
Comic Characters Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"I love when there's like certain comic book characters that are actually working out and doing the best to get as strong."
"Galactus goes back to being the devourer of worlds, and Silver Surfer goes back to being his Herald."
"Lex Luthor is fantastic because he is firmly convinced that we cannot give power to any one person or any one being."
"I love the Martian Man Hunter. I like his rivalry with the White Martians."
"The only person who can apparently take down Batman no matter how much or hard he prepares for is Bug's Bunny."
"Booster Gold, I'm the greatest hero you've never heard of."
"I think nebulae have a relationship that they have built even though they won't have the same relationship with Gomorrah."
"Picture it: Harley Quinn kills the Justice League. It'll be amazing."
"Kitty is relatable, as close as the X-Men have to an everyman."
"Adam Warlock himself was very much like Jesus Christ."
"Captain Fantastic faster than Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, Wolverine, the Hulk, and the Flash combined."
"For Norman Osborn he doesn't have that now why he doesn't have that is not explicitly given to us right."
"It's like saying, what does the Joker do? It's freaking, there's no point, and that is the point."
"Reviewers have seen her as DC's female equivalent to Deadpool for her r-rated irreverent playfulness."
"Watching Batman, Robin, and Batgirl team up alongside Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo is everything we could ever hope for."
"She'll basically be a harbinger of the rebirth of mutants across the earth."
"The Scarlet Witch has been reduced in power."
"Let me know what you guys think about the newest editions Cassie Lang and Future."
"People say that sounds convoluted... we live in a world where Hawkeye and Rocket Raccoon are someone's favorite character."
"The Scarlet Witch showed her incredible strength when she became the only one to actually resist the entire power of the Phoenix Force as it tried to take her over as well."
"Cloak and Dagger formed a symbiotic relationship to manage their powers."
"It's like Batman and the Joker, you need the venom to balance out the Spidey."
"Deadpool officially names him the X-Force, saying he wanted a gender-neutral alternative to X-Men."
"Apparently, our old pal Red Skull hasn't given up on obtaining a little slice of ultimate power for himself."
"It's Batman and the Joker, the one-two punch of comic books."
"He brought a kind of wisdom and a kind of hope to the Flash family that really wasn't available from anybody else."
"do you want to see more etragon do you want to see detective chimp yes you do yes you do"
"The Hulk is one of my favorite characters in the MCU, and him not being a leader does not make him any less of a great character."
"Thanos, wiping out half of all life to impress Mistress Death."
"I think we're in a speed V era where we can just have some team-up. Yeah, team-up some colorful characters. Team-up Star-Lord and Doctor Strange. Why not?"
"Hulk's the saddest one there is. Sadder he gets, the sadder he gets."
"Miles may not be as crafty as Peter, but with his venom powers and camouflage, he doesn't need to be."
"Jane Foster turns into Valkyrie... Donald Blake teleports away."
"Batman has one of the absolute best rogues galleries."
"Emma Frost possesses telepathic abilities on a similar level to Charles Xavier... creating psionic shields, telepathic cloaking, illusions, and more."
"Sebastian Shaw has the ability to absorb energy... build up and store this energy and release it whenever he chooses."
"Sunspot's mutant ability allows him to store solar energy in his cells... using it to enhance his physical strength, fly faster than light speed, and use pyro and thermokinesis."
"Guido, who goes by the name strong guy, has the ability to absorb kinetic energy and use it to enhance his physical strength."
"Layla has the ability to resurrect dead beings, restoring their bodies and their Consciousness but not their soul."
"Monet is essentially a near perfect being, with all of her physical and mental skills greater than the natural physical limits of peak humans."
"The intelligence of Doctor Doom can never be underestimated by anybody even Reed Richards."
"I just picture a big pink Kilowog right big pink Kilowog little emerald green speedo and how does walking in on him and going what what is and Kilowog being like this is what they wear was what they used to wear on my planet."
"Batman must be my favorite, and it's so boring to say, but he really is."
"Yeah, Plastic Man, I want to do Plastic Man so bad, so bad."
"And I wouldn't be surprised if Galactus is one of them."
"Craven now knows the weakness of the Symbiote. Craven now knows oh I just need loud sound and I got you my boy you're not a threat to me anymore"
"She's connected with the Avengers. She's one of these periphery characters, and she's sneaky. She lied to Steve at least once."
"Neil Gaiman can take a character from a 70s comic no one remembers and convinces you that he's one of the greatest comic characters ever made."
"Even though Flash is insanely fast, Thanos is just too powerful."
"Old man Logan: far from a terrible character, but still not the best."
"Onslaught was able to exist through their constant resurrections, so while you might recognize the look of Onslaught, their true identity was even more of a mystery than the first time around."
"Mr. Freeze should have died the day of the explosion, but the loss of his wife drove him to survive."
"Wonder Woman was always kind of viewed as this character who was in a lot of ways equal to Superman and in some instances more capable than Superman."
"Tim Drake is easily one of the best Robins, and by Dick's own admission, the best Robin." - Narrator
"Wanda and Strange against Victor Von Doom and Mephisto."
"Mutated from ooze and rays in the ways of ninjutsu by their rat sensei Splinter, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are ready to venture outside their sewer lair to fight evil everywhere."
"Red Hood, one of the greatest characters ever created."
"The Punisher a brutal vigilante introduced in 1974 spider-man comic who also starred in 2017 Netflix series has become an emblem for some cops and soldiers."
"Spider-Man and Deadpool both have a snarky sense of humor."
"With Alfred pennyworth's Legacy to guide him and a fortune that outshines Batman's, Nightwing will never stop fighting."
"It's time that we start giving blade his flowers."
"Having said that, that's still a big deal because we know that like America Chavez and Doctor Strange too, America Chavez has the ability to hop from one dimension to the next."
"Batman never gives up, even in the most dire situations."
"Red Hood brings a new viewpoint to the table."
"He's pretty self-aware about how messed up his robin experience was."
"Jason Todd is the black sheep of the bat family."
"Kate Kane is the daughter of Colonel Jacob Kane, forever scarred by the murder."
"You see this total perfect 180 between how Zuko was presented to us versus what he is at the end of the show."
"Peter Parker's life undeniably sucks at times."
"You want a Robin in it like a dead Robin yeah yeah I'll take a Robin yeah like a proper one yeah yeah"
"Batman: Master tactician... hanging back, calling the shots."
"Batman: 'We need Superman'... he's the big gun."
"Did you forget that I'm Wally West and I'm technically faster than you?"
"Last time I saw him, Ultron was sitting on him."
"You'd get the Sandman, that's what happens. William Baker, aka Flint Marco, was your regular run-of-the-mill petty criminal just trying to make his way in the world."
"The way Spidey interacts with every Avenger or random hero that pops in is totally different..."
"This Joker design represents one of the most terrifying looks for the character."
"The Hulk is one bad mama jama, and the fact that he is made from radiation should remind you that there is no way of killing this guy." - Carl Monroe
"Dr Fate is like DC's sorcerer Supreme... His telekinesis has been strong enough to move an entire planet into the sun."
"The Specter isn't really one person... The Specter itself is actually a cosmic entity and is the physical manifestation of God's Vengeance on Earth."
"Dr. Doom started out as a villain and has become more nuanced and difficult to peg down in the years."
"Adam Brashear is one of the coolest characters out there. If you guys thought Black Panther was cool, he's got nothing on Adam Brashear."
"While we may not always approve of his actions, the bottom line is Cyclops is still one of the best when it comes to prime leaders in the Marvel universe."
"Nuclear Man has weird powers. He's able to levitate Lenny just by pointing at him. Superman has telekinesis power."
"Carrie Kelly: a bright spot in this dark world."
"Deathstroke's army attacks heroes and then warp teleports them out before you can catch them. It's happening across the world." - Wonder Girl
"If Iron Man can just beat the Hulk by himself, then why even have him there? You might as well just cut him from the team."
"I gotta give this one to the Fallen One, the Worthy Silver Surfer."
"Everybody loves Catwoman she's a great character."
"It's cool to see the x-men are finally getting their due diligence."
"It is an exciting time for x-men fans everywhere."
"Michael Korvac, a human turned cyborg, getting the power of essentially one of the most powerful beings in existence."
"What makes Spider-Punk more powerful than those that came before him on this list is the fact that unlike all of the others he has an entire army of followers behind him."
"Venom... every couple of months, man, he just gets better and better."
"Spider-Man has the best rogues gallery... They have such a great psychological thing going on."
"At least she gets to be the one to interact with the Silver Surfer and show him a better path..."
"So now Etrigan and us won again. Ah, he's back to rhyming."
"If you're a Green Lantern you can't like kill yourself because your ring will protect you okay so Jon Stewart orders his ring to go like 20 light years away and then come back."
"As it turns out, however, the multiversal pals do pop up unexpectedly."
"We also see Spinneret and Spiderling, Mangaverse Spider-Man from Earth-2301."
"In having no official jurisdiction, Batman has jurisdiction everywhere."
"Scarlet Witch is as powerful as she is, not only is she able to just completely destroy Thanos in hand-to-hand combat."
"The ancient one just has hacks abilities that no one can really get past."
"Ant-man in his giant man form one-shots leviathans casually."
"Spider-man was able to casually block an attack from call obsidian."
"You're telling me this guy's a vampire dinosaur and he's not in the discussion for greatest Marvel villain of all time?"
"Remember the motto: 'It's Diana, Princess of the Mascara, over everything.'"
"Future Trunks Punisher Rorschach spawn all those people who don't waste no time they just end the villain right there."
"It feels like Batman and Batwoman, the Bat family, getting this surge of newfound popularity, and the fact that our two big stories, they're bat-related."
"Laszlo Valentine aka Professor Pig and that's p y g not p i g was a former agent of Spiral driven mad by his own mind eroding drugs and he was an enemy of Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne during their time as Batman and Robin."
"This is really a very off-kilter group, it's almost like the monster squad or like the classic Universal Monsters of the DC Universe."
"Even though Peter has every reason to kill the goblin, he does not do so."
"Balloons, oh kills Wolverine because Storm can fly right, that's part of her deal."
"Harley Quinn might not always look like the sharpest tool in the shed... but believe me when I say that she's amazingly bright."
"Superman flies by scanning the ground, sees that Lois is safe thanks to this new photographer, and he wonders if he should be jealous."
"The Incredible Hulk truly was the strongest character there was."
"Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne work so well together because of their shared backstories."
"Joker's greatest enemy isn't Batman, it's Harley Quinn." - Jack Napier
"Franklin Richards: controls age, creates universes, beyond Omega level."
"Galactus is truthfully probably the next Avengers level threat after Kang."
"The fight between Thor and Amadeus Cho Hulk shows us where Jane Foster stands in relation to the Hulk when it comes to strength."
"Magneto is the greatest comic book character of all time."
"He's a mutant with the power to ever die or never stay dead."
"Thanos was fighting Dr Doom and Thor and it's amazing."
"Despite these absorbing powers, it hasn't proven enough to hold back Hulk's rage with the green guy coming out on top every time."
"Both Thanos and Kang are apocalyptic threats to the existence of pretty much anyone."
"Robin died and from the ashes Rose Nightwing."
"A highly trained martial artist, Clint Barton, suits up and joins the fight as Ronin."
"Skilled at martial arts and espionage, aka spy, Natasha Romanoff is the powerful Black Widow."
"The Kent family has finally brought back together."
"There's something undeniable about McFarlane's signature creation: a brooding figure of the dark caught in the never-ending push and pull between good and evil."
"That's a good theory, Wolverine sneezing is better though."
"There's a bunch of Avengers or just Marvel characters that have these weird powers."
"Logic, decency, and sanity all go out the window after Deadpool bonds with the Venom symbiote."
"The Punisher, Castle, shot at Osborne with a sniper rifle."
"Now I didn't want to make this list too easy for myself so this is four characters in one spot and of course you know who they're gonna be the fantastic four all for four fantastic four."
"They want to make the comic characters more complex, bring them onto the real world."
"Superman isn't just a sketch on paper."
"I could cut down an old tree that way," said Obelix casually.
"But I gotta say I think Robin looks cooler because the Cape is so much better he learned a great deal from Batman one of the things he learned most from Batman though is how to have an awesome costume even though Red X costume is way sicker."
"Iron Man vs Lex Luthor, no reason to bring back either character."
"Give me Harley smacking people with a baseball bat over all the caped crusaders of this godforsaken universe any day."
"It might just be the most accurate adaptation of comic characters in a television series."
"The camaraderie between the team, especially between the Thing and the Human Torch, that was pretty fun."
"I'm super happy to now have both first appearances of Alpha Flight."
"The likes of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, whoever will eventually bounce back from any kind of grand upheaval or change; the people who write and draw them are not always so."
"Hope is the right Lantern core for his non-scar personality, that of Harvey Dent."
