
Bacteria Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"You are made up more of bacteria than you are of human cells."
"We're using phages, like viruses that bacteria have, and they are very specific in what they target."
"We're really just sort of these human hosts that are host to a whole bunch of bacteria and bacteria are so essential to us functioning."
"You have about 40 trillion bacteria in your gut, which is about the same number as the number of cells in your body."
"Bacteria can do more than just make us sick; metal-absorbing species could help clean up metal pollution or recover valuable metals from electronic waste."
"Antibiotics are extreme derived from microorganisms and the growth of or the death of bacteria is controlled by them."
"Bacteria have already figured this out. They have a billion year head start on us."
"Scientists assured the public though that there was nothing to worry about and that the bacteria was unlikely to cause human diseases."
"One of the most striking things is... the gut connection to because there's a groove bacteria in the gut when they grow too much."
"Benzoyl peroxide directly kills P. acnes, the acne causing bacteria."
"With cyanobacteria, I get any of the big clumps I can and then use a rifampicin to fight it."
"Self-healing concrete repairs cracks using bacteria activated by rainwater or atmospheric moisture."
"It certainly is just a hypothesis at this point, but really how else can we explain this random superpowered bacteria that is unlike anything else on our Earth?"
"20% of all bacteria in the ocean is destroyed daily by viruses."
"Bacteria cannot survive in the presence of oxygen."
"Bacteria needs moisture to grow, so when your pasta is dry, there is no moisture for bacteria to grow."
"There's no point trying to hide from bacteria, for they are on you and around you always in numbers you can't even conceive of."
"It promotes the growth of good bacteria and kills bad bacteria in the gut"
"Humans are home to an absolutely staggering number of bacteria."
"Probiotics are basically bacteria that you're ingesting."
"H. pylori is found in the stomach, where it lives in the upper gastrointestinal tract."
"Bacteria divide once every 30 minutes."
"Think about klebsiella in situations of aspiration events."
"It purifies it from bacteria and viruses and all that stuff."
"Everything that's growing is composting, everything that's dead is decomposing, and all the cells and all the structure of all the plants and all the animals all have to decompose and the things that do that is the bacteria and the fungus."
"...as incredible as bacteria can be, they aren't noted for their sense of architectural style."
"It's probably not a good idea to take too personal an interest in your microbes... bacteria will be here when the sun explodes, this is their planet, and we are on it only because they allow us to be."
"They will live and thrive on almost anything you spill, dribble, or shake loose... just give them a little moisture and they will bloom as if created from nothing."
"Scientists at the Russian Academy of Science claimed to have revived bacteria frozen in Siberian permafrost for 3 million years."
"We would have much more success with bacteria if we weren't so profligate with our best weapon against them—antibiotics."
"Bacteria can themselves get sick; they are sometimes infected by bacteriophages or simply phages, a type of virus."
"A bacteria in your gut, oxalobacter formigenes, degrades oxalate in the body, preventing kidney stone formation."
"They love fiber, polyphenols, glucosinolates, omega-3 fatty acids... these are all amazing things that the gut bacteria love."
"If you introduce humidity and moisture, bacteria growth is actually faster."
"There is no worries about mold, there is no worries about bacteria."
"It's the bacteria in their saliva that breaks those nitrates down."
"For seafood, think Vibrio vulnificus."
"The little lactobacillus bacteria, they're the ones that are great for our digestion, they're the ones that are great for our stomach, they're the ones that are going to help preserve this food in our cupboard."
"I read online that bacteria can grow on food even if it smells and tastes fine."
"So the bacteria which are the oldest of our evolutionary species are really critically important."
"The largest components of the skin microflora, staph epidermidis, and C.acnes, both secrete antimicrobial peptides, which are like antibiotics geared specifically towards certain things."
"The distilled white vinegar will change, it will make the water that's left in the ear acidic and bacteria cannot grow in a high acid environment."
"We no longer can consider there to be bad bacteria or bad viruses... what makes it good or bad is the environment in which it's in."
"In the presence of acid, bad bacteria dies."
"Only gram-positive bacteria have lipotechoic acid."
"Why are clean hands important? Because humans are the most effective incubators of bacteria outside of imported meat, a fact first discovered 150 years ago in Soho when its filthy reputation was based not on pole dancers from Lapland, more lap dancers from Poland."
"Antibiotic resistant bacteria is going to spread really easily."
"We have a kind of genomic asymmetry, and to me that's the real difference between bacteria and large complex cells."
