
Modular Design Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"City functions will be divided into three main layers: a lower spine layer with all the main transport systems, a service layer run mostly autonomously, and a pedestrian layer where people live their lives."
"Each component has a distinct responsibility, resulting in better separation of concerns."
"Our modular design allows us to create over 35 possible variations through our innovative process."
"The Lynx is a very impressive vehicle with quite a bit of capability, and clearly, they put a lot of development into trying to make this vehicle modular."
"The US military is on to a winner here using the striker in a modular capacity."
"The action too because of this whole modular design the main camera unit has a small screen on there and the screen mod also has a small screen on there."
"You could literally take your modular pistol grip slide it into their interface that then connects to any AR upper receiver that you want."
"Because of the modularity of the p320, you can do cool things like this..."
"This modular shelving is so satisfying and I'm really excited for this pack to launch."
"One of my favorite pros of the KRISS vector is the ease of maintenance and changing out calibers."
"Modular sets like this offer endless possibilities for creativity and fun."
"Definitely a cool idea for Lego to be adding more little modular builds."
"Modular design... adds cost but improves aesthetics and cleanliness of your build."
"Thankfully there is a company called better body who's created one dumbbell that is completely modular."
"Unlike other trucks of the time, the MAZ 2000 was based on a modular design."
"Off-site manufacturing reduces construction timelines and minimizes on-site assembly."
"The orbit G5 travel system is infant Cary with stroller but many other accessories can be added in the future to your G5 frame."
"If you have a chance to pick up this modular, do it; you won't regret it."
"...it basically is Lego Marvel's first true modular building sure we had the Daily Bugle last year which was fantastic but that was more of a large skyscraper that was technically compatible with Modular Buildings but didn't really fit in with the rest."
"Anything beyond that, I would actually recommend that you break down your application into smaller applications."
"The whole point of this architecture is so you can easily swap out or exchange these different modules in the future."
"Let's logically look at our projects and go how many bits of this project have we actually got that are entirely separate."
"These bags both have modular core units, which just means that the actual camera bag part itself is removable and changeable."
"We usually divide things up into modules of sensors, processing, and actuation."
"Firebase does have a new version which is Version 9 that comes with benefits, for example, one of them being that it is modular."
"I think my favorite thing about this train station compared to the last one is the fact that it sits on the 232 by 32 base plates, so it's like its own modular building almost."
"The main idea is that every file by default is a module."
"Don't think of Salesforce like an app like Excel or Word, think of it more like a bunch of Lego bricks."
"The idea of having independent parts that create a larger system does come with a few benefits."
"Adorable, lightweight, simple, ultra-modular electric vehicle."
"What I love about the K2 system is their modular design."
"So we're here demonstrating the modular capabilities of mod vans."
"We're literally lego-fying the Overland world."
"The whole set is modular; I like to be able to separate this into sections because this is for stop-motion animation, so I need much more flexibility for shooting."
"We are separating our applications based upon functionality."
"You can think of modules like the main route of your entire application."
"It allows you to pretty much keep everything more organized, so you don't have to put everything in just one single module."
"These are fantastic. I've never experienced anything like this. It's modular, and we bought a lot of it."
"This here is the all-new Clickbot, an all-new modular robotic kit that literally clicks together."
"I love the modular aspect of containers and it's just so rewarding to see it all come together."
"Technology allowed us to consider designing a part or product in a very modular way and then just by simply changing the modules, you actually could create a perception of a new product."
"The whole idea about micro frontend is all about building an app for feature A, another app for feature B, and bringing all of them together to form one application."
"The key to building a large Web app is to not construct a large Web app; it is to break it up into small libraries and small parts."
"Having all of these functions wrapped up as neural network modules allows us to use the sequential class to wrap multiple modules and compose them together."
"These houses that I built are all modular in nature, meaning that I can separate them at the levels and I can take off the roof as well."
"Having a modularized design makes it easier to build, easier to maintain, and easier to make more reliable."
"Salient takes this a step further; they have modular section templates that you can mix and match to build your own page."
"If you can take this modular approach with something as complex as an international space station, it might just have a chance to work on your web application."
"D3 gives you kind of these different layouts and lets you build up something complicated out of smaller parts."