
Study Methods Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"If the only thing you do after reading something is just test yourself once, that is better than reading the same thing four times or writing a summary of it."
"The Pomodoro Method has revolutionized the way I study."
"More practice exams, that's the number one thing."
"Read books that have similar objective...and study them."
"Active recall is literally the best thing ever because active recall is the single most efficient study technique that's ever been discovered, there is a mountain of evidence supporting it."
"This is going to change how we study as a community."
"Digital notetaking for me has become my go-to instead of studying with handwritten notes."
"We must go verse by verse, chapter by chapter, sometimes now word by word in the book of Romans."
"Keep it simple, two is more than enough: a Q bank and a book, you're good to go."
"The Pomodoro method is studying for a set amount of time and then taking a break."
"Active recall is what the best students use worldwide for a reason."
"Research has shown that short bursts of studying over time... is the absolute best technique for long-term recall."
"Now you've got active recall and spaced repetition, two of the good study methods that are backed by psychology."
"Written notes are actually better for knowledge retention."
"Active recall is literally the best thing ever."
"Don't let anyone shame your weird study methods or your inefficient study methods."
"Space repetition, active recall are the most efficient study methods."
"We tend to study things not just in laboratory settings but also in field naturalistic field settings."
"You will be amazed at what jumps out at you. You will be amazed at how much more engaging the video is or the reading is when you're reading for an answer."
"...copying things out by hand really cements them in my brain better..."
"I use flashcards. They are very useful."
"Verticality and shifting are techniques to help you know how the message is weaved together."
"Active recall is a really sort of good method for revising quite a lot of bits of content in quite a short time."
"If we want to be effective in our study period or our ability to retain information or learn something new, this pyramid here is something that we should all study and live by."
"Interleaving is one of the most important things that you need to be doing in a revision process."
"Really good students realize that they have to retrieve memory, and so they do that using flashcards."
"Time management is everything, so you don't want to be using a study method that is literally sucking up all your time."
"The most important advice that I have for you is that whenever SAT gets hard, chances are you're studying the wrong way and the wrong things."
"Find that sweet spot for yourself between active and passive learning."
"It's this iterative process basically and that's what helps me learn."
"Now there's not just one way to do well in a class; this is just how I did well."
"The best way to actually prepare for this class is to work through problems, not read through the slides."
"It's more important how you study rather than how long you study."
"Prioritize intensity over duration because that's a better indicator of how much you actually learned."
"Active recall is basically the retrieval of information through asking yourself questions."
"Practice problems to be the most effective tool for preparing for difficult exams."
"Studying is the good way of tracing, which is not tracing at all."
"I have tried a million different things, but for me, just breaking it apart by subject is what seems to work best."
"Active learning is whenever you are questioning yourself or quizzing yourself."
"Use flashcards, make them on your own, or you can use a prepared one like we already have."
"The Morse Code note-taking method... has three simple steps and it works really well especially for written text just like the kind you get on the SAT."
"You can't be studying your biology and humanities classes the same way you would be studying for chemistry and math."
"If you're using this method responsibly and not as a way to procrastinate, it'll help you stay really flexible and avoid a lot of the burnout that comes from the added stress of studying."
"The only way to study for these things is just do a lot of problems."
"Find a good study method that works best for you and will guarantee your success. Find that, stick to it, and use it every single time."
"You need to have pre-study, then you need to have learning, and then you need to have revision of the concepts untimed."
"The best way to study is to either be in a class about it or buy the material and learn."
"I don't think there's any one perfect way to study."
"What works for me was study groups and study parties."
"Active recall, which is a different type of studying, is actually the most proven."
"If your grades aren't that high, it doesn't mean that you're not intelligent; it just means that the way you are studying isn't really working."