
Bittersweet Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Even though this is a Bittersweet end, it was a fun journey."
"It was nice to see the walls come down for a moment, right? It was like... it was sweet, it was serious, it was bittersweet."
"Grief over time can turn into something where it is painful but it becomes painful in a bittersweet way."
"It's sweet to be wrapping up Valguerre, but it's bitter as well."
"It's hard and sucks but it's also wonderful to see them."
"It's just a sweet love story that ends on a sad but also kinda happy note."
"It's almost bittersweet because... Doug is now chasing his dream."
"It's a bittersweet movie done so well in both a technical and performance level."
"Whenever I see families now I sort of smile to myself and I think it's absolutely lovely, but it's also very bittersweet."
"It feels amazing that we've managed to play a part in their recovery but it also makes me incredibly sad."
"All right, well the F is driven out of the driveway for the final time, definitely bittersweet is probably the best word to describe it."
"The heroes save the world, but at great cost. The ending is happy, but also sad – it’s bittersweet."
"It's a great feeling to have everybody here, but it's also a nice feeling to drop everybody off at the airport."
"...it's an ambiguous bittersweet ending despite the trappings nimona is not a story about heroes triumphing over evil."
"It allows the ending of Messiah to not just be a full out tragedy but also a bittersweet conclusion that stresses on both the downfalls and also the potential for the planet going forward."
"The visual of Jon Snow sitting upon a throne he doesn't want out of a sense of duty to the people is quite the bittersweet ending to the series."
"If we ever do move back on to land it'll be a really Bittersweet into a very fun and rewarding chapter of Our Lives."
"A tragic tale with a bittersweet ending."
"It's bittersweet to see it end, but I had a lot of fun doing it."
"It's a Bittersweet moment because we hate to see it go but we love to change somebody's life."
"I'm just so sad, y'all. Like, it's like bittersweet."
"both of them share a kiss for the last time"
"The bittersweetness of the victory in the ending stung way more than if I never saw it."
"It's like on one hand, you were part of something legendary, but at the same time..."
"...it feels a little bit Bittersweet but um it's just hit me now that I'm leaving but it's it's all for the best."
"Everything, no matter how happy it seems, has a sad ending. Videotape reminds you of that."
"It's a bittersweet film packed to the brim with charm, beautiful, and tragic."
"the moment was a sort of Bittersweet I had captured this guy up closer than I ever had before yet it was so brief I barely got to enjoy it"
"Freedom at last, but with the bittersweet taste of knowing we were free only because people were starting to fear that the world was ending."
"It was bittersweet. I wanted to solve this case before I retired."
"It's bittersweet. There's a lot of sadness with it."
"Bittersweet doesn't even begin to describe it. My brain feels split in two right now."
"A qualified victory, but losses painfully felt."
"I truly enjoy it but it's also Bittersweet in the sense that it's the last Nick tune that I really remember going out of my way to watch consistently."
"We saved the Shire, but not for me."
"It's a bittersweet ending. The heroes make it together but all the stuff they went through is pretty sad and dark."
"Knowing you'll have to say goodbye soon adds some extra weight to every moment."
"It's kind of like it makes me a bit sad because I wanted to share it with everybody, but also kind of happy because we can be present and enjoy it."
"This is just gonna be so sweet isn't it? I'm gonna I'm gonna be so sad I don't even know why it's gonna make me sad because it seems kind of happy."
"Every great moment in life is also accompanied by a feeling of sadness that it can't go on like that forever."
"Another journey, it's always a bittersweet moment."
"Now, I know you're wondering, 'Wait Joseph, you said that this left you with a bittersweet taste, why is that?'"
"10 seconds, it'd be a weird feeling, like he'd be sad but she'd be happy for him too."
"It was a day to remember, because at least we weren't sad, but yeah, we were happy."
"I'm feeling quite bittersweet about it because I would love, I give anything to have more time with my Betty, but at least he's got time with his."
"Each one is just a little bit sweeter 'cause you know it's coming to a close."
"This is what you would call Bittersweet."
"Being near her was both torture and sweet happiness."
"I'm just glad we know. You know what I mean? It's a bittersweet feeling from my end."
"But I take heart and I take courage in where Katniss lands. That she's lost people that she cares about. But she also has other people that she's found and that she has to mourn, that her happy ending is bittersweet, to say the least."
"Leaves you semi-heartbroken but also uplifted Beyond description."
"Flawless. A whitewash. That's a little bit bittersweet. Might not just be the end of this chapter, might be the end of this book altogether."
"It's like once you do it then it's gone and you can't watch it again for the first time. It's so Bittersweet."
"Now I get to be free as a bird. And that's, uh, bittersweet. It's wild."