"What I want you guys to take away from this is what type of bacteria have the ability to produce this transformation process allowing for them to become competent, take up DNA, and then make nasty proteins as a response from that."
"The next type of mechanisms by which we can actually diversify or kind of cause changes within the bacterial DNA is this process called transduction."
"Antibiotics kill bacteria in three ways... It could also be interfering with protein synthesis and this is when the antibiotic would attach onto the bacterial ribosomes and that will then prevent proteins being synthesized and eventually the bacteria would die."
"Bioreporters: simple engineered bacteria cells signaling the presence of toxic chemicals in the environment."
"So if there's bacteria overgrowth we'll want to treat that, we can do that with antimicrobials which are basically an herbal antibiotic."
"The word microbiome would when we use it in the field means all the bacteria, all of them."
"It's a community of bacteria and yeast."
"Alright engineers, let's talk about staphylococcus."
"Pasteur demonstrated spoilage bacteria could be killed by heat."
"Several of the herbs that they checked were able to eradicate these bacteria as effectively as any drug therapy."
"86° F is kind of the optimal temperature for developing bacterial cultures."
"...genetically bacteria typically only have one copy of their chromosomes and they only have one chromosome."
"Bacteria cells, if they are put in the right grow condition, they can proliferate at a remarkable pace, something that often we would like to control."
"You don't want to be spreading bacteria over your face."
"Our gut microbiome starts from our mouth and ends up with our anus, and when we've got a healthy balance of good bacteria, everything flourishes so much better."
"The bacteria that get into the thrombus, the atherosclerotic plaque, they're a secondary issue. They're not the primary issue, they're not the causative issue."
"Cholera is going to be a water-driven illness, it's caused by a bacteria which is the pathogen in infected water sources."
"B vitamins maybe they're all made by the bacteria."
"When you decrease your good bacteria in your gut and increase bad your B vitamin absorption drops by over 50%."
"The interesting part is that generally speaking, the bacteria which have a disease suppressive effect and suppress pathogens from causing an infection are all of these facultative anaerobes."
"Horizontal gene transfer can be advantageous for bacteria."
"And most of them still have the idea that bacteria are floating along in planktonic swarms. And when they realize they don't do that-- they live in sludgy, slimy masses-- then they can rethink these things and benefit their patients."
"The world's totally dominated by bacteria and their cousins the archaea but there are bacteria that do photosynthesis and they're ones that do chemosynthesis and so those are really the ones that produced the first oxygen in the atmosphere, it was a bacterial world."
"The bacteria also regulate things like mood and obesity."
"Here's an interesting food fact for you: 10 germs outside the fridge can multiply to a th in just 6 hours."
"Microfiber cloths... remove bacteria with just water."
"The bio media supports bacteria and it supports it extremely well."
"Every healthy human being is host to more than a trillion bacteria just mind boggling numbers."
"This bacteria is considered now to be a guardian of our microbiome."
"Bacteria really are our ancestors, and they’ve been our partners the whole time."
"Bacteria can reproduce outside of a host organism, while viruses cannot."
"If you don't heat it up and kill the bacteria, they're still alive and this is still a probiotic sauce."
"The African diet swap... within two weeks both groups had dramatic measurable shifts in their intestinal bacteria and in inflammatory pro-cancerous markers."
"Fermentation is another process where we enlist the services of bacteria and fungi to break down the food into smaller, easier molecules."
"Probiotics are foods with living bacteria."
"Why is it so hearty? Based on recent research simulating the conditions of Mars, it turns out this bacteria could handle living under the surface of Mars for hundreds of millions of years."
"An adult human is composed of roughly 30 trillion body cells and then you can have up to 100 trillion more bacterial cells on and in your body."
"Bacteria and microbes play a vital role to the entire ecosystem."
"These bacteria play a profound role in priming and boosting our immune system."
"Antibiotic resistance is when a microorganism like bacteria is no longer responding to antibiotics they were previously susceptible to."
"Here's how our pond actually works... at the bottom of the Wetland, there's three feet of smaller rock and this is where we have been inoculating it with bacteria."
"These are like apartment blocks, blocks of flats, where millions of bacteria live and all of those bacteria are going to be providing a service to our tank."
"I think bacteria is very important, I basically think it rules the world."
"It's always been the case that there were on planet Earth bacteria that are resistant to compounds that we use today as antibiotics."
"That beneficial bacteria is in that filter media and that bacteria will actually break down the ammonia and the nitrate."
"You can jazz this tank up to a high temperature and kill the bacteria in it."
