
Recollection Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"Genuine memories usually have a bit of variance to them because we recall different aspects at different times."
"Every time you remember something... you change it a little bit."
"Thank God I wrote down the signs, but I think I remember like everything that I was doing for this place."
"I can still remember that feeling of sheer Terror."
"It's like a moment you remember but you remember vaguely what it is and you can ever recall it, that's like a really weird, powerful emotion."
"He absolutely couldn't stop, in fact, not only couldn't he stop, he was able to recall that instead of stopping, he went back and forth between the pair stabbing them."
"I remember it so you don't have to."
"Look into my eyes; she will remember everything."
"I just keep thinking about that night, the eyes, the sounds, the bangs, the taps."
"I remember that day very vividly."
"I remember his skin being blue, a bluish white."
"I can't remember if the man took it or not; the last thing I do remember about the night was my uncle driving away as fast as he could."
"I quoted everything I could remember over and over as I ran from the summer house."
"I remember lying there and I'm just covered in blood, mostly other people's, but some of mine."
"Why can we never remember the cool thing that happened last week, but then when you're trying to go to sleep, you remember 1:45 PM on May 24th when you were seven years old and your trunks fell off in swimming class and everyone laughed at you?"
"Mora is shocked because she doesn't remember being on the ship at all."
"The memories that I have and the ones that I'm bringing up, I don't believe that they've changed. If they've been enunciated incorrectly on my part, that it wasn't intentional."
"I do not even remember that part of it."
"I remember a big house. I remember the big house."
"We were trainees, we were time space cadets that they were grooming to use in adulthood."
"Masaru flashes into some of Shoji's memories."
"Be joyful and gladdened in your interior recollection with Him, O precious soul. For you have Him so close to you. Desire Him there. Adore Him there."
"Harland he recalled but dimly, sitting gray-faced and still in a windowless Tower room and speaking in whispers that grew fainter every day as the grayscale turned his tongue and lips to stone."
"Every retelling, every time you tell a story, you remember the story, you remember what you originally remember, and you remember the telling of the story."
"Personally, I have no recollection of a scene like this and could probably apply it to any number of cartoons I've watched before."
"Interesting but essentially what I remember from these articles..."
"The next thing I remember was something smashing down into my face again and again and how one of his hits landed right on my nose and made it Crunch and my whole life I'd never felt anything as painful as that."
"My memories are a little blurred."
"That's exactly how it was. Do you remember?"
"I remember doing a write up earlier this year."
"I remember a 6-foot tall pyramid of blue Amp cans on your desk."
"These realizations hit me like a ton of bricks—the terror I had felt when I had first laid eyes on the girl came flooding back."
"Remember when you came storming in?"
"I still can't remember the guy's face."
"I forgot about it. Truly, I forgot about it."
"I remember the layout of the bathroom, like where the sinks were, and going into the stall every day at lunch and seeing that my bag was leaking."
"I feel like I used to remember my falls."
"Let me see... Yeah, that's exactly what happened."
"The real horror began in May 1915 when I first saw the live things."
"I just remembered something," Christine said. "From back in Catholic school."
"I remember every day and every face."
"Well, we studied the history of tonight in history…"
"Let me take you back two weeks ago when I placed my order."
"There's just Aaron remembering, we chose memories."
"I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young."
"Every time we remember something from the past, we take it out of our memory bank, we take the memory out, we look at it, we change it, and then we put it back into the memory bank."
"The Colosseum had a floor. Definitely had a floor. Oh, God. I haven't heard that name in a long-ass time."
"That stuff would just... I was rolling back in my head."
"I would not have missed the investigation for anything. There has been no better case within my recollection."
"I was living in rehab when Monica and Chandler got married. It was May 17, 2001."
"Recollection is the key to understanding virtue."
"I still see them to this day, every night laying awake in my sleep."
"I would say we kind of attacked each other at that one if anything, but I mean, I didn't—I don't remember this, so I can't tell you."
"I remember all my friends and the actor being confused."
"My brain just circuited to a way to where it's like every experience I went through in life, it just constantly like photographic memories is always in my head."