"It's bittersweet when a journey such as this reaches its inevitable conclusion despite the numerous hardships you find yourself yearning for more."
"Towards the end it was badass but it was also extremely heartbreaking in the way that it closed out."
"It's bittersweet... we're getting towards the end of this thing."
"It's bittersweet and scared. I don't want it to end, I really don't."
"It's bittersweet... after I go off and do something... I'm like, 'I got to go back to Hannah Montana.' It's easy for me."
"What is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for you? The sweetest thing anyone's ever done is walked out of my life."
"Sad to leave but there's always an end to every trip."
"This last year and a half, it's bittersweet. It's sad, but it's also so positive. It's been the best year and a half of our 12 years together."
"...one of the best days of my life, but it would also be one of my worst."
"It was just so I'm so happy about it but it was so bittersweet."
"Middle-earth was saved but it was a very bittersweet victory with much sorrow and loss."
"It has a very bittersweet ending that is somewhat unexpected."
"There's a kind of bittersweet element to getting to the end."
"He's so like, he wants to say more but won't. He just brings a lot to the table and it's so bittersweet to see."
"Sad, but oh so happy when I knew I got that on tape."
"It's kinda sweet and also tragic watching these two desperately try to meet each other halfway."
"Good morning, it is our official last day in New York which is so Bittersweet."
"Winning was great but at the same time it was bittersweet."
"you're not sure whether to be happy or to cry you know and that is what I wanted I wanted the most Bittersweet tragedy of a song of a story rather"
"Saying goodbye to them it is such a beautiful amazing happy astonishing ending they all got what they deserved and I loved that but it was the same goodbye that hurt so bad."
"It's bittersweet but I'm definitely happy that you went out on a very cool tattoo."
"...it's a very bittersweet moment for me... but I'm so thankful to have had every single day."
"It's such a Bittersweet moment - the heroes effectively won but at the cost of Sam having to spend eternity in one of the worst places imaginable."
"So sad that it's coming to an end, but happy that it happened."
"This moment is bittersweet because I was so happy my mother-in-law came all the way from Ghana. But unfortunately, now it's time to go back."
"It's hard because it's like exactly what we wanted but it still can never feel like a happy ending because it was so brutal."
"It's bittersweet that it's coming to an end, but you know, it's gonna be nice when I don't have to worry about it."
"It was a night filled with a lot of love, bittersweet."
"It's bittersweet. I'm so happy for her and Austin, but there's a bittersweetness to it."
"It definitely is a little bit hard, a little bittersweet letting go of the life that I have here in LA."
"I feel satisfied but I feel sad that I'm leaving."
"That was kind of a pain, but sweet."
"Life was hard, but it was very sweet."
"It's real bittersweet. It's been my life right now for eight years."
"Love is a physical condition. Yes, totally. And it's bittersweet."
"The more you're attuned to the fragile bittersweetness of it all, the more you're experiencing kind of piercing joy at its beauty."
"It's a bittersweet morning, it's goodbye to Cape Town, which is always a sad day because Cape Town is truly magical."
"It's a bittersweet day here, emotions are all over the place."
"It's a bit realistic. It was bittersweet."
"It was bittersweet to know that he'd not suffered in the end."
"It's a bittersweet day today because it's the very last issue."
"As much as it sucked, it's also kind of beautiful."
"It's bittersweet, there will be tears."
"Feeling very blessed and sad, it's a bit bittersweet."
"It's quiet and peaceful, bittersweet but still a nice change."
"I'm feeling sad and happy at the same time."
"It's a bittersweet moment because we are coming up to the end."
"It's the closing of a chapter in my life, and it is very bittersweet."
"Nostalgia is Bittersweet, it is that mourning that loss of what has no longer with you but also cherishing it."
"It was really bittersweet because we got to see our baby boy which is really awesome."
"When you start to change as a person in a way where you know you're never going back to your old shape, there's a bitter sweetness in that."
"Leaving the bittersweet ending where it was seemed like a great thing to me."
"When we belong to HaShem, His love is going to minister to us in such a deep way that the brokenhearted experience will actually be bittersweet."
"It's a little bittersweet because as someone who read the books and was dying to see them all adapted ever since I was a kid, I no longer have any more content for the series to look forward to."
"Tragedy blends with triumph to become bittersweet victory."
"It's not going to be all happy, it's not going to be all sad, it's going to be a very sweet ending."
"My childhood's home I see again, and saddened with the view; And still, as memory crowds my brain, there's pleasure in it too."
"I'm really sad but also really happy."
"Nostalgia is such a bittersweet feeling; it consumes you with the innocent happiness that once was, yet fills you with sadness at the fact that those times are over forever."
