
Character Insight Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"Character choice is actually a brilliant device from a writer's perspective... it not only moves the plot forwards but crucially... is the hands-down best way of giving your audience insight into who your character truly is deep inside."
"Because the Elseworlds stories were so free, they were not only fascinating and very entertaining but they offered really interesting insight into the characters."
"I love about this is this novel was from the point of view of Snow, so Collins made the reader have the same questions, doubts, and uncertainties that Snow had."
"You can tell Catwoman must be a good person because she still takes in all these little stray cats and looks after them."
"The final moment between Audrey and the ink demon is... my favorite moment in the entire game because it feels like, in this moment, for the first and only time in the series, we really understand who the ink demon is."
"With a smirk on filia's face she realized that it had been a long time since she had used such an effective spell."
"When asked about Nobara's ideal type of man, Gage said it was Oda Nobunaga."
"Legion is the only character in The Mass Effect universe who gives us a direct window into Geth culture."
"Sunk like a stone. Nobody saw it, but it's very good." - Bruce Wayne's greatness.
"Luffy is someone that pings for himself and is able to see the good in people when everyone else says otherwise."
"He's surprisingly thoughtful and openly affectionate with Sharon."
"There is something compelling about you, Shepard."
"For someone who is considering you as a romantic partner, how you treat your friends and pets gives them an insight into how you would treat your children as well as how you would treat your significant other."
"Like knight and canterbury are again alluding to to holden's kind of like uh sort of paladin outlook on life in his is kind of allegory like yeah it's it is a shame that perhaps more people should should pay attention to this kind of thing."
"Max doesn't get better at killing people... he gets better at seeing."
"Doctor Doom cares profusely about his people."
"A loner protagonist shows their true, fundamental self to the audience more often than almost any other character archetype."
"Super Saiyan 3 is a more personal form to Goku in my opinion because of what it is supposed to represent."
"El becomes one of, if not the only friend that L has in his life."
"Losing your temper is weak, it's actually weak."
"She clearly likes Owen I mean she's pregnant with their kid after all."
"As she says, 'I’m bad luck. Good was never an option for me.'"
"I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind. I see his every intent. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true, and now he ignites it and kills his true enemy."
"What’s important though, is that when Geralt arrives first at this meeting point, everything he’s learned since the last time he met Olgierd, has fleshed out the man."
"Kevin always has this aura about him that he just doesn't give a [ __ ] do you know what I mean."
"Sorry, you're a scroll yep hate to break it to you, Nick."
"A little window into the heart and attitude of a champion."
"What truly was her sense of regret and her pride was the thing that gave me emotion for the story."
"Garfield's mind was like a storehouse for knowledge, he could absorb books like a nerdy sponge."
"This one in particular represents his fear of not being as self-sufficient as he thinks."
"He's not a merciless killer he's a protector and she sees through his facade."
"If guilt is the soul's call to action, then Aiden was hell-bent."
"That's how you become wed, that's obviously what happens, and Bajirao kind of knows this, kind of doesn't know this. He's definitely giving a living a part of her, his most deadly weapon to her."
"Ripley explains what she knows about the aliens."
"It's surprising how when you look back at the story, each arc ends with some insight into Ichigo's thoughts."
"These two interactions tell us everything we need to know about Sanji."
"The city is alive, and no one knows it except Terry McGinnis."
"Big Mom is here to teach us that this universe is vast and deep."
"Funky Kong is good, that's what we've learned this race."
"The movie kicks off with a cold open where we go to Gwen's Earth and get a peek into her life."
"With just a couple scenes at the start of The Force Awakens, I already felt how lonely she was and how self-reliant she had to be."
"Monica believes Wanda had trusted her on at least some level, letting her be in Westview for a reason and wants to help."
"His last words even not being anger, just being like 'You're perfect, be who you are'... His unconditional love is something that nobody really gave Jinx in the show."
"You don’t need a heavy dialogue dump to understand where Samus is coming from, and I adore that."
"Brave Souls FYI" - "Bracelets.fyi was a helpful site for character reviews and data mining."
"What if I told you we finally know who Saitama's biggest threat is? It is himself."
"Shimamura will see a flash of color and it will illuminate him."
"Jiminy's right, you shouldn't push your friends away."
"Sora has always had this fear that maybe he isn't good enough."
"The first time I realized he's a giant teddy bear."
"A little thing like this will say so much about a character."
"I never said anything about who is right or wrong... Levi has never known."
"Hazel Wells comes across as someone who deserves fairies."
"Why does Toffee know so much about the Butterfly family and magic?"
"I really did enjoy it. So they find aegon hidden underneath... it's showing that aegon, he seems to know what's going on. I guess the White Worm told him."
"She absorbed his memories and she knows part of his plan now."
"The sea Stone chair... Grey Joy is just tipping his hand."
"To ghetto, Gojo was simply saturu and provided normality into his life."
"Tendo doesn't need a reason to help someone. He is just doing what he wants to do."
"I love how smart Feather is, that he was able to deduce that that was what happened."
"She realized Ned actually held tremendous power."
