
Reduction Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"Greenhouse gases generated by the US will slide 9.2% this year, tumbling to the lowest level in at least three decades."
"Everyone a lot of people have a huge number of expenses going down."
"If people like the thought of eating less animal products and reducing their consumption of animal products, then that's good. That is a good thing."
"The Scarlet Witch has been reduced in power."
"Wow staggering fall off your chair kind of number: 83% reduction in deaths."
"Nearly done: Minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity."
"Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing."
"The darkness dissipates when we don't give it too much Credence and Power."
"So the more the less Credence you give it, the less power you give it."
"Even in the most conservative projections, the reduction in severe illness would be somewhere on the order of between 40 and 70 reduction."
"The federal government appears to be backing off a little bit."
"Being able to chip away at some of those Russian capabilities, reducing the pressure on their forces on the ground."
"Anything we can do to reduce the amount of aristocrats that exists the better."
"But the truth will always cut them down to size."
"Suka captures how reductive narratives we force upon people can be forms of violence."
"It's done when there's nothing left to take away."
"Our goal is to actively make that smaller every time and to eventually reach a point where there's nothing of any seriousness or importance in there."
"The War on Drugs was winding down under the two terms of President Barack Obama."
"Isn't it wonderful? Reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single sensation."
"You can actually achieve up to 50% reduction in fuel consumption."
"The FBI had nothing on December 1st. The investigation was scaled way back."
"I love how we reduced marathon to half marathon."
"We are going to substantially lower drug costs in this country."
"I think one thing we can do is minimize the amount of horror in real life."
"The reduction in general mess being produced is pretty significant."
"We play too much football, so fewer games is definitely a positive."
"If we can remove more of those contaminants from the oil with bypass filtration, oxidation additive depletion and viscosity increase can be reduced significantly."
"Velma is the carbon I want to reduce."
"I want to reduce gun violence in the United States by all means possible."
"Emissions are almost completely eliminated."
"We need about a 75% reduction across the board in the number of federal bureaucrats."
"Even a small reduction can have an big impact on your health."
"How special is what an observer does? At its core, it's just about taking a large set of possible inputs and returning a much smaller set of possible outputs."
"We probably need to reduce our energy consumption by at least 20 or 30% over the next two or three decades just to be able to live on what we have left."
"The science showed that one tablespoon of vinegar before a meal reduces the glucose spike of that meal by up to 30 percent."
"The best way is to just gradually cut back."
"We are taking less people to semi-finals for the first time from North America and Europe at what we used to take people to every semifinal."
"We've definitely reduced our collection which is good."
"My average screen time is 52 minutes, it's down by 86%."
"You're gonna allowed me to kill fewer babies."
"Pooling layer shrinks it down a little bit."
"When my sauce is reduced, it goes from a very interesting kind of runny kind of stock to a glaze-like consistency."
"What does the medication do? It dampens that thing. It takes it from a nine to a one out of ten."
"...reducing that an overall personality change..."
"Literally everything here is going to be reduced, assume about 40 to 50 to 60%."
"The only effective tax reform is tax reduction."
"At that time, she went from 21 medications down to three."
"The objective is always to use less plastic."
"So we would like to reduce as much as possible recurrent."
"We started off with 24 spots, and now we're down to 10."
"This isn't just the bad Egg Dragoon iteration. This is a murder. You've successfully stripped away every single thing that made the mech unique and cool and reduced it to even less than a classic Sonic boss."
"Over a 10 reduction in electricity usage just from this one simple mod."
"We're not going to have a theory of consciousness until we have a theory of state reduction."
"Reduce your social media use. Social media does nothing for most people but cause discontent."
"People who were in the highest third of Mind diet scores had a 53% reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's."
"I've cut down my fast fashion consumption to almost zero."
"Forty minutes of meditation a day reduced blockages by 20 percent."
"...consuming less in general all over the place now you can probably assume that over a human mankind's time we have consumed more and more as we've you know grown and progressed in the world however over the last 80 years it's been a lot it's compounded very quickly..."
"His usage starts to dwindle and dwindle and dwindle even more."
"It’s quite amazing that the lawyer was able to reduce it so much."
"More negative half cell oxidized, more positive half cell reduced."
"They saw a 30% reduction in heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular death."
"Agency cost reduces the benefits that will be derived by the principal."
"We may need to go net negative ultimately, but the first step is to begin bringing them down."
"We've got to bring carbon emissions down by 50 by 2030."
"So we have to bring carbon emissions down by 50 percent within this decade."
"Live in a world in which you produce less plastic"
"We're actually killing each other less than we used to."
"One less thing to worry about, one less thing to go wrong, one less reservoir that contains toxic fluids."
"That is what you call a reducing of the falafel, it's been reduced."
"The food waste is actually going to decrease the more that you do this work."
"This is Buzz Lightyear, one of the main characters of the Toy Story franchise, and he's reduced to being a big stupid dumbass comic foil."
"Cutting it drastically reduces violence in the world and greenhouse emissions."
"One of the best ways to reduce file size is to take a column with many different unique values and reduce the count."
"Reducing the cardinality of the columns by rounding the numbers or breaking columns apart like date time columns can help to reduce the database size."
"Anions are oxidized at the anode; cations are reduced at the cathode."
"The amount of actual air pollution has been going down."
"The average reduction in the score was 70% from all symptoms, from all diseases."
"Unlike aleatoric uncertainty, epistemic uncertainty can be reduced by adding more data."
"We just kind of decided that we want to simplify our lives a little bit and just reduce the amount of bills that we have."
"But I always just get 'you're beautiful.' And I have felt reduced by that my whole life."
"The sticker figures have been significantly reduced."
"If you reduce your debt, you will increase your longevity."
"We can reduce the amount of plastics that we use or we can reuse plastics that we've finished using."
"Ketones can be reduced to form secondary alcohols."
"I've cut my mileage by about two-thirds in the last 10 years."
"The army shrank from its Vietnam high of 1.6 million in 1968 to fewer than 800,000 in 1974."
"...so why not reduce that as much as you can and that's just what we've done here..."
"We're reducing the timelines to get a top secret clearance for example."
"Whittle down the thinking of you must work 100 hours a week."
"... looks like the actual store itself is down to 459,340 items and 8,314 lots."
"Reduce the attack surface as much as possible."
"When it comes to the department stores, returns were consistent for years at around 10%, now I think returns for me, it's at 1%, it's very small."
"... the price of S3 standard has actually dropped over 80 percent since we first launched in 2006."
"Reducing is the best thing we can do,"
"I look at morality in terms of how do we reduce unnecessary suffering in the world."
"They reduced the bill from five thousand to twenty-six dollars."
"The only advice I could probably give to you guys if you're watching and you're stressing a little bit is try and reduce your mainstream media consumption."
"We reduced serious youth violence by 32 percent; we reduced the murder rate by 50%."
"Reduce distress, that's the goal."
"These vitamins also work in unison to reduce general inflammation."
"Reducing stress can lead to reductions in visceral fat."
"You practice accurate empathy for what the person's telling you and their need to say it goes down."
"Black and white is the beautiful art of reduction, taking out so many of these details and transforming the image into a world of gray that has a real elegance to it."
"Recycling helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to manufacturing new aircraft."
"What is required now is to reduce port charges by 50 percent to promote export competitiveness."
"Meditation is the process... a subtraction process."
"Oxidation is loss of electrons; reduction is gain."
"Comparison is going to happen in life, but we can drastically reduce the amount of times it occurs."
"Your benefit at 62 is only 70% of what's your true benefit."
"We've cut carbon emissions by 44%... we've seen emissions from the energy sector fall by nearly 60%."
"If you pay attention to the things that you're afraid of, you can generally master them and cut them down to size."
"This will reduce waste from cables."
"Five little bunnies sitting on the floor, one hopped away and then there were four."
"Now we can start to reduce it and concentrate that flavor."
"By reducing the sensory input, we can reduce the appeal and addictiveness of our screens."
"Turn the volume down on negative chatter and distractions, excuses."
"What will give us more positive interdependence and reduce the negative interdependence?"
"We are on track to cut child poverty in half this year."
"It's calmed down considerably in terms of the craziness."
"It resulted in reduced fossil fuel, fertilizer, and pesticide use."
"We can cut this by 30, 40% without any great sweat."
"If you can find a way to use your knowledge to augment the fuzzy system in a way that reduces the solution space, this can be beneficial."
"By the end of this year, the deficit will be down to less than half of what it was before I took office."
"I definitely want to fly less because I know flying is like very bad for the environment, but it's also part of my work, so I'll still probably need to do some, but I'll try to do so much less."
"Arithmetic can be reduced to logic."
"Use a little bit less each week, and before you know it, you'll be like, 'I didn't even put any Stevia in my coffee now, it's still great.'"
"The lower the cholesterol goes, the lower the stroke rate."
"I'm trying to reduce the amount of crazy in my life."
"If we can reduce emissions by 80%, we've got to cut our emissions down to a fifth of what they are."
"It reduces the amount of tankage that you need, it reduces the amount of oxygen and energy you need to put into it, it's very very efficient."
"Going from 50 to 30 skeins is a big achievement, and I feel really, really good about that."
"There's a 25% reduction in children and adult decay for people that are in community fluoridated water."
"Isn't it wild to have a price reduction for once instead of an increase?"
"If these benefits were reduced, that would be detrimental for literally so many people."
"Our purpose is to bring about a reduction in the level of violence that now exists."
"We shall develop a method of phenomenological reductions."
"Laser hair removal offers permanent reduction in the hair growth cycle."
"Oxidation is loss, and reduction is gain."
"We could reduce our consumption of energy and material by 80% without any important change in lifestyle."
"Reduce... reduces an array into a single value."
"Whatever size you start with, if you start with a square, your finished block is going to be one inch smaller."
"Self-knowledge is a process of reduction, it's a process of inhalation."
"The official target is a 90% reduction in new cases by the year 2030."
"We can limit and reduce corruption to insignificant proportions with strong institutions and a high level of transparency."
"The noise part of the signal has been reduced considerably."
"CO2 emissions per person in Norway decreased from just over ten tons to around seven tons between 1985 to 1995."
"The part design workbench also offers a subtractive operation where we have our object, but we remove material from in those processes."
"Gain of electron is termed as reduction in chemistry and loss of electron is termed as oxidation."
"The tiny difference in plaque drives a huge difference in heart attack and stroke risk, more than 25% reduction."
"It seems as if meditation after a brief intervention reduces both darts of pain, the first and second."
"We need to follow some rules when we are reducing the block diagram."
"We're just trying to minimize as much as we can."
"Let's do even more than the impossible; let's reduce our emissions 100%."
"Lockdown is beginning to work; we're seeing a slowing down of the number of cases coming into hospital."
"What are some strategies that were used to reduce the consequences of teacher burnout in elementary schools?"
"Whilst we can never eliminate suffering, we should seek to reduce suffering."
"It decreases light pollution to help us stargaze."
"Antiretroviral treatment lowers the viral load, and therefore reduces transmission."
"I'm going to hope that that means we don't need to buy nearly as much herbicide by the end of this season."
"Ren helps you calculate your carbon footprint and provides you with ideas on how to reduce it."
"It's essentially liquid molten silicon reduced."
"Reducing the size of transistors became sort of an arms race in the semiconductor world."
"If it's wasting motion by cutting very little amounts of material, how can we get rid of that stuff from happening?"
"Attacking the poverty rates, reducing poverty, we saw a program called 'Half in 10'."
"Good news for Dreadnought fans, the hobby is over 30% cheaper than it used to be."
"In reduction, a substance gains electrons, which we call being reduced."
"Oxidation is loss of electrons, whereas reduction is gain of electrons."
"Loss of electrons is oxidation; gain of electrons is reduction."
"Maybe that's contributing to crime dropping at a pretty rapid pace."
"Oxidation is loss, reduction is gain."
"Focus and simplify, where we go through everything and we're like, what can we actually take out that's like...?"
"One species is going to lose electrons, one species is going to gain electrons."
"The species that loses electrons gets oxidized; the species that gains electrons gets reduced."
"We could reduce the overall volume by 60% and we have a very compact solution."
"Reducing is the best thing we can do because it's going to reduce the energy inputs required to create new things."
"Showing that we could use one problem to solve another is the essence of reduction."
"Atrophy means absent or decrease in the growth leading to decrease in cell size."
"Principal Component Analysis works by reducing the amount of data needed to work on data."
"My mission in life... to reduce suffering in the world."
"We can risk reduce... the relative risk reduction in that trial was substantial, like sixty-six percent reduction in the rate of injuries."
"Phenomenological reduction is the intentional consciousness using the process of bracketing or epoché to suspend your judgments."
"The Carbon Law: cutting emissions by half every decade would take us to one of these steps of decarbonizing energy system."
"We're going to see drug prices not only not go up but come down."
"The noise of endless possibilities, we actually like reduction, we like to have focus."
"The big deal these days is how to reduce options."
"This enforces decisions, this enforces reduction, this enforces to see this as my instrument and nothing else."
"When we lose oxygen, the process is reduction."
"A 92 percent reduction; that's huge. Come on, why is it sitting on the shelves?"
"Moving from high oxidation state to low oxidation state, we'll start with carboxylic acids and we can go all the way down to alkanes."
"It's amazing what we can do to reduce our purchases."
"We started with 68 and we are down to just four."
"The static hiss is probably seven or eight decibels quieter, which makes it nearly gone."
"The consumption-based CO2 emissions declined in developed countries."
"How does the A's subtree matching contribute to reducing hallucinations in language models?"
"We have seen a reduction in gun crime."
"Companies with science-based targets have been reducing their emissions by around six percent per year for the past five years."
"One log reduction means you take out 90% of the germs in question."
"Typically, bacteria and viruses can be reduced by as much as 50 to 85 percent, and larger parasites by 99 percent."
"CNN is cutting back on the overuse of breaking news."