"We've declared the end of mission, it's a bittersweet experience for me."
"I feel like everything started for me with YouTube, so it was kind of bittersweet."
"The character managing to survive is one way to do this, but some stories will also give the dying character some kind of catharsis or closure through the dream sequence to make the concept more bittersweet than just plain depressing."
"This is a bittersweet time for me. I've had a dream come true far beyond anything I imagined."
"It's the definition of Bittersweet."
"It was the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me."
"Yesterday was great to see the whole family, even though it was for a sad reason."
"I'm sad that my Broadway run is over, but I am so excited to go home."
"It's bittersweet in that sense, you know, getting through these much quicker but also getting to those moments much quicker as well."
"Not gonna lie, today is a little bit of a bittersweet, somber day."
"It's such a sort of sad moment, it's an exciting moment of course, but like whoa."
"It was just bitter sweet because it meant that it was over, but I like I did what I set out to do, and more."
"I'm happy and sad, I'm happy and sad."
"The ending broke my heart and also made me really happy in this bittersweet way."
"I find it so cathartic somehow to listen to sad music that's a little bit bittersweet."
"This bitter sweet moment... it was amazing."
"I've never been as sad and as equally happy as I was in that moment."
"I hated seeing her cry, but knowing she hadn't given up on such a lost cause was such a painfully endearing bittersweetness."
"It's kind of a little bit bittersweet, isn't it? Because you know they're not suffering anymore."
"It's like a really kind of sad show, but it combines everything you like."
"It was basically the nicest, most attractive pain you could ever imagine."
"This series definitely is a bittersweet one, so it does play with your feelings."
"It's sad and sweet, and that's from the heart."
"It's equally heartbreaking and it's equally sweet and tragic at the same time."
"It's so sad but it's also so cool to see your kids learning and getting older."
"Goodbye beloved, goodbye and thank you. It was good despite everything that happened with us, and I will thank you for that until my last dying breath."
"It's very bittersweet, we've had an amazing time but it's time for us to head home."
"It's going to be a really sad day in a lot of ways, but it's going to be a magnificent day if you're an Airman."
"It's the personification of bittersweet scenery or background art is at its best when it provides you feelings without saying anything at all."
"Summer was the very definition of bittersweet; there were the sweetest things and there were bitter things."
"It's definitely bittersweet leaving, but I'm excited for a new chapter."
"It's bittersweet, it's sad he's growing up, but also I love to see him in new clothes that he hasn't been in yet."
"...it's so simple yet so heartwarming at the same time but at the same time bittersweet; it's just it gives you a roller coaster of emotions."
"I am feeling happy and sad at the same time; it is a bittersweet project being ended."
"It's that bittersweet time, you're so excited for them, they're growing up and they're having these new experiences."
"We couldn't help but love him like he was one of our own, and now to see him begin this amazing new life is bittersweet."
"It's a bittersweet ending to this trip, it's been nothing but amazing so far."
"I'm happy but sad that it's over, you know, it's like that bittersweet feeling."
"...this case is bittersweet like many cases, but at least she finally got her name back."
"It's a Bittersweet moment 'cause it's like, yeah, we got 10 million subscribers."
"It's a really bittersweet because this is our last pregnancy."
"We're almost done, it makes me kind of sad, it's bittersweet, but I'm kind of excited that we are getting so much accomplished this year."
"Yes, it is sad, but there's a lot of good stuff to it too because now she can be this way forever, who she is."
"It's extremely good and bittersweet."
"It is very heartwarming and sad at the same time, I'll say bittersweet."
"It was such a sad and sweet moment."
"It's just bittersweet, isn't it? They finally got the answer, but they never really got the justice."
"It's bittersweet, but still sweet, right? She wanted to be a mother, but unfortunately, she won't be around long enough to be a mother or to full term, and they found a nice compromise."
"Isn't it interesting how you can feel sad about leaving this farm but also happy about building a new one?"
"I'm sad but at the same time, I feel free."
"It's like Bittersweet, man, because you want to make your mom proud, man. You want to see her smile, you wanna let her see you do something man positive, man, after she had to go through so much."
"It's actually really sweet, in a kind of messed up way."
"It's a very bittersweet look at how success can affect a group of people."
"Bittersweet is the ache within our hearts, but happy are we who have loved."
"It's kind of bittersweet because technically the ending is sort of happy, but also it hurt me in the best of ways."
"It felt like the last day of school, but also there was an immense sense of bittersweetness."
"Because it's a bittersweet symphony, this life."
"Everything is bittersweet because you come into something sweet and you want to share it with the world."
"I'm excited to have gone through it, but I am kind of sad that it's gone."