
Dietary Health Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Let food be thy medicine and let's take it seriously."
"There is no substitute for healthy, proper food."
"Men who consumed cooked tomatoes two to three times a week had up to a 50% reduction in their risk of developing prostate cancer."
"Orthorexia is a very real thing. Telling people to eat clean, ban certain foods, villainize foods creates the risk of orthorexia."
"As soon as people start bringing back healthy salts into their diet, they just feel way better."
"When the brain is using fat for fuel, it's not aging."
"Hands and so the organ meats were so crucial for humans it's so important that we get these in our diet too."
"Olive oil better than animal fats absolutely slam dunk, but learning to really minimize even the oils, even the olive oil is probably the best road."
"Replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat lowers coronary heart disease."
"With a proper human diet, you can completely reverse fatty liver and type 2 diabetes."
"Within two weeks, go on a plant-based diet, your levels of IGF-1 in your body drop."
"Soluble fiber helps to feed good gut bacteria, which can also help to lower our insulin resistance."
"Saturated fat is not your enemy, and it's not linked to the incidence of heart disease."
"I connected the dots and realized I could reverse high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity by eating differently."
"Not controversial. It's completely irresponsible to advocate people eat high amounts of animal products."
"We should be eating food as close to what our bodies evolved to eat, which is whole, real, unprocessed food."
"Human beings need saturated fat. That's a fact."
"Balancing protein intake with a mix of sources ensures a more comprehensive nutritional profile promoting overall well-being."
"Food as medicine or healing myself of hypertension, sleep apnea, and obesity."
"Let's fight cancer the old-fashioned way with food."
"Making sure that either in your diet or in a supplement you're getting an excellent source of all the B vitamins."
"Making sure you're getting enough magnesium and potassium either in your diet or a supplement or both is vital."
"There's an increasing body of research particularly dr. Alessio Fasano from Harvard it shows that a lot of people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity."
"One big learning is people realizing that the importance of balancing their meals... fat protein and fiber."
"Rather than worrying about how much saturated fat we're consuming, we should be worried about factors that increase our clotting risk."
"Mushroom consumption lowers both prostate and breast cancer."
"If we change our diets, we can really reverse a lot of illness."
"Grass-fed and finished beef is likely to have fewer inflammatory properties."
"Understanding what keto is and how good it makes you feel will just motivate you to continue."
"Plant-based diet adds to that because it helps trim off excess weight which will help bring your blood pressure down."
"Imagine if you only ate one thing all day, every day. You wouldn’t starve, but you wouldn’t be very healthy, either - even if that thing was broccoli."
"Humans obviously are carnivores, but more specifically, the so-called chronic diseases that we treat today as doctors are not diseases at all."
"The Inuits were resistant to cancer and other chronic diseases, likely due to their ketogenic diets."
"People should try various diets and see what works for them."
"Just increasing your fiber intake by 10 grams of fiber a day reduces your colon cancer risk by 10%."
"You're going to fix dietary diseases by fixing the problem, which is the food."
"The ideal diet for humans can transform your life, reverse disease, and help you lose weight naturally."
"Whole eggs are nutritionally rich, supplying almost every nutrient the human body needs."
"The ketogenic diet is actually one of the best ways for somebody with a thyroid problem to get better."
"You can prevent, treat, or even reverse [chronic diseases] by activating your defense systems using food."
"These are delicious and even though it has it only has six grams of total sugar and four grams of added paleo sugar that's what you want to see."
"Diet is number one... you've got to get back to foods that are coming straight out of the earth."
"Insulin resistant? Olive oil might be your new best friend—helps with glucose levels!"
"The worst thing in the human diet that we eat in high amounts is not sugar, it's vegetable oils and seed oils."
"Studies have found an inverse relationship between whole grains including gluten containing whole grains like whole wheat and weight gain."
"Eating healthy foods will actually boost your amount of serotonin that you have in your body."
"Soda associated with higher fracture risk, green tea associated with significantly lower."
"I believe that most of the benefits of these diets specifically arise from restricting these two substances: sugar and seed oils."
"If you have any sort of food allergies or food sensitivities you probably have leaky gut."
"Food is medicine. It was changing what was on my plate that changed the outcome of my health."
"You are what you eat. Eat healthy, stay healthy."
"A ketogenic diet is a powerful biochemical metabolic intervention."
"Vegan proteins were positively associated with health while animal protein consumption was associated with increased cardiovascular mortality."
"Incorporating a variety of antioxidant-rich foods into one's diet can significantly contribute to kidney health."
"Oils matter... Your fats absolutely matter... lean into those good oils."
"You become much more insulin sensitive on a ketogenic diet."
"There's greater longevity among those with plant-based diets, including vegetarians and vegans."
"Every disease that we have today is a disease of diet and specifically a disease related to too many carbohydrates too often."
"It's our food, yes, almost every American on a daily basis is eating food that your body is actually recognizing as toxins."
"Cholesterol is another big one too; make sure you're getting sufficient cholesterol daily."
"It's absolutely not healthy for us to have corn in everything, but it's just so damn cheap."
"Most people will improve on a ketogenic diet."
"The last step would be for you to go to the ultimate elimination diet. And I do this with occasional persons, you know, maybe one out of every 300 people. I'll get to an unsolvable situation. Either I can't get them to change their diet or somehow or another I miss something."
"It's not that you're doing the diet wrong, it may just be your body trying to communicate to you that the diet isn't right for you."
"You can be an unhealthy vegan, a healthy vegan, an unhealthy non-vegan, a healthy non-vegan."
"It's just as important that we remind ourselves to focus on the healthier dietary patterns that we know a lot more about."
"Good calories, bad calories, which to me is probably the most important medical text written in the last 50 years."
"One of the ways that you want to treat the gut is by focusing on both probiotics and prebiotics instead of just one or the other."
"Eating fermented foods is really, really good for your health."
"The more aged cheese you can get, the better because it's going to have less of the A1 casein and more of the A2 casein, which is less inflammatory."
"Eating a lot of natural healthy bacterias like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut... is another way of nurturing [the microbiome]."
"There are so many great foods out there that contain healthy bioactives that are good for you."
"The foods in your pantry have the power to fight cholesterol the natural way."
"It's completely gluten-free and extremely healthy too."