
Residency Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"Immigration is a tough subject. It's hard to tackle, but now she finally got her permanent residency, and she is here for good."
"If we hated the United States so much, we probably wouldn't fucking live here."
"I don't know any different, but it's beautiful. It's stunning. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else."
"Everyone's amazing in Haddonfield, I love them, I want to live here."
"Match day is when we find out that we got into residency."
"You're trying to make your village look cool so that people want to come to live there."
"I avoid advocate choosing a state that they don't ask and of course you're next No exactly where you're going and it's a very valid point."
"Invest three bitcoins and get permanent residency."
"Everyone's happy to see you everywhere in the world... but I don't want to live there."
"So many people are curious about whether I'm going to be staying in America or moving back to Canada, and the answer is..."
"Nothing lasts forever. As long as it makes sense here, we will live here."
"I love Romania. I love this country, and if I am found not guilty, I will stay in Romania."
"Taiwan is incredibly accepting. Citizens, yes, five years."
"We're now ready to start accepting people to come in and start living here."
"If you're a Puerto Rican resident, which means you live there for 6 months and one day each year, then you pay no federal income tax."
"What I love about Park MGM, the former Monte Carlo, is the Dolby Live Theater where Silk Sonic, Bruno Mars have a residency."
"Are you in New Orleans at this time? Yes, I'm living in New Orleans."
"I chose Nevada because of its libertarian viewpoints. It played a small role in why I chose Nevada as a resident."
"I went to an artist's residency in Wyoming."
"I grew up in Bedfordshire in England but I live in Cambridgeshire."
"He lives in Arizona, he doesn't live here. I live here."
"I've been living here for quite a few years at this point."
"Kanye may own that home, but [ __ ], he don't stay there."
"Get Mexican residency...applying for either temporary or permanent residency...basically proving that you have the financial means to support yourself while in Mexico."
"The tax authority can deem you a Portuguese tax resident if you spend more than 183 days within a year in Portugal."
"Direct Pathway to permanent residency for those dreaming of building a future in Canada."
"The employer can present candidates with a job offer, and such a candidate can apply for permanent residency."
"Welcome! ...all of these amazing people here are on track to get permanent residency and make Nova Scotia their home."
"If you stay in Philadelphia for six months you become free."
"There's always ways to change later. You know, the whole reboot the system version is where you just put the residency all together and reapply to go into a completely different specialty."
"So if he only spends a few weeks of the year in State B, where he owns a vacation home, he's technically not domiciled there."
"When I was in residency I just felt a connection to older people."
"The resident who's really has done nothing they've been there for two or three years and have done nothing, they don't know how to get involved."
"If you invest in real estate or you open a business here you can get a permanent residency right off the bat."
"The idea of obtaining a permanent residency is very compelling nowadays as more and more people are looking for opportunities to expand their horizons and improve quality of life."
"There are many ways to obtain permanent residency in a different country with the most common routes being marriage, employment, retirement programs, skilled migration programs, and special talent-based residency."
"But besides these obvious paths, there are some countries that grant immediate PR to those making a substantial investment, often referred to as residency by investment programs or golden visa schemes."
"Permanent residency serves as a stepping stone to citizenship, granting individuals the option to become full citizens after residing in the country for a specific period of time."
"Portugal offered one of the best residency by investment programs, targeted for everyone including investors, retirees, and global executives."
"Attending a prestigious school like Johns Hopkins improves your odds of matching into competitive residencies."
"Becoming a non-resident basically says that you're severing your ties to Canada."
"Now, if let's say you came for your one year, and you're in the process of renewing but you haven't gotten the new card yet, you're still legally in Mexico. You can just hang out here. There is no requirement for you to leave Mexico while you have this."
"I'd rather have someone who wants to live there reside in it."
"...chances of getting Dermatology residency if you have completed a residency in the Home Country. Derm is one of the hardest, but it is now doable. High scores and research in the U.S will help."
"If you work in Australia for 3 years, then you will be able to apply for permanent residency."
"The whole idea behind that program was to allow people who have job offers as caregivers to apply for a work permit and also, after working for a certain number of months, to have a clear path to applying for permanent residency."
