
Historical Record Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Every president has to preserve the record; it's for the National Archives."
"Saturn V still holds decades-old records, set all those many moons ago."
"What a way to start our life in league one! Let the history books note the first goal scored."
"Jerry Goff is the first quarterback to ever win a playoff game against a team he previously started a playoff game for."
"She held the record for the longest reigning monarch in Britain's history."
"Keeping the wisdom, preserving the records, great grew the sons of Kim, conquering the people around them, growing slowly upwards in soul force."
"The first written record of the harpy eagle is in Carl Linnaeus' 1758 Systema Naturae."
"His final meal on the morning of his execution was fish and chips with a side of tomatoes, a glass of brandy, and a cup of tea."
"The United States exceeded initial proposal and achieved the fastest speed hit by any ocean liner before or since."
"Victoria broke the record with her 64-year reign."
"Lowest unemployment in African-American history."
"African American youth unemployment has also reached the lowest level ever recorded in history."
"The silk air accident occurred on the 19th of December."
"I'm the first fighter in UFC history to secure knockout victories at featherweight, lightweight, and now welterweight across three weight divisions."
"Once again, most event wins in CrossFit Games history."
"History will record today as the day we ceased to be a Democratic Republic."
"The word 'zombie' was first recorded into English in 1819 by European explorers in West Africa."
"More people voted in America than ever ever in the history of America."
"Under my leadership, our economy is now growing at the fastest rate ever, which is really something."
"The books will tell you what happened on the stage, but they won't tell you what happened off the stage."
"It was their first Chelsea's first premier league title they conceded only 15 goals."
"This 1907 account that I'm about to share is one that the last hunter records of the species."
"Music will tell future generations of our political issues, our worries, our passions, and our successes, all from the perspective of real people in the moment."
"Marner also reached 300 assists faster than any other Toronto Maple Leaf in their career."
"He was the tallest ever member of the United States Senate. 6’9"."
"Remember the record of the cold war: the U.S. successfully stood for freedom in multiple countries."
"We've just hit the absolute lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in the history of our country."
"The single greatest three-month period of job creation in American history."
"Journalism is quick and dirty, it is the first draft of history."
"The job growth that we have seen over the last three months, 9.3 million, is the single greatest period of job creation in American history."
"Manchester City completes a historic treble with victory over into Milan in the Champions League final."
"With a reign of 63 years seven months and two days, Victoria was the longest-reigning British monarch."
"It was good for the community because they wanted answers."
"The money is mad, I remember Zidane to Real for 50 million, world record."
"If Elizabeth makes it to May 27, 2024, she will overtake Louis XIV of France and become the longest reigning monarch in history."
"Can you imagine a hundred years from now them looking back at the record? It's real, this happened in Washington D.C."
"Victoria surpassed the record of her great-grandfather George III to become the longest-reigning monarch in British history."
"Super Mario Brothers sold over 40 42 million units and was the record holder for over 30 years."
"Joe Biden has been elected the 46th President of the United States of America."
"The Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"With this team of Misfit yet consistent players, the Oakland A's over the 2002 season would go on to win 20 consecutive wins."
"You have just etched your name permanently into the X Games history books." - Jimmy Coleman
"UK economy's biggest growth spurt since 1948."
"Nuclear blasts are generally pretty powerful, with the largest nuke ever dropped in recorded history being equivalent to a massive 50 megatons of TNT."
"History will not gloss over all those negatives."
"17 consecutive wins, the run of 21. It's been historic, amazing, incredible."
"And Brady was trying to make history here tonight, become the first quarterback to ever win five Super Bowls."
"Mark Stoops has officially passed Bear Bryant for the most wins in Kentucky history."
"Frederick Remington wrote for the generations that followed without a doubt one of the most comprehensive documentary records of our old west."
"Evan Corcoran apparently took really copious notes about Donald Trump's facial expression and reactions."
"The Bible is giving us an accurate historic record."
"They left records of their lives on the rocks, exquisite paintings of themselves."
"Manchester City to get 100 points never been done in English football. For me, it was definitely that Centurion team that tops all them teams Klopp."
"What was the number one best-selling game of 2002? It was Grand Theft Auto: Vice City."
"Robert Wadlow: The tallest person in recorded history."
"The zoo tablet inscription records an incantation that priests would recite to expel the demon during an exorcism ritual."
"On this day one week ago, the president and I stood in the Rose Garden and were proud to announce that in the month of May, thanks to hardworking Americans like all of you, our nation saw the largest one-month increase in jobs in American history."
"We added 2.5 million jobs last month which was incredible, the largest monthly increase in history."
"The history reflects what our men have done, how gallant, how noble they have been."
"Blacks had the highest turnout among voters age 18 to 24... in our nation's history."
"It's the greatest ODI Innings of all time without question."
"We inherited from our ancestors so we can use DNA as a record of the past."
"A monumental speed run and one that places Liam in the history books of speedrunning forever."
"Heavy first snow arrives in Seoul, marking the heaviest level for the first snowfall in history."
"Zachray is the only player in history to win a major with more than two characters three times."
"Trump winning by 30 points over his nearest rival. Trump having the biggest win of any Republican in an Iowa caucus ever."
