
Behavioral Analysis Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Sexual abuse is a series of connected behaviors, but it's about the abuse of trust. I think there are lots of similarities actually, because it is about abuse of trust."
"How To Basic intentionally misleads first-time viewers to believe that it is a how-to tutorial channel." - Unknown
"What motivates the types' behavior is more important than the behavior itself."
"There are clusters of behaviors meaning a bunch of behaviors that we know happen more often with deception."
"With all of this information, including collateral information from family members, work colleagues, information of that sort, it is possible to come up with a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder."
"He remains like that, it's been very measured."
"When you have people themselves giving motive and saying this is why I do it and it fits the data, that's a really strong case."
"Observing Casey's behavior and talking about what she did and saying it's not normal and that it suggests guilt is not painting Casey as anything, it's just like talking about what we see with our own eyes."
"Every good driver is good in the same way. Every bad driver is bad in a different way."
"So, if I saw someone that showed signs of narcissism and they were abusive, well, at the very least I would want to know the way in which they were abusive because just hearing that they're abusive wouldn't tell me much."
"Behavior has a massive lack of ambition because there's nothing driving them to do so."
"Watch what these smart people are doing, not necessarily what they're saying."
"We're looking for clusters of behavior and we're looking for a pattern of behavior."
"Donald Trump is incredibly weak, he's an insecure little baby and the minute you trigger him he does something stupid."
"Nobody would act that way unless it was a very serious issue."
"Behavioral analysis is probably one of the best indicators of forward-looking predictions that you can get."
"Actions reveal preferences. Whatever you ask people, look at what they do, not at what they say."
"Acting out is a window... into the patient's unconscious... When you observe the patient's out of control behaviors..."
"Your peripheral awareness picks up on inconsistencies. When changes happen, it's a behavioral manifestation of something that has changed."
"Kong displays a different type of intelligence."
"This presents a major contradiction between his words and actions."
"Focus on the deeper heart issues behind behaviors."
"She's lying which is like crazy maybe instead of studying all of the lines that she studied she should have studied behavioral analysis."
"I think she's scared and this is her chance to try to put on her best act, put her best heirs and try to get out of trouble."
"Overall score on the behavioral table of elements is a 27 which is extremely high when 11 indicates a possible deception."
"The cruelty can show a precursor to larger crimes."
"It's useful in terms of identifying behavior in real time."
"Making decisions based on fear and out of fear is where we get into trouble."
"Understanding human behavior and body language gets closer to what the truth and lies might be."
"Anytime you're signing off on their bad behavior, justification. Anytime you're saying 'wow, that does seem really hard,' empathy. Understand the difference so you don't get fully pulled under that bus."
"There are little minuscule behavioral details that you can notice."
"Good people can still do horrible things, and horrible people can do good things."
"If my interviewer has data science background I'm gonna analyze user behavior and see how we can turn inactive users into active users."
"Any change in speech patterns and demeanor compared to a suspect's well-established Baseline is something in which detectives will note."
"There is a personality profile of people that Psychopaths tend to target."
"But, what about those that take this fascination too far?"
"When people are lying, they often do tend to go into a lot of detail because they're really trying hard to convince you that they're not lying."
"My technique always is to like contextualize their behavior."
"They all respond to one thing: their self-advancement."
"It's widely known that one of the most common characteristics among serial killers is to have a strong interest in torturing and killing animals at an early age."
"Watch someone's actions, not just what they say."
"The main behavioral features exhibited in the way they protect people."
"When a killer tries to act as if they are at ease during an interview, they usually come across as uncaring."
"You'd think that there's probably some reason she reacted so strongly to her phone."
"You literally subtract the words from the actions, you're left with actions. That's your answer."
"Keep a trading journal to track your performance and behavior."
"When they're doing any or all of the covert aggressive tactics."
"Uniformly all of a bunch of fish are not doing the same thing, that's usually an environmental factor."
"The disciples obsession with revenge drives her to commit reprehensible sins but unlike most Psychopaths her face gives nothing away."
"Many people think that Bryce could have been experiencing a mental health crisis."
"She's doing it again. She is doing it again."
"Narcissists cannot stand being taken away from the spotlight."
"Being an angler, I'm always trying to figure out the reason and the why as to why the fish are biting or why maybe they're not biting."
"Their past behavior is the best indication of the future."
