
Special Bond Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"I think loving someone is a sacred thing and a special thing."
"There's a lot of love here; they see you as very special."
"They still recognize you as somebody very special."
"Our relationship is really special... create like our own family."
"There's a deep recognition that you are like a soul mate, just someone very, very special to them."
"He's a real guy, and I'm one of the few that are pretty blessed to be very close, up like a brother. And Natalie is the same, they're just special, that's awesome people."
"This connection is from the higher realms, soul mate energy."
"They know you're someone extremely special in their life."
"The love is mutual for you and your congregation, so it's a very special thing we have."
"They see you as an ultimate love someone that is just worth royalty someone very special."
"You can't fake the camaraderie and the friendships. It's just, it's magical."
"This person actually sees you as that special person."
"I treasure our time together. You see, so your person sees you as very magical, very special."
"There's just something so special about their dynamic."
"You're special, and it's you, you're the one I need, you're the one I want."
"You make me feel things I've never felt before and that's why I know that you're special."
"There is something very special and long-lasting between you two."
"This is the kind of love that a person may only experience once in a lifetime."
"Seated inside a carriage, Leticia's realization dawned: Lionel was someone profoundly special to her."
"This is a connection that really is rare."
"This connection is something that is so unique and so different in a good way that it almost seems too good to be true."
"...this for you all is inevitable because what you guys have is something so special and you're here for a reason."
"My youngest son has autism and we share a special bond."
"They know this is a spiritual connection and there's something special between you."
"You're special to me, beyond special. Irreplaceable."
"Our relationship was different and special."
"Our connection is special, very beautiful between you and this person."
"...but we knew deep down that this was something special and it was something we did together..."
"...we knew deep down that this was something special and it was something we did together..."
"Van Halen, that's a very special man. We are very special together you know and that's color you can't. I can't, there's nothing more than that."
"There's a special bond between you two, very special."
"It's going to knock her for six anyway. Len was something special to her. Very special."
"You guys are in love, this is a love that's never been seen before, a love that you just don't throw away."
"But mostly they make each other feel special, the way only best friends do."
"They feel like you're their soulmate, something special."
"...a bond that's just special with Arabian horses."
"I think he was so special he holds a special place to me and to all of our friends."
"I really feel like she and I had a great connection, and the humor and the laughter and the closeness, she just was really, um, special to me, very special to me."
"This group right here will always be special."
"Thank you for what you did for me today. I feel as though we bonded and connected on a very special level."
"Rascal was special to me. He was more than a dog, man. He was a member of my family, my best friend, my buddy."
"Riz, sweetheart, look, Kristen, Tracker. These are people that I have fondness for, but I just met them. You're special. You were born with me. I've known you your entire life. I'm like your godmother."
"People are jealous of this connection because of what the two of you have."
"Now he's yours, baby girl. Theo used to be mommy's most special friend, now he's yours."
"We are all special to the Lord, we are all His favorite, each one is favorite."
"It makes me feel special because I am daddy's little girl."
"My family is very special, and it's something that I'm really missing this year."
"There's that one dog who is the special once in a lifetime dog."
"When a woman fights for you like that and rides for you like that, it's special."
"Our dogs become our buddies... there's that special bond there that you don't have with anybody else."
"We're best friends, absolutely, and that's something incredibly special. Forever."
"We have been special to each other since we met, Callus," she leaned over and kissed him.
"Co-stars date all the time, but what me and Dove have is really special."
"She has a big heart and is special to me."
"He says a relationship isn't easy and you go through these challenging times because what you have is special."
"That horse is special... that's your one great horse."
"When there's a friendship that is so dear and so special, it's something that we all hope to have in our lives."
"You are this very special thing to them."
"They have a relationship with us that they actually care about what we want, and that's really special."
"I feel like a father-daughter relationship is really kind of special."
"This is a story of a very special time and a very special love affair between a bright and artless 10-year-old and a bitter, soured man who made himself old before his time."
"It's the camaraderie that we have as a cast that really makes it quite special."
"You have a special place in our hearts."
"When a cat is seeing you and they're excited, that's special; that makes you feel like a goddamn God."
"That's really special, the relationship between father and son."
"It's just the purest form of love and she's so special."