"If humans disappear, the Earth will be just fine; if bacteria disappear, we will all die immediately."
"H. pylori has figured out to survive in the stomach by being able to move and swim using these tail-like flagella at the poles."
"The bacteria are just simply loving the Ura; they are coming in masses and drones."
"The bacteria have this really cool protective shield around it as it's temporarily going through this really acidic gastric juice."
"When a bacterium wakes up in the morning, it always has the same thought: 'I want to live another day, anything to live another day.'"
"Smart bacteria say, 'I want to live another day and I like it in here because urine is my food source.'"
"Some sort of bacteria is in the house."
"Bacteria have a cell wall; our cells don't. A lot of the drugs that we take to kill bacteria target the cell walls because they're not going to be toxic to us."
"Can we create programmable communities of bacteria?"
"Exotoxins are proteins produced and secreted by bacteria."
"This is our bacteria overview figure, and in this video, we'll be discussing Shigella."
"Scientists are eager to study these oil-eating bacteria more to further understand their capabilities."
"Antibiotics all work by targeting some function of a bacterium."
"We need to resod your soil, we need to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria to get you back to that healthy green lawn."
"I paint the picture of a good healthy green lawn and I say each one of these blades of grass is a healthy bacteria in your colon."
"Actinomyces israelii is associated with oral, thoracic, and abdominal infections, and is susceptible to penicillin."
"When you have a bacteria that is multiplying in a human body or in a laboratory, it's following what we call exponential growth."
"The migrating motor complex... cleans out the left behind food and bacteria that usually causes bloating or GI issues."
"Healthy skin microbiota is composed of numerous beneficial bacteria that work hand-in-hand with our own immune system."
"There's more bacteria in your guts than your own human cells of your body."
"Apocrine sweat glands produce a sticky, cloudy sweat which is a nutrient source for bacteria."
"If you stain purple, you're gram-positive; if you're staining pink, you are gram-negative."
"We are made by more bacteria than our own cells."
"80% of all those mean bacteria that make you stink can be washed off by plain water."
"Bacteria are essential for our planet; they help to produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide."
"Microbial fuel cells... the bacteria break down the organic matter, they generate an electrical current."
"Simple sugar serves as an excellent bacterial food source."
"What plants can't do, what it takes man a lot of energy and dollars to do, these tiny little bacteria can do no problem, easy."
"Rhizobia are a special type of bacteria that will colonize or form these nitrogen-fixing factories on the roots of legume plants."
"Not all bacteria are harmful; certain bacteria are important and are used in food production."
"Pickling is the method of foods placed in acidic liquids that do not allow for the growth of bacteria."
"Campylobacter is the largest most common offender of significant food poisoning cases in the UK."
"Microaerophiles... they do like oxygen, but a micro amount, not full concentration."
"Helicobacter pylori... multiplies in the stomach and it produces gastric peptic ulcers."
"We identify bacteria by shape: rounds, rods, spirals."
"I think I've been eating bacteria all over my food. Now you're eating dead bacteria. It's different."
"This is actually what makes Activated Sludge activated: We are taking an active bacterial mass and we are returning it to the Aeration Basin."
"The jobs that bacteria do is pretty amazing."
"This one species of bacteria, Lactobacillus reuteri, has already been shown to have these fairly extravagant, wonderful effects as a probiotic organism."
"This is like the trade language or the bacterial Esperanto that allows bacteria to talk across species."
"If you could antagonize quorum sensing in the bad bacteria, could you make it so they think they're alone and they don't turn on these virulence programs?"
"Bacteria talk to each other, and of course, we think their languages are predominantly chemical."
"The bacterial slayers of your body are actually part of one of the first lines of defense for your immune system."
"Preparing vaccine... This disease is caused by millions of bacteria, an invisible army of killers. But if you can isolate them, then inject them back into their victims, they fight their own disease."
"Bacteria are the rulers of our world; they appeared long before humans and the first animals and most likely they'll remain after us."
"We actually have more bacterial cells than human cells."
"Bacteria freak me out; they're huge, they can survive outside of cells."
"Your microbiome has good and bad bacteria; an imbalance can affect your entire body."
"You can call the autotrophic bacteria the decomposers of the bio world."
"Bacteria can be normally found nearly everywhere; they're on every surface we touch, every bite of food we eat, and even in every breath of air that we inhale."
"I really like the idea of attacking disease and aging essentially on the bacterial level."