"The app we'll be building lists the missions that have gone on since 2006."
"Before the plague struck we had the lowest unemployment rates ever."
"The fish was so insanely big that it earned its spot as the fourth largest fish ever weighed in recorded history."
"For the first time in top flight history, Tottenham Hotspur are top of the league."
"This is just a tremendous rainfall event one that will more than likely be in the history books."
"The US Constitution has endured longer than any other codified Constitution besides Massachusetts."
"The encounter with giants is famously recorded in the book of Numbers."
"History will not be silent about these abuses."
"Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberias at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilate."
"The Sumerian King list not only documents a great flood early in man's history but it also reflects the same pattern of decreasing longevity as found in the Bible."
"You are one of three women in history on the Billboard chart to have an album spend at least 300 weeks on the charts."
"Bryant announced his presence as a true superstar in the league with authority going five for five with three home runs and two doubles a combination of hits that no one in Modern Baseball history had put together in a single game."
"Luke recorded the facts of history as a reliable testimony to the continuing work of Christ through the Holy Spirit."
"I love the Nixon tapes. I have them on cassettes and I played them in my car and I've upgraded to CDs. They are an astonishing record of anger and criminality and abuse of power."
"Let history show that someone was trying."
"The only double bagel zero-zero double in a major final since 1911!"
"Truly a new era for the library and a new level of accessibility to the Johnson record."
"The Gospel writers have a proven track record of historical reliability."
"This is significant. A really stunning conclusion to this series of hearings from the January 6 committee. It's an incredible window on history, unvarnished, unfiltered, as it unfolded."
"Absolutely necessary. For posterity, for what actually happened on January 6, we will never have a complete picture without knowing from the president himself what was going on that day in the Oval Office."
"Even if tacitus doesn't mention the resurrection he says that this mischievous teaching Superstition he calls it mischievous Superstition broke out again."
"The annals of thos III at Carnac say he who captures megiddo captures a thousand cities."
"Every theme and historical record in the Pentateuch was designed to accomplish this goal."
"It's recorded by Pausanias, this Greek who writes a history of the great wars fought between Rome and Carthage."
"His 372 average was the highest batting average by a right-handed hitter in the post-war era."
"It's really important that we have that snapshot in time of where these plants were, what they were found with, how they grew, when they flowered, when they leafed out."
"You have to write in a way where somebody could pick up an intelligence report 10 years from now and read those events happen that day."
"He had the longest apprenticeship to be Monarch ever."
"Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts: the book of their deeds, the book of their words, and the book of their art."
"We've learned that in 2021 our economy experienced the largest single drop in the unemployment rate on record."
"If there's anything I want to do, it's to encourage people to go back and read these 80 odd books which are entertainment but for me, they're not just that, they are a historical record."
"The name of Israel appears for the very first time on the victory stelae of the Pharaoh Merenptah."
"He recorded what people ate on his farm."
"He recorded each pair: one pair of shoes for Henry."
"I feel compelled to make a record of certain things in light of many of the statements that were made here today."
"Joseph Smith Jr's Book for Record Baught on the 27th of November 1832 for the purpose to keep a minute account of all things that come under my observation, etc. oh may God grant that I may be directed in all my thaughts. Oh bless thy Servent. Amen."
"The quietest time on recorded record was during the pandemic."
"Now thanks to this unique personal record smuggled back from the front, I'll reveal in intimate detail the dramatic story of one battalion from one British city in the words of one man, Private Frank Meekin."
"A record unsurpassed in the history of British football."
"In 2015, Elizabeth surpassed her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria's record and is now the longest reigning monarch in English history."
"It's the 20th comeback win in singles league history."
"It is a Monumental work of recording just about all the arts and crafts at the time."
"The prevalence of female rule within the Sultanate of Patani for a period of nearly a century and a half remains one of the longest recorded periods of female rule of any state in world history."
"These maps contain memories, experiences, and history."
"John Lawson's journal left us a record of what Carolina was like 300 years ago."
"History should ever be the record of the works of God."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest construction in the world for approximately 3,500 years."
"It's also just a really weird year, stamps could be capturing this moment in time as historical documentation."
"156 miles on one charge, this is a hundred and twenty years ago."
"It technically had the world record for being the oldest bell tower in America."
"The inscription of Hazael, king of Damascus, boasting of his victory over the king of Israel and the king of the house of David."
"His two-year assault on the home run record and duel with Mark McGwire are now part of baseball lore."
"She's the only player that's ever scored a goal in the final game in all four Olympics, so it's kind of mind-blowing how good she is."
"In 1970, Vasily Alexiev became the first man to lift 500 pounds overhead in competition."
"Distinguishing between an invocation that is going to change the state of the system and a fact that has been recorded about something that happened in the past is absolutely key."
"It was the tallest man-made structure in the world for nearly 4,000 years."
"It's times like this I thank heaven for rationing, at least they have to keep a record of the clothing coupons and the names of everyone who buys anything."
"It's one of the oldest known historical records in the world."
"The Sumerian king list... it's more like a mashup of history and mythology."
"The coldest temperature in English history was -15 degrees Fahrenheit, again completely unfit for humans."
"The principal objectives of the Commission is to create an impartial historical record of violations and abuses of human rights."