
Deviation Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"This is probably the most powerful one if I've seen a massive deviation anywhere."
"I just felt like today there was a complete deviation from what Arsenal usually do."
"Where you deviate from your plan is often where you find bits of magic."
"Sin is really anything that departs from God's plan for us."
"Being normal is not appreciated enough until you deviate from it."
"When you got another gospel, you are calling it apostles' doctrine but yet deviating from the doctrine that he gave the apostles."
"Stock-to-flow deflection: We are at a historical deviation from the stock-to-flow model."
"This is something new, this is different, this is a deviation from the way that I know the one piece story let's see how this goes let's see how it would work if it went this way."
"And in an extratextual sense, he represents the idea that deviations are always possible."
"How far out from the mean our results might be and whether that deviation from what we expect is due to chance alone or something else."
"The root mean squared deviation measures the differences between sample points and our regression line."
"What has happened with Nvidia is two standard deviations to the right in terms of its performance."
"Your deviation is your liberation."
"Something did not go the way you planned."
"Trust your ears; if you find something that sounds really good but defies the rules, maybe you should stick to it because your ears are your best allies."
"I'm sorry if I'm ruining this for you, Dr. Squish, but I want to experiment because half the fun is taking the road that's not instructions."
"Every soul, every season, lives outside of status quo."
"It's such a deviation from his regular character while still not feeling out of character."
"This video is definitely a lot different from the videos that I typically make on this channel, but I had a lot of fun making it."
"Though Dingo's dalmations doesn't really go that close to the story of the 101 Dalmatians."
"...if you deviate from it you can expect to get different results."
"An aberration is something that's not normal, it's an error, it's straying away from what is normal."
"Hopefully and you can easily tell this had nothing to do with the original story."
"Isaac realizes that unlike Ruia and Reena, he didn't inherit his past memories, noticing he is straying further from the usual path."
"When you have such a long-running show, you do have to get a little weird with it sometimes."
"That's not what was supposed to happen, but it was a good idea."
"Being locked out of those typical paths to meaning leaves room to experiment, to be deviant in so many more ways."
"In a move that can only be described as a remarkable deviation from the expected..."
"In the heat of the moment, there is a possibility however small that our actual actions might deviate from our intentions."
"Step away from what you think is normal."
"This is officially canon. For all intensive purposes, this movie is how Disney Cinderella now ends. It retcons a lot, but knowing that a Disney fairy tale goes this mean against the proven formula, I'm sorry, I gotta admire the balls this movie has."
"Nothing's perfect, nothing will follow the exact rules at all times. So I'm a fan of bending the rules a little bit for the feeling of the photo."
"And anything other than that is a perversion of prayer."
"Normality is a paved road where no flowers grow."
"She had her whole life planned out."
"I'm going to break my own rules today because I'm just too excited."
"Opus colors introduces such different changes from the standardized tropes that normally it would be refreshing."
"Cover stories are pretty much the one time you can experience one piece when the world isn't completely centered around Luffy."
"I made a decision to do something that was out of the norm."
"...but whenever that happens in the show I think it works best and I think that's why the parts when it doesn't happen feel a little bit like a..."
"This is a huge jump away, actually."
"He's not going to do it the way you think he's going to do it. He's coming down another street."
"God still leads through those, not the norm."
"A reminder of his deviation from Humanity, making him desponded."
"You're off the course, I like that."
"This is a complete betrayal of the Batman character."
"Bond films don't normally feature such ominous scenes."
"If you deviate from this target morphology... some mechanisms kick in both at the level of physics and genetics to try to reduce the error."
"Avoiding every displeasure could lead her astray from her initial path."
"He's acting incredibly out of character."
"America has drifted far from the forefathers' intentions."
"If we completely stabilize the climate immediately right now at the present value of all the different parameters, we'd be fine. The real problem is that it's going to continue to deviate from what it usually had been."
"You have to get off the beaten path."
"We're now gonna go through this movie too, in an uncommon move for a sequel."
"I thought we were sticking to the script here."
"They interpret the code a little different."
"We bought the hardwood sidecar, the Volkswagen convertible, which is neither of what we came here for."
"If you follow the majority of what the people are upon, they will lead you astray."
"If he really did indeed cut short those performances and didn't finish the season, that is pretty unlike him."
"...everyone else is kind of sticking to the plan. Not Albania."
"I hate when it's not just normal stuff."
"Things went a little off track as Leang grabbed the whip."
"He breaks this pattern, he pushes against it, he shows you what stability, safety, security, what reliability looks like."
"Not the straightest line but it's something."
"This is just so far from the Disney production line of Star Wars trash."
"As long as you're not under the bell curve, it's fine."
"Half the time we end up doing something else."
