
Cryptocurrency Adoption Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"NFTs within video games are going to bring the first billion users to crypto."
"People are turning to cryptocurrency as a safe haven, especially Bitcoin."
"We should have one billion crypto users in 2024."
"More and more people are going to get into this."
"They don't like that they can't drop bitcoin anymore, that the people are standing up, the righteous are standing together and saying no more."
"El Salvador's move into bitcoin could be upsetting [the IMF] because we know what bitcoin is, what it will be."
"As soon as KPMG announces that they've bought crypto they get more likes and more engagement on their balance sheet on it on their twitter than any other time."
"The biggest reasons why we could see Tesla accept Cardano."
"If you're watching this video right now, crypto is pretty mainstream, but it's still not as mainstream as it could be."
"500 million new crypto users: massive percent increase."
"There's only going to be 21 million Bitcoin and there's X number of millionaires in the world, therefore there's not enough Bitcoin to go around for every millionaire to own one Bitcoin."
"Retail users are at an all-time high now for Bitcoin, 52.5 million retail users in the space."
"Crypto is becoming more adopted. Bloomberg is starting to look at crypto as a potential mix in with gold because the returns are amazing."
"Anyone who would have claimed in beginning of 2020 that within a year Tesla would be buying a billion and a half dollars of bitcoin on their balance sheet I think would be absolutely nuts."
"Nice great answer, 10 seconds, when are you going to add ADA as soon as we can."
"PayPal just confirmed they are incorporating ether. Freaking awesome!"
"Gradually people will discover Bitcoin and they'll start to realize that the solution to the problem is Bitcoin."
"That's exactly what is happening, that is the catalyst for wider adoption."
"13% of all Americans have traded or at least purchased some crypto in the last year."
"Does anyone else feel like we're past being early and we're actually in the point of mass adoption now?"
"Ukraine has been kind of on the front end of a lot of adoption stuff. I mean, XLM supposedly being used for their currency there at some point."
"Visa CEO Al Kelly says that the payments giant is leaning into the cryptocurrency space in a very, very big way."
"Bitcoin has hit the mainstream vernacular, but newcomers are slow to realize that it's possible to buy, sell, and transfer fractions of the leading cryptocurrency."
"If Bitcoin is the solution to this banking mess, you better believe it's going to get a whole lot more popular and the altcoins are going to come along with it."
"When people see more adoption coming from the big guys, they're going to feel much more comfortable to come into the space."
"Bitcoin is here to stay, it's already happening and it can't be stopped."
"Maybe Panama could be one of the next nations that we see adopting bitcoin."
"This is another one of the reasons why I think Bitcoin is going to be mass adopted."
"I think as we have less and less faith in centralized governments... you're going to see more and more people looking to diversify away from fiat currencies and instead moving into places like bitcoin for actual safety and security."
"Bitcoin is now legal currency in El Salvador, the first country in the world to use bitcoin as legal tender."
"AMC plans to accept Bitcoin at all locations by the end of the year."
"El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as an official currency."
"Cryptocurrency adoption has surged in recent months as the total number of crypto users has jumped to over 106 million for the first time."
"Tagged template literals allow you to inject JavaScript code into a string. They're incredibly useful and powerful."
"Every single bank is trying to get into crypto one way or another."
"Rio de Janeiro is looking to hold one percent of crypto reserves in bitcoin and pay taxes with bitcoin."
"When Brazil adopts bitcoin, that is going to have a knock-on effect on the rest of the entire continent."
"The more exchanges the better it is for shib and I think the better it is for crypto. Let's get as many countries, as many exchanges, as many people holding and buying crypto as we possibly can."
"Even though it's retail-driven, real estate transactions through crypto will be adopted."
"Cash App should add Doge for the masses. I agree."
"Crypto is going to become even more mainstream and even more widely adopted."
