
Streaming Culture Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Misogyny is a big problem in gaming and streaming."
"Dude at this point, I don't believe any single word that ever comes out of a streamer's mouth ever again."
"I think wubby's year is dope because I think to me wubby is... I like there's very few streamers who I consider like me..."
"This isn't your fault. We did this. We don't blame you. I mean, it's probably my fault, but we did this, and I'm sorry, mods, and I'm sorry, chat. You don't deserve to be in jail."
"Having a good clean chat is definitely a good vibe for the stream."
"That guy definitely is a family-friendly legend right there. Appreciate that, man."
"It's like LSF drama. Small streamer does something bad, nobody blinks an eye. Something blows up, and now it's mainstream."
"I realize I haven't met anybody outside of Twitch that wasn't a viewer or a streamer since I started streaming."
"Thanks for watching. I'll speak to you all in a bit. Join me on Twitch in about an hour and big up Manscaped. Links in the video description."
"The reality about the Twitch streamers...I don't think that it's fair to ask and expect somebody to throw away their career because of something that they had nothing to do with."
"At the end of every stream, I always say something. What I'm gonna say now is, I freaking love you guys."
"Thank you guys so much for being for being so so supportive it is really unreal and I really appreciate it so so much."
"I'll take what I can get. If people want to tune in just for the F2P, then they'll leave me one day when I swipe for skins."
"It's crazy how these streamers are acting like the current gambling isn't as dangerous as sports betting. It is a hundred times more [__] dangerous because it's normalized and accepted."
"Streamers' fan bases are so ravenous; it's fun going toe-to-toe with that."
"Two days in a row, this man drops a hundred-dollar bomb, frickin' ridiculous, just classic James. James can become, like, a new thing on here, but, like, he'll be literally, literally, we'll just call him classic James."
"Every really big streamer, every OG streamer remembers reckful."
"Watching more smash streams, encouraging people to [__] watch more in general, is important."
"It's a great time to be a live streamer right now."
"It's not that deep you know like I mean I do think there was some jealousy involved too because he's like one of the biggest streamers right now."
"If anything, twitch streamers just come off looking like almost naively generous."
"The only place to responsibly be is in a place of complete humility..."
"Been a fun little stream, if you want more streams, let me know, hit the like button."
"He is still one of the biggest faces, I would argue the biggest face on Twitch."
"I want to also like stress too, this is the second time a streamer has alt tabbed and in one frame has basically got themselves cancelled and like ruined their career to an extent."
"Public opinion has been overwhelmingly negative towards top streamers in recent years."
"If I ever get rich, I will share with you. I love you and you are my favorite streamer of all time."
"It's not the streamer's fault or anything... Some are bound to be mentally unwell."
"Already a level five hype train! Wow wow wow before we even done did anything. Thank you all so much."
"Subs flow like wine. We're like the dude from Mad Max, hoarding all the subs instead of water."
"What would happen if everyone got unfollowed and everybody forgot who the biggest streamers were and everybody started from scratch? What would happen? That's fascinating."
"It's morally wrong? Then get the [__] off the stream."
"I just think it would be so cool, I will sell my soul like just you talking earlier in this stream about not being a yes man."
"I just don't want to stream anymore. I just... I don't want to do it anymore. It's not fun. I'm not enjoying myself, and if it keeps up this way, I probably will."
"We'll still do loads of streams like it's just more work for me, I just love it though."
"People watch for a girl casually sitting in her chair playing video games."
"The chaotic energy of a Monday dev stream is going to be very difficult to match for many years."
"Let's go pogchamp in the chat. Dutch boom. Beautiful. Worth it, worth it. Dodge again. Yeah, let's go, boom!"
"High distortion doing 30-hour streams, kids a monster."
"Thank you, Jinx J, for the two dollar donation. You're the best YouTuber and streamer I know."
"Shout out to all the new people in the stream right now you guys are awesome."
"So, when it comes down to how everything is and how it was wrapped in here now, like, we gotta show we can joke around on streams."
"That's fire, stop right there, you don't need to summon anymore, take your W and walk away."
"Shout out to all the subscribers and sponsors today. Nixie just donated $100. Yo, we're in the stream. You're not supposed to do that at the end of the stream. He was new, silly man."
"Hey, I also got this, the Sangria in my life. Noah J, we can run while sprinting, pog!"