"You're suddenly going to be reminded about something really wise somebody once told you."
"That's going to totally jog my memory."
"Well, I wore a gray blizzard and I watched this gray skirt as well and then I went to Cheers."
"What do you mean what is this a pilot? I don't remember that was kind of that was kind of a pilot you know what it is I didn't remember it was a pilot well I've thrown it a lot I didn't remember the mold."
"Every story helps Stephen to recall memories that might otherwise slip away."
"I see these pictures, I hear these voices, I hear those screams."
"I suffer severe insomnia since I've left until now because every single time I close my eyes, I see these pictures, I see these scenes, I hear these voices, I hear those screams."
"I remember Scott Johnson being there that day."
"We finally start to remember after playing a hide and seek game with Shaw."
"Bucky remembers that he saw this technique."
"I should have known that a crate was a snake and not a bird. In fact, I did know, but bird just came out anyway. It flew out."
"Let me tell you your birthday was, was it Tuesday last year?"
"I almost forgot something really important here."
"There's a spark in my memory, this is exactly what happened."
"I just remember bits and pieces like that trying to push him off and all I remember now that I sit back and remember like play it in my head Again Play it in my head Again Play it in my head again it was a very calm conversation with Ian and this person."
"This talk is my personal perspective drawn purely from my recollections."
"I must have heard the boy say it."
"We didn't have money anyway. White Light/White Heat, the engineer left, he left, he said, 'I don't have to listen to this [ __ ] haha.'"
"Strange, the things you remember."
"We fired only High Explosive shells: I cannot remember seeing an enemy tank on this first day."
"Nothing else happened until a few weeks ago at my new school."
"It's hard to believe that things that feel like they happened weeks ago were actually only about three days ago."
"This still makes me shudder whenever I think about it."
"So much of this story is about what we remember and what we've forgotten."
"It literally brought me to a core memory that I had shoved down so far in my head."
"Later that night I think we went to the Japanese dinner finally we were able to get in we we walked down um while we were all getting ready so we like left a jungle party we all went up showered again even though I had just showered but I got STDs in there so."
"He completely ignored my attempts to open the door and just kept talking to me. I can't remember everything he said anymore, mostly he carried on the same way he had been but with more references still watching me bend over."
"It's about memory. The facts of our life are less important than how we remember them."
"I remember everything about my family."
"The attack ended, so far as I remember, it was the only one in which we were unable to fulfill our assignment."
"Can you remember the color of Tim's Builders hat? Was it yellow or was it blue?"
"...I would remember how I said that ear Jean had left the cookies because she'd become pregnant whilst on tour..."
"I remembered what kind of rain it was that day."
"This story is 100% true and occurred about 9 months ago."
"You know, honestly Shane, growing up where I did, it took a long time to come to terms with what I saw. I kept thinking, 'That couldn't have been real.' But the other part of me saying, 'Well, it was real because you saw it.'"
"This would have been the end of July of 2006, about a year after the actual events with the Red Wing."
"I think I'll never forget when he answered in the calmest way imaginable."
"Every single person on Earth has probably 8 to 10 TikToks or Reddit Clips or whatever in their brain that they just think about every now and then."
"Let's not forget that he shot her."
"It all happened back in the summer of 2002 but I remember it like it was yesterday."
"I remember crashing back into one of the tables, falling over it backwards before landing in a heap on the floor."
"I remember it vividly. It was the summer of 1998. Sarah, my wife at the time, and I had spent a lovely first week of our vacation with my parents and siblings in Michigan's Upper Peninsula."
"I thought by telling me it was to unlock buried treasure," Tatiana said, recalling her father's words.
"Exactly so. It was in September of 1900. I remember that Holmes and I went to Eastbourne for a much-needed rest."
"Why did he remember? How did he get to that memory?"
"That night, Vat recalls his encounter with Penelope and sighs, saying she really can't remember anything."
"We have all 10 cars. Do you guys remember what colors the cars are?"
"I remember mine very clearly. No, you don't, you were a child."
"I almost forgot, like literally, it took me a second to remember."
"I think I might remember that for the rest of my life."
"I thought back on that thing I'd seen in the bathroom."