"In Harry Potter, the rules of our real-life world are deviated from almost immediately and regularly."
"It felt like an authentic Star Wars story that was off the beaten path."
"Anything that deviates from the norm is difficult to accept."
"If y'all know me that wasn't very me of me to do."
"Parents should be encouraged to become better for their children, to try to understand them, even if they deviate from the norm."
"If you don't go out a lot and then you do go out, then it feels like you totally are off track."
"One small mutation, one little deviation from the regular formula and The Snowball Effect begins."
"Without deviation, there is no progress."
"What are all these perversions, deviations from the usual sexual object of God in comparison with sexuality as such which is in itself nothing but a massive deviation?"
"but then if you look at any Elite level power lifter Olympic lifter any person squatting proficiency it's not going to be vertical perfectly vertical there'll be a deviation it's not supposed to be vertical"
"This is where I go off the beaten track and the suffering begins."
"A departure from standard presentations of morality seen in other modern cartoons."
"It went a different direction by making it a Monster High origin story."
"It just unfolded not according to the script."
"The whole arrow is kind of getting thrown at the bullseye, but it's going to end up drifting right just because the way the airflow is and the pressure also."
"Evil assumes that things ought to be different."
"Evil is a departure from the way things ought to be."
"Innovation is breaking the blueprint."
"This Valentine's Day will certainly have an asterisk as being a very different one."
"It all came about because of Zero, deviating from his original program to become the ultimate maverick."
"Not everything's going to be in a perfectly straight line. If it is, great. That happens so rarely."
"With this turn of events, the timeline as we know it is basically blown up. Pain's invasion of Konoha never happens and the same with the Fourth Great Ninja War; they've essentially been defeated."
"Anytime you have sort of an unexpected deviation, that's an area where you may want to look more closely at."
"I do really appreciate that they went off the rails here."
"We're gonna do something a little bit different with this batch."
"this entire time the sequence of videos and vlogs has been not what we intended"
"I feel like that whole plan fell right out the window."
"In creating its models at first these deviations from the assumed norm were dismissed, but now our miscalculations and their effects are the subject of serious study."
"Would you believe me if I told you that up until this point the film was considerably normal? No? Well, that sucks."
"Things aren't always best when they're round. Well not in this case."
"It's okay to stray from the normal path you're supposed to be on."
"A slight miscalculation and the Zephyr has been sent off course."
"The danger of this type of experimentation lies in its essential departure from the essence of mysticism."
"She held back a lot more than what we're used to."
"It kind of feels like we just took a hard left turn right before the end there."
"Nobody goes in the wrong box. We had a couple in a row, but I guarantee you, someone will get his own weird box at some point."
"Think of life like a scatterplot most of those dots and data will end up in the middle that's normal the average but with all things there are deviations those random pieces of data that lie way outside of the norm."
"It's so antithetical to a lot of really successful horror films of the past."
"Everybody's running off the course."
"I'm actually not following the formula for success."
"It was unlike them to act so paranoid."
"This story is not a traditional Shonen."
"Their mentality is all skewed right now. They are deviating away from the core audience that is professional wrestling."
"You got me messed up you've been going for 72 hours dog that's not what we do"
"Everything just supposed to be like this [__], are supposed to go [__], you're gonna have some obstacle."
"One of the best parts of this show is how it breaks the formula."
"An impromptu stop is an unplanned stop."
"When the church veers historically away from the teaching of Jesus, things get really weird."
"Instead of a sentence, you got this beautiful reward. That was something which was not following the way of the law but following the way of the heart."
"...and it's worth a look if you want a deviation from the typically clear-bodied twisbee patterns."
"The thing I like best is how you never do what I imagine you will."
"The more that we walk away from his word and his natural laws the more things don't work and the more insane people become."
"Because the more you walk away from God's architecting plan, the more you walk away from God's blessing."
"We usually do the Anakin Skywalker wins ending, but not today."
"By deviating from the norm in some way you become more interesting."
"Adding a bunch of numbers into the set that are equal to the mean, we're going to reduce the standard deviation. We're reducing the spread of that data."
"Welcome to my Vlog, today's Vlog is going to be a little bit different than normal."
"...this spring measures out at 18 inches and three quarters so it is a bit shorter than what we typically see on a standard spring."
"What is art? It's just something for your eyes to look at, it's just a change from the norm, innit?"
"For a movie that spends a lot of time showing us Bourne figuring out this seems out of character."
"...but we want to show you something a little bit different."
"It's refreshing to see someone break out of the classic series formula."
"But that's not how the Force works."
"It's going to pull you so far away from your center of gravity you're not going to know who you are anymore."
"A good definition of the word perversion is it shouldn't be that way."
"You don't have to stick with what's normal out there, you can get fluid, you can get creative."