"I think El Salvador is the first one that's going to have to contend with this so people are still making dollars there's still a lot of cash flowing around they just made it easy to exchange dollars for Bitcoin."
"Hundreds of banks in the United States will reportedly start offering access to Bitcoin to their customers."
"If we do see central banks adopting bitcoin in their foreign exchange reserves, I think that abates a lot of the uncertainty."
"Major financial corporations are beginning to show interest in jumping on the crypto bandwagon themselves."
"Remember, 99% of people still don't own any crypto. You and I should count ourselves lucky. We're the early ones."
"Bitcoin has had the largest, it's had the largest persistent one that network effect builds liquidity builds the amount of adoption which grows the price which allows larger and larger market participants coming in."
"Partnership will allow the use of debit, credit, and prepaid cards, considerably increasing the options for crypto enthusiasts."
"We're seeing more and more people switching over to crypto."
"I think within a year plus you will see companies much much more comfortable i mean every day something new is coming out that's making crypto more accessible more favored by people and so forth"
"Bitcoin is oxygen, and it's new. There are some people that are very comfortable in their existence and they think it's okay to ignore it because they're rich and they're comfortable and they're happy."
"This asset is being widely adopted despite the market conditions and I know people are rattled but it's still going up."
"Bitcoin is already a currency, just ask people of El Salvador."
"Understand, we are at the adoption point where we have every single entity that has money—they're buying as much bitcoin as they possibly can."
"Institutions moving into the crypto space is good for everybody."
"I think a lot more people than we think have bought bitcoin."
"Crypto is here to stay now, for those people that think ah digitize is stupid well that's what gold people say about bitcoin right."
"Just start playing around, you know, like that's kind of the beauty of being, you know, if you're watching this, you're really crypto, you're an early crypto adopter."
"The speed at which countries make Bitcoin legal tender is picking up."
"I think after this event, we're gonna see an avalanche of companies come in and declare that they are buying bitcoin."
"Everybody can get off their high horse and start buying more Bitcoin."
"The universal wallet for all coins is likely to bring the masses to cryptocurrency."
"With mass adoption of the metaverse in actual adoption of crypto potentially right around the corner, it makes sense that we're going to see a crazy surge in demand for GPU and CPU solutions."
"With the update 2.0, it allows a third party to pay for the transaction fees, meaning that the average person using this via a third party won't have to worry about gas fees."
"Mass adoption is individuals paying and receiving with xrp."
"Spotify looking to integrate cryptocurrencies."
"Bitcoin's adoption is the only way to keep it, enabling its survival against state-level attacks."
"Bitcoin futures ETF is not going to suppress the price. I mean the cat's out of the bag you can't stop bitcoin global adoption."
"The moment I can buy my food, clothing, and shelter all in Bitcoin, why would I need a fiat currency?"
"I do think in seven years, Satoshi's 20-year mark, I do think Bitcoin could be another 10x here in terms of market capitalization, transaction volumes, overall adoption."
"It's not just about some small country in South America adopting bitcoin, it symbolizes the start of the global adoption and could be the watershed moment for global bitcoin adoption."
"Germany has kind of been more or less like the America of Europe as far as cryptocurrency adoptions."
"Bitcoin adoption is growing everywhere, in all facets of our lives."
"More people would simply move into cryptocurrencies."
"Fundamental news about adoption and scaling and growing is what's going to make that happen."
"Realize Bitcoin, crypto adoption is happening. Even if the markets aren't doing well now, it doesn't mean it's going to stay like this forever."
"We need mass adoption because if you believe in any of those moonboy predictions that we're going to get to 300,000 bitcoin or a million bitcoin or 10,000 eth, you know we need the cryptocurrency market to have mass appeal."
"The strongest possible driver for global adoption of a global reserve cryptocurrency would be a global institution that can force their will on most cross-border trade."
"We're trying to get people to come into crypto spaces that are probably not used to the crypto space."
