
Rulership Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Promoting a substantive vision of the good is always in everywhere the proper function of rulers."
"Justice is the foundation for rulership...that point of balance puts the world in order."
"And they would once again take their rightful place as the rulers of the galaxy."
"The winner becomes the new ruler of the gaping maw gaining control over its morphic characteristics and the tanari subtype if he doesn't already have it."
"The heavens have commanded you to become ruler of the realm."
"Gilgamesh was born with the knowledge that he was neither fully God nor human and as such he placed himself as this superior being over all those that he ruled."
"The purpose and destiny of mankind was dominion and rulership over the Earth."
"Leaders walk ahead of the crowd. Rulers place themselves above the crowd."
"I ruled this realm, a world of perfect order."
"It is in the misconceptions of the ruled that the ruler exists."
"Rejoice, O Egypt, to the height of heaven, for I am ruler of the South and North upon the throne of Atum."
"Thousands of years ago, powerful immortals ruled the Earth."
"The best rulers are philosopher kings."
"The system of the darksaber puts the power of rulership in the weapon rather than the individual."
"There was no kingship on Earth because we were ruled by matriarchs."
"His name means lord of the earth."
"For 300 years, the Targaryen dynasty ruled Westeros."
"With these stars, I will create 18 universes, and they will be ruled by my son Zeno, the supreme god."
"The city was ruled by King Priam and Queen Hekiba who were deeply loved and respected by their people."
"Do you think she was a good ruler do you think she was really bad at her job or do you think she was just unlucky and was manipulated by the powerful figures within government."
"Abbot Reeves is the ruler of nothing."
"Dogs are the true rulers of the planet."
"Harrod is a builder deserved his title Herod the Great he was convinced that he had founded a kingdom that would endure forever."
"God created man to share his rulership."
"She got what she wanted and became the ruler of Egypt with her other brother, Ptolemy XIV."
"A Lord who could actually rule Harrenhal and its many Holdings would become a juggernaut in politics."
"She gave birth to a male child destined to rule all the nations with a rod of iron."
"After the Roman Empire was divided, Petra was ruled by the Byzantine Empire until Muslim occupation in the 7th Century AD."
"Pluto rules anything morbid, anything black. Nuclear scientists are ruled by Pluto. Violence is ruled by Pluto. Wars, victims, venom, vampires."
"The sign that occupies the house in wholesign houses determines the ruler of that house."
"Each of these five Kings seems to represent some trait or element that is crucial to a ruler's claim within this medieval system."
"A ruler who kills those devoted to her is not a ruler who inspires devotion."
"Rulership would bring many new challenges for the barbarian swordsman, and more battles still lay ahead."
"When we say the ruler of something, the most basic premise that we're referring to here is the planet ruling the sign."
"Your Majesty may have won the empire on horseback, but can you rule it on horseback?"
"To the Sumerians, it was known as Kur or Kurnigia, or Ereṣtu by the Akkadians and it was ruled by a goddess, or the ‘Queen of the Great Below’ - she who was Ereshkigal, arguably one of the most feared deities in the entire pantheon."
"Those who will be ruling with Jesus Christ after his return, making this planet the beautiful, peaceful paradise that God always intended it to be, will be those who learn to let him rule their hearts and minds."
"My people's ascension as the rulers of the stars, one must acknowledge our struggle in facing the primordial intelligent beings spawned from the foundational energies of the galaxy."
"This falls under the seasa of the ruler."
"The best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule."
"Three of sixteen ruled, but now the broken one reigns."
"But our time is at hand, the world of men which we must rule," he declared.
"Opinion on Aegon by the Lords and small folk seems very neutral, with very few actively disliking him or taking issue with his rule."
"The sovereignty of God means He is the supreme ruler over all creation."
"Our joy is less contingent on what happens out there and it's more contingent on who's ruling in here."
"The messiah is ruling now with all authority."
"We are royalty, we were saved Kings and Priests, we were created dominions, rulers in the realm of God."
"The soul is God's media for kingdom rulership."
"The king of Israel is to be a just ruler, a just judge. God provides only good laws and the king is supposed to enforce those good laws. God rules with equity, and the human king, in so far as he's imitating God, also rules with equity and thus shows himself to be son of God."
"David, the promised one to come and rule."
"If God's men don't rule, then Satan's men do."
"God is in charge of everything, he rules and reigns in the kingdoms of man."
"God is the ruler of all things and he rules all things through his son."
"The rulers should serve the whole world, including future generations and foreigners."
"He's coming back to rule, not to be crucified."
"Humans represent God and are destined to rule."
"Ireland's greatest High King Brian Buu from here he could basically rule the river."
"A prince who has a strong City and has not made himself odious will not be attacked."
"He rules over the 422nd layer of the abyss, also known as the death dells."
"Konstans II, the bearded, ruled from 641 until 668."
"You do realize you're a prince? So we'll inherit the throne and will rule the kingdom."
"They say she wanted to change the order, making cats rulers over all Earth's creatures, including man."
"If your delight be then in thrones and sceptres, O ye kings of the people, honour wisdom, that ye may reign for evermore."
"Look, George, everything the light touches is our kingdom. A king's time as a ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, George, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king."
"It is not worth dying for a ruler."
"We can reign together for a thousand years."