"Success leaves clues... They're doing something differently than everyone else does."
"This intensity of need to control people is monstrous."
"What exactly are character values? They are basically what determines the Sim's ability to adapt and behave effectively in everyday life."
"He's growing from an early age into what we would coin as a career criminal."
"This double confusion energy will turn the once narc to the toxic individual to the simply confused person."
"When you become an ideologue, they all behave the same way."
"Never ascribe to malice that which may be explained by incompetence."
"He has those psycho moments where he just does what you don't expect."
"Toxic behaviors are still behaviors and may have been helpful or accepted in the past in what are usually toxic situations."
"Nothing they do is random, okay? Not that I've seen."
"My expertise is in criminal behavior analysis in relationship to pedophilia and sexual gratification."
"The dark Triad test is a measure of how one scores as far as the three personality traits of narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy."
"Sometimes you're going to encounter women in weird situations...you want to be able to spot these behaviors."
"It's the same thing really being an actor and the study of psychology because you're basically looking at people and thinking why they do the things they do."
"Sounds like this escalated really crazy out of nothing, and I do wonder if his over-the-top reaction is perhaps suggesting maybe something was afoot."
"If you have a person with a racism factor of nine and an aggression factor of nine, you've got a serious problem on your hands."
"You're realizing that there's certain maybe behaviors or actions that you've maybe adopted because of what your past was like."
"Instead of trying to figure out who the Antichrist is, look at his behavior!"
"It rewards you because the dopamine is like hitting you."
"Observing a pattern of behavior from Peaches is a sound way to make a judgment on said character."
"His opinion is that Johnny Depp's behavior is consistent with a substance use disorder and with intimate partner violence."
"Whenever you have problematic reactions or problematic behaviors... there is something to delve into deeper there, and often... it tends to lead to an insecurity of mine."
"You tend to judge characters based on what they do rather than what they say."
"I think we're slightly spoiled. I think there's a slight spoileness to our behavior."
"Rampage killing is usually nothing emotional or chaotic, rather it is ice cold."
"Don't look at what they're saying, look at what they're doing."
"It doesn't shy away from condemning certain types of behavior but it also doesn't paint each situation as black and white."
"How a murderer behaves tells much about who he is."
"He's got a bit of bite... like a little horrible bastard."
"You've got to develop some level of competency... watching what people do versus what they say."
"And a major observation: I believe what people do here is a mirror to their lives out there."
"There's this insane level of overconfidence."
"Evaluating the actions of an individual with bouts of irrational behavior is undeniably challenging."
"Another key intervention is what they call behavioral chain analysis strategies, so they teach clients when there's been a distressing interaction or event, they teach them to use behavioral analysis skills."
"Observe our own behavior and reactions and question why am I reacting like that."
"Behavioral blocking and containment capabilities can help identify and stop threats based on their behaviors."
"In my career, I've not spoken to one killer who woke up that day and decided they were going to go kill somebody. Virtually every single one of them found themselves in a set of circumstances beyond their control. They reacted typically poorly and something happened."
"Number one on the list is definitely the way someone eats."
"Hi guys, uh, my name is Dr. Spencer Reed. I'm an agent with the B.A.U., the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI."
"I like to read about the psychology of economic behavior."
"One absolutely needs to start with a good behavioral diagnosis before one comes up with a strategy that's likely to be effective."
"We need to understand the behavior within the context of autism."
"If you're wise, in fact, I think you derive more conclusions from their actions than their statements."
"Patterns of behavior in a person are actually one of the most powerful indicators of what they'll do in the future."
"Our mission is to bring quality applied behavior analysis to the 70 million people around the world with autism."
"I don't know how much of that is social or like individual variants, but it's definitely an interesting range of behavior."
"The best way to predict someone's future decision is to look at how they have made decisions in the past."
"The great thing about functional analysis is it is really prescriptive and, with a little bit of thought, you can use your results from the functional analysis to develop some pretty good treatments."
"Behavior analytic intervention means we first have to be humble enough to ask questions to understand what the controlling variables are for the sleep problem."
"What is this person's behavioral signature? Behavioral pattern?"
"This is the cream of the crop here when it comes to understanding the behavioral analysis aspect of some of these high-profile crimes."
"It's not just about how many lions we could beat up or like how many buffalo we can kill anymore, it's about these other factors involving how we deal with other humans and how human beings react to us."