get the [ __ ] out of here right now."
"Nacho decides to take his fate into his own hands literally... He goes out on his own terms."
"The best thing he could have done for the people of Burkina Faso was killing that piece of [ __ ] before he was cooed by him."
"Time does heal all wounds, but what you need to do is completely cut this girl off."
"You kill the head, the body will follow. Every time."
"You have the power to make that change. Go with your gut feelings."
"Aggression will be met with decisive action and the Ukrainian people will not give up their fight for freedom and sovereignty."
"Get Ivan Tony to the carpet right now, I've seen enough."
"If you are in a burning house you are going to try to get out by any means necessary."
"If you still don't get it by now, it's time for you to sell everything you've got."
"God forgive me," he said, before pulling the trigger.
"We're on the getaway boats in that Titanic and we're just flicking off the boat."
"We decided we're just gonna we're just gonna we decide in September we're gonna move and we're not turning back so we burnt the ships on that side."
"I hear God saying that it's time for you to get off of the fence and to make a decision."
"You gotta burn the boats if you want anything in life, you gotta make a hard decision but you cannot take half measures."
"I appreciate your courage and also knowing what you want to do and being about it and [expletive] doing it."
"Action with power action with decisiveness action with consistency with discipline and power."
"I did what had to be done, I think that's the best."
"You're invested in separating something out or getting away from something very clearly."
"Let's just do it. I'm not gonna be ready. It's like ripping a band-aid off."
"At the very moment when our entire democracy hung in the balance, probably because of fear for his own life, he finally did the right thing and stopped Trump."
"Commit, commit, commit! The game just really wants us to go B, okay?"
"This person has to go. They gotta go. They have to. Whoever this group is, this community and this person, I feel now they want to try to change."
"If it energizes and expands your life, the answer is hell yes you should absolutely do it."
"This is getting out of hand. I need to drive away and call the police before it's too late."
"You were allowed to run around and make a mess of things for far too long, and it ends now." - Gogeta
"I'm acquiring the power of light, and now you're going to be dead."
"It was a lady who finally took down the monster by shooting it right between the eyes."
"Napoleon throws it hard, closing the door only this much."
"He decides to end the battle for good using his unique skill Predator and swallows him whole, effectively separating him from Shizu."
"Set yourself free, only you can make that decision."
"We had no other option, there was nothing left to give, so we took a stand and we left the state of Texas."
"We've got to act to protect the people and I think those actions are what matters. Facts and science."
"It's Steve that manages to save the day here in an act of selfless bravery."
"Now is not the time to sit on the bench and just kind of wait to see how things go. Now is the time to pick sides."
"When the right path opens, there's no hesitation, an absolute abundance of yes."
"We're going in, and we're going in, that's it."
"Someone is coming in with some action, with some clarity."
"One Hakai is all it would have taken, Kakarot."
"Leaders want to address it right off the bat and get it done right."
"All fleets back to the home world, there's nothing they can do now to stop us."
"Boundaries begin with one enormous step, and that is first you have to decide who you're going to be."
"You have to turn your back on something... maybe you have to take action that is rather drastic."
"Anyway, we should start heading over to the trial field where Monokuma is waiting. I have to make my case there."
"That's pretty sick, to get a lawyer and just be like [ __ ], sue 'em."
"A hard pivot either back to normalcy or into complete chaos is the only solution to the show's current tone problem."
"You must decide. It's not enough if you're waiting for the world to tell you. You're not in your power. You have to decide that it's going to be. And so it is."
"All I wonder now was what would have happened if I hadn't taken a shot in the dark with that virus."
"The best solution to correct all the mistakes is a red card."
"If you are very confident that something needs to be done, is about to happen, or you know the path that you need to take, don't delay. Move towards that for sure."
"We put all our force into one stroke, break through their defenses, and hit them where they'll hurt most."
"The answer is yes, have confidence to take a leap of faith."
"A determined political act can only be arrested by an equally determined and courageous judiciary."
"As Liz Lemon would say, 'That's a deal breaker, ladies.'"