"Another situation where deviation from historical accuracy is artistically justified."
"This video's gonna be very different than most other videos on this topic."
"But we obviously don't string away from that a little bit."
"Find the guidebook and then just stay just a little bit out of sync with it."
"Why not take them in a different direction?"
"Carpenter definitely made a point to make his vampires uniquely different than the Bela Lugosi Hollywood stereotype."
"This is an example of a band doing an album that really deviates from the formula."
"Let him be accursed if anyone is preaching something different than the gospel of grace."
"That's when you deviate from your trading plan. That's how this all goes south."
"That's normal, but it's not normal for me."
"Why are believers going the other way?"
"I totally did that backwards. I mean I did everything I was supposed to do but I don't normally go this way 'cause ordinarily I say 'Welcome to my home' or 'Welcome to Blossom's home.' That's so weird when we do something just a little bit different."
"Why not you? I think one of the other girls would be more typical."
"Jeff just went off the rails for lack of better word."
"I broke dry January for a nice Martini at dinner."
"It was such a nice breakaway from the kind of norm of the rest of the zampakuto that we see."
"They say you never go for Christmas. Well, they went for Christmas here."
"The emperor's spears divert substantially from the organizational dictates of the codex astartes."
"Knowing everything we know about Monica, that's not something she would normally ever do."
"This is absolutely not what the manual says to do."
"He's just so out of character. So out of character."
"Moving away from Christ: 'Most of the church is moving away from Christ rather than toward Christ.'"
"I decided to go rogue and ignore the plans."
"Drift or configuration or infrastructure drift is when your expected resources are in a different state than your expected State."
"It's amazing how fast churches move away from Christ."
"Welcome back to my channel for another vlog. This is very much not a normal vlog."
"Every deviation is in the fire, there could be 60 billion religions, every deviation is in the fire."
"Ultimately, the guidelines are guidelines, and deviation from them does not necessarily mean deviating from the standard of care."
"As soon as you do that actually, you generate tons of distortion."
"We initially had intentions of going home kind of early."
"You can't always do standard, like, or the norm now."
"The way this day has just took a left turn."
"Unpredictability, never a dull moment. Nothing about us is ever going to be normal, not ordinary."
"Things are not the way they're supposed to be. They're like they weren't supposed to turn out this way. Then somehow everything got screwed up."
"Because as we know some of us don't like to stick to a pattern."
"I would never normally do it's totally out of character for me and it's actually quite, it's really quite scary."
"Once such a violation saved 116 lives."
"In the theological schools of Judah of Judea the word of God had been set aside for human speculation."
"It's a love story but not the one they planned."
"There's an exception to these rules out there and it's called the red proc."
"Just once I'd like things to go according to the plan."
"It's just like so easy to venture off your path."
"As a general rule, to measure the angle of deviation, prisms must be placed with the base opposite to the deviation."
"You can't separate those two just based on primary and secondary deviations."
"Any deviation from reason, any deviation from justice divine and human is wrong. It's a fact that we do, and the Pope sitting where he does is more easily guilty of malfeasance in high office than I've ever been because I was never poking grammar will be okay."
"The story of Samson, full of humor and mischief, deviates... due to its popularity among the Israelites and its religious undertones."
"Comedy thrives on things hovering close to a pattern and veering off just a bit."
"Another principle that's important is how quickly the ball deviates from that tangent line."
"It's called neurodivergent, which is like you're not in the normal part of the bell curve, you're in like a weird many standard deviations on the bell curve."
"I am so, so glad that I deviated because not only have you guys been complimenting me on my skin... but I get a lot of compliments in real life."
"We look for compounds that are three standard deviations away from the mean."
"You have turned aside from the way; you have caused many to stumble by your instruction. You have corrupted the covenant of Levi, says the Lord of hosts."
"Every culture, time period, and society has a unique set of standard norms. Any departure from these could easily be seen as abnormal."
"By professing it, some have swerved from the faith."
"As things deviate away from normal, they might generally move in this direction in this principle components space."
"Problems are these conditions that deviate from the ideal or desired state."
"A z-score is used to tell us how far from the mean our data point actually is."
"If you have a set plan and you find yourself operating outside of that, you have to become self-aware of that."
"68% of the data will be within one standard deviation of the mean."
"It demonstrates how far the show can deviate from being what you think it should be while also being exactly 100 percent precisely what it is."
"What the early church got right was Christ at the center; what the later Church got wrong was a total loss of Christ."
"A miracle is an event which deviates from the known laws of nature."
"The deviation from the theoretical axis was a mere 13 centimeters."
"That didn't go as the script says it should have gone."
"O Lord, why have You made us stray from Your ways, and hardened our heart from Your fear?"
"This strayed too far from the parameters of a formal debate."
"The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold."