
Information Security Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The Espionage Act is very important because it's illegal to gather, transmit, or lose important National Security documents, defense information."
"Tick Tock creates a massive vulnerability of information that can be data mined."
"If we have learned anything over the past few years, it is that you cannot trust the big tech bros with your information."
"We were safer. Now that we don't have that information, and now that there's this giant looming question..."
"Access to accurate information about the voting process and the security of our elections infrastructure is the lifeblood of our democracy."
"Blockchain technology will address the doldrums of centralization in security and sclerosis afflicting the current information economy."
"Be proud of your achievements, but make sure you're scribbling out any identifying information."
"Wikileaks forever changed the way the world's military and Security Services do business."
"The document should have never been created, it was a complete breach of privacy."
"Since the earliest days of human communication, we quickly learn the importance of confidentiality."
"Misinformation, disinformation, and mal information make up what CISA defines as information activities."
"Is America even worth defending if the Supreme Court has a leaker?"
"The newscast, are they supposed to manipulate public information? Is their job to protect Americans from dangerous thoughts?"
"Be careful with your online information, media can be dangerous."
"Safeguarding classified information or state secrets is vital to our national security."
"It is our information bloodstream, it is absolutely our information bloodstream, and it is porous and it is vulnerable and like a bloodstream it has been very vulnerable to poison being injected into it."
"Your information does not have to be for sale."
"Very, very bad people got some very useful information of how much the populace would be willing to put up with."
"LastPass breach was worse than expected; information stored in plain text."
"Information Warfare had become so intense that we can no longer determine where is the truth and where is the lie."
"I think everyone who leaks stuff needs to take a chill pill and realize no one is maliciously stealing your info."
"Information is power, but the format makes a difference. In the wrong hands, electronic data can be corrupted, manipulated, erased. In the right hands..."
"API documentation could be sitting online, even if the API is offline itself. Sometimes you'll see API keys in there, sometimes you see specifics of what the API does, what the endpoint is, what parameters it takes."
"People's minds will go crazy about who leaks information to us, and the coolest thing for me is that we have so many varied sources."
"Important to remember: Pages public, remainder still classified. Plus Cruz."
"It is vital, above all else, that Chernobog cannot come to know any more sensitive SCP Foundation information than he already does."
"You don't sell crypto, you sell the application of cryptography and information security."
"If you want to hide a piece of information, an easy way is for obscurity."
"Somebody accessed your information and got caught."
"The onus is on them to guard that private information, absolutely."
"In just the last 6 months, DeleteMe found over a 100 different data brokers... making sure our info doesn't pop up again."
"Do you want any blogger, news outlet, whoever, to be able to have this kind of information about you to use against you or even more nefarious characters than that? I don't think any of us wants to live in that world."
"It's all incredibly valuable in this day and age."
"Epistemic security is one of the biggest threats."
"A similar strategy is used in information security today."
"The den of censorship is about to be invaded. What do you do? You torch all your files, right? You open up the shredder, everything goes into the dumpster fire."
"Security, overall, as we get into more digitally intensive organizations, which all of us are becoming, data security, information security is going to be key-key-key for all of us."
"And ISO 27001, which had an update in 2022, outlines a framework for implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System."
"The beauty about information security in general is there's so many facets or areas of it."
"Encryption is the process of encoding information using a key and cipher to protect sensitive data."
"Information is power, and when that power is made available through unguarded information, then it's a threat to all of us in society."
"The damage from the leakage of information and other misconduct was greater than imagined."
"The idea of protecting information and working with others towards that goal was exciting to me."
"You have all these records of information that you would not want to get out."
"Risk management enables you to quantify the impact and likelihood elements of information security risk and then go on to do something about it."
"A security administrator has been asked to securely dispose of printed materials created during a recent financial project. Which of the following would be the best way to complete this task? Dealing, Drilling, Secure Wiping, Pulping, or Hammering?"
"ISO 27001: managing information security systems internationally."
"Understand the goals and objectives of the business first, figure out how information security fits into the business."
"ISO 27001 provides structure and guidance for an information security management system."
"It would be much more in the interest of data subjects and if we really do want to see changes make the information security it would be worthwhile it would be valid for us as a nation to look at adopting a federal standard like GDPR."
"Be familiar with the OSI model, TCP/UDP ports, cabling types, and standard network topologies like mesh, ring, bus, and star networks."
"Data Integrity is one of the Three core principles of information security along with confidentiality and availability."
"So, how do you prove that? We shared each other's information. He has my information, so show me how he tried to take it out."
"Covert channels are unintentional communication paths that can unintentionally disclose confidential information."
"One of the most coveted pieces of information is PII personally identifiable information."
"Q respects your existing access controls, only returning information you're authorized to see."
"It ensures that you're not being fed false information about the state of the Bitcoin blockchain and the Bitcoin that you own."
"This is the reality of the world we live in today: don't let it fool you, your information today is not secure, it's never going to be."
"The age of the data can be a key factor in determining its classification level."
"What Samuel Stearns essentially does here is that while Philip Stern couldn't really access all this information because of the safeguards put in place by Samuel Stearns when the project was originally launched quite literally a giant password."