"now we have options like 10x that are actually getting corporate enterprise partnerships and actually trying to go out there and become the leading payment solution for cryptocurrency"
"The most probable resolution is a settlement... a win for Ripple would promote the widespread adoption of XRP."
"You are going to be left behind if you don't integrate crypto into your infrastructure."
"Billionaires are already seeing the danger signs with fiat currencies and central bank manipulation and they are increasingly turning to crypto assets."
"Adoption is rampant. This news breaking news out today that bitcoin tether and lvga which is the local city currency of lugano in toccino in the schweitz will be de facto legal tender in lagano so it's huge news the adoption every day"
"By adding Bitcoin, I think we'd be able to win the hearts and minds of a lot more people in crypto."
"I'll tell you one thing, I'm never turning down getting paid in Bitcoin again."
"All tides will rise with Ripple and XRP adoption."
"Venezuela's largest retailer now accepts payments in bitcoin and other altcoins."
"As Bitcoin grows and stabilizes, people will be a little more comfortable moving into Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is moving like 10 times as much money as PayPal."
"Making it more accessible will drive crypto adoption."
"El Salvador is a full member of international organizations, exercising our sovereign right to adopt legal tenders."
"Cryptocurrency is one example of a response to that."
"JP Morgan now going to allow this fund of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, which is a huge deal."
"Crypto currencies are going to continue to be used."
"Crypto enthusiasts, you know that AMC theaters has announced we will accept bitcoin for online ticket and concessions by the end of the year this year 2021..."
"If a lot of people start adopting the cashback rewards as I mentioned, the StormX offers, and it becomes mainstream, we can definitely see a huge price rise in StormX's price."
"KPMG, one of the Big Four accounting firms, has just bought Bitcoin and Ethereum to hold as part of its cash reserves."
"I think why Russia wanted to adopt crypto was a very simple reason."
"Bitcoin is finally making a difference so you can no longer make fun of crypto Bros."
"Through everything we've covered, countries and institutions all around the world are becoming more and more bullish to the acceptance of Bitcoin and crypto as a whole."
"Cryptocurrency is the next wave. Investigate it, don't be close-minded."
"Our dear governor here in California Kim Jong-un Newsom he issued an executive order on cryptos he wants to adapt cryptos in the state of California."
"Crypto is established at this point so we need actual partnerships, who's using it, what companies, what governments."
"We need them, the institutions, to go and start with Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin may actually be one of the biggest driving factors of people adopting cryptocurrencies."
"I think we need to make these steps and give these opportunities just like how we did with forking Bitcoin 24/7 to allow people to have a chance to get people involved in cryptocurrencies right now."
"If you love your bitcoin, give it that adoption and set it free."
"Crypto has not had that moment yet where it's your grandma, your little brother, your little sister all have to use it for different reasons."
"I think you know one thing I think about a lot and I think you do too is just how do we get crypto to be used by a billion people every day right how do we get it to be internet scale."
"Abra has solved a major challenge in the adoption of crypto which is the high level of friction and complexity that is often associated with buying storing them."
"Embrace crypto, do it now, embrace the mining."
"If you see that crypto is going to be huge, don't try to make sure that people simply leave your country."
"I think at the end of the day, if El Salvador is accepting cryptocurrencies, I think one is just the start." - Ashish Berla
"At the end of the day I'm gonna say it again you got 50 million Americans more than 50 million Americans are now invested in crypto Paul it ain't going away you're going to have to deal with it."
"Mastercard also rolls out crypto back cards to millions of users throughout Asia."
"This spot right here. If we get this place to accept bitcoin, it's game over. We won."
"If you think you've missed it, you haven't. There's still a fairly long tail of folks that are just beginning to get started in this space."
"Paypal is taking cryptocurrency very seriously."
"A way to opt out is to opt into Bitcoin, it's really that simple."
"A lot of people are giving cryptocurrency a try because they like the idea of not having to rely on a central bank."