"Wasn't it Nick who brought him up? I don't remember."
"Lincoln remembered little of his life there."
"They remember everything about their childhood."
"You know, I'm sure now I come to think of it that I didn't have a bright new pound like this out of the box that week," he said. "I'd have noticed it."
"You've been here before?" "No, no, I was here, like, me, he's like me and Billy G, you're crazy."
"Recollection is not simply a metaphor but an accurate account of how we come to self-knowledge."
"The fullness of the movement of recollection is that our inner nature is a revelation of and indeed the activity of what is most real in and beyond us."
"...Vision or nightmare, I faintly hope it was, yet it is all that my mind retains of what took place in those shocking hours..."
"That's right, Elvis did. I remember that pass the day before on the 16th."
"Flashbacks of memories I've spent years trying to subdue started coming to the surface."
"It was a very very, um, yeah it was a school Friday."
"It's already bad enough look the part feel the part if you're trying to turn around wait what his name's sea now I thought his name was mad ball no that was someone else you got mad ball and sha and Gil and Cindy and some other dud I haven't found out his name yet."
"I don't recall like what the old man looked like or anything I don't even know if it was an old man do you recall saying that yes yep."
"I know there were three of us in that aircraft."
"we are terrible at remembering past events vividly"
"Damn, I did learn about this stuff, but now it's all flooding back."
"Since 2018. Four years ago. It was only four years ago."
"I'm starting to like remember a couple things I've heard about this movie, but I don't know."
"He will look exactly how you remember him."
"He remembers. We wouldn't take it before, and now he will."
"All right, well, I knew I knew a question about his son would be on there. That's nuts. I felt like that was when I was like, 'Yeah, Teddy. Teddy, right? Easy.'"
"If I ever saw him again, I'd probably kill him, but what's funny is like, I never actively tried to remember the keyboard, but like somehow, one day, I was just like, I can tell without looking."
"I feel like I remember reading this, that test Big Brother 1 question, like a couple of months ago."
"The north remembers. The red wedding. Lady Hornwood's fingers. Deepwood Motte and Torrhen Square. They remember all of it."
"Straight up, that was it, really good day yesterday."
"How's the thing go? How does a bastard orphan son of a [__] and a Scotsman dropped on a in a in a um not in the Caribbean impoverished in Providence in Providence right well squalor grow up to be a student and a hero and a scholar?"
"Can you believe it? I got a memory like an elephant. I don't forget."
"I knew the cup, and I think is it back to me now?"
"...trying to think of the actual date now I can't remember when it was but yeah it was just a picture that so far those that yeah because it was it was only sort of a short period where people weren't allowed to do something..."
"He remembers the moment when she had cried saying that she couldn't go back to the Village because she had been expelled."
"I did, I was, it wasn't that I was late. I didn't know I was supposed to be there. He did, oh wow. He was like, 'Nah, go, know what's going on, like where's Goo at?'"
"I do not recall pictures being taken."
"Dialectic uncovers what is true very much like the way in which you recollect something which you have forgotten."
"Under hypnosis, Tyler vividly recalled flying over San Diego. He was struck by the certainty that he knew how to pilot an airplane."
"He has an almost photographic memory and even though he was very young at the time he remembers everything."
"But I mean, they've seen, they would, yeah, we showed it on the tour, right?"
"I did see it once when I was a kid, but it wasn't fresh in my mind at all."
"The essence of Jesus's deeds and teachings could quite easily have been recalled accurately even decades later."
"One of those things like I genuinely remember, like, I was sitting on my college dorm bed."
"The whole thing came back to me and how I couldn't have been asleep. I remembered the bed and the window and the notebook so clearly."
"It all happened so fast but I vividly remembered this detail."
"The stem cell... it's like six years ago, I think I remember."
"Do you remember when like the monster"
"It's sort of emotionally taxing to go back over, and not that I can put it out of my mind, it's always in my mind."
"I know they had met somewhere else before, but for the life of me I can't recall where."
"He smiled and said, 'Ah yeah, I remember. Happy being Jack.'"
"How do you remember that? You're younger than me."