"Maybe she felt like she couldn't show it to anyone else."
"His mouth forms a pensive curve, behind those eyes lies a flicker of intellectual fire, a spark of curiosity igniting Helen's strategies."
"Red Hood brings a new viewpoint to the table."
"Edith's narration is crucial, because everything we experience is translated through her perception of events."
"Han Solo's line 'That's not how the force works' would actually have meaning and relevance."
"O Millie is a superb little song that gives us some character development."
"Dragon's official introduction speaks to Luffy about living his life the way he wants to."
"Skeletor wants you to get in touch with your feelings because that's what the Skeletor's always been about."
"Another positive insight into Ushijima's character."
"People show you who they are in the very beginning."
"The whole point of the ending is what you think Yoda will do with his experience with his last student."
"To me, he seems like a man who is hard after the truth... and I think he'd enjoy it."
"Bucky did in fact know that Cap was going to stay in the past to live out his life with Peggy before he stepped on the platform."
"A lingering look by Stacy reveals a concealed sincerity."
"With Thor in a slump, he runs into his mother as he and Rocket are looking for the ether in the past."
"I love that Drogon, in his presence of mind, melted the Iron Throne almost as if to sense that like, this is a poisonous thing that just causes harm."
"Well, and the way that scene concludes too, where you learn that Rhaenyra actually does know everything that Alicent is trying to get her to remember."
"It's reflective of how Davos taught the Doctor about all the people who died for him."
"Snake, she's telling the truth. You are kind of a bastard."
"Paul has the ultimate choice here, it's like the Reverend Mother also says in the trailer."
"I think this is a dream sequence. I think it's part of Bruce Wayne's nightmare."
"There's a quick quote... adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."
"In that moment, the connection between Lyanna and Rhaegar became apparent."
"There's more to Wario than you may have been led to believe."
"Personality goes a long way is what I'm trying to say."
"And then just Tyrion delivers a really emotional plea."
"This whole sequence is very revealing for boba fett's character he could have escaped but he is a man of honor."
"Simba wants Kiara to be a great ruler, but he never demanded that she act a certain way, even though he feels great pressure to be like Mufasa."
"When Professor X enters Wanda's mind, you can see that he enters through a door that looks like the one from Wanda's home from Wandavision."
"One particularly realistic dream that Tony Stark had..."
"You knew you got the real character of the player... that night out was special for me."
"This feels strange. Something's up with Mai."
"Honestly, everything Negan says during this season about Rick is true. He is an [__], he did indirectly get Carl killed."
"Warbel chooses to surrender even though later on he admits the world probably would have been a better place if he went through with murdering Yubel."
"You're making this change, what did you give up to get changing from three characters?"
"Legend tells of a caped crusader Batman, a grown man fights crime and he doesn't dress as a giant flying rodent. I think it's safe to assume he had some issues."
"Remember what Gojo said: 'Was he wrong to think UA would reach his level one day?'"
"However, Reed Richards later discovered that it actually wasn't the radiation exposure that kept her from changing into Jennifer Walters, but rather a mental block in Jennifer's head."
"Once Upon a December: encapsulates what Anya is feeling."
"The Ship of Theseus moment might be my favorite Vision scene."
"She doesn't always wear the crown, which is interesting."
"This visual is later alluded to when Usnavi says, 'I just want to see the whole world through her eyes.'"
"This is his rival. This is definitely a Super Saiyan God. He could just tell, not from the strength alone, not just from the godly ki either, just Kakarot's demeanor in general. This is him. This is what he was looking for. This is his arrival."
"He saw the Emperor as he had seen him before, watching the growing infant through the canopy of an incubator, his face distorted by curved plates of glass but unmistakable."
"I think people kind of know that even Melfi, even later on we're gonna see Carmella, they kind of know that Tony had something to do with this or could have prevented this with Jackie Jr."
"Description is an integral part of the story and it can tell us so much more about a character, about a situation, about a story, beyond just what things look like."
"Looking at Echo's helmet, I feel like I can see the pain in his eyes."
"As he himself says, being Spider-Man is about sacrifice."
"When Xen Ching saw this, he smirked and said that he had died from simple bleeding."
"Expose certain aspects of society, certain darkness within other people."
"Taiga being knowledgeable of Kiritsugu and Shiro is the perfect person to rationalize Shiro's desire to save others."
"I have seen Jordan speak about his father and about Leah in an interview and he is such an amazing person."
"So it's more about just kind of leave me alone type of a fight instead of a serious fight because Luffy knows from last chapter he said that he knows that Yamato doesn't mean any harm."
"Whether it's Cornell West or Robert Kennedy Jr or Vic yamami because I think Vic is sharp as attack I mean I've seen this kind of kid in classrooms before he's dangerously smart."
"Max's t-shirt reads 'no [__] given,' hinting at her attitude."
"Hope this video taught you anything about the character."
"Applejack sat still in the kitchen silent and alone."
"He's sitting there with a smirk on his face."
"I loved it because the biggest thing for me is I have always wondered what is Hawkeye actually like."
