
Male Behavior Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Not all men are cut from the same cloth; this is especially obvious when it comes to how they behave and interact with women."
"Men will literally try to create a global extinction event instead of going to therapy."
"All of the men of the world standing around a pickle jar that needs to be unstuck and they're telling you how to do it."
"Either men are going to channel their aggressive, testosterone-driven instinct into something good, productive, and wonderful for society, or they're going to tear down."
"The single most important thing that men need to understand, if they want to have a relationship with a woman, is that they have to learn attunement."
"Men need to be reminded there was a time when our word actually meant something and we tried to treat other Men of Honor with honor and honesty."
"The male species not protecting something, you don't find it, right?"
"As men get angrier and more disconnected and more lonely and more less desirable."
"Men always come back. They may not come back for the right reasons, but they always come back."
"I want us as men to be accountable for our behavior."
"It's very easy to explain the man's infidelity or inclination to be unfaithful provided he can get away with it right."
"Physical touch is very important, yet 95 percent of guys out there never do it."
"Men on the other hand, they can have sex with a hole in the wall and they'll be fine."
"Most guys are looking for acceptance so much they turn into the very thing that women despise."
"How can she feel safer from a man who walks away from his purpose?"
"A lot of the anger and resentment and the dumb [ __ ] that men do is coming from a place of not being able to be seen or heard right."
"Men fundamentally at our core, we have so much love, we have so much heart... but it might take a little while for a man to really step out from under his walls and show you his heart."
"Men need women to civilize them. Men are wild, every man knows this. Men have wild natures, we are wild in terms of aggression and physical violence, we are wild in terms of sexuality, that's male nature. A good woman civilizes her man."
"Men are opting out of pretty much everything right now."
"If you want men to learn manners, they learn how to behave from other men whom they admire."
"It's really just honestly quite amazing how men function."
"There's nothing more dangerous in the world than a broken alone male."
"Every one of your ancestors reproduced, in an unbroken chain, all the way back to the first life on this planet, over three and a half billion years ago."
"A grown man wants you to feel comfortable, he wants you to feel secure."
"It's usually the men who are seeking this out... it's part of their nature and the sharia is meant to fine tune and protect the nature of human beings."
"Men are conquerors, we're highly competitive."
"Start being kind and within your guy groups stop trying to be the coolest guy out and stop trying to just fit in with your guy friends and talking horribly about women in certain ways."
"It's these weak males that are actually the problem."
"When men love a woman, they don't hide themselves."
"A lot of men do and it is nothing to be ashamed of."
"Guys definitely always tell their friends about girls that they're talking to. If a guy ever says that he doesn't, he's definitely lying."
"The man who was most desirable to women was the one who is vigilant."
"Guys will literally fall in line and do literally anything."
"Women respect and love men who stand up to them and who respect and love themselves."
"Most women want a man who's comfortable making that decision and who is assertive."
"Men are hardwired to produce and they communicate to solve problems."
"The ego of men is out of control, that's the one thing that's going to be your downfall."
"Men know if you're the one or you're not. All men can change, but there's only one woman that we're going to change for. He's just one."
"There's a large segment of men there and really the ones that most women are referring to when they say men are pigs are the guys that can't be with women and desperately want to."
"Women love nice guys, right? We don't hate; we're just giving men information that society won't."
"Real men don't go back and forth with women."
"Men are bone-headed. They'll be back once they work up the courage to kill a dragon."
"Men have two reproductive strategies: the no investment one and the high investment one."
"A man should be able to have sex with as many women as he can afford."
"If a guy does something that's messed up...what other men say is 'dude, stop'...it keeps him grounded in reality."
"A real man at a certain point would be able to concentrate his anger because all the wars are fighting, you're not fighting a war because you're happy, you don't do that."
"If a man has sex with a lot of women, I know by default he has to bring a lot to the table."
"You can't solve violence against women without addressing the men committing it."
"Women want a guy who is going to be strong enough and brave enough to walk up and just say hello."
"So much of what men do is they act out of those insecurities."
"Guys either act like total [ __ ] or they're [ __ ], or guys basically the ones that they really like seem to be taken or they turns out that they're gay."
"Dudes always licking their chops bro, they just so on the girls you feel me."
"That's very threatening. Yeah, like, is there so many threatening things that we as guys do like hitting on her in her apartment?"
"There's male etiquette to bathroom stuff that women don't have to worry about. Is when you walk in yesterday, I was walking... I was in the urinal. I took the furthest one."
"Guys are gonna be guys, bro. No matter what, somebody's gonna look at that [expletive] ass."
"Men are absolutely like that, the guy code is, 'Oh you're done, okay cool, I'm gonna shoot my shot, like, at all times.'"
"Men will tell you they are not creatures of words until you say words. That's right."
"I think some, I think it's generalizing, but a lot of men like to do nothing for a bit. Sometimes men aren't thinking anything."
"So, what does evolution do with those bachelor males? Again, it ain't nice, the male."
"When a man is unsure of himself or goes along with something he's not really into in order to please a woman, he will turn a woman off."
"When a man starts having deep feelings for you, he will make even bigger sacrifices to prove his love and loyalty."
"The behavior change needs to start with men."
"What's happening in our hookup culture is really men and how they think they should react and treat and speak to women is not helping them get any further in a positive way."
"There are no men who are not talkative, only men who don't want to talk."