
Presidential Duties Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Every president has to preserve the record; it's for the National Archives."
"Choosing someone to serve on the United States Supreme Court is one of the most serious constitutional responsibilities a president has."
"Wouldn't it be nice to see a president who cares about Americans over everyone else?"
"The president's job is supposed to be that and a guard for the Constitution."
"It's pretty clear that everyone... just wants President Biden to do his job and to protect Americans."
"We're just asking President Biden to do his job, to protect Americans and enforce the laws that have already been passed."
"If I'm your president, we'll implement the national strategy I've been laying out since March."
"What a president of the United States is supposed to do... is that when you're president you bring our people together."
"It's abnormal and it also violates the Presidential Records Act Ali there is law passed after watergate for the very purpose of memorializing what the president does where he goes who he talks to who comes to visit him at the White House."
"The president's duties include specific rights derived from the Constitution."
"Acts that are intertwined with immune actions are themselves immune."
"Being president of the United States is arguably the toughest job in the world."
"The job of a president is to set an example."
"Being president means managing and that means communicating with people."
"Trump was doing his duties as president, upholding his oath of office."
"The president's duties range from faithfully executing the laws to commanding the Armed Forces."
"The president can communicate with federal election officials about election integrity concerns."
"The most important thing a president can do... is the appointment of federal judges."
"I am not a fan of this whole you have to thank President Trump personally for all he's done for you. I thought that was his job."
"We hire a President to protect us from emergencies, not to create them for us."
"Of all the privileges that come with serving as President of the United States, I have none greater than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the finest military that the world has ever known."
"The employment of language for a president is one of the most vital aspects of the presidency."
"We have a president that fights for our nation."
"If you get so lost in what you're doing 24 hours a day, how can he be the best president he's supposed to be if he doesn't get some breath of air?"
"The top job of the president is to swear an oath to the Constitution and to keep it."
"Trump's tax returns could potentially reveal conflicts between his business dealings and his role as president."
"The job of a president is to tell it straight from the shoulder, tell the truth, to be candid, to face facts, to lead, not to incite."
"The single most important job of the president of the United States is not to balance the budget all right it's to keep you and I safe."
"The job of the president of the United States is to level with the American people about everything."
"It takes a president who understands that Constitution to have an oath and swear and oath to that Constitution keep it."
"I promise to be president for all Americans whether you live in a blue state or a red state."
"An American president has to approach it in a different way; he's got always to think first of what is best for America."
"...as president, you can't do that. It just doesn't work."
"A president has to lead his government, or it won't be done."
"He wrote all of his own speeches and papers as president."
"Remember that the president has 10 days to sign the bill into law."
"What's important now is that he has mild symptoms and is working from the residence on behalf of the American people."
"The president has mild symptoms, he's able to do the business of the American people from the residence."
"The president, as any other man, is accountable to the laws of the Constitution."