"With permanent residency, you're basically going to have all the same rights as a Mexican Citizen."
"The city operates on a unique system where houses become free property if left unlived in for over a week."
"Residents who leave and return cannot expect to find their Old House available."
"Step 2 CK is gonna be incredibly helpful for all of you to do well in Step 2 CK and be competitive applicants for residency in the match."
"Make sure to watch the full residency interview tutorial I recorded recently to help you ace your interview."
"I intend to be a resident of MacMillan Point in West Covehead."
"I actually have some great news and I am celebrating this week because just two days ago I found out after two years of waiting and submitting millions of documents I have become a permanent resident of Canada."
"I almost got deported. Yeah, I bet 'cause you're not a [__] resident, bro."
"The town is still my home. It's where I want to live."
"We are to contribute to the excellence of America because this is where we live, this is where we're gonna stay, this is our country."
"That company is based around the idea that the playwright, the playwright whose season is being done, has to be in residence, working with the company."
"A distinguished writer in residence."
"One in six of those international students will later on become a permanent resident."
"We want EU citizens to stay here in the UK because we value the contribution they're making."
"It is mandatory for all residents, whether employed or unemployed, to have some kind of health insurance."
"I had like a little residency for a month with them and bro, it was incredible."
"It is also incumbent on us to look after the rights of the people who have lived, worked, dwelled among us, made their lives here."
"EU citizens living lawfully in the UK today will be able to stay."
"Retired foreigners who want to reside permanently in Mexico can easily attain its permanent residence card."
"Greece financially independent person Visa enables foreign retirees a Greek residency without any sort of investment or fees."
"They're going to need to show that they can actually support themselves while they're here."
"They have two comedians who are living on the ship, performing almost nightly."
"Get your Nevada license ASAP. There's so many perks for locals."
"We help International Medical graduates from the beginning of the way with USMLE tutoring, with advising to find the right path to achieving your dream and matching into residency."
"The match application packages include all the personal statement editing, CV editing, advising in one package."
"We also have multiple courses that can help you learn about research and ace research which is becoming increasingly important for the residency match process."
"A UK spouse visa can lead to indefinite leave to remain and British citizenship."
"You are almost certainly on your way to becoming a permanent resident."
"The average person who finishes a school in Canada at a tertiary level becomes a permanent resident within one to two years."
"I have lived all over the world, but no country compares to the United States; therefore, it is the best place to reside."
"Finland has one of the fastest routes to permanent residency and citizenship."
"Your family can also apply for permanent residence."
"Ethical recruitment is determined by the country from which the individual is resident rather than the nationality of the individual or their original country of training."
"There are over 62,000 postgraduation work permit holders in BC, most of whom are seeking a path to permanent residency."
"You could be on a set route to settlement, which is permanent residency, in 3 years time."
"I remember getting an email saying, 'Hey, it got delivered to you. You're now a permanent resident.' I'm reading that I'm like, 'Oh my God, it's finally wow. I can stay in Canada now. That's freaking awesome.'"
"You can obtain a Finland PR or permanent residence permit when you live in Finland continuously on a residence permit for 4 years without any interruptions."
"You get paid to live here, you feel me? That's an extra 38 when you get it, so that's everybody."
"You're going to be working three to seven years of residency, you really want to make sure the things that you're wearing are going to be both comfortable as well functional."
"I'm starting residency tomorrow, and I don't know how I feel about it."
"Life happens during residency... but if you find a program director who truly cares about you and is invested in your success, then you have just purchased yourself an insurance policy against Murphy's law."
"You're going to pick the top programs that you want to go to for residency, and those programs are going to also pick the top applicants that they would like to have as trainees."
"It's magical and it just so happens that people end up lining up with their appropriate programs."
"Dubai is our number one... it's easy to live in, meaning that you can easily get residency there, it has zero tax, very straightforward zero tax, and it's quite livable."
"Portugal... if you can take advantage of the non-habitual residency regime it's a ten year program."
"Puerto Rico... they have separate tax rules that you can potentially pay zero tax on certain income."
"Your ability to give back to the community where you reside is an important skill they want to see."
