
Finding Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
"Rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep."
"Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost."
"Your Father is looking for you, and the one who seeks finds."
"Okay, let me see if I can find those... looking, looking, looking... there they are!"
"For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
"Ask and you shall receive; seek and you will find."
"As we cleared away the top layers of soil, we began to see stones in a circular arrangement."
"Finding peace in the midst of tragedy."
"how are we gonna find them let's just go look around the city and see if we can find one"
"I feel relieved, you know how long I've been trying to find this [__] shoe."
"We did however find the Jaws ornament."
"Every time something is found, Jesus says people around should rejoice."
"I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me, I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me."
"It's really important to know the environment that they live in, learning that and getting those clues because that's really going to help you find where they are."
"There is power to find here, there is release."
"Finding one should be relatively easy and it's getting easier all the time."
"I can tell you what decluttering does; it helps you to find things that you couldn't find."
"I love it when I find stuff in here."
"Turning out to be a music box, the group finds another key hiding inside."
"Finding lost objects is like easy divination magic."
"I found my sunglasses. They've been lost for like two weeks. I'm so relieved."
"Finding the right doctor is like finding the right Sushi."
"If my kids are out there, and I want to find my kids, I'm gonna find them."
"I found something perfect you wish he may have had a mask but he still had an opening for me to see through I poured oil spray through this opening."
"You never would have sought me had you not already found me."
"You have to find the right process for you."
"It's the joy of finding the perfect one that's half the fun."
"He who loses his life will find it."
"We found ourselves a little zone."
"I find something else to do, and then just when I've stopped thinking about the thing I've lost, I find it."
"That's how you find love in the club!"
"We've found your husband Mrs. Lanigan and he's alive,"
"It's been an hour since I found those silver coins."
"Finding the rhythm within the chaos."
"When you look for me with your whole heart, you will find me."
"I love finding random little pieces like this that fit my needs."
"I think we found a seam of gem silica."
"So where did it go? Oh, here it is."
"The Mandalorian: fantastic at finding things and delivering things."
"Seekers will be finders, and finders will be sought."
"Asking is always linked with seeking. Ask, and ye shall find, ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find."
"Here's my drawing, it's Grimace. Did you miss me? Thanks so much for finding me, I was lost."
"Seeking means to have a goal, but finding means to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal."
"Those who love the truth will seek and will find it."
"...if you seek, you will find. And so if you're not finding, it's because you haven't really sought."
"There is no such thing as seeking without finding."
"God never tells us to seek Him unless He intends for us to find Him."
"Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep."
"When the day that you seek me with all your heart, you'll find me, says the Lord."
"A Seeker becomes a finder because he has been seeking so long."
"As we seek you, that surely we will find you."
"You have asked and I have spoken, you have sought and I let you find."
"Seek and you shall find, knock and it will be open."
"When you seek, you're gonna find; when you knock, that door is gonna be opened unto you."
"Those who seek find; to those who knock, it is opened."
"The day you seek me with all of your heart, that's the day you'll find me."
"Where you're gonna find the love is in the family."
"Ye shall seek Him and find Him, if ye search for Him with all thy heart."
"I can't believe they found him though."
"Matthew 7:7-11 - Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you."
"Ask and it will be given, knock and the door shall be opened, search and you shall find."
"If you seek, you find; if you don't, you won't."
"Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find."
"If we seek you, we will find you."
"If you ask it will be given to you; if you seek you will find."
"God says he who seeks shall find."
"The more we seek you, we will find you, and the more we find you, we will seek you."
"You promise when we call that you will answer; when we seek, we will find."
"When you seek for me, you will find me, when you seek for me with all of your heart."
"Knock and you shall receive, search and you shall find."
"If we seek you, we will find you, and if we knock, you'll open up the door."
"If with all your heart you truly seek me, you will surely find me."
"It is a gift that runs in my family. We find things and people."
"Whatever you're looking for is looking for you as well."
"We are so lost, so we actually just step into our lives and let us be found again, Lord God, for your glory and never ours."
"Ask, and it shall be given; seek, and you shall find."
"If you seek me, you shall find me if you search for me with all your heart."
"Seek me while I am near, and you will find me."
"I love them that love me, and those that seek me early will find me."
"When you seek me, you'll find me, when you search with all your heart."
"When we seek You, we will find You, when we search for You with all of our hearts."
"Dory! There you are, baby! I've been looking for you for a year."
"If you seek for me with all your heart, we find the one who was all the time looking for us."
"What you seek, you will find; it will come through, it will come to you."