
Hurricane Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"The last surviving C hurricane is powered by the only airworthy Merlin Mark 3 engine, making it the oldest hurricane of any type flying anywhere in the world."
"Everything's fine I'm here in the Caribbean everything's fine but if a major hurricane comes it's not going to be fine so I need to prepare now and have some extra food and water and things available in case there is some major disaster."
"A category 4 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico is a tremendously dangerous thing, obviously, depending on what happens farther on downstream."
"These hurricanes are really dangerous and it really does require focused, competent leadership."
"Hurricane Irma: a terrifying force of nature."
"Some residents claim that his ghostly appearance has protected their homes from the fury of Hurricane Hugo."
"Hurricane Matthew left the west coast of Africa on September the 22nd."
"More than a thousand people were reported killed in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew."
"The responsiveness of the administration throughout this hurricane has been extraordinary."
"Tonight hurricane ida slamming into louisiana as a powerful cat 4 storm."
"Regardless of whether sally has winds near 70 and 80 or winds greater than 100, the big impact is going to be from flooding."
"It's scary to think what's coming our way, and that's just kind of how hurricanes work."
"Hurricane has been fairly epic and this just feels like a great celebration of it."
"Love letters were found washed up on a beach in New Jersey by a fourteen-year-old boy after Hurricane Sandy in 2012."
"The passing hurricane Blas made its presence known. The winds howled, the palm trees swayed, and One Life held strong on her anchor out in the lagoon."
"Louisiana experiences the 'dirty side' of the hurricane, causing catastrophic damage."
"We're gonna be fine, a hurricane hitting Florida is like the most normal thing that has happened in 2020."
"The actual structure of a hurricane is truly a work of art."
"If you could drop start a chainsaw, you can allegedly pull start a fire in a hurricane."
"Hurricane people know how to show up for a parade."
"The biggest news is that slight shift to the West that means slightly weaker winds for the West Coast of Florida but it doesn't change the storm surge at all that's pretty much etched in stone already."
"You can walk right through a Category 5 hurricane, tornado; you're just walking on air."
"We always looked at it like, 'I ain't about to always evacuate for no Category 5 storm.'"
"We'll have to jump on a video call or something at some point in a few days time and see what he actually thinks of the hurricane FDO"
"There's only one thing to do in a hurricane: surf it."
"I hope everyone is safe with the approaching hurricane. Make sure you take the proper precautions, make sure you stay safe."
"Prediction charts have indicated that a powerful hurricane will begin forming today in the Atlantic Ocean."
"Maybe another reef? There may not be enough time to move them before the second part of the hurricane hits."
"It's like after a hurricane, just had tropical storms kind of come on through."
"Hurricane Katrina remains one of the deadliest storms to ever hit the US."
"Hurricane Carmen came through here yesterday, destroying nearly everything in its path."
"I will never forget this, the time that we fished out of the hurricane at night."
"It's taking aim for one of the most vulnerable cities in the country: New Orleans."
"Hurricane Hugo tore through the Carolinas and Virginia with torrential rains and winds up to 135 miles an hour, causing millions of dollars in property damage."
"To those that are heavily affected by this hurricane, I'm praying for you guys."
"During a historic hurricane, a healthy baby girl joined the family."
"In 2021, Hurricane Ida was a deadly and destructive category 4 Atlantic hurricane that became the second most damaging and intense hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana on record, only behind Hurricane Katrina."
"Let's make sure that when we design things, we're designing things that aren't just good for keeping us from a hurricane but also make daily life better."
"Pray for us, we're sailing into the eye of the hurricane."
"The great New England hurricane of 1938 killed nearly 700."
"There is an incredible amount of devastation from Hurricane Ian all over South Florida."
"Florence is a large and extremely destructive hurricane."
"What H registers force 12 on the Beaufort scale? Hurricane, a hurricane, right, absolutely."
"Winds of 74 knots or more: a hurricane."
"Here comes the story of the hurricane, the man the authorities tried to blame."
"This is the largest recorded hurricane ever to hit this part of Florida."
"I want to wish you well and I want to say that I'm praying for those of you who affected by the hurricane."
"I'll marry you right here in this building, I'll marry you in the eye of a hurricane."
"When this hurricane's hitting us, how bad? Right now, looking like a three. Okay, don't be scared."
"The hurricane is coming, you guys."
"Last year we had our first experience with the powerful hurricane Fiona, and we plan to be more prepared."
"The hurricane is 20 times the size of any hurricane on Earth."
"Good afternoon, it is currently 3:15. Had an amazing hurricane nap."
"The hurricane dealt death and destruction massively, capriciously, but indiscriminately, as is the way with nature on the rampage."
"A hurricane warning is now in effect. The storm is expected to strike full force within 24 hours."
"Lenia is coming on fast and that could have significant ramifications for the upcoming hurricane season."
"The hurricane was speeding by at 50 mph over Long Island, New York, headed for the vulnerable shores of Southeastern New England."
"The hurricane is roaring, and it could be a big one."
"And it's one of the biggest hurricanes we've seen in a long time. A long time."
"It only takes one... even in a year where you're expecting one storm, if that one is a major hurricane and impacts you, it's a bad season."
"On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina made landfall upon the Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coast, bringing devastation to many communities."
"We're happy to be showing you what it's like to be here in Walt Disney World during a hurricane."
"Everybody wants a window seat for one of the most powerful storms on Earth, a Category 5 hurricane."
"You wouldn't think that a hurricane was about to hit, the weather was glorious."
"We all just got through one of the worst hurricanes in the century; a few bucks ain't gonna hurt me."
"I hope everybody who was in the pathway of Hurricane Delta is staying safe."
"We're not trying; we are going to prep and get our boats safe so that we can withstand this hurricane properly."
"So this hurricane, it's a big low pressure system, it's a heat engine."
"We literally slept here tonight in our hurricane bunker."
"It's literally a hurricane outside."
"Engage your hurricane preparation plan now."
"Sending all the good vibes and thoughts and prayers to the people in the hurricane right now. Be safe out there."
"Prayers up for those who are being affected by Hurricane Matthew."