
World Affairs Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The entire world, to the best of our ability, should be made democratic and economically interdependent."
"There's going to be a foreign policy crisis of some kind. There's just too much volatility in the world."
"The whole world is locked in an ideological battle right now."
"We need a world that recognizes its interdependence." - Pope Francis
"France continues today to be a major player in world affairs."
"There's only horrible things happening in the world and that's just not true."
"Gives me hope in this world still, the hope I've been losing."
"Is there any hope as we look at the future of our world?"
"It made me genuinely interested in the world... it's a very exciting time."
"We're very close to World War Three, but again, we're all crazy, right?"
"A kind of oasis of sanity and calm in a world that seems to be going mad."
"Listen, the state of the world right now is scary and stressful. Makes me want to curl up into a little ball."
"What goes on in the world can be explained through so many simple things."
"Fear-mongering over the state of the world seems clever when several of the things you said are better than ever."
"The world is now going to live in peace. You saved the humanity from the third and worst world war that ever happened on this planet."
"The real problem is very sad and it is not a positive development on the world stage."
"The whole world's crazy honestly, yeah, there's so much craziness happening."
"Lots of insanity happening in the world, and the only real way to make sense of it is to try to see it from an honest, real perspective."
"As the world was falling apart how wonderful it was and how it stirred the heart that the hopes and fears of all the years were met in one place."
"So much going on in the world. I had visions just a few days ago..."
"Whatever happens in America affects the whole world."
"The world is complicated, interdependent, filled with black swan events, incompetence, factions that war with each other all the time."
"There are things going on in the world that the people who run this world from behind the scenes are many things but stupid is not one of them."
"It is often the case in world affairs that an event of key importance passes by unnoticed at the time when it happens."
"You have to deal with the world as it exists."
"Sometimes it feels like the whole world might dash itself to bits."
"This is a fight not just for the United States, but for the world and the kind of world we live in."
"The worst the world gets, the better my career does."
"If we want to affect the world as a country, we have to be involved in the world."
"What would you do if you were the leader of the free world?"
"Every single trouble spot in the world at the moment, in certainly in the Middle East, in the former Ottoman Empire, is partly the result of the collapse of the European Empires which this war created."
"Understanding genius in world affairs often requires a genius."
"The world is not getting less complicated. If America is strong and has strong resolute functional leadership, a lot goes better in the world."
"What a privilege that the god of the universe invites us into being able to pray into world affairs."
"It's easy to become discouraged about the state of the world, the state of our country."
"The world has nothing more to fear."
"Just one thing is missing but the oil really needs, the only thing in life might bring us our world peace."
"Most countries in the world want to remain neutral in the US-China contest, restraining geopolitical tensions."
"It's hard with the way that the world is set up right now and how our world is kind of... mm, on fire, especially in the United States."
"With the way the world's hitting, I think this space is getting exposed even more."
"There's a lot of dissension around the world right now. There's a lot going on. Boy, we could have it a lot worse, couldn't we, all of us?"
"We're in world government right now, and most people don't even know it."
"Contrary to what's going on in our world, God has never changed."
"If the average individual paid close attention to what was going on all over the world, you would see the Battle of Good and Evil playing itself out on the world stage."
"The Lord will do this by bringing an awareness of his culture to be in contrast to the failing culture of the world."
"The world needs now more than ever peace."
"China's rise as a huge win for the world."
"It's a very dangerous, unstable time in the world."
"I've always been quite troubled by the state of the world."
"The world is in a bit of a weird place, and it can be really hard to know what steps to take."
"The politics of the world is always interesting to explore."
"What sort of state is this world in?"
"I don't know if any of you guys feel it, but it just feels like the world is not in the best place right now."
"Comfort became suited to the 70s; there was so much conflict in the world, we wanted comfort."
"Knowledge is power, and power rules the world."
"I've been thinking hard about the state of the world lately."
"The world has become an absurd place and anything is possible."
"This world shouldn't have wars at all."
"But I think we also have to...we need to also have a deeper understanding of how the world works from a historical perspective."
"You didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"I think we're now in a situation which the combination of insecurity, lack of understanding of the world, and the absence of serious alternative leadership is a problem that's going to confront us for some time to come."
"Even within the terrible state that parts of the world are in, there are rays of hope."
"We're out here fighting this miserable war, the whole world is getting rich."
"The world we're in is unwell, it's like the devil is welcome here."
"I hope that the world will come to their senses and that there won't be another Bosnia or another Africa."
"I've been taking a bit of time off to just look after myself and reflect because the world's a bit of a mess at the moment."
"The fate of the world now greatly hangs in the balance as their chief enemy has returned."
"The world is more uncertain today than it's probably ever been."
"If you're worried about the state of the world, I want to give you a bit of a warning."
"Sometimes we may disagree, but that's the nature of the world."
"The world had forgotten about them, but at long last, there was finally peace."
"It's a crazy world out there, folks."
"I'd like to take a moment to highlight what is going right in the world."
"This is a revolutionary posture in world affairs, and it is more precious than money."
"It does show how fragile peace of the world is."
"It's just like very cathartic, especially when you know the world is kind of in chaos right now."
"There's still a lot of good things happening in the world."
"The anti-colonial struggles of the so-called third world... was arguably the most significant change in world affairs in the 20th century."
"It's war out there in the world, but it's worship here in the church."
"The world has lost its mind a little bit, and we need to be very careful."
"We have a complex world, and it requires complex thinking."
"The world's a crazy place right now. Allies are enemies, alliances are torn apart, the world is broken."
"There is an occasional lifting of the fog... the world is a mess."
"The world has enough strife as it is."
"It's hard to not fall into this trap of focusing too much on how unfair the world is."
"What the world needs to do is get better at diplomacy and more creative with diplomacy."
"The world faces a moment of danger, volatility, and increasingly rapid change."
"What is happening in the world has an impact on our day-to-day lives, and Canada is essentially stepping up on the world stage."
"To find a way to somehow bring peace to this world."
"Our world is in a state of turmoil, where are we headed?"
"The world is entering this weird state of neutrality."
"What the sovereign manages is indeed the world itself."
"I'm not making excuses, but the world is at a critical and dangerous junction."
"It's a messy world... let's not turn our back on reality."
"It's frustrating to see the world seem in some ways to slip further and further away from rationality."
"There is no better time than now because this is a crazy world we live in."
"The world will never end; it's just the people that are in charge of it."
"The world is getting better from what I'm hearing."
"Why does the world have to be so violent?"
"We do not need to fear despite what people say about the state of the world."
"The world is changing now, and it's getting more violent and more dangerous."
"Globalization involves increasing interdependence and interconnectedness between countries."
"It's an interesting development, it's basically a way to just communicate more about the world."
"Pacifism is not an option in a world strongly marked by sin, human depravity, and evil."
"You can't save a world that's determined to destroy itself."
"The world seems like it's falling apart, ain't it? You okay?"
"Is this really the world we wish to stand for?"
"There's so much going on in the world."
"In a world where you've got two hot wars... this is not the sort of world where people feel safe."