
Relational Impact Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Ethical sex is about an awareness that we are relational beings and that our interactions, however big or small, can have an impact on somebody else, however big or small."
"Your growth as a human being will be held back."
"If he doesn't have the right person to guide him, he won't flourish."
"One loyal friend is worth more than 10,000 relatives."
"The severity of the betrayal is also important."
"Your kids come first, your mom's talk is painfully damaging."
"I'm just monumentally confused right now, but you didn't kill me then and there, that's the moment that set us on the path to our current situation."
"Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe, who not only physically resembled Eliza Poe, but shared her name, died from tuberculosis in 1847 at the age of 24… the same age, and from the same illness as Poe’s mother. He was reliving his earliest trauma."
"That sacrifice he made for me was pretty impressive."
"It's so clear now just how manipulative and truly evil she is."
"Those are the best ones though, it's like just open your heart up and just tell the truth, and then someone hopefully relates to that and gets the joy that we're getting out of it."
"Much of who we are is a result of the experiences that we've had in environments, different circumstances, different relationships."
"This person has forced you... to learn how to love yourself."
"They recognize you're someone who doesn't come along every day."
"That's the power of music and every relationship."
"Misery loves company, but hurt people hurt people."
"Hurt people hurt other people. Healed people heal other people."
"Relationships are powerful; it's what fills everything around us."
"The only thing you can really say for it is that it kept the band together."
"They find themselves coming back over and over again because you truly feel like home to them."
"Two main things: the abuse of their power and discard wounds."
"If not properly dealt with, the Jezebel spirit can destroy marriages, ministries, and lives."
"I'm putting myself in jeopardy. You living that life not knowing that you hurting everybody that loves you in the process."
"Lies destroy trust, create doubts, and can undermine our life-saving determination."
"Battles won or lost, it's relationships that truly Define a hero."
"Every single one of those women were people of meaning to other human beings."
"This person's eyes light up when they talk to you."
"Piccolo's connection with Gohan gives him a chance to rethink his morals..."
"Unforgiveness is the poison we drink, hoping the other person will get sick and it doesn't work."
"I think that you're going to see your shadow side from this person and this connection or from this opportunity."
"Honestly, the perfect revenge cuz it's like, look at the person that you raised, and then they have to suffer with the consequences."
"The love inside us heals not only our personal relationships but our political and social relationships as well."
"Deep knowing: Someone has entered your life who will be instrumental in your journey."
"I feel like this person, this emotional manipulator is really good at manipulating through words."
"The most destructive marriages in the world are those that are void of purpose."
"If you lose a relationship over politics, that's kind of sad."
"I think a lot of what I am is a result of her."
"It's important to take this time so that we can be the best version of our self for others as well."
"Family ties and family expectations can be toxic and destructive."
"He won't lie, but he will suffocate and misdirect."
"Choose yourself. When you commit to you, others commit to you."
"Unconditional love starts with you and only you. Only then can it be copiously extended to others around you."
"Now that we receive love from Christ, we can now give love."
"By the end of the month, what you're learning spiritually will positively affect your relationships."
"You will search for me in someone else but you will never find me."
"His life being a waste means that theirs was too."
"Sex has the ability to bring forth new life or destroy."
"She's hurting her loved ones in some way, I'm sure Becky is sad over this."
"Your energy brings out a side of me I didn't know existed."
"No person can make you happy but they can make you happier or they cannot make you successful they can make you more successful they can add to it they can contribute it."
"The litmus test for us is what deepens relationship, what pulls you away from relationships with God and with others."