"It's really nice to live in a country where one of you holds citizenship or permanent residency."
"I've lived in Dartmouth, of course, for years and years and years, and I find it's a great place to live in."
"I'm super proud of her. She got the residency that she wanted."
"Lucille City is set to accommodate 450,000 people with almost half of them being full-time residents."
"The financial benefit of you getting into residency and into a paid specialty a year earlier is significant."
"Preparing an application for residency is an art of convincing the program that you're the right candidate for that position."
"The idea behind Freedom Ship was to comfortably house over 50,000 permanent residents."
"The cool thing about permanent residency is that it does not expire."
"We're pretty set on filing for residency in Portugal and then moving back to Azores."
"Residency can be really enjoyable if you know what to look for and do it well."
"It's one of the most interesting and often misunderstood tax programs in the world, the Portuguese non-habitual residency regime."
"The non-habitual residency program in Portugal is a program we really like, mainly because it is in a country that a lot of people would actually like to live in."
"That's when you know that you're a permanent resident of Canada."
"Most international students completing a degree in Canada on a study permit are generally considered to be residents of Canada for tax purposes."
"When you have that residency card for the first time, you feel like finally, you've got that home."
"After you've completed 5 years, you can go ahead and apply for an indefinite leave to remain."
"I prefer to be in the Northeast region to be available to visit her often for social support during residency."
"Proof of ties basically just means you need to prove to them that you're not going to come into Canada and then stay here for the rest of your life."
"The best part of this Visa is that it is a work to residency Visa which means you become a permanent resident in New Zealand after just two years."
"To be eligible to become a Canadian citizen, you must be a permanent resident."
"For permanent residency, I would go under the federal self-employed program."
"We're officially UAE residents now."
"Medicine continues after residency, you're constantly learning."
"I could get my Greek residency because my parents are native from Greece."
"The state sends all permanent residents who have lived there for at least one year an annual dividend check from its oil wealth savings account."
"Most golden visa programs in Europe allow investors to gain residency in a country in exchange for making a substantial investment."
"Greece's golden visa is popular because it's one of the cheapest golden visas in Europe."
"We've looked at six of Europe's cheapest golden visas and we've examined their pros and cons in some detail."
"God blessed us with a permanent residency so now we get to stay and be residents of this beautiful country."
"So sit back, grab some popcorn, and or grab a beer, and let's go ahead and look at what it takes to get residency in this beautiful country on the Adriatic."
"Residency through home ownership is very, very common."
"I love Spain so much, I hope I can get to stay here. I love living here."
"I would definitely recommend you guys doing an art residency if you're an artist."
"Be the best physician you can be. Residency is where you do your training and you hone your skills."
"As an LPR, you're free to live in the USA, to come and go as you please."
"Your conditional status will be removed and you will receive permanent residency."
"There are basically two ways that you can apply for permanent residency in Canada."
"Once you have a green card, there's no more visa application. That is permanent residence."
"After you have spent one year in the United States as an asylee, you can choose to apply to become a lawful permanent resident or green card holder."
"I have a lot of interesting content coming up for you guys, especially in my final year of residency."
"You will be eligible to get the permanent resident in Ireland under two years of residing."
"Washington DC is a wonderful city to call home."
"In five years, you would have a permanent residency, and permanent residency in Lithuania gives you access to 24 other countries in the Schengen region."
"Put your best physical efforts in learning all the required skills during your residency."
"Our program offers an EB3 visa to our nurses which affords them and their family US permanent residency and permanent work status."
"Overseas Citizen of India, known as OCI, is a form of permanent residency available to people of Indian origin and their spouses which allows them to live and work in India indefinitely."
"It's a direct pathway to permanent residency."
"I'm also excited to be an Oregon resident because they care more about the environment."
"I think we should stay in Canada."
"I am finally a permanent resident unconditionally in this country, meaning that I can work and live in the United States of America for as long as I want."
"I would do a residency in Vegas 100 percent, in a heartbeat."
"Police should live in the neighborhoods that they police."
"It's not about EU citizenship; it's about whether the person is in the EU."
"The ease of obtaining residency in Mexico is truly one of the main reasons that expats consider moving here."