"By the time she ruled, most of her own country's history was already ancient history to her."
"Till you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom He will."
"What if the Seven Kingdoms for once in their whole history were ruled by a just woman and an honorable man?"
"It's funny for someone born to rule, you sure do lose a lot. You might even say it's in your nature."
"The best rulers aren't always the ones who want it; it's the one that people kind of put in that position and are willing to follow."
"The Bible is about a royal family; it's about a family business. The family business is rulership."
"Be free of it. One day this will be your kingdom."
"God's entire focus is rulership on the earth through mankind."
"He shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule upon his throne."
"The goal of God was never religion, but it was rulership through relationship."
"Many good men have been bad kings, and some bad men have been good kings."
"We will rule Westeros and you will not get in my way."
"All that you see before you is yours; my kingdom is your kingdom."
"Jesus wants to be the supreme ruler of your being."
"The Merovingians were the first to unite and rule the Franks."
"The Most High God is ruler over human kingdoms and sets anyone He wants over them."
"The sign of Aquarius is ruled both by Uranus, being a modern-day ruler, and Saturn, being the traditional ruler."
"That is truth, as long as I do no wrong to other men or to my kingdom."
"He is the ruler of the universe, none less than God Himself."
"The men who don't want to rule make the best rulers."
"This world is mine; all that exists beneath the blue sun do I rule."
"It appeared that the two brothers would rule England with filial love."
"The nine velstrax demagogues are the demigod rulers of the velstrack race."
"The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers."
"She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter."
"There is in fact an ultimate ruler on an ultimate throne, and in this reality, all takes place according to a great design."
"This is my throne and no one shall take it from me while I live."
"The Starks would go on to rule as Kings of Winter for nearly 8,000 years."
"I wish to go back to my palace and see my Beast."
"The rule of the Pharaoh increasingly also came to be seen as a requirement in order to maintain the normal cosmic order of Egyptian society."
"Philosophers should be the rulers because they hate falsehood, are courageous, moderate, quick learners, have good memories, and are pleasant people."
"Each of those 10 decadence is said to be also ruled by a planet, and those go through a revolution going down the Tree of Life."
"The Vikings and their rulers went from demonic invaders to lawful christianized kings overnight."
"I will not march. Stay, rule, and be a queen."
"Do not forget that I am your sovereign king, ordained by God to rule his people."
"All kings must be butchers, or meat."
"He was so awful that his subjects forced him to sign the Magna Carta."
"The world of Darkness, the king who rules in the shadows, allow me to open the door to this world."
"Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations?"
"God wants us to be overcomers; He wants us to rule and to reign."
"He made the great Cleopatra the ruler and they became lovers, which is a story that has gone down in history."
"Libra is ruled by Venus... and then you have Scorpio that's ruled by Pluto."
"It's easy to forget how long they were in charge and how many kings there were."
"He is a holy Child who will rule over an everlasting kingdom."
"The idea of legitimacy of rulers appearing to be the rightful ruler of a place is hugely important."
"Developing pupils' knowledge of how and why rulers have to present themselves to people as legitimate."
"We are all destined to be a visible Kingdom on this Earth ruled by the son of David."
"One day, it'll be my son who rules."
"By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just."
"Barbarian Kingdom, difficult concept, barbarian in the sense of ruled by someone whose ancestors we could call Germanic barbarians."
"It was with a sigh of relief known only to the noblest of rulers and the parents of newborns that Celestia reached a long familiar hallway."
"He who sits on a throne, it represents rulership over a kingdom."
"The Throne of Kings... it is already mine, always has been."
"I am king here, do you understand? I rule here."
"No one will be given rulership before he has proven he can be ruled."
"Basarab's line would rule for the next 200 years."
"And they both lived and ruled happily ever after."
"By saying Zeus or Horus or God gifted you the authority to rule other men, you were legitimizing your place on the throne."
"Jesus will set up his kingdom and bring true world peace, ruling from Jerusalem."
"Why shouldn't I be kind to all my subjects?"
"For all the magic and glamour, no pony who rules is any different from those who don't."
"Be ready for the reward of the Kingdom; the kingdom is rulership back on Earth."
"If the Pharaoh couldn't complete the course, he was killed because he's clearly too unfit to rule."
"Tonight, after all, I am a ruler in my own right," I think to myself.
"You already have the style of a wise ruler."
"Dream ends up winning in the end, proving himself really the ruler of imagination."
"It's the evidence proving that this territory was the land where Sviatoslav ruled."
"There is no morality here, Dad. There is keep the kingdom or there is lose the kingdom."
"The sun is associated with royalty; God makes the sun moon stars to rule the day and the night."
"According to our records, Anastas is one of the rulers of the underworld."
"Mighty is our God, mighty is our King, mighty is our Lord, ruler of everything."
"He rules with unconditional other-giving love."
"Isn't it interesting that Godzilla and his colleagues are now referred to as the Titans, the original and rightful rulers of Earth?"
"Someone like a son of man... was given rulership, glory, and a kingdom."
"I reign as a king through Jesus Christ my Lord."
"I would love for you and Vegeta to be the new Kings of Everything because you'll be excellent rulers."
"The crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension are acknowledged as the actual transition to rulership of Jesus."
"We can rule this kingdom together."