
Character Diversity Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"The Fire Emblem roster may look bloated and samey, but it really isn't when you play as them."
"Every single member of the Akatsuki represents a different reason one would want to enter a war."
"The great thing about Ultimate is that it takes everything that its predecessors did right, and builds on it with improved gameplay and a larger cast of characters and stages, perfectly balancing innovation with nostalgia."
"And finally, this is all rounded out with a vibrant and diverse atmosphere, a lovable cast of characters, and a simplistic yet enthralling narrative with heart."
"New Vegas playable races: 'Originally, we had this idea where the player would be able to choose between three races: human, ghoul, and Super Mutant.'"
"All the character rosters in all of the Lego games they are fantastic and it's one of the best things about Lego games."
"The villains are so crucial for the story of boku no hero because through their diverse backgrounds and beliefs, they represent the different aspects of the world."
"When it comes to fiction, where 'human' becomes a speculative gradient and anything from an alien to an android to a stuffed toy can be a person, anthropomorphization becomes an extremely complicated subject."
"I think Molly was such a very unique and interesting example of showing that you can play all sorts of personalities and archetypes with this class."
"Half-Life showed the world not every action hero needs to be a cigar smoking alpha male dude bro."
"The fact that you can bring different companions who have different skills and different personalities... it's just great."
"Piece very, very well. These over-the-top and outlandish designs fit the hilarious over-the-top and outlandish world of One."
"The more varied the secondary characters are and the more diverse their reactions to the loner, the more perspectives we’ll have on our loner protagonist, and the more perspectives we have, the more deeply we’ll understand them."
"I've seen different commenters are really excited about being able to play a yuanti pureblood and I see why."
"Every character is gonna react differently to this, probably."
"As long as the game is good, who gives a [expletive] who you're playing as?"
"I love that I have no idea. It can make a case for so many of these characters right now."
"So boom! There you go! It's not only possible for JJ to be blonde, but it's possible for all five of these characters to end up with differently colored hair, period."
"I'd love to see a new Punch Out game with new unique boxers."
"We don't want all of the heroes to feel samey."
"Every time Oda introduces a new race, it just builds that world-building aspect."
"I love that they had all these little supporting characters."
"These are characters and people that you would never get to see in most other games."
"Let people play the characters they want to play."
"Different AD Carries are starting to be played besides Tristana and Kog'Maw, Kog'Maw is getting hit a little bit."
"I enjoy how different Mariposa is from Alina and it's always nice to see a book lover portrayed in a film in a way that isn't nerdy."
"Most gamers would probably not care what the ethnicity or the skin colour is of the character that they're playing in a video game and it shouldn't matter."
"Without a doubt the easy number one spot goes to Bowser Jr and the Koopalings. Each costume is its own unique character with special announcer calls and voice lines."
"Tamriel is a rich place full of vibrant characters and diverse environments."
"I like the idea of having strong female characters in the game, so I decided you know what, I'm gonna go with a female option."
"Do you like any of these people? They're all different in many ways. I am respectful of who they are, what they are. My friends? No. But there are some characters here that have some personality characteristics that you would say are likeable."
"People say that sounds convoluted... we live in a world where Hawkeye and Rocket Raccoon are someone's favorite character."
"Who are you gonna play, a hero, an antihero, or an antivillain?"
"An RPG with 108 characters. I love it. Run with it."
"Each archetype is like a multi-faceted diamond."
"I'm like a freaking Nord light-armored dragon knight vampire chef assassin thing."
"Considering if you want to talk character uniqueness I mean Hero has that in spades compared to pretty much everyone else."
"Guess what, it's a Lego funny video game, but guess what, it's bang, it's authentic."
"I love weird wacky obscure characters because we managed to get those into this game."
"I just love them, love the theme of them, and I love the way that despite the fact they are pretty basic at their lowest levels, they have some incredible characters at the top."
"Pokemon Trainer is so terrifying, all three Pokemon are just good."
"The poses are endless, you got different poses for like almost every character, even MJ when you're playing as her, facial expressions too, really [__] cool."
"A testament to the writing that the series managed to balance 10 whole Rangers with distinct personalities and motivations without it feeling too crowded."
"Shi No Numa introduced four characters, each with their own unique personality."
"Of course, Mario Kart already initiated the inclusion of non-Mario characters."
"Honestly, I made a Trickster and it's been different enough for my Devastator that I wouldn't mind playing through the campaign once again."
"People are upset about the female Thor they shouldn't be, there's no reason to be upset about that."
"There are six playable races in the game: Hyur, Elezen, Lalafell, Miqo'te, Roegadyn, and Au Ra."
"Each class has its own identity, feel, and play style, so choose the one that best suits you."