"The most common organism producing pyogenic osteomyelitis is Staphylococcus aureus."
"Sweat itself doesn't smell; the smell we associate with sweat is actually the smell of bacteria farts."
"The good bacteria which is already on this, it occurs naturally, it thrives well in a salt environment."
"Not all Staphylococcus aureus are the same; there are different versions of Staph aureus that have different levels of resistance."
"In general, gram-negative bacteria are typically more antibiotic resistant than gram-positive."
"Bacteria have been on the planet long enough to diversify and adapt to all different types of conditions."
"Nitrogen is really hard to break apart; in fact, there are only a hundred species of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that are able to separate nitrogen gas."
"Each one of these colony forming units, or CFUs, represents a single bacterial cell that had to multiply over a million times, in effect piling on top of each other, so that we could actually see them as a single colony of cells."
"When you first put a population of bacteria in a medium, they go through their lag."
"There are bacteria that can live in boiling water for hours."
"Bacteria are vital in the cycling of nutrients on our planet."
"We also employ bacteria in industrial situations and in food applications."
"We've used bacteria in genetic engineering to build copies of genes for us very quickly."
"Our microbes, the bacteria that lives in our gut, this inner ecosystem, actually outnumbers us cell-to-cell."
"The bacteria in our gut plays a big role in our overall health."
"Lyophilization is essentially freeze-drying bacteria not to kill them but to actually preserve them."
"Staphylococcal food poisoning is one of the most common foodborne illnesses."
"The population bacteria doubles every 18 minutes."
"The most common cause of pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumoniae."
"We have more bacterial cells in our bodies than human cells."
"The insect can also carry a bacteria that they can transmit to the tree when they're feeding."
"A probiotic is a strain of beneficial bacteria that confer different health benefits."
"Here's an interesting food fact for you: Ten germs outside the fridge can multiply to a thousand in just six hours."
"Lovely cat and dog feces can harbour the bacteria Campylobacter, a major cause of food poisoning."
"These bacteria live in ecosystems just like animals and plants do."
"The guys that have really in the past engineered the planet and that continue to do so are the bacteria."
"Bacteria can talk to each other, they use chemicals as their words."
"Bacteria live in two modes: an asocial mode and a social mode."
"We would love to be able to impede quorum sensing in harmful bacteria and improve quorum sensing in beneficial bacteria."
"How can E. coli compute what is the best composition to make for each environment it's in?"
"Streptococcus are gram-positive cocci, spherical in shape, arranged in chains."
"Through horizontal gene transfer, harmless bacteria can literally just slurp up the DNA of the dead harmful bacteria and become harmful bacteria themselves."
"Xylitol suppresses the bad bacteria and nurtures and feeds the good bacteria in your mouth."
"A dilution plating experiment is used to determine the number of viable bacteria in culture."
"Apple cider vinegar every day... makes your gut more acidic, which makes it really hard for the bad bacteria to grow."
"Bacteria will take care of everything; you just have to create the right environment."
"Having a predator, a natural bacterial predator that could multiply faster than the dinoflagellates can."
"Most species know to avoid droppings from other animals as they carry an assortment of bacteria that can cause serious harm if ingested."
"It provides a home for beneficial bacteria."
"This is how the bacteria evade your immune system."
"It's a bacteria that eats arenic; it's a brand new form of life that no one thought existed before."
"Life started as bacteria... and then at some point, eukaryotes with much larger and more complex cells developed from bacteria."
"Bacteria possess many cognitive, computational, and evolutionary capabilities."
"Prebiotics are the nutrients that are used to actually grow the bacteria."
"Peptidoglycan is only found in bacteria, making it a target for antibacterial components such as antibiotics."
"Change your pillowcase and your bed sheets daily; you don't allow bacteria to accumulate."
"Pseudomonas loves water and is often transmitted from water sources."
"Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate into nitrous oxide and then into nitrogen gas, which is then emitted back into the atmosphere."
"We actually need about six pounds of healthy bacteria in our intestinal tract to digest our food and to be healthy."
"Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of typical bacterial pneumonia in adults."
"The thing that took down the supreme alien was simple bacteria, like the common cold."
"In our intestines live about 10 trillion bacteria, that's more bacteria in us than people in the whole world."
"Once a week, you are walking around with layers of dead skin on your body, and that dead skin is a breeding ground for bacteria, causing bad odor."
"When you sweat, all that moisture that gets produced gets caught in between your dead skin, causing bacteria to produce."
"Keep everything as wet as possible so that you don't kill off that bacteria."