"It's just, I don't know, does that take you back to when or these two kids you...you killed James, right?"
"I am not learning these things, I'm just remembering."
"I vaguely remember being naked on my bed and seeing him dressed above me looking at me before turning his heels and just slamming the door."
"Now this is when it all happened... It was like being present in the footage scene for scene."
"As time went on, the images began acting more like a dream... I'll never forget it, and yet like the typical ones, it slowly was slipping away from me."
"I was back in the trench, in that cold trench, the temperature below zero, the ground frozen hard as stone."
"I remember the count the part in the when they were pushing me down the hallway and I was counting backwards."
"It was not until our journey was over, however, when we were settled in our hotel room in Princess Street, that I remembered my mother's warning."
"I know so he said that Mark was kind of laying there and saying like I can't move my legs and Cosmo went and got the backhoe and just drove over him."
"It's almost amazing that I didn't remember in the moment just how he'd pick me up to slam me down. The memory was triggered by receiving birthday bumps as a teen and it all came rushing back in the most bizarre way."
"It all happened two weeks ago on Tuesday, July 7th, 2020."
"Those are the things that they're gonna remember."
"Remembering that the orange stuff had avoided her stick just as the witch had."
"Just a minute ago when I pulled it onto the lift."
"I have like war flashbacks to this hall being filled with this one hallway."
"No one had told her any details about Lugdi Devi, and she was able to recall memories with complete accuracy."
"This was when James bought that film camera and he randomly had film."
"Isn't this the one that I killed?"
"I remember that, yeah. That's good. I remember that one."
"Definitely not 1888. I would remember."
"Every time you discuss or remember the memory, you retrieve it, and then you later restore it. But if you restore the memory and then you just happen to add a thing or two to it, it grows and grows over time."
"His recounting of details is probably the least out of everybody else's since he only saw glimpses of it and it all happened so fast."
"I saw him stand and look up at this window with his dear eyes," Mercedes recalled.
"I can't tell you exactly how much because I can't quite remember," said Mr. Hayford.
"But on her road to the vicarage, she remembered that Josephine Webster, she of the dried flower shop, she who had admired the vet, was to be there."
"Something in the form of the girl recalled irresistibly his dream... a terrifying spectacle."
"I remember all of the events vividly like it happened yesterday too."
"The fact that you said remember this, bro I'm actually so unhinged for that."
"He has this gift for memory so think like a perfect recall kind of scenario except that he fails to recollect the one thing that he's trying so desperately to capture which is the memory of his mother."
"I remember you said I get caught. Whoever, who, I know what I was hunting."
"Ah and it comes to mind I remember two of them but that that could be wrong well that's probably about right."
"On July 4th, the former president awoke and heard the salutes."
"everyone remembers what happens in the race"
"By talking about the life of the Buddha, we're improving our ability to recollect the Buddha and to understand who the Buddha was."
"I tried to see if the hammer was back... there was nothing I could do," I remembered.
"Upon seeing this object, Jennie recalled hearing the thud on the roof the night of the fire, and wondered if it had been caused by this object."
"I remember the Euro final two corresma had this guy in the headlock as well."
"Maybe that broken window in the other room had something to do with it. It's blurry. I mean, it's not complete amnesia, just last night a complete and total blur."
"That's the truth and that is definitely the last time I saw her."
"I remember that very clearly that they were around and they held her immediately."
"Really? I remember what you did too. Ooh, what you did in there."
"You never really have to throw the whole notepad away, there's another little great analogy of uh of imprint recollection of past life."
"He gave it his all and just you know that last he basically just you guys all missed it yeah oh six you guys missed it yeah he did"
"That was when that happened because I I recently watched that clip where he's talking with Phelps yeah and he was just like did you backslide between no he says yes oh he did"
"This flight on the 550 even though I bottomed out, finishes up a little bit early, my recollection was I could probably get another 15 to 20 seconds out of it."
"Well, I completely forgot a whole bunch of these songs."
"Oh, so can you, should challenge me, see if I've forgotten anything? All right. Um, Corner Hotel, Melbourne. Never forget that. Wasn't there Guns and Roses band playing before us? That's right, yeah."