"You have so many different versions of the character interacting that you're not going to be constrained to just this particular interpretation of Aquaman."
"When I said that there was only going to be one waifu per element, I take that back."
"It's about like playing king lear and hamlet you know you're you're the young prince and you're the wise old king."
"It's not even just Nintendo characters now and I think that's revolutionary."
"The character roster has nearly doubled since Melee with new ones like Wario, Pikmin, Wolf, Rob, and so much more. Oh, and did I mention that freaking Sonic the Hedgehog and Solid Snake are in the game too?"
"The best fight scenes are between Lady and Trish, showcasing variety and tactics."
"But either way as long as they show up to the table with a ton of characters I think we should be okay."
"There really isn't a bad character in this, all the characters, I've, I mean, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Serenus, Nifty, Alis, there really isn't a bad character in this."
"What a crazy crop of characters we've had from original characters to licensed characters from Simpsons Looney Tunes Harry Potter Disney Batman and so much more."
"It's nice to see a lot more of Nintendo getting represented with this Smash Brothers."
"The story it tells is original, features plenty of classic characters, and has branching paths."
"It's absolutely good for the industry to have these options because sometimes critics of what we do think oh they're this is who this person is oh he starred us he's always Stardust so he's Dashing Cody Rhodes he's always this."
"The idiosyncrasies of each of the characters on the ship is what's cool about it."
"Hammond is one of the most interesting new characters that have ever come out and as we get more and more variety in the game it'll actually become harder and harder to find these really narrow meta comps."
"I find it very interesting that this concept of a Sonic game where we have multiple different characters with different play Styles eventually did come to fruition."
"What I like about this game is there's so many champions to choose from, especially these new ones. They're so interesting to me."
"Even if the gameplay was basically identical, but the game came with all sorts of Nintendo characters and new items, people would LOSE. THEIR. MINDS."
"There are a lot and I mean a lot of characters in the game, 245 to be exact."
"It's genuinely funny at times... nice variety of personalities on display."
"I also have 'DreamMix TV World Fighters', a 'Smash Brothers' clone featuring Bomberman and Simon Belmont and Optimus Prime."
"The wide variety of characters is what sells the game."
"Each character feels unique with vastly different abilities."
"We would love to see more of these types of characters at the parks."
"With over 45 characters to choose from, this could be a riot playing with friends all across the world."
"Netflix understands that you don't always have to have a dark and edgy character in order for them to be a good protagonist."
"All three characters have their own weapon Loadout... replaying the game with each changes up your strategy."
"Despite how many characters or how much content you really have, Smash Bros as a concept is addictive and really groundbreaking."
"There's no character that is just objectively bad or unplayable."
"New playable races have always been one of the big selling points of any new expansion."
"With so many different characters, each with unique traits and abilities, it's worth reviewing their place in the game."
"Diverse representations: inclusion in character design."
"But in Mario Sunshine they put forth the effort to make every Pianta look like a different person."
"Infinite Warfare's heroes are varied in personality and ability but all are believable and grounded."
"Willem Dafoe defines the chameleon actor. He can play a cartoon character like Green Goblin and a grounded performance like in 'Florida Project'."
"You're amazing. Everything's amazing. Avengers Annual, first of all, half the characters are women. They never make any kind of big deal about it."
"Players are allowed to live out whatever sexual orientation they choose, be that straight, gay, or, I don't know, maybe you have a preference for reptilian species with green skin."
"Regardless, even if you're not gay, the inclusion of gay characters just makes games better."
"I thought the story was really well told, the surprises with the characters, and how they lean into the world with all their different perspectives helps diversify them."
"It's important to create alternatives for characters so as not to run into a scenario where perfectly serviceable characters are pushed down in relevance purely because they just don't fit in with the status quo."
"These people and monsters that he brings to life on the screen are full of sophisticated charm and yet they always have an edge to them, whether it be hilarious or terrifying."
"Some mutants are good and some not so much. All mutants, however, possess great powers and abilities, something comic readers have grown accustomed to."
"Each one with their own personalities and quirks, this makes some characters within the game stand out and become fan favorites."
"From the Joker to Bane to Hugo Strange, he's got a lot of pretty solid villains."
"I think that's one of the best things about the X-Men... there's just so many cool people."
"The new characters from the spunky Max to the wholesome Bob to the downright terrifying Billy bring a freshness to the show."
"Our solar system consists of our star, the sun, and all the things bound to it by gravity, including several planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids."
"Vanessa was in her 30s, she was married and she had a kid at this time and hell even still to this day it is rare to see a grown mature woman being introduced as a brand new fighting game character."
"I'm so glad they did that. Oh Disney, you're so smart, you have heroes from all different times here."