"What we can do, we can prevent the leakage of information. So, if you have any classification tool like a PING or a BNG or a Titus or anything like that, you can put some controls like, 'Exist, this confidential, do not allow to be copied on a USB or to be sent by email.'"
"Whether we realize it or not, we give our personal information to multiple companies daily."
"Accessing someone's personal and private information is wrong whether it's a celebrity or not."
"So, there you have it, combining data loss prevention policies with information protection sensitivity labels super powerful and very cool."
"I'm pretty sure if you google someone's license plate, you can actually figure out where their address is, really."
"The key thing is that if we want to operate a quantum computer, if we want to protect quantum information, we have to prevent any information that's being processed from leaking to the outside world."
"Incident management done well can actually change the fortunes of the information security team within the organization."
"Risk management is needed to manage information security and privacy risk."
"Success requires cooperation and collaboration among all parties having a vested interest in the organization's information security or privacy posture."
"So this is just interesting to know about, because TaintDroid has a very nice general introduction to this information flows stuff."
"Finally, what I'd like to talk about is what we can do if we want to track information flows in some of these legacy programs."
"The most important job everyone has in that company, from the CEO to the janitor, is protecting the information entrusted to them by their clients and their customers."
"Risk management framework for information systems and organizations: a system life cycle approach for security and privacy."
"Implementing an information management security system can secure information, increase resilience to cyber attacks, and reduce the impact costs associated with information breaches."
"Information security is about prevention, not just reaction."
"Encryption is a method for encoding information, hashing is a method for identifying."
"The very best way to ensure that your information is never lost is to encode it into a self-replicating media such as living DNA."
"Sometimes you can't reveal information about a label source."
"Then ultimately decided to embrace the idea of learning about information security."
"Information security includes digital and physical data across all media, whereas cybersecurity focuses solely on securing digital assets."
"Cyber security is the practice of protecting digital systems and information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and disruption."
"Integrity is making sure that the data is untampered with and ensuring that the data is trustworthy."
"Information security analysts are in charge of investigating security issues and providing fixes."
"The essential trick is to use entanglement to protect the information."
"Information security is the process of protecting data and information systems."
"Security controls are measures taken to safeguard an information system from an attack."
"The first step in handling confidential information is to understand the sensitivity of the information and the potential consequences of its disclosure."
"You are passionate about protecting the information space and combating threats to the health of online conversation."
"Major elements of cyber security are information security, network security, operational security, application security, end-user education, and business continuity planning."
"They don't reveal personal information; that's the rule."
"What is an example of PII? Personally identifiable information."
"If you've got information that you feel safe publishing to the public, then you don't need authentication."
"You must only access, use, and disclose confidential information for a work-related purpose."
"Information security is about protecting information through selection of appropriate security controls."
"Don't share any personal private information or PPI on WhatsApp, trust me on this one."
"We want to be able to analyze our performance associated to information security."
"We use a terminology called CIA which refers to the confidentiality, the integrity, and the availability of information."
"To understand what level of information security we must have, we must first understand how important that information is to our business and to our customers."
"ISO 27001 concerns itself with the management of information security... it's not all about IT, it's about the practices we put in place, the processes we have, and of course, the people that manage them."
"Information security management is everyone's responsibility."
"We believe that such information can be regulated and tailored according to a security interest."
"You will have regular access to confidential information, and breaching confidentiality seriously damages an organization."
"This also provides confidentiality, that is basically to hide the information which is being transmitted or exchanged between these two points by using some encryption techniques."
"Security control is the bedrock of any information system."
"All medical, personal, and financial information must be kept confidential."
"Integrity is making sure that information that is in a given record, document, or file is the information that should be there and that it has not been altered or destroyed in any way."
"Security is related to the CIA Triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability."
"Confidentiality wants to guarantee that only those that are supposed to access the information will actually access it."
"Confidentiality means securing the secrecy of the information."
"Cybersecurity is as simple as these three things: confidentiality, integrity, and availability."
"Information is the key to your identity."
"Computer forensics can reveal a lot of information; it's most commonly going to be used in investigations for things such as burglary, fraud, any kind of trade secret or proprietary information."
"The Center for Investigative Journalism is a pioneer in providing expert information security training services to journalists and journalistic institutions."
"Browsers play a key role in our lives, guarding our most valuable information."
"NIST defines information security as the protection of information and information systems against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability."
"Integrity is making sure that the information that is in a given record, document, or file is the information that should be there and has not been altered or destroyed in any way."
"Something as innocuous as revealing whether the padding is valid, when abused in the right context, can reveal a lot of information."
"COBIT helps companies strengthen their information security and guarantees that they remain compliant with all laws and regulations."
"Information security depends on guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity, and availability."
"Cryptology in general is the art of hiding information."
"Integrity and trust are properties of the data, not of the way that you obtain it."
"It's all about hygiene for information security."
"One of the first of our domain-specific problems in CS50 is the world of cryptography, the art of scrambling or enciphering information."
"In today's world, an organization's most valuable asset is its information or data."
"Ownership, classification, and access control are the three pillars of data governance."