"This country holds such a special place in our hearts."
"It's a special camaraderie that we have."
"But you are special to me, you always have been."
"Y'all are so special to me, you know."
"I knew Paul very well... we had a very special relationship."
"I love you. You are a special man. I knew that the moment I met you," Kennedy brushed the back of her hand along his cheek.
"For whatever reason, there's something very special about us being together."
"You're the person who's meant the most to me... You're very special to me in here, and I do mean that."
"A best friend is an extra special friend."
"I just want you to know, you hold a special place in my heart."
"Nothing will ever replace her or be like Cherie was. She was just so special. Words cannot explain."
"There is a light that shines special for you and me."
"Jane, you are so special; I feel so good with you, you understand me like no one else."
"We shared an unexplainable bond during those unforgettable years."
"17 and 1/2 years of friendship, which is just very special."
"It's a friendship born from music, which I think is just so darn special."
"They understand you guys have a very special connection."
"An ant is someone special all your whole life through, and there's a spot within my heart reserved just for you."
"This is a special team; we talked about it all year long."
"My own baby boy, you are very special."
"When you share things like that, it just makes this channel such a special place for all of us to be."
"It's a very special bond, and you can't say what makes that happen."
"There's nothing more special than having that special connection, that romantic connection, that intimate connection with someone else."
"You found someone very special to look after you, Naruto. I am very happy for you."
"There's something special about having some outside adult or individual who has no motivation to care about you at all other than they just do."
"He was always special to me, all these years."
"Your connection is gonna be so special because you're gonna watch each other grow."
"It is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a very special place in my heart."
"I want my people, all of you, to know how special you are to me."
"This is really special because Marie's part of our family at the hospital."
"I will never forget you; you're a special person in my life."
"I love you, you know. My love for you is more special than the best."
"It's such a special thing for me because I love those girls so much."
"We are besties; she's so special to you."
"Any of you pet animal lover, you understand; if you're not, you're probably like, this girl's so crazy, but this is really special."
"He is just so, so special to me, and I love him to pieces."
"I think we have something super special."
"You will always be special to me, Audrey."
"He liked that idea, the idea that what was between them could be special."
"There's something very special about the relationship you have with an animal."
"I was so excited that we won, and that's what I think made our group special."
"You need to start respecting the connection that you have here because it's very special."
"You are very special to me, and I miss you so much."
"This is a group that is so special and I wouldn't be nothing or not here today without that group."
"Family is special, but you guys, you're my friends."
"It takes a special woman to be married to a special man."
"Do we share something special? I know I do, what about you?"
"You are my favorite and special person as well, and I will always keep you right here."
"You're a special child, I love you."
"We're both so family-oriented, and the fact that we both love our family so much, it's just so special to me."
"To be in teams with her is just so special and something that I'll really remember forever."
"You're very, very, very special to me."
"You're just not any other girl I've ever met and you're so special."
"Humans are good, but animals, there's something special."
"We're like best friends; we have a really special relationship."
"Being a father is something very special."
"You have a special place in their heart."
"Ignore him, my sweet. What we have is special."
"You are their rose, someone who is just very special to them."
"All children are special to their parents, but to my father, I was his universe."
"It's someone who feels like the bond they share with you is very healing and very special."
"You're so special to this person."
"There's something about this relationship in particular that has a real special bond that you cannot explain."
"They're not cursed, but they're my precious chosen children."
"This is someone that you're meant to have something very special with."
"They think very highly of you; they may even be looking at you as the one."
"This relationship is something special; it is a twin flame connection."
"There's something very special always about the bond in a lion pride between mothers and cubs."
"That's what leads to togetherness with someone special."
"That's a relationship you have between you and someone else, whatever that relationship looks like, it was special."
"You should feel extra special, you know, like your parents adopted you out of the love of their hearts."
"Thank you for the complete honor of being your mommy. There's a special place in my heart that has your name on it."
"You hold a special place in their heart."
"That's a special thing when someone is your friend."
"This is someone who holds a special place in their heart for you."
"Your person knows that what you have together is special and is one of a kind."
"They feel like you are the mega of all people."
"The only memory I cherish more than anything else was the feeling that as if we have known each other for all of our lives."
"You've got something very, very special and unique with somebody here."