"Apparently, the Professor still has a conscience and doesn't have the heart to kill an innocent old woman."
"Sure it may have been a selfish request, but it did make Frederica realize that behind Subaru's murderous gaze there was a kind-hearted soul."
"I loved this scene because we get to see in very a very short time we get to see what kind of disposition meteor city has."
"Jose's just once though. Jose, such a bastard, he said, 'Thank God, thank God his dad's not Ollie.'"
"Sherlock plays with a magnifying glass he picks up at the boarding school Enola is sent to and uses it to emphasize his point and punctuate a sentence giving us a visual clue to the importance the magnifying glass has to the character."
"Steven settles that worry he had about him just being an escape for Rose."
"Baron grieves for his dead master, proving that he loved him despite the harsh treatment he received."
"All her life she was looked down upon... just because of the way she was born."
"Do you think the sentence 'responsibility is me' is an easter egg for Spider-Man?"
"It's not that she doesn't care, Tommy. It's that she cares so much."
"You've been reading up on all the laws of Konoha, I see," Hiruzen said.
"It's a great chance to understand what makes these prospects tick away from the game."
"I think he just had his first actual moment of self-reflection. Kinda creepy."
"I think she planned all along to get away in case you found something," said Agatha.
"...the important thing to me always when I spend time with Connell is that I understood him."
"Now that's ambition," Carden says.
"Friends was always small and intimate... you were watching some very personal moments in these people's lives and you learnt very revealing information about them."
"It's a small scene, but it says a lot about a character."
"It makes us understand his plight in a way that simply telling us couldn't."
"Early on in the series, we get to see how devious Mr. Burns can be."
"This change of mood was simply because Turles saw a glimmer of hope."
"Ned's lack of disliking Rhaegar is incredibly telling."
"This was a very gripping and dramatic story, and I really loved being able to see inside the characters' minds and their feelings."
"By showing us Katniss interacting with and taking care of her family, The Hunger Games tells you a lot about the character of Katniss and the world."
"Ghost World is completely through dialogue. There's no descriptions. You don't over ear inside the character's heads."
"You can tell a lot about a person by what they do with their free time."
"You've got to admit, Rainbow Dash makes a pretty good point."
"The Dark Lord knew, of course, that Draco had lied about Harry Potter."
"You knew what he liked, you knew what he hated."
"It's a poignant demonstration that Piccolo understands Goku's son better than he does."
"He seems very just and he likes to see people for who they are."
"We'll probably get a lot more insight into how exactly Daryl wound up in Europe."
"You can tell a lot about a person by the books they keep on their shelf."
"I like the fact that I now feel like I know both Bucky and Sam way better than I ever did before."
"Suhyak is amazed by himself and thinks that he does not need to rely on Dobby's instincts every time."
"We can always count on Kiki to tell it how it is."
"A great close-up takes you inside the mind and inside the heart of that person."
"You don't strike me as a fool, Harry Potter."
"She also spent a lot of time with Goku when they were younger and would fully comprehend his simple world and what made him tick."
"Ganondorf reflects on how far he's come; it's a sad and beautiful insight into the man."
"Thrawn's perception of Vader is a blend of respect for the Sith Lord's power and a subtle understanding of his past."
"The ending of it deals with the perspective and the inside of the character rather than the fists that they can throw."
"I understand now, Haku. I understand what you were trying to tell me."
"Harry even says, 'No, he was lowering his wand; he wasn't going to do it.'"
"Knowing Nala and knowing the stories of Nala that Sandra tells, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Nala took a swim in the lake."
"Fusing with Nail made him stronger, and he also knows that if he were to fuse with Kami, then he would gain immense strength as well."
"You know nothing, Jon Snow," she whispered, her skin dissolving in the hot water.
"Anna gave us a plausible explanation for Johan's actions."
"Taking an excursion from the established reality to enter a character's brain really can be the best way to show us how they're feeling."
"No one's truly heartless," he said.
"For him to place the crown on Viserys's head with no irony, with no quip, with nothing, that's an acknowledgment."
"My dear Watson, which is, I'm afraid, a more common occurrence than anyone would think who only knew me through your memoirs."
"Luffy knew what he was doing even though we didn't. Let's go."
"I think my theory is that the earring has something to do with what Cardin is seeing from Jude."
"It's these little moments, these little glimpses of their personality and who they are as people, that make it more enjoyable to watch."
"Adverbs tell you how things are done... they could reveal something about characters' feelings, their motivations."
"It's just really nice to kind of get this added depth to the characters."
"Master Roshi understood why Goku never killed anyone; he was too kind."
"I loved seeing Spike and getting to see more about him, more about what he was thinking."
"Venom explains that since they bonded he knows everything about Izuku."
"I feel like I got her, I understood her, and I admire her all the more now."
"If you're looking to read from the perspective of someone who's not necessarily impulsive... but somebody who really when you get in your head you feel like you're in the head of someone who is properly smart."
"Watching Boba Fett's childlike response to the Rancor, I love it."
"It just tells you all you need to know about the character, the story."