"The fact each book has a new protagonist opens so much more possibility, so many different stories, so many different characters that come from different walks of life."
"Milestone's biggest legacy is showing us that every time you say it's too difficult to make characters that please everybody, it's not about pleasing everybody."
"He's relieved there's not another glasses character."
"You can have the Ezio's you can have the Edwards you can have the Arnos you can have the Jacob Fries that do add some lightness to the franchise."
"Literally play as anyone, starting with a grandma once again."
"That's why you can have fairly normal characters such as Brian Danielson or Roman Reigns placed alongside far more bizarre ones like The Fiend or The Undertaker, and no one will ever really bat an eye."
"There's a huge variety here to ensuring that everyone has the capability to come across as unique and let their character shine through."
"His talent diversity is actually really, really healthy."
"The Decepticon cast was relatively small, but each one was distinct and unique with their own personalities, thoughts, feelings, and motives, and it was what made them so lovable and interesting."
"There would be no heroes, villains, or icons. It would be a story of humans, rather than one of royals."
"There are so many characters in Night City that they all have their own unique characteristics."
"Each character has his or her own path action."
"As long as it's not another Fire Emblem sword-wielding character, please God, no." - Nintendo Direct commentator
"Prana Plank getting in as the first DLC fighter opens the floodgates for so many more completely random characters to get into the roster with some unique movesets."
"Overall I think range classes have a very nice spread"
"I want characters whose fatness is not symbolic of anything, characters who are fat simply because some people in the real world are fat."
"Klaus is able to remain flamboyant and deny gender roles, while showing real growth through his love for a man."
"I think games have certainly been better about introducing diverse characters recently."
"Each character comes from different circumstances, and while they have a lot in common, their reactions to their common experiences are very different."
"Elves are versatile, think beyond stereotypes like bladesinger or ranger."
"You can be a mage or a warrior or a wookie or a warlock or a Jedi. It doesn't matter. You're going to have some kind of personality to your character, assumedly."
"I really dig that Princess Frosta is younger than the rest of the princesses and I like that we got a more neutral princess in the ongoing Horde/rebellion dispute."
"I think it's cool that there's a Fairy type that's not cute or pretty. Like an ugly fairy, it's great."
"I'm loving the diversity in this roster so cool and she's fun to play with let me tell you."
"All fighting games need a good boxer character, and Steve Fox is a great one."
"That's a roster that will provide you with someone that you want to play."
"Every character is going to play at least somewhat differently."
"What defined Borderlands are these characters that have a lot of different ways to play them and interact with weapons differently."
"Yoshinori Kitase envisioned a game where there were numerous main characters."
"There's no denying that there are some really strong concepts and visuals among the vast roster of playable characters."
"Being able to play as Luke, Leia, and many other heroes would add variety and intrigue to the game."
"Every single character, somebody can relate to or relate to their story."
"It's such a great batch of diverse characters with stories you care about."
"The Hashira trope, the good guy group trope, is fantastic. Each Hashira has a distinct personality and reason."
"I was gonna say it was so cool to see like the characters fight because I feel like they did such a good job defining everyone as having their own style of both fighting and moving around."
"...the art style and overall presentation is great, it's easy enough to play for anyone to try, and it's got a wide range of characters for you to collect and play with. And they're throwing in Rimuru and his crew to play with. What's not to love?"
"That's the line, 'First, we're going to need a chameleon, someone who can blend in. My favorite character, Han. A fast talker, Roman. They really thought of everyone, too. I love that across all four movies."
"It's okay to have different characters to do things, especially on gauntlet, where you could pick whatever character you wanted to be in any position."
"Everyone is different; they've all got their own little characters, and it's absolutely fantastic."
"There's so many great characters, so many great combinations of characters too."
"Dragon Ball wouldn't be what it is today without the eccentric characters that we've grown to love."
"Characters and books deserve to be defended; every kind of character that can exist in a book belongs in our libraries."
"He showcased his range as an actor by taking on diverse characters from romantic leads to complex anti-heroes."
"It's so nice to see that we finally got to see a character like that in a Disney film."
"We want more rare characters like Giselle, Megara, Esmeralda."
"I love this show so so much for numerous reasons: the way they tackle really important issues, the range of characters, the dynamics that they've got going in this show."
"So many other characters, Elsa's there, we've got Rapunzel of course, Tiana's new dress absolutely beautiful."
"This is the perfect opportunity to do just a normal vanilla run with a character that I don't play too often."
"The co-op is fun, I do like the characters' individual abilities; they all feel different and thematic to the characters."
"I don't care about that, like if they change a character in a card game from a white character to a black, I'm not going to lose sleep about it."
"Every character is distinctly different and also kind of has a different skill set and mindset."