"Franklin Richards might not have his powers currently in the comics, but that doesn't stop him from being one of the most powerful mutants."
"Emma Frost is one of the best telepathic minds we have in the comics."
"Storm is not just a mutant with unbelievably unstoppable powers, she is also a literal goddess."
"Magneto is a very difficult villain to stop and has stood up to the entire Avengers team."
"The void exists as long as the Sentry exists, and the Sentry keeps on coming back to life every time he somehow gets defeated."
"She fought against powerful characters like Loki, Dormammu, and the Collector."
"She takes on Thanos all by herself without worrying if she's going to be strong enough to defeat him."
"These are definitely the definitive versions of Colossus and Juggernaut."
"So here's a picture of Forbush Man and, of course, Frog Thor or Throg."
"I tend to like DC characters more, even though I love Marvel, I love the MCU; they're deeper."
"Cyborg Superman joins the Sinestro Corps."
"We definitely need to draw more X-Men."
"Dr. Manhattan can do whatever he wants; he's as close to a God as a man could be."
"Silver Surfer's physical strength is believed to be limitless."
"DC Comics has finally embraced Harley and Ivy as a couple."
"Magneto, he is commanding such a powerful pose on top of this Sentinel with the floating pose that they gave him, with the flowing cape, it just looks amazing."
"Forever my mind's eye of Mary Jane Watson and Aunt May, the colors just pop."
"I'm not mad at Magneto being back on demon time."
"I would rather work on a Jack Kirby character."
"The hollow truce between Batman and Superman was shattered by Batman's genius plan."
"Giant-size X-Men didn't stick to any formula; rather, it brought more diversity and characters from all walks of life."
"The result is incredible; patches, Harley Quinn, and Batman look great, don't you agree?"
"It's Batman and Joker, so at the end of the day, I was excited."
"Normies know Deadpool and Wolverine."
"It's really awesome, and I just love the team-up duo of Punisher and Daredevil."
"Finally, Shazam is the speed of Mercury, which grants him the gift of flight and the ability to move at speeds as fast as Superman."
"Stephen Strange, the Illuminati will see you now."
"Much like the symbiote, we two are stronger together."
"Befriends many other heroes and villains alike, which tends to be her secret weapon."
"Skull possesses all the powers and abilities of both Solomon Grundy and Hulk and thanks to Doctor Strange fate, Banner can shape shift between his human form and his skull form at will."
"X-23 is going to be the one you want to be your survival factor, the one who can basically survive pretty much anything."
"The older I get, the more I think like yeah, Magneto, you know, dude wasn't crazy."
"He was right in a lot of aspects."
"Hulk finally gets his reward of getting a Coca-Cola, and then the Ant-Man shows up and steals his [expletive] Coca-Cola, that piece of [expletive] Ant-Man."
"Venom didn't want another Carnage existing in the world, one is enough."
"Robin is really deeply connected with Batman in a way that Batgirl never really is."
"I never intended to pitch this like Doctor Who inspired Silver Surfer, it just kind of happened."
"Calvin and Hobbes... their names were actually based on two really important political philosophers."
"Wally West is the happiest father alive."
"Batman and Superman are often known for being best friends in the main continuity."
"Emma Frost and Jean Gray have continuously argued and battled over a wide array of issues throughout their history, but at the end of the day, these two women are actually friends."
"Scott couldn't shake the notion that Madelyne somehow was Jean Grey."
"Scott Summers held his infant son and, despite everything, mourned his deceased wife."
"Your invisible jet might be invisible, but you're not."
"If anything should happen to Kitty Pride, I will kill them."
"Spawn would be a good foil for Daredevil, two men tied to devils fighting crime, one more extreme."
"I've always had a love for D and C list super villains... my innate love of the underdog."
"I just want to see certain characters on the big screen like Green Arrow, Mr. Terrific, Zatanna, even Phantom Stranger."
"Dr. Doom has the abilities of the sorcerer supreme."
"Patience my friends, but we know we're getting Jean, we know we're getting Storm, and hopefully more to be announced in the future as well."
"It's just a fun issue if you like Nightwing, if you love Wally West, you're gonna love this too."
"Not only is the strength of this Thor unmatched, but he also once found his way into obtaining the Phoenix Force as well."
"He's defeated enemies that make the regular Thor run scared and has struck fear into the hearts of his enemies for centuries."