"I'm able to do it because of y'all's support and because y'all keep showing up to these streams."
"Tune in for that if you want. Otherwise, we're about done. So thank you so much for watching again and we'll catch you tomorrow morning."
"The triforce of streaming: whole group energy, chaotic nighttime, and chill wholesome library."
"I am cool with people streaming, having a fun time in their own spaces, doing whatever they want in hot tubs. You have my support."
"If I wanted to game the system and use directors to my advantage... why wouldn't I want to go to just chatting, right?"
"It's actually insane man. Yeah, it just [__] up so many people's brains. I still can't get over the fact that people give money to millionaires."
"Neon is definitely one of those streamers that you think is almost like a plant to make streamers look bad."
"People understandably, if they're frustrated, they're gonna say ridiculous shit, especially if they think they're off stream."
"Most of my streams are about myself and my personality. I don't need to constantly cover people to mock in order to bring an audience to my streams."
"What's up, man? Wait, do you lose your sub streak for a month if you haven't subbed for a month?"
"Actual pain and suffering, chat. Actual pain and suffering."
"Twitch is less about raw entertainment and more about personal intimate relationships that you build. Your viewers will come back to your stream not because you are the loudest hypest person on the platform."
"Oh my gosh, Billy, always the donations are so nice today guys. I understand why, just practice, you know, that's why I'm leaving that money on there."
"I'll tell you what chat, we'll just put getting weird with it at the end of every Sunday stream until I actually do it."
"Rest in peace, Shanquila, thank you so much for the Super Chat..."
"We're almost halfway to the next four thousand four hundred and eighteen thousand, so everybody on the stream right now if you're not yet subbed go do that please."
"Thank you all so much for watching to the very end!"
"Okay, hype train was complete. I believe we got a level five so can we spam the chart with, let's do lilith emojis to celebrate hitting level five for the hype chain, guys."
"Twitch has an amazing culture, emotes, raids, features, how streamers interact."
"To say that Spidey Turan is simultaneously one of the most disgusting and tragic streamers ever would be a gross understatement."
"Thank you for all the followers tonight guys, thank you for all the subs!"
"This is actual crazy streamer RNG, this is the next level of streamer RNG."
"You're perpetuating this idea, 'Oh, I'm just a small streamer who can't even afford editing.' Oh, I'm this old man who just enjoys playing video games. You're not taking responsibility for any of the stuff you've done."
"Since the creation of the first tier list in the 1970s by famed inventor James Tier list it's been scientifically proven that every streamer must create a tier list at some point during their life."
"I love you too, I hope you're having a good stream."
"You don't have to become a member, nobody has to become a member you guys can just support the channel by just watching the stream."
"The main goal of AGDQ is to help others, but it helps in other ways too because without it I never would have found one of my favorite streamers/runners."
"Maintaining a good community is really important for making a good Community for maintaining that community and for just making their job still be enjoyable even though it is work."
"Thank you for all the donations guys, absolutely crazy."
"Pooty shoe from the TV series Mythic Quest might be a more honest representation of streamers in the current commercial environment."
"I'm done, bro. I might just end my stream and go back to bed."
"I hope this helped. Thank you guys so much for coming to chill with me for another sneaky."
"All I want to see in the chat right now are POG Champs."
"This is your vibe, this is just a 24 hours in live stream Edition."
"Let's get some Chrissy hearts in the chat, come on. We need some Chrissy hearts in the chat."
"Thank you so much for those big bits and all the other stuff, you guys are amazing."
"Wow Jack we get some - chat donation hype or jak hype Jack I love you thank you very much for that 70 bond man that's huge thank you jack what a man and a half"
"Thank you guys so much for watching again, thank you to Alan for the hundred dollar donation, got a golden one!"
"Feels strong man. That's my streamer right there, that's my streamer. Sometimes we lose, but we're here anyways. 'Feel strong man.' We didn't win this, but we'll get 'em next time. Keep your head up, King. Feel strong man."
"It's like hell yeah let's go, that's what pepe jam is."
"Thanks to everyone that's been hanging with me in the morning on Twitch for the morning mix."
"Take over the game is over, chat. Take over the game is over."
"I'm advocating for a broader dialogue, one that transcends this content courtroom, a dialogue aimed squarely at the dark corrupted heart of streaming culture."
"Appreciate you for the five tier one gifted subs."
"Streaming brings us together, and we should celebrate that."